
Defines functions write.tridas expand.metadata po.to.wc create.title.hierarchy consistent.ids.titles common.prefix

Documented in po.to.wc write.tridas

### Helper function. Finds the longest common prefix in cnames.
common.prefix <- function(cnames) {
    n.char <- nchar(cnames)
    n <- length(cnames)
    y <- "";
    for (i in dec(min(n.char), 1)) {
        first.prefix <- substr(cnames[1], 1, i)
        prefix.match <- TRUE
        for (j in inc(2, n)) {
            if (first.prefix != substr(cnames[j], 1, i)) {
                prefix.match <- FALSE
        if (prefix.match) {
            y <- first.prefix

### Helper function. Checks if ids and titles are consistent, i.e.
### trees are 1-to-1 mapped, cores of any tree are 1-to-1, etc. Also
### checks if all tree-core-radius-measurement rows are unique as
### required.
consistent.ids.titles <- function(ids, titles) {
    unique.trees.1 <- unique(ids$tree)
    unique.trees.2 <- unique(titles$tree)
    if (length(unique.trees.1) != length(unique.trees.2)) {
    ## All levels: tree, ...
    for (tree in unique.trees.1) {
        idx.t <- which(ids$tree %in% tree)
        if (length(idx.t) > 1) {
            if (any(titles$tree[idx.t] != titles$tree[idx.t[1]])) {
            unique.cores.1 <- unique(ids$core[idx.t])
            unique.cores.2 <- unique(titles$core[idx.t])
            if (length(unique.cores.1) != length(unique.cores.2)) {
            ## core, ...
            for (core in unique.cores.1) {
                idx.c <- idx.t[ids$core[idx.t] %in% core]
                if (length(idx.c) > 1) {
                    if (any(titles$core[idx.c] != titles$core[idx.c[1]])) {
                    unique.radii.1 <- unique(ids$radius[idx.c])
                    unique.radii.2 <- unique(titles$radius[idx.c])
                    if (length(unique.radii.1) != length(unique.radii.2)) {
                    ## radius, ...
                    for (radius in unique.radii.1) {
                        idx.r <- idx.c[ids$radius[idx.c] %in% radius]
                        length.idx <- length(idx.r)
                        if (length.idx > 1) {
                            if (any(titles$radius[idx.r] !=
                                    titles$radius[idx.r[1]])) {
                            unique.mments.1 <- unique(ids$measurement[idx.r])
                            unique.mments.2 <- unique(titles$measurement[idx.r])
                            ## when all else is the same,
                            ## "measurement" must be unique
                            if (length(unique.mments.1) != length.idx ||
                                length(unique.mments.2) != length.idx) {

