
Defines functions Spec Sens print.Conf plot.Conf Conf.regr Conf.qda Conf.lda Conf.svm Conf.randomForest Conf.glm Conf.multinom Conf.rpart Conf.matrix Conf.default Conf.table Conf

Documented in Conf Conf.default Conf.glm Conf.matrix Conf.multinom Conf.randomForest Conf.regr Conf.rpart Conf.svm Conf.table plot.Conf print.Conf Sens Spec

# Confusion matrix

Conf <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("Conf")

Conf.table <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {

  CollapseConfTab <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {

    if(nrow(x) > 2) {
      names(attr(x, "dimnames")) <- c("pred", "obs")
      x <- DescTools::CollapseTable(x, obs=c("neg", pos)[(rownames(x)==pos)+1],
                         pred=c("neg", pos)[(rownames(x)==pos)+1])

    # order confusion table so
    # that the positive class is the first and the others keep their position
    ord <- c(pos, rownames(x)[-grep(pos, rownames(x), fixed=TRUE)])
    # the columnnames must be the same as the rownames
    x <- as.table(x[ord, ord])

  p <- (d <- dim(x))[1L]
  if(!is.numeric(x) || length(d) != 2L || p != d[2L]) {    # allow nxn!  || p != 2L)
    stop("'x' is not a nxn numeric matrix.")
    # print(x)
    # invisible()

  # observed in columns, predictions in rows
  if(!identical(rownames(x), colnames(x)))
    stop("rownames(x) and colnames(x) must be identical")

  if(is.null(pos)) pos <- rownames(x)[1]
  if(nrow(x)!=2) {
    # ignore pos for nxn tables, pos makes only sense for sensitivity
    # and that is not defined for n-dim tables
    pos <- NULL

  } else {
    # order 2x2-confusion table so
    # that the positive class is the first and the others keep their position
    # fixed=TRUE as we might run into problems with columnnames like (8-9] ...
    ord <- c(pos, rownames(x)[-grep(pos, rownames(x), fixed=TRUE)])
    # the columnnames must be the same as the rownames
    x <- as.table(x[ord, ord])

  # overall statistics first
  res <- list(
    table   = x,
    pos     = pos,
    diag    = sum(diag(x)),
    n       = sum(x)
  res <- c(res,
           acc     = DescTools::BinomCI(x=res$diag, n=res$n),
           sapply(binom.test(x=res$diag, n=res$n,
                             p=max(apply(x, 2, sum) / res$n),
                             alternative = "greater")[c("null.value", "p.value")], unname),
           kappa   = DescTools::CohenKappa(x),
           mcnemar = mcnemar.test(x)$p.value
  names(res) <- c("table","pos","diag","n","acc","acc.lci","acc.uci",

  # byclass
  lst <- list()
  for(i in 1L:nrow(x)){

    z <- CollapseConfTab(x=x, pos=rownames(x)[i])
    z[] <- as.double(z)
    A <- z[1, 1]; B <- z[1, 2]; C <- z[2, 1]; D <- z[2, 2]

    lst[[i]] <- rbind(
      sens    = A / (A + C),                 # sensitivity
      spec    = D / (B + D),                 # specificity
      ppv     = A / (A + B),                 # positive predicted value
      npv     = D / (C + D),                 # negative predicted value
      prev    = (A + C) / (A + B + C + D),   # prevalence
      detprev = (A + B) / (A + B + C + D),   # detection prevalence
      detrate = A / (A + B + C + D),         # detection rate
      bacc    = mean(c(A / (A + C), D / (B + D)) ),  # balanced accuracy
      fval    = DescTools::Hmean(c(A / (A + B), A / (A + C)), conf.level = NA), # guetemass wollschlaeger s. 150
      #   this would overflow for already small frequencies if we don't cast z to double ..
      mcc     = (A*D-B*C) / sqrt((A+B)*(A+C)*(D+B)*(D+C))  # Matthews correlation coefficient (=Phi(x) with sign!)

  res <- c(res, byclass=list(do.call(cbind, lst)))
  colnames(res[["byclass"]]) <- rownames(x)

  if(nrow(x)==2) res[["byclass"]] <- res[["byclass"]][, res[["pos"]], drop=FALSE]

  class(res) <- "Conf"



Conf.default <-  function(x, ref, pos = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  if(na.rm) {
    idx <- complete.cases(data.frame(x, ref))
    x <- x[idx]
    ref <- ref[idx]
  clvl <- CombLevels(x, ref)

  Conf.table(table(Prediction=factor(x, levels=clvl),
                   Reference=factor(ref, levels=clvl)), pos = pos, ...)

