
Defines functions validate_possible_paths validate_input_paths run_build_raad_cache run_this_function_to_build_raad_cache get_raad_time_stamp set_raad_time_stamp set_raad_filenames set_raw_raad_filenames raad_filedb_path set_raad_data_roots pad4 set_raadfile_data_roots get_raad_filenames get_raadfiles_data_roots get_raw_raad_filenames get_raad_data_roots .possiblepaths

Documented in get_raad_data_roots get_raad_filenames raad_filedb_path run_build_raad_cache set_raad_data_roots set_raad_filenames

.possiblepaths <- function() {

    ## new paths 2020-01-20

    ## old paths 2020-01-20
    # "/mnt/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data",
    # "/mnt/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_local",
    # "/mnt/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_staging",
    # "/mnt/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_deprecated",
    # "//aad.gov.au/files/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data",
    # "//aad.gov.au/files/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_local",
    # "//aad.gov.au/files/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_staging",
    # "//aad.gov.au/files/AADC/Scientific_Data/Data/gridded_new/data_deprecated",

    "/rdsi/PUBLIC/raad/data" )

#' Raadfiles administration tools
#' Administration tools for managing a data library.
#' These management functions are aimed at raadtools users, but can be
#' used for any file collection. The administration tools consist of **data roots** and
#' control over the building, reading, and caching of the available file list. No
#' interpretation of the underlying files is provided in the administration tools.
#' A typical user won't use these functions but may want to investigate the contents of the raw file list, with
#' `get_raad_filenames()`.
#' A user setting up a raadfiles collection will typically set the root directory/directories with `set_raad_data_roots()`,
#' then run the file cache list builder with `run_build_raad_cache()`, and then `set_raad_filenames()`
#' to actually load the file cache into memory.
#' In a new R session there is no need to run `set_raad_filenames()` directly as this
#' will be done as the package loads. To disable this automatic behaviour use `options(raadfiles.file.cache.disable = TRUE)` *before* the package is
#' used or loaded. This is typically done when calling `run_build_raad_cache()` in a cron task.
#' Every raadfiles file collection function (e.g. `oisst_daily_files`) will run `get_raad_filenames` to obtain the full raw list of
#' available files from the global in-memory option `getOption("raadfiles.env")$raadfiles.filename.database` and there is a low threshold probability that
#' this will also trigger a re-read of the file listing from the root directories. To avoid this trigger either use that directly
#' directly to get the in-memory file list, or set `options(raadfiles.file.refresh.threshold = 0)` to prevent the trigger. (Set it to 1 to force it always
#' to be read, also controlled by `set_raad_filenames(clobber = TRUE)`).
#' There is a family of functions and global options used for administration.
#' @section Administration functions:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \code{\link{set_raad_data_roots}}  \tab set data root paths, for normal use only one data root is needed \cr
#'  \code{\link{set_raad_filenames}}   \tab runs the system to update the file listing and refresh it  \cr
#'  \code{\link{get_raad_data_roots}}  \tab returns the current list of visible root directories \cr
#'  \code{\link{get_raad_filenames}}   \tab returns the entire list of all files found in visible root directories \cr
#'  \code{\link{run_build_raad_cache}} \tab scan all root directories and update the file listing in each  \cr
#'  }
#' @section Options for use by administrators:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \code{raadfiles.data.roots} \tab the list of paths to root directories \cr
#'  \code{raadfiles.file.cache.disable} \tab disable on-load setting of the in-memory file cache (never set automatically by the package)  \cr
#'  \code{raadfiles.file.refresh.threshold} \tab threshold probability of how often to refresh in-memory file cache (0 = never, 1 = every time `get_raad_filenames()` is called) \cr
#' }
#' @section Internal options, used by the package:
#' Options used internally, and subject to control by adminstrator options and the running of admin functions (they may not be set).
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'  \code{raadfiles.env} \tab an environment with the data frame of all file names from the data roots in a object named 'raadfiles.filename.database' \cr
#'  \code{raadfiles.database.status} \tab a status record of the in-memory filename database (timestamp) \cr
#'  }
#' @export
#' @name raadfiles-admin
#' @aliases raadfiles-admin get_raad_filenames set_raad_data_roots   raad_filedb_path set_raad_filenames run_build_raad_cache
get_raad_data_roots <- function() {
  out <- getOption("raadfiles.data.roots")
  out <- out[nzchar(out)]  ## ensure that it's NULL, or non empty string/s
  if (anyNA(out)) out <- out[!is.na(out)]
  if (length(out) < 1) out <- NULL
get_raw_raad_filenames <- function() {
get_raadfiles_data_roots <- function() {
#' @param all if `TRUE` include 'data_deprecated', expert-use only
#' @export
#' @rdname raadfiles-admin
get_raad_filenames <- function(all = FALSE) {
  #out <- getOption("raadfiles.filename.database")
  out <- getOption("raadfiles.env")$raadfiles.filename.database
  ## weird trick to avoid multiple invalidations of the vroom df
  junk <- raadfiles.env[["raadfiles.filename.database"]][1, ]
  #assign("raadfiles.filename.database", out, envir = raadfiles.env)
  #out <- get("raadfiles.filename.database", envir = env0)

