
Defines functions mlqmm

Documented in mlqmm

#' \code{mlqmm} fits multiple linear quantile mixed model
#' Function using JAGS to estimate a multivariate linear quantile mixed model assuming multivariate asymmetric Laplace
#' distribution for residual error.
#' @param formFixed formula for fixed part of longitudinal submodel with response variable
#' @param formRandom formula for random part of longitudinal submodel without response variable
#' @param formGroup formula specifying the cluster variable (e.g. = ~ subject)
#' @param data dataset of observed variables
#' @param tau vector of quantiles to be estimated. This must be a number between 0 and 1, otherwise the execution is stopped.
#' If more than one quantile is specified, rounding off to the 4th decimal must give non–duplicated values of \code{tau},
#' otherwise the execution is stopped.
#' @param corr_structure string specifying the correlation structure between $Y|W_{tau}$: "free", "middle" or "none".
#' If 'none', the dependendance is only caught by the common covariance matrix of all random effects;
#' if 'middle', the model assumes a correlation structure based on both a common correlation parameter and the distances between considered quantiles's orders;
#' if 'free", a specific correlation parameter is assumed for each multivariate responses.
#' @param RE_ind if TRUE, the random effects are assumed to be independent between different quantile.
#' Otherwise (FALSE by default), correlation between quantile (markers) is also caught through common covariance matrix of random effects.
#' @param n.chains the number of parallel chains for the model; default is 1.
#' @param n.iter integer specifying the total number of iterations; default is 10000
#' @param n.burnin integer specifying how many of n.iter to discard as burn-in ; default is 5000
#' @param n.thin integer specifying the thinning of the chains; default is 1
#' @param n.adapt integer specifying the number of iterations to use for adaptation; default is NULL
#' @param precision variance by default for vague prior distribution
#' @param save_jagsUI If TRUE (by default), the output of jagsUI package is return by the function
#' @param parallel see jagsUI::jags() function
#' @return A \code{BQt} object is a list with the following elements:
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{\code{mean}}{list of posterior mean for each parameter}
#'   \item{\code{median}}{list of posterior median for each parameter}
#'   \item{\code{modes}}{list of posterior mode for each parameter}
#'   \item{\code{StErr}}{list of standard error for each parameter}
#'   \item{\code{StDev}}{list of standard deviation for each parameter}
#'   \item{\code{ICs}}{list of the credibility interval at 0.95 for each parameters excepted for covariance parameters in covariance matrix of random effects. Otherwise, use save_jagsUI=TRUE to have the associated quantiles.}
#'   \item{\code{data}}{data included in argument}
#'   \item{\code{sims.list}}{list of the MCMC chains of the parameters and random effects}
#'   \item{\code{control}}{list of arguments giving details about the estimation}
#'   \item{\code{random_effect}}{list for each quantile including both posterior mean and posterior standard deviation of subject-specific random effects}
#'   \item{\code{out_jagsUI}}{only if \code{save_jagsUI=TRUE} in argument: list including posterior mean, median, quantiles (2.5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 97.5%), standart deviation for each parameter and each random effect.
#'   Moreover, this list also returns the MCMC draws, the Gelman and Rubin diagnostics (see output of jagsUI objects)}
#'  }
#' @author Antoine Barbieri
#' @import lqmm jagsUI
#' @references Lea Petrella and Valentina Raponi (2019).
#' \emph{Joint estimation of conditional quantiles in multivariate linear regression models with an application to financial distress}.
#' Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 173:70-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jmva.2019.02.008.
#' @references Elisabeth Waldmann and Thomas Kneib (2015).
#' \emph{Bayesian bivariate quantile regression}.
#' Statistical Modelling, 15(4):326-344. doi: 10.1177/1471082X14551247.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #---- Orthodont data from lqmm package
#' data("aids", package = "joineR")
#' #---- Fit regression model for the first quartile
#' BQt_mQr <- mlqmm(formFixed = CD4 ~ obstime,
#'                  formRandom = ~ obstime,
#'                  formGroup = ~ id,
#'                  data = aids,
#'                  tau = c(0.25,0.5,0.75),
#'                  n.iter = 1000,
#'                  n.burnin = 500)
#' #---- Get the estimated coefficients (posterior means)
#' BQt_mQr$mean
#' #---- Summary of output
#' summary(BQt_mQr)
#' #---- Traces of somes parameters
#' traceplot(x = BQt_mQr$out_jagsUI,
#'           parameters = c("beta", "sigma", "rho"))
#' }
mlqmm <- function(formFixed,
                  corr_structure = "middle",
                  RE_ind = FALSE,
                  n.chains = 3,
                  n.iter = 10000,
                  n.burnin = 5000,
                  n.thin = 1,
                  n.adapt = NULL,
                  precision = 10,
                  save_jagsUI = TRUE,
                  parallel = FALSE){