Conf.matrix <- function(x, pos = NULL, ...) {
  Conf.table(as.table(x), pos=pos, ...)

# the confusion interface for rpart
Conf.rpart <- function(x, ...){
  # y <- attr(x, "ylevels")
       ref=attr(x,"ylevels")[x$y], ...)

Conf.multinom <- function(x, ...){
  if(is.null(x$model)) stop("x does not contain model. Run multinom with argument model=TRUE!")
  resp <- model.extract(x$model, "response")

  # attention: this will not handle correctly responses defined as dummy codes
  # adapt for that!!  ************************************************************
  # resp <- x$response[,1]

  pred <- predict(x, type="class")
  Conf(x=pred, resp, ... )

Conf.glm <- function(x, cutoff = 0.5, pos=NULL, ...){
  resp <- model.extract(x$model, "response")
    pred <- levels(resp)[(predict(x, type="response") > cutoff)+1]
    if(is.null(pos)) pos <- levels(resp)[2]
  } else {
    lvl <- levels(factor(resp))
    pred <- lvl[(predict(x, type="response") > cutoff)+1]
    if(is.null(pos)) pos <- lvl[2]
  Conf(x=pred, ref=resp, pos=pos, ... )

Conf.randomForest <- function(x, ...){
  Conf(x=x$predicted, ref=x$y, ... )

Conf.svm <- function(x, ...){

  # old:  Conf(x=predict(x), ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response"), ... )
  Conf(x=predict(x, type="class"), ref=model.response(model.frame(x)), ... )

Conf.lda <- function(x, ...){

  # extract response from the model

       ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response") , ... )

Conf.qda <- function(x, ...){
       ref=model.extract(model.frame(x), "response") , ... )

Conf.regr <- function(x, ...){
  # Conf(x=Predict(x, type="class"), reference=x$response[,], ... )

plot.Conf <- function(x, main="Confusion Matrix", ...){
  mosaicplot(t(x$table), shade=TRUE, main=main, col=c("red", "green"), ...)

print.Conf <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
  cat("\nConfusion Matrix and Statistics\n\n")

  if(all(names(attr(x$table, "dimnames")) == ""))
    names(attr(x$table, "dimnames")) <- c("Prediction","Reference")
  print(x$table, ...)

  if(nrow(x$table)!=2) cat("\nOverall Statistics\n")

  txt <- gettextf("
                Total n : %s
               Accuracy : %s
                 95%s CI : (%s, %s)
    No Information Rate : %s
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : %s

                  Kappa : %s
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : %s\n\n",
                  Format(x$n, digits=0, big.mark="'"),
                  Format(x$acc, digits=digits), "%",
                  Format(x$acc.lci, digits=digits), Format(x$acc.uci, digits=digits),
                  Format(x$nri, digits=digits), Format(x$acc.pval, fmt="p", na.form="NA"),
                  Format(x$kappa, digits=digits), Format(x$mcnemar.pval, fmt="p", na.form="NA")

  rownames(x$byclass) <- c("Sensitivity", "Specificity", "Pos Pred Value", "Neg Pred Value", "Prevalence",
                           "Detection Rate", "Detection Prevalence", "Balanced Accuracy","F-val Accuracy", "Matthews Cor.-Coef")

      paste(DescTools::StrPad(paste(rownames(x$byclass), ":"), width=25, adj = "right"),
            Format(x$byclass, digits=digits))
      , sep="\n")

    txt <- gettextf("\n       'Positive' Class : %s\n\n", x$pos)

  } else {

    cat("\nStatistics by Class:\n\n")
    print(Format(x$byclass, digits = digits, na.form="NA"), quote = FALSE)



Sens <- function(x, ...) {

  Conf(x, ...)[["byclass"]]["sens",]

Spec <- function(x, ...) {

  Conf(x, ...)[["byclass"]]["spec",]
AndriSignorell/DescTools documentation built on Sept. 29, 2024, 4:21 p.m.