

# FIXME: This info should go in the Rd file documenting this function.
#' Main function to read the parameters definition from a file
#' The datastructure used to record parameters is shown below.
#' A fixed parameter is a parameter that should not be sampled but instead should
#' be always set to the first values in the vector of boundaries. In this function we
#' set isFixed to TRUE if either the parameter is a categorical and has only one possible value,
#' or it is an integer and the two boundaries are equal, or it is a real and the two boundaries 
#' satisfy the following test: round(boundary1, digits) == round(boundary2, digits)
#' @param digits The number of decimal digits wished (used to know if parameters are fixed or not).
#' @param filename The name of the file containing the parameters. The fact that
#' this file should exist and be readable should be check before.
#' @return A list as follows.
#  FIXME: most of these do not need to be lists (except boundary), they could be simply vectors with names.
#' parameters --- a list with elements:
#'        |
#'        $names --------- a list that contains the names of the parameters
#'        $types ----------- a list that contains the type of each parameter parameters$types = i|c|r
#'        $switches ------ a list that contains the switches to be used for the parameters on the command line
#'        $boundary ----- a list of vectors. Each vector may contain two values (the boundaries)
#'                         for real and int parameters, or possibly more for categorical parameters
#'        $conditions --   a list of R logical expressions, with variables corresponding to parameter names.
#'        $isFixed -------- a list of booleans to know which parameter is fixed or needs to be tuned.
#'        $nbParameters --- an integer, the total number of parameters
#'        $nbFixed ----- an integer, the number of parameters with a fixed value
#'        $nbVariable ------ an integer, the number of variable (to be tuned) parameters
readParameters <- function (file, digits = 4, debugLevel = 0, text)
  if (missing(file) && !missing(text)) {
    filename <- strcat("text=", deparse(substitute(text)))
    file <- textConnection(text)
  } else if (is.character(file)) {
    filename <- file
    file.check (file, readable= TRUE, text = "readParameter: parameter file")
  } else {
    stop("'file' must be a character string")

  field.match <- function (line, pattern, delimited = FALSE, sep = "[[:space:]]")
    #cat ("pattern:", pattern, "\n")
    if (regexpr (paste("^", pattern, sep, sep=""), line) == -1) {
      #cat("no match: NULL\n")
      return (list(match = NULL, line = line))
    pos.matched <- regexpr (paste("^", pattern, sep=""), line)
    #cat("pos.matched:", pos.matched, "\n")
    if (pos.matched == -1) {
      return (list(match = NULL, line = line))
    delimited <- as.integer(delimited)
    match <- substr(line, pos.matched[1] + delimited,
                    attr(pos.matched, "match.length") - delimited)
    #cat("match:",match, "\n")
    line <- substr (line, pos.matched[1] + attr(pos.matched, "match.length"),
    line <- trim.leading (line)
    return (list(match = match, line = line))

  # FIXME: Make quotes mandatory for categorical and ordered parameters.
  string2vector <- function(str)
    v <- c()
    str <- trim(str)
    #cat("string2vector:", str, "\n")
    while (nchar (str)) {
      result <- field.match (str, "\"[^\"]*\"", delimited = TRUE, sep="")
      #cat("result.match: ", result$match,"\n")
      if (is.null (result$match)) {
        result <- field.match (str, "[^,]+", sep="")
        #cat("result.match: ", result$match,"\n")
      v <- c(v, result$match)
      str <- sub(",[[:space:]]*", "", result$line)
    return (v)