### Helper function. Creates title hierarchies (tree, core, radius,
### measurement) out of data.frame column names.
### TODO: Some options to this function?
create.title.hierarchy <- function(cnames, ids) {
    n <- length(cnames)
    max.nchar <- max(nchar(cnames))
    out.t <- character(length = n)
    out.c <- character(length = n)
    out.r <- character(length = n)
    out.m <- character(length = n)
    unique.trees <- unique(ids$tree)
    t.names <- character(length = length(unique.trees))
    names(t.names) <- unique.trees
    t.map <- list()
    ## All levels: tree, ...
    for (tree in unique.trees) {
        idx.t <- which(ids$tree %in% tree)
        t.map[[tree]] <- idx.t
        if (length(idx.t) > 1) {
            cp <- common.prefix(cnames[idx.t])
            t.names[tree] <- cp
            chars.used <- length(cp)
            unique.cores <- unique(ids$core[idx.t])
            n.uc <- length(unique.cores)
            c.names <- character(length = n.uc)
            names(c.names) <- unique.cores
            c.map <- list()
            ## core, ...
            for (core in unique.cores) {
                idx.c <- idx.t[ids$core[idx.t] %in% core]
                c.map[[core]] <- idx.c
                if (length(idx.c) > 1) {
                    if (n.uc == 1) {
                        c.names[core] <- "1"
                        chars.used.2 <- chars.used
                    } else {
                        cp <- common.prefix(substr(cnames[idx.c],
                        c.names[core] <- cp
                        chars.used.2 <- chars.used + length(cp)
                    unique.radii <- unique(ids$radius[idx.c])
                    n.ur <- length(unique.radii)
                    r.names <- character(length = n.ur)
                    names(r.names) <- unique.radii
                    r.map <- list()
                    ## radius, ...
                    for (radius in unique.radii) {
                        idx.r <- idx.c[ids$radius[idx.c] %in% radius]
                        r.map[[radius]] <- idx.r
                        if (length(idx.r) > 1) {
                            if (n.ur == 1) {
                                r.names[radius] <- "1"
                                chars.used.3 <- chars.used.2
                            } else {
                                cp <- common.prefix(substr(cnames[idx.r],
                                r.names[radius] <- cp
                                chars.used.3 <- chars.used.2 + length(cp)
                            ## measurement
                            for (idx.m in idx.r) {
                                out.m[idx.m] <- substr(cnames[idx.m],
                            suppressWarnings(out.m[idx.r] <-
                                                       basic.charset = FALSE))
                        } else {
                            if (n.ur == 1) {
                                r.names[radius] <- "1"
                            } else {
                                r.names[radius] <-
                                    substr(cnames[idx.r], chars.used.2+1,
                            out.m[idx.r] <- "1"
                    suppressWarnings(r.names <-
                                               basic.charset = FALSE))
                    for (radius in unique.radii) {
                        out.r[r.map[[radius]]] <- r.names[radius]
                } else {
                    if (n.uc == 1) {
                        c.names[core] <- "1"
                    } else {
                        c.names[core] <-
                            substr(cnames[idx.c], chars.used+1, max.nchar)
                    out.r[idx.c] <- out.m[idx.c] <- "1"
            suppressWarnings(c.names <-
                             fix.names(c.names, basic.charset = FALSE))
            for (core in unique.cores) {
                out.c[c.map[[core]]] <- c.names[core]
        } else {
            t.names[tree] <- cnames[idx.t]
            out.c[idx.t] <- out.r[idx.t] <- out.m[idx.t] <- "1"
    suppressWarnings(t.names <- fix.names(t.names, basic.charset = FALSE))
    for (tree in unique.trees) {
        out.t[t.map[[tree]]] <- t.names[tree]
    data.frame(tree = out.t, core = out.c, radius = out.r, measurement = out.m)

### Utility function (exported) which, given a suitable pith offset
### data.frame po as used by rcs, creates a (partial) wood
### completeness data.frame, counting pith offset exceeding the value
### 1 as missing heartwood.
po.to.wc <- function(po) {
    data.frame(n.missing.heartwood = as.integer(po[[2]] - 1),
               row.names = po[[1]])

### Helper function for handling arguments to write.tridas.
expand.metadata <- function(md.in, crn, default.value="") {
    if (is.null(md.in)) {
        md.out <- lapply(crn, function(x) rep(default.value, length(x)))
    } else if (is.character(md.in)) {
        if (length(md.in) == 0) {
            md.out <- lapply(crn, function(x) rep(default.value, length(x)))
        } else {
            md.in2 <- rep(md.in, length.out=length(crn))
            md.out <- list()
            for (k in seq_along(crn)) {
                md.out[[k]] <- rep(md.in2[k], length(crn[[k]]))

### Main function
write.tridas <- function(rwl.df = NULL, fname, crn = NULL,
                         prec = NULL, # no rounding
                         ids = NULL, titles = NULL,
                         crn.types = NULL,
                         crn.titles = NULL,
                         crn.units = NULL,
                         tridas.measuring.method = NA,
                         other.measuring.method = "unknown",
                         sample.type = "core",
                         wood.completeness = NULL,
                         taxon = "",
                         tridas.variable = "ring width",
                         other.variable = NA,
                         project.info = list(
                         type = c("unknown"), # multiple types possible
                         description = NULL,
                         title = "",
                         category = "",
                         investigator = "",
                         period = ""
                         lab.info = data.frame(
                         name = "",
                         acronym = NA,
                         identifier = NA,
                         domain = "",
                         addressLine1 = NA,
                         addressLine2 = NA,
                         cityOrTown = NA,
                         stateProvinceRegion = NA,
                         postalCode = NA,
                         country = NA
                         research.info = data.frame(
                         identifier = NULL,
                         domain = NULL,
                         description = NULL
                         site.info = list(
                         type = "unknown",
                         description = NULL,
                         title = ""
                         random.identifiers = FALSE,
                         identifier.domain = lab.info$name[1],
                         ...) {

