
Defines functions species_info

Documented in species_info

#' Fetch a taxon profile given a scientific name or LSID (GUID)
#' @references Associated ALA web service: \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws80}
#' @param scientificname string: scientific name of the taxon of interest
#' (species, genus, family etc)
#' @param guid string: The Life Science Identifier of the taxon of interest
#' @param verbose logical: show additional progress information?
#' [default is set by ala_config()]
#' @return A species profile in the form of a named list, each element of
#' which is generally a data frame. An empty list is returned if no match is
#' found for the supplied name or guid
#' @seealso \code{\link{ala_config}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  species_info("Grevillea humilis subsp. maritima")
#'  species_info(guid = "http://id.biodiversity.org.au/node/apni/2890970")
#'  species_info("Alaba", verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export species_info

species_info <- function(scientificname, guid,
                         verbose = ala_config()$verbose) {
    if (!missing(scientificname)) {
        if (is.factor(scientificname)) {
            scientificname <- as.character(scientificname)
    if (!missing(guid)) {
    if (missing(scientificname) && missing(guid)) {
        stop("either the scientific name or the guid must be provided")
    if ((!missing(scientificname)) && (!missing(guid))) {
        stop("either the scientific name or the guid must be provided,
             but not both")
    if (!missing(scientificname)) {
        guid <- search_names(scientificname, vernacular = FALSE,
                             guids_only = TRUE)
        if (length(guid) < 1 || is.na(guid)) {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("no results found")
        guid <- guid[[1]]
        if (is.na(guid)) {
            if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
                warning("No valid GUID found for scientificname",
    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
        c("species", paste0(guid, ".json")))
    ## Jcatch invalid guids and return a list
    out <- tryCatch(cached_get(URLencode(this_url), type = "json",
                               verbose = verbose),
              error = function(e) {
                  if (grepl("code 404 received", e$message)) {
                      } else {
    if (is.null(out)) {
        ## invalid guids will give NULL here, catch them now
        if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
            warning("no results found")
    ## restructure any list children of out to be data.frames
    for (k in seq_len(length(out))) {
        if (is.list(out[[k]])) {
            was_ok <- FALSE
                out[[k]] <- as.data.frame(out[[k]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                was_ok <- TRUE
                }, silent = TRUE)
            ## that will fail if any children are NULL
            if (!was_ok) {
                try(out[[k]] <-
                                             function(z) {
                                                 if (is.null(z)) NA else z
                                                 })), silent = TRUE)
    ## weed out unwanted columns and rename variables in each child object
    ## some columns consistently used across these child objects but seem to
    ## be internal identifiers and of little use here
    dud_cols <- c("id", "parentId", "infoSourceId", "documentId")
    for (k in seq_len(length(out))) {
        if (is.data.frame(out[[k]])) {
            tempcols <- setdiff(names(out[[k]]), dud_cols)
            out[[k]] <- out[[k]][, tempcols, drop = FALSE]
    ## taxonConcept
    if (any(names(out) == "taxonConcept")) {
        tempcols <- setdiff(names(out$taxonConcept),
                            unwanted_columns(type = "general"))
        out$taxonConcept <- subset(out$taxonConcept, select = tempcols)
        names(out$taxonConcept) <- rename_variables(names(out$taxonConcept),
                                                    type = "general")
        ## taxonName
        names(out$taxonName) <- rename_variables(names(out$taxonName),
                                                 type = "general")
    ## classification
    if (any(names(out) == "classification")) {
        ## for taxa with improper classification (e.g.
        ## species_info(guid = "ALA_Caladenia_cardiochila")) is just a string
        if (is.data.frame(out$classification)) {
            tempcols <- setdiff(names(out$classification),
                                unwanted_columns(type = "general"))
            out$classification <- subset(out$classification, select = tempcols)
            names(out$classification) <-
                str_replace_all(names(out$classification), "^clazz", "class")
            names(out$classification) <-
                rename_variables(names(out$classification), type = "general")
        } else if (is.character(out$classification)) {
            ## leave as is
        } else {
            warning("the structure of the $classification object was
                    unexpected. ", getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$notify)

    if (any(names(out) == "synonyms")) {
        tempcols <- setdiff(names(out$synonyms),
                            unwanted_columns(type = "general"))
        ##tempcols <- setdiff(tempcols, c("id", "infoSourceId"))
        out$synonyms <- subset(out$synonyms, select = tempcols)
        names(out$synonyms) <- rename_variables(names(out$synonyms),
                                                type = "general")
    ## sameAsConcepts
    if (any(names(out) == "sameAsConcepts")) {
        ##tempcols <- setdiff(names(out$sameAsConcepts), c("id"))
        ##out$sameAsConcepts <- out$sameAsConcepts[, tempcols]
        names(out$sameAsConcepts) <-
            rename_variables(names(out$sameAsConcepts), type = "general")
    ## all other child objects seem OK at the moment
    ## we could in principle run everything through the rename/remove
    ## columns functions but let's not do so for now
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.