  file_refresh <- getOption("raadfiles.file.refresh.threshold")
  if (is.null(out) || dim(out)[1L] < 1) {
    roots <-  get_raad_data_roots()
    mess <- "no files found in the 'raadfiles.filename.database'"
    if (is.null(roots) || !any(nzchar(roots))) {
      mess <- paste0(mess, "\nand no root directories found.")
      if (isTRUE(getOption("raadfiles.file.cache.disable"))) {
        mess <- paste0(mess, "\n\noption(raadfiles.file.cache.disable) is TRUE, maybe you want to unset that?")
      return(tibble::tibble(root = character(0), file = character(0)))

  if (file_refresh > 0 && runif(1, 0, 1) > (1 - file_refresh)) {
  if (!all) {
    ## trim out specific files
    out <- dplyr::filter(out, !stringr::str_detect(.data$root, "/data_deprecated"))
    out <- dplyr::filter(out, !stringr::str_detect(.data$root, "PRIVATE/raad/data"))


set_raadfile_data_roots <- function(..., replace_existing = TRUE, use_known_candidates = FALSE) {
  set_raad_data_roots(..., use_known_candidates = use_known_candidates, replace_existing = replace_existing)

pad4 <- function(x) paste(rep(" ", x + 4), collapse = "")

#' @param ... input file paths to set
#' @param replace_existing replace existing paths, defaults to TRUE
#' @param use_known_candidates apply internal logic for known candidates (for internal use at raad-hq), defaults to FALSE
#' @param verbose issue warnings?
#' @export
#' @rdname raadfiles-admin
set_raad_data_roots <- function(..., replace_existing = TRUE, use_known_candidates = FALSE,
                                verbose = TRUE) {
  inputs <- validate_input_paths(...)
  if (use_known_candidates) {
    inputs <- c(inputs, validate_possible_paths())
  if (!replace_existing) {

    ## get existing, there may be a pre-load hook for this
    existing <- get_raad_data_roots()
    inputs <- c(inputs, existing)
  inputs <- unique(inputs)
  if (length(inputs) < 1) inputs <- ""
  ## find out last modified time of each DB cache
  mtimes <- format(file.info(file.path(inputs, ".raad_admin", "file_db.rds"))[,"mtime"])

  if (any(is.na(mtimes))) mtimes[is.na(mtimes)] <- ""
  maxchar <- max(nchar(inputs) + nchar(mtimes))
  padding_n <- maxchar - nchar(inputs) - nchar(mtimes)

  padding <- unlist(lapply(padding_n, pad4))
  raad_ok <- FALSE
  inputs <- inputs[nzchar(inputs)]
  if (length(inputs) > 0)  raad_ok <- TRUE
  if (raad_ok) {
    options(raadfiles.data.roots = inputs)
    packageStartupMessage("global option 'raadfiles.data.roots' set:\n'")
    deets <- paste(inputs, padding, mtimes, sep = "")
    packageStartupMessage(paste(deets, collapse = "\n "))