    if (!is.data.frame(lab.info) || nrow(lab.info) < 1) {
        stop("'lab.info' must be a data.frame with at least one row")
    lab.names <- names(lab.info)
    if (!("name" %in% lab.names)) {
        stop("\"name\" is a required variable in 'lab.info'")
    identifier.present <- "identifier" %in% lab.names
    if (identifier.present && !("domain" %in% lab.names)) {
        stop("\"domain\" is required together with \"identifier\" in 'lab.info'")

    if (!is.data.frame(research.info) || nrow(research.info) < 1) {
        research.present <- FALSE
    } else {
        research.names <- names(research.info)
        if (!("identifier" %in% research.names)) {
            stop("\"identifier\" is a required variable in 'research.info'")
        if (!("domain" %in% research.names)) {
            stop("\"domain\" is a required variable in 'research.info'")
        if (!("description" %in% research.names)) {
            stop("\"description\" is a required variable in 'research.info'")
        research.present <- TRUE

    ## Insist that certain variables exist and are of character type.
    ## Has two modes of operation:
    ## 1. checking a simple (non-list) variable,
    ## 2. checking the contents of a list (including data.frame).
    ## must.exist is a list of character vectors with the following
    ## components:
    ## 1.    variable name (base.name)
    ## 2.    default value (default.value, "" if missing)
    ## For triggering mode 2, additionally:
    ## 3.-n. names of list members (component.name).
    ##       For each, insists that base.name[[component.name]] exists
    ##       and is of character type.
    check.char.vars <- function(must.exist) {
        for (var.specs in must.exist) {
            base.name <- var.specs[1]
            this.var <- get(base.name)
            specs.length <- length(var.specs)
            if (specs.length < 3) {
                if (!is.character(this.var)) {
                    if (specs.length == 1) {
                        default.value <- ""
                    } else {
                        default.value <- var.specs[2]
                    warning(gettextf("'%s' must be of type character - inserting \"%s\"",
                                     base.name, default.value))
                    assign(base.name, default.value, inherits = TRUE)
            } else {
                default.value <- var.specs[2]
                if (!is.list(this.var)) {
                    warning(gettextf("'%s' must be a list. Creating one.",
                    this.var <- list()
                for (component.name in var.specs[3:specs.length]) {
                    if (!is.character(this.var[[component.name]])) {
                        warning(gettextf("'%s$%s' must be of type character - inserting \"%s\"",
                                         base.name, component.name,
                        this.var[[component.name]] <- default.value
                assign(base.name, this.var, inherits = TRUE)

    check.char.vars(list(c("project.info", "",
                           "title", "category", "investigator", "period"),
                         c("project.info", "unknown",
    if (random.identifiers) {

    if (!is.na(tridas.variable)) {
        tridas.variable2 <-
            tridas.vocabulary("variable", term=tridas.variable)
    } else {
        tridas.variable2 <- NA

    address.order <- c("addressLine1",

    ## TODO: Enable identifiers given by the user
    if (random.identifiers) {
        ugen <- uuid.gen(paste0("dplR",
                                packageDescription("dplR", fields = "Version"),

    ## <tridas>
    doc <- simpleXML(fname, root="tridas",
    on.exit(doc$close()) # emits </tridas>, closes file
    ## Shortcuts to functions (speedup?)
    doc.addTag <- doc$addTag
    doc.addTag.nc <- doc$addTag.noCheck
    doc.closeTag <- doc$closeTag

