
Defines functions bb_handler_amps_inner bb_handler_amps

Documented in bb_handler_amps

#' Handler for AMPS data (Antarctic mesoscale prediction system)
#' This is a handler function to be used with AMPS data from http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/rt/amps/. This function is not intended to be called directly, but rather is specified as a \code{method} option in \code{\link{bb_source}}.
#' @references http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/rt/amps/
#' @param ... : parameters passed to \code{\link{bb_rget}}
#' @return TRUE on success
#' @export
bb_handler_amps <- function(...) {

# @param config bb_config: a bowerbird configuration (as returned by \code{bb_config}) with a single data source
# @param verbose logical: if TRUE, provide additional progress output
# @param local_dir_only logical: if TRUE, just return the local directory into which files from this data source would be saved
# @return the directory if local_dir_only is TRUE, otherwise TRUE on success
bb_handler_amps_inner <- function(config, verbose = FALSE, local_dir_only = FALSE, ...) {
    assert_that(is(config, "bb_config"))
    assert_that(nrow(bb_data_sources(config)) == 1)
    assert_that(is.flag(verbose), !is.na(verbose))
    assert_that(is.flag(local_dir_only), !is.na(local_dir_only))
    ## shouldn't need any specific method_flags for this
    ## --timestamping not needed (handled through clobber config setting)
    ## --recursive, etc not needed
    temp <- bb_data_sources(config)
    temp$source_url[[1]] <- "http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/rt/amps/wrf_grib/" ## this is fixed for this handler
    bb_data_sources(config) <- temp

    if (local_dir_only) return(bb_handler_rget(config, verbose = verbose, local_dir_only = TRUE, ...))

    x <- session(bb_data_sources(config)$source_url[[1]])
    n <- html_attr(html_nodes(x, "a"), "href")
    idx <- grep("^[[:digit:]]+/?$", n, ignore.case = TRUE) ## links that are all digits
    ## which files to accept
    accept <- function(z) grepl("\\.txt$", html_attr(z, "href"), ignore.case = TRUE) || grepl("d[12]_f(000|003|006|009|012|015|018|021|024|027)\\.grb$", html_attr(z, "href"), ignore.case = TRUE)
    this_path_no_trailing_sep <- sub("[\\/]$", "", bb_data_source_dir(config))
    all_ok <- TRUE
    msg <- c()
    downloads <- tibble(url = character(), file = character(), was_downloaded = logical())
    for (i in idx) { ## loop through directories
        target_dir <- sub("/$", "", n[i])
        target_dir <- file.path(this_path_no_trailing_sep, sub("(00|12)$", "", target_dir))
        ## make target_dir if it doesn't exist
        if (!dir.exists(target_dir)) {
            ok <- dir.create(target_dir, recursive = TRUE)
            if (!ok) {
                stop(sprintf("Could not create target directory %s: aborting.\n", target_dir))
        x2 <- session_jump_to(x, n[i])
        files <- html_attr(Filter(accept, html_nodes(x2, "a")), "href")
        ## change into target directory, with no recursive fetch, to allow --timestamping on retrievals
        settings <- bowerbird:::save_current_settings()
        on.exit({ bowerbird:::restore_settings(settings) })
        for (f in files) {
            ## loop through files to download
            file_url <- xml2::url_absolute(f, x2$url)
            dummy <- config
            temp <- bb_data_sources(dummy)
            temp$source_url[[1]] <- file_url
            bb_data_sources(dummy) <- temp
            ## pass to the rget handler
            ## we could do it directly here with GET calls, but simpler to use the rget handler functionality
            this <- bb_handler_rget(dummy, verbose = verbose, level = 0, accept_download = "\\.(txt|grb)$", use_url_directory = FALSE, ...)
            all_ok <- all_ok && this$ok
            if (nrow(this$files[[1]])>0) downloads <- rbind(downloads, this$files[[1]])
            if (nzchar(this$message)) msg <- c(msg, this$message)
    if (length(msg)<1) msg <- ""
    tibble(ok = all_ok, files = list(downloads), message = msg)
AustralianAntarcticDivision/blueant documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:23 a.m.