#' Function distrib
#' Returns and plots a vetor's unweighted/weighted distribution.
#' @param dat Numeric vector.
#' @param wei Numeric vector representing of the same length as dat. Represents the weight that is attributed to each element of dat.
#' @param kat Factor of the same length as dat. Specifies subgroups of dat to summarize.
#' @param plot Logical value specifying whether to plot the weighted data. Defaults to T.
#' @param plot.o Logical value specifying whether to plot the original data. Defaults to F.
#' @param simplify Logical value specifying whether to return simplified data. Defaults to T.
#' @param mar Numeric vector specifying margins. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param width Numeric value specifying the width of the plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param height Numeric value specifying the width of the plot. Defaults to NULL.
#' @details Returns and plots a vetor's unweighted/weighted distribution.
#' @keywords modeling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distrib(1:10)
distrib <- function (dat, wei = NULL, kat = NULL, plot = T, plot.o = F,
simplify = T, mar = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, main2 = "Boxplot",
main1 = "", round = T, ...)
if (is.null(kat))
kat = rep(1, length(dat))
if (is.null(wei))
wei = rep(1, length(dat))
dat = as.numeric(dat)
wei = as.numeric(wei)
dat[is.na(kat) | is.na(wei)] = NA
wei[is.na(kat) | is.na(dat)] = NA
kat[is.na(dat) | is.na(wei)] = NA
lev = levels(as.factor(kat))
erg = lapply(lev, function(x) {
w.tab = sapply(levels(as.factor(dat[kat == x])), function(y) {
w.n = sum(wei[kat == x & dat == y], na.rm = T)
if (round == T & length(w.tab) > 0)
w.dat = as.numeric(rep(names(w.tab), round(w.tab)))
else w.dat = as.numeric(rep(names(w.tab), w.tab))
list(w.statistics = c(w.n = sum(wei[kat == x], na.rm = T),
w.sum = sum(dat[kat == x] * wei[kat == x], na.rm = T),
w.mean = sum(dat[kat == x] * wei[kat == x], na.rm = T)/sum(wei[kat ==
x], na.rm = T), w.median = median(w.dat, na.rm = T),
w.sd = sd(w.dat, na.rm = T), w.min = min(w.dat, na.rm = T),
w.max = max(w.dat, na.rm = T), w.sum2 = sum(w.dat,
na.rm = T), w.mean2 = mean(w.dat, na.rm = T)),
w.table = w.tab, w.data = w.dat, o.statistics = c(o.n = sum(kat ==
x, na.rm = T), o.sum = sum(dat[kat == x], na.rm = T),
o.mean = sum(dat[kat == x], na.rm = T)/sum(kat ==
x, na.rm = T), o.median = median(dat[kat ==
x], na.rm = T), o.sd = sd(dat[kat == x], na.rm = T),
o.min = min(dat[kat == x], na.rm = T), o.max = max(dat[kat ==
x], na.rm = T), o.sum2 = sum(dat[kat == x],
na.rm = T), o.mean2 = mean(dat[kat == x], na.rm = T)),
o.table = table(dat[kat == x], useNA = "always"),
o.data = as.numeric(na.omit(dat[kat == x])))
names(erg) = lev
if (plot == T) {
cols2 = function(col, transparency = 0.7, opaque = T) {
if (opaque == T)
res = sapply(as.data.frame(col2rgb(col)), function(x) colorRampPalette(c(rgb(x[1]/255,
x[2]/255, x[3]/255), "white"))(3)[2])
else res = apply(col2rgb(col), 2, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,
x[2]/255, x[3]/255, 1 - transparency))
x = lapply(erg, function(x) x[["w.data"]])
m = sapply(erg, function(x) x[["w.statistics"]]["w.mean"])
x2 = lapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.data"]])
m2 = sapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.statistics"]]["o.mean"])
x2 = x2[order(m)]
m2 = m2[order(m)]
x = x[order(m)]
m = m[order(m)]
if (!is.null(width) & !is.null(height))
dev.new(width = width, height = height)
if (!is.null(mar))
p0 = par("mar")
if (!is.null(mar))
par(mar = mar)
if (plot.o == T) {
boxplot(x, at = 1:length(x), horizontal = T, axes = F,
col = rgb(127/255, 169/255, 188/255), range = 0,
whiskcol = "grey", staplecol = "grey", whisklty = 1,
boxwex = 0.5/length(x), ...)
boxplot(x2, at = (1:length(x)) + 0.25, horizontal = T,
axes = F, col = cols2(rgb(127/255, 169/255, 188/255),
opaque = T), range = 0, whiskcol = "grey",
staplecol = "grey", whisklty = 1, add = T, boxwex = 0.5/length(x),
points(m[1:length(x)], 1:length(x), pch = 16, col = "black")
points(m2[1:length(x2)], (1:length(x2)) + 0.25, pch = 16,
col = "black")
else {
boxplot(x, at = 1:length(x), horizontal = T, axes = F,
col = rgb(127/255, 169/255, 188/255), range = 0,
whiskcol = "grey", staplecol = "grey", whisklty = 1,
points(m[1:length(x)], 1:length(x), pch = 16, col = "black")
axis(1, col = NA, col.ticks = "grey")
axis(2, at = 1:length(x), labels = names(x), las = 2,
col = NA, col.ticks = NA)
if (!is.null(mar))
par(mar = p0)
title(main2, line = 2, adj = 0)
title(main1, line = 1, adj = 0, font.main = 1)
if (plot == F) {
if (sum(wei != 1, na.rm = T) > 0) {
if (simplify)
return(rbind(sapply(erg, function(x) x[["w.statistics"]]),
sapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.statistics"]])))
else return(erg)
else if (simplify)
return(sapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.statistics"]]))
else return(erg)
else if (sum(wei != 1, na.rm = T) > 0) {
if (simplify)
return(invisible(rbind(sapply(erg, function(x) x[["w.statistics"]]),
sapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.statistics"]]))))
else return(invisible(erg))
else if (simplify)
return(invisible(sapply(erg, function(x) x[["o.statistics"]])))
else return(invisible(erg))
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