    ## <project> (using only one project here)
    doc.addTag.nc("project", close = FALSE)
    doc.addTag("title", project.info$title[1])
    if (random.identifiers) {
                   attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
    for (t in project.info$type) {
        doc.addTag("type", t)
    doc.addTag("description", project.info$description[1])
    acronym.present <- "acronym" %in% lab.names
    address.order <- address.order[address.order %in% lab.names]
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(lab.info))) {
        ## <laboratory>
        doc.addTag.nc("laboratory", close = FALSE)
        if (identifier.present) {
            this.identifier <- lab.info$identifier[i]
            if (!is.na(this.identifier) && nzchar(this.identifier)) {
                           attrs = c(domain = lab.info$domain[i]))
        if (acronym.present) {
            this.acronym <- lab.info$acronym[i]
            if (!is.na(this.acronym) && nzchar(this.acronym)) {
                doc.addTag("name", lab.info$name[i],
                           attrs = c(acronym = this.acronym))
            } else {
                doc.addTag("name", lab.info$name[i])
        } else {
            doc.addTag("name", lab.info$name[i])
        ## <address>
        doc.addTag.nc("address", close = FALSE)
        for (address.line in address.order) {
            address.text <- lab.info[[address.line]][i]
            if (!is.na(address.text) && nzchar(address.text)) {
                doc.addTag(address.line, address.text)
        doc.closeTag() # </address>
        doc.closeTag() # </laboratory>
    doc.addTag("category", project.info$category[1])
    doc.addTag("investigator", project.info$investigator[1])
    doc.addTag("period", project.info$period[1])

    if (research.present) {
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(research.info))) {
            ## <research>
            doc.addTag.nc("research", close = FALSE)
                       attrs = c(domain = research.info$domain[i]))
            doc.addTag("description", research.info$description[i])
            doc.closeTag() # </research>

    ## Preprocessing -- things related to rwl.df / <object>
    if (!is.null(rwl.df)) {
        if (!is.data.frame(rwl.df)) {
            stop("'rwl.df' must be a data.frame")
        check.char.vars(list(c("site.info", "unknown", "type"),
                             c("site.info", "", "title")))
        n.col <- ncol(rwl.df)
        cnames <- names(rwl.df)
        stopifnot(is.character(cnames), !is.na(cnames),
                  Encoding(cnames) != "bytes")

        ## If 'ids' is NULL then assume one core, radius and
        ## measurement per tree.  In case of missing columns (less
        ## than 4), make similar assumptions.  Only basic checks about
        ## the validity of the 'ids' argument are performed;
        ## undetected problems may lead to errors or malformed output.
        ids2 <- ids
        titles2 <- titles
        if (is.null(ids2)) {
            ones <- rep(1, n.col)
            ids2 <- data.frame(tree = seq_len(n.col),
                               core = ones,
                               radius = ones,
                               measurement = ones)
        } else if (is.data.frame(ids2) && nrow(ids2) == n.col) {
            ncol.ids <- ncol(ids2)
            if (ncol.ids == 2) {
                ones <- rep(1, n.col)
                if (!all(c("tree","core") %in% names(ids2))) {
                    stop("2-col 'ids' needs \"tree\" and \"core\" columns")
                ids2 <- data.frame(ids2,
                                   radius = ones,
                                   measurement = ones)
            } else if(ncol.ids == 3) {
                if (!all(c("tree","core","radius") %in% names(ids2))) {
                    stop("3-col 'ids' needs \"tree\", \"core\", and \"radius\" columns")
                ids2 <- data.frame(ids2,
                                   measurement = rep(1, n.col))
            } else if (ncol.ids == 4) {
                if (!all(c("tree","core","radius","measurement") %in%
                         names(ids2))) {
                    stop("4-col 'ids' needs \"tree\", \"core\", \"radius\", and \"measurement\" columns")
            } else {
                stop("argument 'ids' is in wrong format (2, 3, or 4 columns required)")
        } else {
            stop("argument 'ids' is not data.frame or has wrong number of rows")
        if (!all(vapply(ids2, is.numeric, TRUE))) {
            stop("'ids' must have numeric columns")

        if (is.null(titles2)) {
            titles2 <- create.title.hierarchy(cnames, ids2)
        } else if (is.data.frame(titles2) && nrow(titles2) == n.col) {
            if (ncol(titles2) != 4 ||
                !all(c("tree", "core", "radius", "measurement") %in%
                     names(ids2))) {
                stop("columns needed in 'titles': \"tree\", \"core\", \"radius\", and \"measurement\"")
        } else {
            stop("argument 'titles' is not data.frame or has wrong number of rows")
        if (!consistent.ids.titles(ids2, titles2)) {
            stop("'ids' and 'titles' not consistent or duplicates present")