  # Stopping condition
  if(prod(tau<1 & tau>0)!=1)
    stop("'Tau' have to be a numerical vector with elements included between 0 and 1.\n")
    stop("'Tau' have to be a numerical vector with length lower than 4.\n")
    stop("'Tau' have to be a numerical vector with no duplicated quantiles.\n")
  if(RE_ind && length(tau)==2){
    cat("Until now, all random effects are assumed dependant when considering only two quantiles.\n")
    RE_ind <- FALSE
  if(RE_ind && corr_structure=="none"){
    cat("WARNING: There is no correlation structure between quantiles in the specified model.\n")

  #-- data management
  tau <- sort(tau)
  data_long <- data[unique(c(all.vars(formGroup),all.vars(formFixed),all.vars(formRandom)))]
  y <- data_long[all.vars(formFixed)][, 1]
  mfX <- model.frame(formFixed, data = data_long)
  X <- model.matrix(formFixed, mfX)
  mfU <- model.frame(formRandom, data = data_long)
  U <- model.matrix(formRandom, mfU)
  ncU = ncol(U)
  id <- as.integer(data_long[all.vars(formGroup)][,1])
  if(!("id" %in% colnames(data_long)))
    data_long <- cbind(data_long, id = id)
  offset <- as.vector(c(1, 1 + cumsum(tapply(id, id, length))))
  I <- length(unique(id))
  Q <- length(tau)
  if(Q==2 & corr_structure=="middle")
    corr_structure = "free"
  # use lqmm function to initiated values
  cat("Initiation of parameter values using lqmm package. \n")
  tmp_model <- lqmm::lqmm(fixed = formFixed,
                          random = formRandom,
                          group = id,
                          tau = tau,
                          data = data_long)
  # prior beta parameters
  priorMean.beta <- t(coef(tmp_model))
  priorTau.beta <- diag(rep(1/10,length(priorMean.beta[1, ])))

  bis <- matrix(unlist(lqmm::ranef(tmp_model)), ncol = Q*ncU, byrow = F)
  bis[abs(bis)<.0001] <- 0
  init_sigma <- rep(1, Q)
  for(qq in 1:Q){
    init_sigma[qq] <- tmp_model[[qq]]$scale
  initial.values <- list(b = bis,
                         beta = priorMean.beta,
                         sigma = init_sigma)

  # list of data jags
  jags.data <- list(y = matrix(rep(y,Q), ncol = Q, byrow = F),
                    X = X,
                    U = U,
                    tau = tau,
                    ncX = ncol(X),
                    ncU = ncol(U),
                    I = I,
                    Q = Q,
                    offset = offset,
                    priorMean.beta = priorMean.beta,
                    priorTau.beta = priorTau.beta,
                    priorA.sigma = 1/precision,
                    priorB.sigma = 1/precision

    jags.data <- c(jags.data,
                 list(priorR.Sigma2 = diag(rep(1/precision, ncU)),
                      priorK.Sigma2 = ncU,
                      mu0 = rep(0, ncU)
    jags.data <- c(jags.data,
                   list(priorR.Sigma2 = diag(rep(1/precision, ncU*Q)),
                        priorK.Sigma2 = ncU*Q,
                        mu0 = rep(0, ncU*Q)

  initial.values$prec.Sigma2 <- diag(1/unlist(lqmm::VarCorr(tmp_model)))
  initial.values$prec.Sigma2[initial.values$prec.Sigma2 > 100] <- 100