  # Determine if a parameter is fixed.
  isFixed <- function (type = stop("type is mandatory."),
                       boundaries = stop("boundaries is mandatory."),
    type <- as.character(type)
    if (type == "i") {
      return (boundaries[[1]] == boundaries[[2]])
    } else if (type == "c" || type == "o") {
      return (length(boundaries) == 1)
    } else if (type == "r") {
      return (round (as.numeric(boundaries[[1]]), digits)
              == round (as.numeric(boundaries[[2]]), digits))
  # *************************************************************************
  # Subordinate parameter: ordering of the parameters according to
  # conditions hierarchy
  # *  The conditions hierarchy is an acyclic directed graph.
  #    Functions treeLevel() and treeLevelAux() compute an order on vertex s.t:
  #    level(A) > level(B)  <=>  There is an arc A ---> B
  #    (A depends on B to be activated)
  # *  If a cycle is detected, execution is stopped
  # *  If a parameter depends on another one not defined, execution is stopped
  treeLevelAux <- function(paramName, conditionsTree, rootParam)
    vars <- all.vars (conditionsTree[[paramName]])
    if (length(vars) == 0) {
      return (1) # This parameter does not have conditions
    } else {
      # This parameter has some conditions
      # Recursive call: level <- MAX( level(m) : m in children )
      maxChildLevel <- 0
      for (child in vars) {
        # The following line detects cycles
        if (child == rootParam)
          tunerError("A cycle detected in subordinate parameters! ",
                     "Check definition of conditions.\n",
                     "One parameter of this cycle is '", rootParam, "'")
        # The following line detects a missing definition
        if (!child %in% names(conditionsTree))
          tunerError("A parameter definition is missing! ",
                     "Check definition of parameters.\n",
                     "Parameter '", paramName,
                     "' depends on '", child, "' which is not defined.")
        level <- treeLevelAux(child, conditionsTree, rootParam)
        if (level > maxChildLevel)
          maxChildLevel <- level
      level <- maxChildLevel + 1
    return (level)

  treeLevel <- function(paramName, conditionsTree)
    # The last parameter is used to record the root parameter of the
    # recursive call in order to detect the presence of cycles.
    return (treeLevelAux(paramName, conditionsTree, paramName))

  errReadParameters <- function(filename, line, context, ...)
    if (!is.null (context)) {
      context <- paste(sep="", " when reading: \"", context, "\"")
    tunerError (paste (sep="", ...),
                " at ", filename, ", line ", line, context)
  # *************************************************************************
  # FIXME: Only boundary needs to be a list, the rest should be
  # vectors, which will make many operations way faster.
  parameters <- list(names = list(),
                     types = list(),
                     switches = list(),
                     boundary = list(),
                     conditions = list(),
                     isFixed = list())

  param.names <- c()
  conditions <- list()
  lines <- readLines(con = file)
  nbLines <- 0
  count <- 0

  for (line in lines) {
    nbLines <- nbLines + 1
    # Delete comments 
    line <- trim(sub("#.*$", "", line))
    if (nchar(line) == 0) {
    ## FIXME: real and integer must provide exactly 2 values and not a
    ## list. We should check this here rather than fail badly later.
    ## Match param.name (unquoted alphanumeric string)
    result <- field.match (line, "[._[:alnum:]]+")
    param.name <- result$match
    line <- result$line
    if (is.null (result$match)) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                         "parameter name must be alphanumeric")

    if (param.name %in% param.names) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                         "duplicated parameter name '", param.name, "'")

    ## Match param.switch (quoted string)
    result <- field.match (line, "\"[^\"]*\"", delimited = TRUE)
    param.switch <- result$match
    line <- result$line
    if (is.null (result$match)) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                         "parameter switch must be a double-quoted string")
    ## Match param.type (single letter)
    result <- field.match (line, "[ciro]")
    param.type <- result$match
    line <- result$line
    if (is.null (result$match)) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                         "parameter type must be a single character in {c,i,r,o}")