        if (!is.null(prec)) {
            if (prec == 0.001) {
                data.unit <- "micrometres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df * 1000)
            } else if (prec == 0.01) {
                data.unit <- "1/100th millimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df * 100)
            } else if (prec == 0.05) {
                data.unit <- "1/20th millimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df * 20)
            } else if (prec == 0.1) {
                data.unit <- "1/10th millimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df * 10)
            } else if (prec == 1) {
                data.unit <- "millimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df)
            } else if (prec == 10) {
                data.unit <- "centimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df / 10)
            } else if (prec == 100) {
                data.unit <- "centimetres" # decimetres not in TRiDaS units
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df / 100) * 10
            } else if (prec == 1000) {
                data.unit <- "metres"
                rwl.df2 <- round(rwl.df / 1000)
            } else {
                warning("unknown 'prec' specified: no unit conversion or rounding done")
                data.unit <- "millimetres"
                rwl.df2 <- rwl.df
        } else {
            data.unit <- "millimetres"
            rwl.df2 <- rwl.df
        tridas.measuring.method2 <- tridas.measuring.method
        if (!all(is.na(tridas.measuring.method2))) {
            for (k in seq_along(tridas.measuring.method2)) {
                if (!is.na(this.mm <- tridas.measuring.method2[k])) {
                    tridas.measuring.method2[k] <-
                        tridas.vocabulary("measuring method", term=this.mm)
        if (length(tridas.measuring.method2) != n.col) {
            tridas.measuring.method2 <-
                rep(tridas.measuring.method2, length.out = n.col)
        check.char.vars(list(c("other.measuring.method", "unknown")))
        other.measuring.method2 <- other.measuring.method
        if (length(other.measuring.method2) != n.col) {
            other.measuring.method2 <-
                rep(other.measuring.method2, length.out = n.col)
        check.char.vars(list(c("sample.type", "core")))
        if (length(sample.type) != n.col) {
            sample.type2 <- rep(sample.type, length.out = n.col)
        } else {
            sample.type2 <- sample.type

        ## Check (and fix) wood.completeness
        wood.completeness2 <- wood.completeness
        if (!is.null(wood.completeness2)) {
            if (nrow(wood.completeness2) != n.col) {
                stop("'nrow(wood.completeness)' must be equal to 'ncol(rwl.df)'")
            if (any(row.names(wood.completeness2) != cnames)) {
                stop("row names of 'wood.completeness' must match column names of 'rwl.df'")
            names.wc <- names(wood.completeness2)
            wc <- TRUE
            names.complex <- c("pith.presence", "heartwood.presence",
            names.nonnegative <-
                c("n.unmeasured.inner", "n.missing.sapwood", "n.sapwood",
                  "n.missing.heartwood", "n.unmeasured.outer")
            ## Create missing columns
            for (nam in names.complex[!(names.complex %in% names.wc)]) {
                wood.completeness2[[nam]] <- rep("unknown", n.col)
            ## Find invalid < 0 numbers
            for (nam in names.nonnegative[names.nonnegative %in% names.wc]) {
                temp <- na.omit(wood.completeness2[[nam]])
                if (any(!is.int(temp) | temp < 0)) {
                    stop(gettextf("some values in 'wood.completeness$%s' are invalid, i.e. not integer or < 0", nam))
            ## Replace NAs and consistence with complex vocabulary
            for (nam in names.complex) {
                wood.completeness2[[nam]][is.na(wood.completeness2[[nam]])] <-
                wood.completeness2[[nam]] <-
                    tridas.vocabulary("complex presence / absence",
                                      term = wood.completeness2[[nam]])
            ## Check bark.presence
            if (!("bark.presence" %in% names.wc)) {
                wood.completeness2$bark.presence <- rep("unknown", n.col)
            idx.bark.na <- which(is.na(wood.completeness2$bark.presence))
            if (length(idx.bark.na) > 0) {
                wood.completeness2$bark.presence[idx.bark.na] <- "unknown"
            wood.completeness2$bark.presence <-
                tridas.vocabulary("presence / absence",
                                  term = wood.completeness2$bark.presence)
            ## Check last.ring.presence
            if ("last.ring.presence" %in% names.wc) {
                idx.notna <-
                wood.completeness2$last.ring.presence[idx.notna] <-
                    tridas.vocabulary("presence / absence",
                                      term = wood.completeness2$last.ring.presence[idx.notna])
                wc.lrp <- TRUE
                if ("last.ring.details" %in% names.wc) {
                    wc.lrd <- TRUE
                } else {
                    wc.lrd <- FALSE
            } else {
                wc.lrp <- FALSE
            ## Check availability of metadata in wood.completeness here
            ## in order to avoid repeating it later
            if ("n.missing.sapwood" %in% names.wc) {
                wc.nms <- TRUE
                if ("missing.sapwood.foundation" %in% names.wc) {
                    wc.msf <- TRUE
                } else {
                    wc.msf <- FALSE
            } else {
                wc.nms <- FALSE
            if ("n.sapwood" %in% names.wc) {
                wc.ns <- TRUE
            } else {
                wc.ns <- FALSE
            if ("n.missing.heartwood" %in% names.wc) {
                wc.nmh <- TRUE
                if ("missing.heartwood.foundation" %in% names.wc) {
                    wc.mhf <- TRUE
                } else {
                    wc.mhf <- FALSE
            } else {
                wc.nmh <- FALSE
            if ("n.unmeasured.inner" %in% names.wc) {
                wc.nui <- TRUE
            } else {
                wc.nui <- FALSE
            if ("n.unmeasured.outer" %in% names.wc) {
                wc.nuo <- TRUE
            } else {
                wc.nuo <- FALSE
        } else {
            wc <- FALSE
        ## End of rwl.df / <object> preprocessing

