
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
    "query", "from", "submittedName", "slice", ".I",
    "..score", "matchedName", "outName", "nameModified",
    "genusCorrected", "speciesCorrected", "acceptedName",
    ".N", "."

#' Checking typos in names
#' This function corrects typos for a given taxonomic name using the Taxonomic
#' Name Resolution Service (TNRS) via the Taxosaurus interface.
#' This function has been adapted from the `tnrs` function from the taxize package ([taxize::tnrs()]).
#' @details
#' This function create a file named correctTaxo.log (see Localisation), this file have the memory of all the previous requests, as
#' to avoid the replication of time-consuming servor requests.
#' By default, names are queried in batches of 50, with a 0.5s delay between each query. These values can be modified using options:
#' `options(BIOMASS.batch_size=50)` for batch size, `options(BIOMASS.wait_delay=0.5)` for delay.
#' @inheritSection cacheManager Localisation
#' @param genus Vector of genera to be checked. Alternatively, the whole species name (genus + species)
#'  or (genus + species + author) may be given (see example).
#' @param species (optional) Vector of species to be checked (same size as the genus vector).
#' @param score Score of the matching (see http://tnrs.iplantcollaborative.org/instructions.html#match) below which corrections are discarded.
#' @param useCache logical. Whether or not use a cache to reduce online search of taxa names (NULL means use cache but clear it first)
#' @param verbose logical. If TRUE various messages are displayed during process
#' @return The function returns a dataframe with the corrected (or not) genera and species.
#' @references Boyle, B. et al. (2013).
#' _The taxonomic name resolution service: An online tool for automated standardization of plant names_.
#' BMC bioinformatics, 14, 1.
#' @references Chamberlain, S. A. and Szocs, E. (2013). _taxize: taxonomic search and retrieval in R_.
#' F1000Research, 2.
#' @author Ariane TANGUY, Arthur PERE, Maxime REJOU-MECHAIN, Guillaume CORNU
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' correctTaxo(genus = "Astrocarium", species = "standleanum")
#' correctTaxo(genus = "Astrocarium standleanum")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table tstrsplit := data.table setkey chmatch fread fwrite setDF rbindlist
#' @importFrom rappdirs user_data_dir
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom utils head
correctTaxo <- function(genus, species = NULL, score = 0.5, useCache = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
  WAIT_DELAY <- getOption("BIOMASS.wait_delay", 0.5) # delay between requests to taxosaurus (to reduce load on server)
  BATCH_SIZE <- getOption("BIOMASS.batch_size", 50) # number of taxa sought per request to taxosaurus

  # check parameters -------------------------------------------------

  if (all(is.na(genus))) {
    stop("Please supply at least one name for genus")

  if (!is.null(species)) {
    if (all(is.na(species))) {
      stop("Please supply at least one name for species")
    if (length(genus) != length(species)) {
      stop("You should provide two vectors of genera and species of the same length")
    species[is.na(genus)] = NA

  # Check if package httr is available
  if (!requireNamespace("httr", quietly = T)) {
      'To use this function, you must install the "httr" library \n\n',

  # sub-function definition -------------------------------------------------

  # split x always returning count columns (padding with NA)
  tstrsplit_NA <- function(x, pattern = " ", count = 2) {
    # NOTE extraneous columns ignored maybe better paste them together
    split <- utils::head(tstrsplit(x, pattern), count)

    # pad with NA
    if (length(split) < count) {
      split <- c(split, rep(NA_character_, count - length(split)))

  # Data preparation --------------------------------------------------------

  genus <- as.character(genus)

  if (is.null(species)) {

    # Create a dataframe with the original values
    userTaxo <- data.table(
      genus = NA_character_,
      species = NA_character_,
      query = genus
    # split genus (query)
    userTaxo[, c("genus", "species") := tstrsplit_NA(query)]
  } else {
    species <- as.character(species)

    # Create a dataframe with the original values
    userTaxo <- data.table(
      genus = genus,
      species = species,
      query = genus
    # species can be NA so handle it with care when pasting
    userTaxo[!is.na(genus) & !is.na(species), query := paste(query, species)]
  # If there is an empty genus
  userTaxo[genus == "", ':='(genus = NA_character_, species = NA_character_, query = NA_character_)]
  # If there is empty species
  userTaxo[species == "", ':='(species = NA_character_, query = gsub(" ", "", query))]
  # get unique values
  qryTaxo <- unique(userTaxo[!is.na(query)])

  # get cached taxonomic corrections if needed -------------------------------------------------

  cachedTaxo <- NULL

  if (is.null(useCache) || useCache) {
    cachePath <- cacheManager("correctTaxo")

    if (file.exists(cachePath)) {

      # should we remove cache ?
      if (is.null(useCache)) {
        useCache <- TRUE
      } else {
        if (verbose) {
          message("Cache last modification time : ", as.character.POSIXt(file.info(cachePath)["mtime"]))
        cachedTaxo <- fread(file = cachePath)
        cachedTaxo[, from := "cache"]

        # if not the right format then ignore it!
        if (!("submittedName" %in% names(cachedTaxo))) {
          cachedTaxo <- NULL
    } else if (is.null(useCache)) {
      useCache <- TRUE

  # init cachedTaxo with empty data
  if (is.null(cachedTaxo)) {
    cachedTaxo <- data.table(
      submittedName = character(0), score = numeric(0), matchedName = character(0), from = character(0),
      acceptedName = character(0)