  # manage the correlation between quantile
  if(corr_structure == "free"){
      initial.values$rho12 <- 0.9
      initial.values$rho13 <- 0.9
      initial.values$rho23 <- 0.9
      # Q=2
      initial.values$rho <- 0.9
  if(corr_structure == "middle"){
    jags.data$d12 <- tau[2]-tau[1]
    jags.data$d13 <- tau[3]-tau[1]
    jags.data$d23 <- tau[3]-tau[2]

  model <- switch(paste(corr_structure, Q, RE_ind, sep = "/"),
                  `free/3/FALSE` = jags_3mlqmm_f,
                  `middle/3/FALSE` = jags_3mlqmm_m,
                  `none/3/FALSE` = jags_3mlqmm_n,
                  `free/2/FALSE` = jags_2mlqmm_f,
                  `middle/2/FALSE` = jags_2mlqmm_f,
                  `none/2/FALSE` = jags_mlqmm_n,
                  `free/3/TRUE` = jags_3mlqmm_f_b,
                  `middle/3/TRUE` = jags_3mlqmm_m_b,
                  `none/3/TRUE` = jags_3mlqmm_n_b

  # parameters to save in the sampling step
  if(corr_structure == "free"){
      parms_to_save <- c("beta", "sigma", "rho12", "rho13", "rho23")
      # Q=2
      parms_to_save <- c("beta", "sigma", "rho")
  if(corr_structure == "middle"){
    jags.data$d12 <- tau[2]-tau[1]
    jags.data$d13 <- tau[3]-tau[1]
    jags.data$d23 <- tau[3]-tau[2]
    parms_to_save <- c("beta", "sigma", "rho")
  if(corr_structure == "none")
    parms_to_save <- c("beta", "sigma")

  if(RE_ind && Q==3){
    parms_to_save <- c(parms_to_save, "b1", "b2", "b3", "covariance.b1", "covariance.b2", "covariance.b3")
    parms_to_save <- c(parms_to_save, "b", "covariance.b")

  #---- write jags model in txt from R function
  working.directory = getwd()
  write.model.jags(model = model,
                   name_model = "jags_mlqmm",
                   intitled = file.path(working.directory, "JagsModel.txt"),
                   Data = jags.data)

  #---- use JAGS sampler
  # if (!require("rjags"))
  #   stop("'rjags' is required.\n")

    inits <- list(initial.values,
    inits <- list(initial.values,
    inits <- initial.values

  # using jagsUI
  out_jags = jagsUI::jags(data = jags.data,
                          parameters.to.save = parms_to_save,
                          model.file = "JagsModel.txt",
                          inits = inits,
                          n.chains = n.chains,
                          parallel = parallel,
                          n.adapt = n.adapt,
                          n.iter = n.iter,
                          n.burnin = n.burnin,
                          n.thin = n.thin,
                          DIC = F)

  file.remove(file.path(working.directory, "JagsModel.txt"))

  #---- output building

  #-- MCMClist management

  #- arguments
  out <- list(data = data)
  out$control <- list(formFixed,
                      tau = tau,
                      corr_structure = corr_structure,
                      RE_ind = RE_ind,
                      call_function = "mlqmm",
                      I = I)

  #- other outputs

  # sims.list output
  out$sims.list <- out_jags$sims.list
    out$sims.list$out <- NULL
    out$sims.list$b <- NULL
    out$sims.list$b1 <- out$sims.list$b2 <- out$sims.list$b3 <- NULL