    ## Preprocessing -- things related to crn / <derivedSeries>
    crn2 <- crn
    crn.types2 <- crn.types
    crn.units2 <- crn.units
    crn.titles2 <- crn.titles
    if (!is.null(crn2)) {
        if (is.data.frame(crn2)) {
            crn2 <- list(crn2)
        if (!is.list(crn.types2)) {
            crn.types2 <- expand.metadata(crn.types2, crn2, "")
        } else {
            crn.types2 <- rep(crn.types2, length.out=length(crn2))
        if (!is.list(crn.units2)) {
            crn.units2 <- expand.metadata(crn.units2, crn2, NA)
        } else {
            crn.units2 <- rep(crn.units2, length.out=length(crn2))
        if (!is.null(crn.titles2)) {
            titles.present <- TRUE
            if (!is.list(crn.titles2)) {
                crn.titles2 <- list(crn.titles2)
            crn.titles2 <- rep(crn.titles2, length.out=length(crn2))
        } else {
            titles.present <- FALSE
        if (titles.present && length(crn2) != length(crn.titles2)) {
            titles.present <- FALSE

    ## Write to file -- things related to rwl.df / <object>
    if (!is.null(rwl.df)) {
        ## <object> (site)
        doc.addTag.nc("object", close = FALSE)
        doc.addTag("title", site.info$title[1])
        if (random.identifiers) {
                       attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
        doc.addTag("type", site.info$type[1])
        if (is.character(site.info$description)) {
            doc.addTag("description", site.info$description)

        unique.trees <- unique(ids2$tree)
        yrs.all <- as.numeric(row.names(rwl.df2))