  } else {
    if (verbose) warning("no root paths input")

## function that returns the path to the file_db file
## this is used by raadtools::set_data_roots, so is exported
#' @export
#' @rdname raadfiles-admin
raad_filedb_path <- function(...) {
  file.path(unlist(list(...)), ".raad_admin/file_db.tab")

set_raw_raad_filenames <- function() {
#' @param clobber by default do not ignore existing file cache, set to TRUE to ignore and set
#' @export
#' @rdname raadfiles-admin
set_raad_filenames <- function(clobber = FALSE) {
  raadfiles.data.roots <- get_raad_data_roots()

  raadfiles.data.filedbs <- raad_filedb_path(raadfiles.data.roots)
  raadfiles.data.filedbs <- raadfiles.data.filedbs[which(file.exists(raadfiles.data.filedbs) & file.size(raadfiles.data.filedbs) > 0)]
  if (length(raadfiles.data.filedbs) < 1) {
    warning("no file cache found")

  ## record the db hashes
  ## to avoid https://github.com/eddelbuettel/digest/issues/13
  ## ignore the erroneous status from file.access(, 4)
  data_dbs <- tibble::tibble(db = raadfiles.data.filedbs,
                             md5 = unlist(lapply(raadfiles.data.filedbs, digest::digest, algo = "md5", file = TRUE, errormode = "silent"), use.names = FALSE),
                             file_ok = TRUE)

  if (!clobber) {

    current_dbs <- getOption("raadfiles.database.status")
    if (!is.null(current_dbs)) {
      if (dim(dplyr::distinct(dplyr::inner_join(data_dbs, current_dbs, c("db", "md5"))))[1L] == dim(data_dbs)[1L]) {
        ## no need to update
        ## don't run get_raad_filenames logic here, because that calls this function with threshold prob
        #raadf <- getOption("raadfiles.filename.database" )
        #raadf <- get("raadfiles.filename.database", envir = env0)
        raadf <- getOption("raadfiles.env")$raadfiles.filename.database
        message(sprintf("Raad file cache is up to date as at %s (%i files listed) \n", format(attr(raadf, "raad_time_stamp")), dim(raadf)[1L]))

  cltypes <- vroom::cols(root = vroom::col_character(), file = vroom::col_character())
  ## ---------------------------------------------------
  ## August 2021: removing all this in favour one big vroom slurp, this means the vroom df does not get materialize
  ## on package load, it exists in an environment 'raadfiles.env' in options()
  # fslist <- vector("list", length(raadfiles.data.filedbs))
  # file_ok <- data_dbs$file_ok
  # for (i in seq_along(fslist)) {
  #   db <- try(vroom::vroom(raadfiles.data.filedbs[i], col_types = cltypes, progress = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
  #   if (!inherits(db, "try-error")) {
  #      fslist[[i]] <- db
  #   } else {
  #     warning(sprintf("failure to read '%s': is file corrupt?\n Consider re-running file cache creation. ", raadfiles.data.filedbs[i]))
  #     file_ok[i] <- FALSE
  #   }
  # }
  # data_dbs[["file_ok"]] <- file_ok
  # for (i in seq_along(fslist)) {
  #   nr <- dim(fslist[[i]])[1L]
  #   if (nr < 1) {
  #     ## nothing
  #   } else {
  #     fslist[[i]][["root"]] <- rep(raadfiles.data.roots[i], nr)
  #   }
  # }
  # fs <- dplyr::bind_rows(fslist)
  ## --------------------------------