  # identify taxo not present in cache
  missingTaxo <- qryTaxo[!cachedTaxo[, .(submittedName)], on = c(query = "submittedName")]
  # query taxosaurus for missing taxo if any
  queriedTaxo <- NULL
  if (nrow(missingTaxo)) {

    # split missing taxo in chunks of 30
    slices <- split(missingTaxo[, slice := ceiling(.I / BATCH_SIZE)], by = "slice", keep.by = TRUE)

    # for each slice of queries
    if (verbose) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
    queriedTaxo <- rbindlist(lapply(slices, function(slice) {
      baseURL <- "http://taxosaurus.org/submit"

      # send query
      qryResult <- httr::POST(baseURL, httr::config(followlocation = 0), body = list(
        query = paste(slice$query, collapse = "\n"),
        source = "iPlant_TNRS"

      # check for errors
      if (httr::http_error(qryResult)) {
        httr::stop_for_status(qryResult, "connect to taxosaurus service. Retry maybe later")

      # wait for response
      retrieveURL <- qryResult$headers$location
      repeat {

        # be polite with server

        # fetch answer
        qryResult <- httr::GET(retrieveURL)

        # normal waiting behaviour is redirecting to self with 302 status
        # if not then break from waiting loop
        if (httr::status_code(qryResult) != 302) {

      # check for errors
      if (httr::http_error(qryResult)) {
        httr::stop_for_status(qryResult, "get answer from taxosaurus service. Retry maybe later")

      # parse answer from taxosaurus
      answer <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(qryResult, "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), FALSE)

      # WARNING when no match is found, taxosaurus does not return an answer

      # do we have answers ?
      if (length(answer$names)) {

        # function to preprocess match
        flatten <- function(match) {
          match$annotations <- paste(sprintf("%s(%s)", names(match$annotations), match$annotations), collapse = ", ")
          match$score <- as.numeric(match$score)

        # get first match (highest score) for each submitted name
        result <- rbindlist(lapply(answer$names, function(name) c(
            submittedName = name$submittedName,
            from = "taxosaurus"
      } else {

        # nothing found ! Pathological case -> return empty answer
        result <- data.table(
          submittedName = character(0), score = numeric(0), matchedName = character(0), from = character(0),
          acceptedName = character(0)

      # handle not founds (as taxosaurus does not give answers for them)
      result <- result[slice[, .(query)], on = c(submittedName = "query"), nomatch = NA]
      result[is.na(from), `:=`(
        score = 1, # I'm positive. It does not exist !
        matchedName = NA_character_,
        from = "taxosaurus(not_found)"

      if (verbose) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, slice$slice[1] / length(slices))

    if (verbose) {

  # build reference taxonomy from cached and queried ones
  fullTaxo <- rbindlist(list(queriedTaxo, cachedTaxo), fill = TRUE)

  # inject taxo names in original (user provided) taxonomy
  userTaxo[fullTaxo, on = c(query = "submittedName"), `:=`(
    outName = ifelse(score >= ..score, matchedName, query),
    nameModified = ifelse(score >= ..score, "TRUE", "NoMatch(low_score)"),
    from = from

  # if nothing changed tell it
    !is.na(outName) & (outName == query) & (nameModified != "NoMatch(low_score)"),
    nameModified := "FALSE"

  # split name
  userTaxo[, c("genusCorrected", "speciesCorrected") := tstrsplit_NA(outName)]

  # If genera or species not found by TNRS
  # Genera
    (nameModified == "TRUE") & is.na(genusCorrected) & !is.na(genus),
    c("genusCorrected", "nameModified") := list(genus, "TaxaNotFound")

  # Species
    (nameModified %in% c("TRUE", "TaxaNotFound")) & is.na(speciesCorrected) & !is.na(species),
      speciesCorrected = species,
      nameModified = ifelse(nameModified == "TRUE", "SpNotFound", nameModified)

  # cache full taxonomy for further use
  if (useCache && !is.null(queriedTaxo)) {

    # complete taxo with matched names and accepted names
    matchedTaxo <- unique(fullTaxo[submittedName != matchedName], by = "matchedName")[
      , `:=`(submittedName = matchedName, score = 1)

    acceptedTaxo <- unique(fullTaxo[(submittedName != acceptedName) & (acceptedName != matchedName)], by = "acceptedName")[
      , `:=`(submittedName = acceptedName, matchedName = acceptedName, score = 1)

    fullTaxo <- unique(rbindlist(list(fullTaxo, matchedTaxo, acceptedTaxo))[submittedName != ""])
    # write cache
    fwrite(fullTaxo[order(submittedName), -"from"], file = cachePath)
    if (verbose) {
      message("Cache updated")

  # stats
  if (verbose) {
    stats <- userTaxo[, by = from, .N]
    message("Source ", paste(sprintf("%s:%d", stats$from, stats$N), collapse = ", "))

    stats <- userTaxo[, by = nameModified, .N]
    message("Corrections ", paste(sprintf("%s:%d", stats$nameModified, stats$N), collapse = ", "))

  # return corrected taxo
  data.frame(userTaxo[, .(genusCorrected, speciesCorrected, nameModified)])
ArthurPERE/biomass documentation built on May 18, 2019, 2:33 a.m.