        for (tree in unique.trees) {
            idx.t <- which(ids2$tree %in% tree)
            ## <element> (trees)
            doc.addTag.nc("element", close = FALSE)
            doc.addTag("title", titles2$tree[idx.t[1]])
            if (random.identifiers) {
                           attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
            doc.addTag("taxon", taxon);
            unique.cores <- unique(ids2$core[idx.t])
            for (core in unique.cores) {
                idx.c <- idx.t[ids2$core[idx.t] %in% core]
                ## <sample> (core)
                doc.addTag.nc("sample", close = FALSE)
                doc.addTag("title", titles2$core[idx.c[1]])
                if (random.identifiers) {
                               attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
                doc.addTag("type", sample.type2[idx.c[1]])
                unique.radii <- unique(ids2$radius[idx.c])
                for (radius in unique.radii) {
                    idx.r <- idx.c[ids2$radius[idx.c] %in% radius]
                    ## <radius>
                    doc.addTag.nc("radius", close = FALSE)
                    doc.addTag("title", titles2$radius[idx.r[1]])
                    if (random.identifiers) {
                                   attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
                    for (idx.m in idx.r) {
                        ## <measurementSeries>
                        doc.addTag.nc("measurementSeries", close = FALSE)
                        doc.addTag("title", titles2$measurement[idx.r])
                        if (random.identifiers) {
                                       attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
                        doc.addTag("comments", cnames[idx.m])
                        ## <woodCompleteness>
                        if (wc) {
                                          close = FALSE)
                            ## <nrOfUnmeasuredInnerRings>
                            if (wc.nui &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$n.unmeasured.inner[idx.m])) {
                            ## <nrOfUnmeasuredOuterRings>
                            if (wc.nuo &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$n.unmeasured.outer[idx.m])) {
                            ## <pith/>
                                          attrs = c(presence = wood.completeness2$pith.presence[idx.m]))
                            ## <heartwood>
                                          attrs = c(presence = wood.completeness2$heartwood.presence[idx.m]),
                                          close = FALSE)
                            if (wc.nmh &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$n.missing.heartwood[idx.m])) {
                                if (wc.mhf &&
                                    !is.na(this.val <-
                                           wood.completeness2$missing.heartwood.foundation[idx.m])) {
                            doc.closeTag() # </heartwood>
                            ## <sapwood>
                                          attrs = c(presence = wood.completeness2$sapwood.presence[idx.m]),
                                          close = FALSE)
                            if (wc.ns &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$n.sapwood[idx.m])) {
                            if (wc.lrp &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$last.ring.presence[idx.m])) {
                                if (wc.lrd &&
                                    !is.na(this.detail <-
                                           wood.completeness2$last.ring.details[idx.m])) {
                                               attrs = c(presence = this.val))
                                } else {
                                               attrs = c(presence = this.val))
                            if (wc.nms &&
                                !is.na(this.val <-
                                       wood.completeness2$n.missing.sapwood[idx.m])) {
                                if (wc.msf &&
                                    !is.na(this.val <-
                                           wood.completeness2$missing.sapwood.foundation[idx.m])) {
                            doc.closeTag() # </sapwood>
                            ## <bark>
                                          attrs = c(presence = wood.completeness2$bark.presence[idx.m]))
                            doc.closeTag() # </woodCompleteness>
                        if (!is.na(this.mm <-
                                   tridas.measuring.method2[idx.m])) {
                            doc.addTag.nc("measuringMethod", NULL,
                                          attrs = c(normalTridas=this.mm))
                        } else {
                        ## <interpretation>
                        doc.addTag.nc("interpretation", close = FALSE)
                        series <- as.numeric(rwl.df2[[idx.m]])
                        idx <- !is.na(series)
                        series <- series[idx]
                        yrs <- yrs.all[idx]
                        min.year <- min(yrs)
                        max.year <- max(yrs)
                        if (min.year < 1) {
                                          1 - min.year,
                                          attrs = c(suffix = "BC"))
                        } else {
                                          attrs = c(suffix = "AD"))
                        if (max.year < 1) {
                                          1 - max.year,
                                          attrs = c(suffix = "BC"))
                        } else {
                                          attrs = c(suffix = "AD"))
                        doc.closeTag() # </interpretation>
                        ## <values>
                        doc.addTag.nc("values", close = FALSE)
                        if (!is.na(tridas.variable2)) {
                            doc.addTag.nc("variable", NULL,
                                          attrs = c(normalTridas = tridas.variable2))
                        } else {
                            doc.addTag("variable", other.variable)
                        doc.addTag.nc("unit", NULL,
                                      attrs = c(normalTridas = data.unit))
                        for (i in seq_along(series)) {
                            doc.addTag.nc("value", NULL,
                                          attrs = c(value = series[i]))
                        doc.closeTag() # </values>
                        doc.closeTag() # </measurementSeries>
                    doc.closeTag() # </radius>
                doc.closeTag() # </sample>
            doc.closeTag() # </element>
        doc.closeTag() # </object>