  # random effect output
  random_effect <- vector("list", Q)
    names(random_effect) <- c(paste("tau", 100*tau[1], sep=""),
                              paste("tau", 100*tau[2], sep=""),
                              paste("tau", 100*tau[3], sep=""))
    names(random_effect) <- c(paste("tau", 100*tau[1], sep=""),
                              paste("tau", 100*tau[2], sep=""))

    for(q in 1:Q){
      random_effect[[q]] <- list(postMeans = out_jags$mean$b[, ((q-1)*ncU+1):(q*ncU)],
                                 postSd = out_jags$sd$b[, ((q-1)*ncU+1):(q*ncU)])
      colnames(random_effect[[q]]$postMeans) <- colnames(U)
      colnames(random_effect[[q]]$postSd) <- colnames(U)
    random_effect[[1]] <- list(postMeans = out_jags$mean$b1, postSd = out_jags$sd$b1)
    random_effect[[2]] <- list(postMeans = out_jags$mean$b2, postSd = out_jags$sd$b2)
    random_effect[[3]] <- list(postMeans = out_jags$mean$b3, postSd = out_jags$sd$b3)
    colnames(random_effect[[1]]$postMeans) <-
      colnames(random_effect[[2]]$postMeans) <-
      colnames(random_effect[[3]]$postMeans) <- colnames(U)
    colnames(random_effect[[1]]$postSd) <-
      colnames(random_effect[[2]]$postSd) <-
      colnames(random_effect[[3]]$postSd) <- colnames(U)
  out$random_effect <- random_effect

  # median : Posterior median of parameters
  out$median <- out_jags$q50
    out$median$b <- NULL
    out$median$b1 <- out$median$b2 <- out$median$b3 <- NULL

  # mean : Posterior mean of parameters
  out$mean <- out_jags$mean
    out$mean$b <- NULL
    out$mean$b1 <- out$mean$b2 <- out$mean$b3 <- NULL

  # # if inverse in jags doesn't run
  # sims.list$covariance.b <- array(NA, dim = dim(jags_res$sims.list$prec.Sigma2))
  # for(i in 1:dim(jags_res$sims.list$prec.Sigma2)[1]){
  #   sims.list$covariance.b[i, , ] <- solve(jags_res$sims.list$prec.Sigma2[i, , ])
  # }
  # out$sims.list$covariance.b = covariance.b

  # modes of parameters
  out$modes <- lapply(out$sims.list, function(x) {
    m <- function(x) {
      d <- density(x, bw = "nrd", adjust = 3, n = 1000)
    if (is.matrix(x))
      as.array(apply(x, 2, m))
        apply(x, c(2,3), m)
      else m(x)
  # standard error of parameters
  out$StErr <- lapply(out$sims.list, function(x) {
    f <- function(x) {
      acf.x <- drop(acf(x, lag.max = 0.4 * length(x), plot = FALSE)$acf)[-1]
      acf.x <- acf.x[seq_len(rle(acf.x > 0)$lengths[1])]
      ess <- length(x)/(1 + 2 * sum(acf.x))
    if (is.matrix(x))
      as.array(apply(x, 2, f))
        apply(x, c(2,3), f)
      else f(x)

  # standard deviation of parameters
  out$StDev <- out_jags$sd
    out$StDev$b <- NULL
    out$StDev$b1 <- out$StDev$b2 <- out$StDev$b3 <- NULL

  # Rhat : Gelman & Rubin diagnostic
  out$Rhat <- out_jags$Rhat
    out$Rhat$b <- NULL
    out$Rhat$b1 <- out$Rhat$b2 <- out$Rhat$b3 <- NULL

  # names
  colnames(out$mean$beta) <-
    colnames(out$median$beta) <-
    colnames(out$modes$beta) <-
    colnames(out$StErr$beta) <-
    colnames(out$Rhat$beta) <-
    colnames(out$StDev$beta) <- colnames(X)
  rownames(out$mean$beta) <-
    rownames(out$median$beta) <-
    rownames(out$modes$beta) <-
    rownames(out$StErr$beta) <-
    rownames(out$Rhat$beta) <-
    rownames(out$StDev$beta) <- paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = "")
  rownames(out$mean$sigma) <-
    rownames(out$median$sigma) <-
    rownames(out$modes$sigma) <-
    rownames(out$StErr$sigma) <-
    rownames(out$Rhat$sigma) <-
    rownames(out$StDev$sigma) <- paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = "")