    ## Match param.value (delimited by parenthesis)
    result <- field.match (line, "\\([^)]+\\)", delimited = TRUE, sep = "")
    param.value <- result$match
    line <- result$line
    if (is.null (result$match)) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                         "Allowed values must be a list within parenthesis")

    param.value <- string2vector(param.value)
    if (param.type == "r" || param.type == "i") {
      param.value <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(param.value))
      if (any(is.na(param.value)) || length(param.value) != 2) {
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                           "incorrect numeric range (", result$match,
                           ") for parameter '", param.name, "'")
      } else if (param.value[1] > param.value[2]) {
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                           "lower bound must be smaller than upper bound in numeric range (",
                           result$match, ") for parameter '", param.name, "'")
    } else {
      dups <- duplicated(param.value)
      if (any(dups)) {
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                           "duplicated values (",
                           paste('\"', param.value[dups], "\"", collapse=', ', sep=""),
                           ") for parameter '", param.name, "'")

    count <- count + 1
    param.names <- c(param.names, param.name)
    parameters$names[[count]] <- param.name
    parameters$switches[[count]] <- param.switch
    parameters$types[[count]] <- param.type
    parameters$boundary[[count]] <- param.value

    parameters$isFixed[[count]] <-
      isFixed (type = param.type,
               boundaries = parameters$boundary[[count]],
               digits = digits)
    # Reject non-categorical fixed parameters. They are often the
    # result of a user error.
    if (parameters$isFixed[[count]]) {
      if (param.type == "i") {
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                           "lower and upper bounds are the same in numeric range (",
                           param.value[1], ", ", param.value[2],
                           ") for parameter '", param.name, "'")
      } else if (param.type == "r") {
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, NULL,
                           "given digits=", digits,
                           ", lower and upper bounds are the same in numeric range (",
                           param.value[1], ", ", param.value[2],
                           ") for parameter '", param.name, "'")

    ## Match start of conditions 
    result <- field.match (line, "\\|", sep="")
    line <- result$line
    if (!is.null(result$match) && nchar(result$match)) {
      result <- field.match (line, ".*$", sep="")
      if (is.null(result$match) || !nchar(result$match))
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                           "expected condition after '|'")
      # FIXME: Provide a better error for invalid conditions like "a 2 0"
      conditions[[param.name]] <- NA
      try(conditions[[param.name]] <- parse(text=result$match))
      if (!is.expression (conditions[[param.name]]))
        errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                           "invalid condition after '|'")
      line <- result$line
    } else if (!is.null(result$line) && nchar(result$line)) {
      errReadParameters (filename, nbLines, line,
                         "expected '|' before condition")
    } else {
      conditions[[param.name]] <- expression(TRUE)
    # *****************************************************************
  } # end loop on lines

  # Check that we have read at least one parameter
  if (count == 0) {
    tunerError("no parameter definition found: ",
               "check that the parameter file is not empty")
  # Sort parameters in 'conditions' in the proper order according to
  # conditions
  hierarchyLevel <- c()
  for (paramName in param.names)
    hierarchyLevel <- c(hierarchyLevel, treeLevel(paramName, conditions))
  conditions <- conditions[order(hierarchyLevel)]

  # Print the hierarchy vector:
  if (debugLevel >= 1) {
    count <- 1
    cat ("--- Hierarchy vector ---\n")
    cat("Param : Level\n")
    for (paramName in param.names) {
      cat(paramName," : ", hierarchyLevel[count], "\n")
      count <- count + 1
    cat ("------------------------\n")

  stopifnot(length(conditions) == length(parameters$names))

  # FIXME: Check that the parameter names that appear in the
  # conditions all appear in names to catch typos.
  parameters$conditions <- conditions
  names(parameters$names) <-
    names(parameters$types) <- 
      names(parameters$switches) <- 
        names(parameters$boundary) <- 
          names(parameters$isFixed) <- param.names

  parameters$nbParameters <- length(parameters$names)
  parameters$nbFixed <- sum(parameters$isFixed == TRUE)
  parameters$nbVariable <- sum(parameters$isFixed == FALSE)
  if (debugLevel >= 2) print(parameters)
  return (parameters)
AthilaRocha/iracex documentation built on May 5, 2019, 8:12 a.m.