    ## Write to file -- things related to crn / <derivedSeries>
    if (!is.null(crn2)) {
        for (i in seq_along(crn2)) {
            this.frame <- crn2[[i]]
            yrs.all <- as.numeric(row.names(this.frame))
            crn.names <- names(this.frame)
            depth.idx <- grep("^samp[.]depth", crn.names)
            n.depth <- length(depth.idx)
            if (n.depth > 0) {
                depth.present <- TRUE
                series.idx <- setdiff(seq_along(crn.names), depth.idx)
                n.series <- length(series.idx)
                depth.idx <- rep(depth.idx, length.out = n.series)
            } else {
                depth.present <- FALSE
                n.series <- length(crn.names)
                series.idx <- seq_len(n.series)
            this.typevec <- as.character(crn.types2[[i]])
            n.type <- length(this.typevec)
            if (n.type == 0) {
                this.typevec <- rep("", n.series)
            } else {
                this.typevec <- rep(this.typevec, length.out = n.series)
            this.unitvec <- as.character(crn.units2[[i]])
            n.unit <- length(this.unitvec)
            if (n.unit == 0) {
                this.unitvec <- rep(NA, n.series)
            } else {
                this.unitvec <- rep(this.unitvec, length.out = n.series)
            if (titles.present) {
                this.titlevec <- as.character(crn.titles2[[i]])
                n.title <- length(this.titlevec)
                if (n.title == 0) {
                    this.titlevec <- rep(NA, n.series)
                } else {
                    this.titlevec <- rep(this.titlevec, length.out = n.series)
            if (depth.present) {
                n.depth <- length(depth.idx)
            for (j in seq_len(n.series)) {
                ## <derivedSeries>
                this.idx <- series.idx[j]
                series <- as.numeric(this.frame[[this.idx]])
                if (depth.present) {
                    samp.depth <- as.numeric(this.frame[[depth.idx[j]]])
                doc.addTag.nc("derivedSeries", close = FALSE)
                this.crn.name <- crn.names[this.idx]
                if (titles.present) {
                    this.title <- this.titlevec[j]
                    if (is.na(this.title)) {
                        this.title <- this.crn.name
                        this.title.present <- FALSE
                    } else {
                        this.title.present <- TRUE
                } else {
                    this.title <- this.crn.name
                    this.title.present <- FALSE
                doc.addTag("title", this.title)
                if (random.identifiers) {
                               attrs = c(domain = identifier.domain))
                if (this.title.present && this.title != this.crn.name) {
                    doc.addTag("comments", this.crn.name)
                doc.addTag("type", this.typevec[j])
                ## <linkSeries/>
                ## TODO: Add actual links, now just an empty element

                ## <interpretation>
                doc.addTag.nc("interpretation", close = FALSE)
                idx <- !is.na(series)
                series <- series[idx]
                yrs <- yrs.all[idx]
                min.year <- min(yrs)
                max.year <- max(yrs)
                if (min.year < 1) {
                                  1 - min.year,
                                  attrs = c(suffix = "BC"))
                } else {
                                  attrs = c(suffix = "AD"))
                if (max.year < 1) {
                                  1 - max.year,
                                  attrs = c(suffix = "BC"))
                } else {
                                  attrs = c(suffix = "AD"))
                doc.closeTag() # </interpretation>

                ## <values>
                doc.addTag.nc("values", close = FALSE)
                if (!is.na(tridas.variable2)) {
                    doc.addTag.nc("variable", NULL,
                                  attrs = c(normalTridas=tridas.variable2))
                } else {
                    doc.addTag("variable", other.variable)
                this.unit <- this.unitvec[j]
                if (is.na(this.unit)) {
                    doc.addTag.nc("unitless", NULL)
                } else {
                    doc.addTag("unit", this.unit)
                if (depth.present) {
                    for (i in seq_along(series)) {
                        doc.addTag.nc("value", NULL,
                                      attrs = c(count = samp.depth[i],
                                      value = series[i]))
                } else {
                    for (i in seq_along(series)) {
                        doc.addTag.nc("value", NULL,
                                      attrs = c(value = series[i]))
                doc.closeTag() # </values>
                doc.closeTag() # </derivedSeries>
    doc.closeTag() # </project>
AndyBunn/dplR documentation built on June 5, 2024, 4:53 a.m.