  ##rdb <<- raadfiles.data.filedbs
  fs <- vroom::vroom(raadfiles.data.filedbs, col_types = cltypes, progress = FALSE, id = ".file_id")
  ##fs[[".file_id"]] <- match(fs[[".file_id"]], raadfiles.data.filedbs)
  ## fix break of this, because root re-mapping no occurring on (e.g. Windows) from e4b630882eee94ef843588500bd9dce9a07f6437
  fs[["root"]] <- raadfiles.data.roots[match(fs[[".file_id"]], raadfiles.data.filedbs)]
  fs[[".file_id"]] <- NULL

  #fs <- tibble::as_tibble(fst::read_fst("/perm_storage/home/mdsumner/bigfile.fst"))
  #fs <- vroom::vroom("/perm_storage/home/mdsumner/bigfile.tab", col_types = cltypes, progress = FALSE)
  data_dbs$file_ok <- TRUE #file_ok
  #fs <- do.call(rbind, fslist)

  ## time stamp it
  fs <- set_raad_time_stamp(fs)
  packageStartupMessage(sprintf("Uploading raad file cache as at %s (%i files listed) \n", format(attr(fs, "raad_time_stamp")), dim(fs)[1L]))

  #options(raadfiles.filename.database = fs, raadfiles.database.status = data_dbs)
  assign("raadfiles.filename.database", fs, envir = raadfiles.env)
  options(raadfiles.database.status = data_dbs, raadfiles.env = raadfiles.env)

#' Set a time stamp on a data frame
#' Used by `set_raad_filenames` when uploading the cache to memory.
#' @param x data frame
#' @return x with attribute "raad_time_stamp" set
#' @noRd
#' @aliases get_raad_time_stamp
set_raad_time_stamp <- function(x) {
  attr(x, "raad_time_stamp") <- Sys.time()
#' @name set_raad_time_stamp
#' @noRd
get_raad_time_stamp <- function() {
  attr(get_raad_filenames(), "raad_time_stamp")

run_this_function_to_build_raad_cache <- function() {
#' @name raadfiles-admin
#' @export
run_build_raad_cache <- function() {

  roots <- get_raad_data_roots()
  if (length(roots) < 1) {warning("no raad data root directories found")}
  tok1 <- c("directory", "directories")[(length(roots) > 1)+1]
  cat(sprintf("Scanning %i root %s for cache listing.\n", length(roots), tok1))
  for (i in seq_along(roots)) {
    adminpath <- dirname(raad_filedb_path(roots[i]))
    dir.create(adminpath, showWarnings = FALSE)
    dbpath <- raad_filedb_path(roots[i])
    filenames <- as.character(fs::dir_ls(roots[i], all = TRUE, recurse = TRUE,
                                         ## no directory, FIFO, socket, character_device or block_device
                                         type = c("file", "symlink")))
    if (is.null(filenames)) {
      files <- tibble::tibble(root = character(0), file = character(0))

    } else {
      ## fix up root-less file
      filenames <- remove_leading_slash(gsub(roots[i], "", filenames))

      files <- tibble::tibble(root = roots[i], file = filenames)

    tok <- c("file", "files")[(dim(files)[1L] > 1)+1]
    cat(sprintf("%i). Found %i %s in %s.\n", i, dim(files)[1L], tok, roots[i]))
    vroom::vroom_write(files, dbpath)
    #saveRDS(files, dbpath, compress = "xz")
    #fst::write.fst(files, dbpath)
  ## trigger update now
  set_raad_filenames(clobber = TRUE)

validate_input_paths <- function(...) {
  inputs <- unname(unlist(list(...)))
  if (length(inputs) < 1) {
    ## warning("no inputs provided")
  out <- inputs[file.exists(inputs)]
  if (length(out) < 1) {
    warning(sprintf("root directory/s %s not found", paste(out, collapse = ",")))

validate_possible_paths <- function() {
  possibles <- .possiblepaths()
  possibles <- possibles[file.exists(possibles)]
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadfiles documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 6:14 p.m.