    colnames(out$mean$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$mean$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$median$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$median$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$modes$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$modes$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$StErr$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$StErr$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$Rhat$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$Rhat$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$StDev$covariance.b1) <-
      rownames(out$StDev$covariance.b1) <-
      colnames(out$mean$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$mean$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$median$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$median$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$modes$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$modes$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$StErr$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$StErr$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$Rhat$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$Rhat$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$StDev$covariance.b2) <-
      rownames(out$StDev$covariance.b2) <-
      colnames(out$mean$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$mean$covariance.b3) <-
      colnames(out$median$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$median$covariance.b3) <-
      colnames(out$modes$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$modes$covariance.b3) <-
      colnames(out$StErr$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$StErr$covariance.b3) <-
      colnames(out$Rhat$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$Rhat$covariance.b3) <-
      colnames(out$StDev$covariance.b3) <-
      rownames(out$StDev$covariance.b3) <- colnames(U)
    colnames(out$mean$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$mean$covariance.b) <-
      colnames(out$median$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$median$covariance.b) <-
      colnames(out$modes$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$modes$covariance.b) <-
      colnames(out$StErr$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$StErr$covariance.b) <-
      colnames(out$Rhat$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$Rhat$covariance.b) <-
      colnames(out$StDev$covariance.b) <-
      rownames(out$StDev$covariance.b) <- paste(rep(paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = ""),
                                                    each = ncU),
                                                rep(colnames(U), Q),
                                                sep = ".")

  # credible intervalles
  out$CIs$beta <- cbind(as.vector(t(out_jags$q2.5$beta)),
  rownames(out$CIs$beta) <- paste(rep(paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = ""),
                                      each = ncol(X)),
                                  rep(colnames(X), Q),
                                  sep = ".")
  out$CIs$sigma <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$sigma,
  rownames(out$CIs$sigma) <- paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = "")
  if(corr_structure == "free"){
      out$CIs$rho12 <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$rho12,
      out$CIs$rho13 <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$rho13,
      out$CIs$rho23 <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$rho23,
      out$CIs$rho <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$rho,
  if(corr_structure == "middle"){
    out$CIs$rho <- cbind(out_jags$q2.5$rho,
  # only for diagonal elements of covariance matrix of random effects
    out$CIs$variances.b1 <- cbind(as.vector(diag(out_jags$q2.5$covariance.b1)),
    out$CIs$variances.b2 <- cbind(as.vector(diag(out_jags$q2.5$covariance.b2)),
    out$CIs$variances.b3 <- cbind(as.vector(diag(out_jags$q2.5$covariance.b3)),
    rownames(out$CIs$variances.b1) <- rownames(out$CIs$variances.b2) <- rownames(out$CIs$variances.b3) <- colnames(U)
    out$CIs$variances.b <- cbind(as.vector(diag(out_jags$q2.5$covariance.b)),
    rownames(out$CIs$variances.b) <- paste(rep(paste("tau", as.character(tau*100), sep = ""),
                                               each = ncol(U)),
                                           rep(colnames(U), Q),
                                           sep = ".")

  # lapply(out$CIs, setNames, nm = c("2.5%", "97.5%"))

    if(corr_structure == "free"){
        colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho12) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho13) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho23) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")
        colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")
    if(corr_structure == "middle"){
      colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$rho) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")
    if(corr_structure == "none"){
      colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")
    if(corr_structure == "free"){
        colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho12) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho13) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho23) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b1) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b2) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b3) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")
      }else{# not implemented yet...
        colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$rho) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b1) <-
          colnames(out$CIs$variances.b2) <-c("2.5%", "97.5%")
    if(corr_structure == "middle"){
      colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$rho) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b1) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b2) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b3) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")

    if(corr_structure == "none"){
      colnames(out$CIs$beta) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$sigma) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b1) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b2) <-
        colnames(out$CIs$variances.b3) <- c("2.5%", "97.5%")

  # save jags output if requires
    out$out_jagsUI <- out_jags

  #---- End of the function defining the class and retruning the output

  class(out) <- "BQt"

AntoineBbi/BQt documentation built on June 25, 2022, 3:32 p.m.