
#' Thresholds a \code{Frames} object for green pixels
#' Green pixels, or pixels with H value between 61/360 and 140/360 and
#' S value over 0.15 in the HSV color scheme, are treated as foreground.
#' All other pixels are treated as background. This is useful in detecting the
#' Green Flourescence Protein used to denote that a cell is alive.
#' @param frames A \code{Frames} object with all 3 color channels(R,G,B)
#' @return a binary \code{Frames} object in the green color channel
#' @examples
#' library(flowcatchR)
#' threshedFrames <- greenThresh(MesenteriumSubset)
#' @export
#' @author Ayan Bandyopadhyay, Bellarmine College Prep 11/26/2015

greenThresh <-function(frames)
  # checks if required packages are loaded
  if (!requireNamespace("flowcatchR", quietly = TRUE) )
    stop("flowcatchR needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  threshedFrames = array(dim = c(dim(frames)[1],dim(frames)[2],frameCount))

  for (i in 1:frameCount)
    oldGreenImg= c(frames[,,2,i])
    oldBlueImg = c(frames[,,3,i])
    oldRedImg =  c(frames[,,1,i])
    # createGreenImage, createRedImage, and createBlueImage turn gray pixels into background pixels
    createGreenImage <- function(oldGreen,oldRed,oldBlue)
      if(oldRed == oldBlue && oldBlue == oldGreen)
    createRedImage <- function(oldGreen,oldRed,oldBlue)
      if(oldRed == oldBlue && oldBlue == oldGreen)
    createBlueImage <- function(oldGreen,oldRed,oldBlue)
      if(oldRed == oldBlue && oldBlue == oldGreen)
    r <-mapply(createRedImage,oldGreenFirst,oldRedFirst,oldBlueFirst)
    g <-mapply(createGreenImage,oldGreenFirst,oldRedFirst,oldBlueFirst)
    b <-mapply(createBlueImage,oldGreenFirst,oldRedFirst,oldBlueFirst)
    r <- matrix(r,nrow = dim(frames)[1], ncol = dim(frames)[2])
    g <- matrix(g,nrow = dim(frames)[1], ncol = dim(frames)[2])
    b <- matrix(b,nrow = dim(frames)[1], ncol = dim(frames)[2])
    r <- c(r)
    g<- c(g)
    b <- c(b)

    hsvColors <- rgb2hsv(r=r,g=g,b=b)
    imgH <- hsvColors[1,]
    imgS <- hsvColors[2,]
    imgV <- hsvColors[3,]
    grayscaleVector <- vector(length=dim(frames)[1]*dim(frames)[2])

    # createBinaryVector creates a pixel of value 1 if hue is green and saturation>0.15
    createBinaryVector <- function(grayVector,h,s,v)

      if (h>(61/360) && h<(140/360) && s>0.15)
        grayVector = 1
        grayVector = 0

    grayscaleVector <- mapply(createBinaryVector,grayVector=grayscaleVector,h=imgH,s=imgS,v=imgV)

    # binaryImage holds the thresholded image. Green pixels are white, the rest is black.
    binaryImage <- matrix(grayscaleVector, ncol = dim(frames)[2],nrow = dim(frames)[1])
    threshedFrames[,,i] <- binaryImage
  rgbFrames = EBImage::channel(as.Image(threshedFrames),'rgb')
  greenFrames = channel.Frames(rgbFrames, "green")

#' Generate a \code{TrajectorySet} object with corrected y-values
#' Returns a TrajectorySet so that the y value is the distance from the bottom of the
#' Frames object, not from the top
#' @param particles A \code{ParticleSet} object
#' @param L Maximum number of pixels an object can move in two consecutive frames
#' @param R Linkrange, i.e. the number of consecutive frames to search for potential candidate
#' links
#' @param epsilon1 A numeric value, to be used in the formula.
#' Jitter for allowing angular displacements
#' @param epsilon2 A numeric value, to be used in the formula.
#' Jitter for allowing spatial displacements
#' @param lambda1 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor for the penalty function
#' @param lambda2 A numeric value. Multiplicative factor applied to the angular displacement
#' @param penaltyFunction A function structured in such a way to be applied as penalty function
#' in the linking
#' @param verboseOutput Logical, whether the output should report additional intermediate steps.
#'  For debugging use mainly.
#' @param prog Logical, whether the a progress bar should be shown during the tracking phase
#' @param include.intensity Logical, whether to include also intensity change of the particles
#' in the cost function calculation
#' @param include.area Logical, whether to include also area change of the particles
#' in the cost function calculation
#' @param frames The \code{Frames} object that the \code{ParticleSet} object is
#' derived from
#' @return A \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' @examples
#' library(flowcatchR)
#' platelets <-particles(channel.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,"red"))
#' trajSet <- generateTraj(platelets,
#'                        L=26, R=3,
#'                        epsilon1=0, epsilon2=0,
#'                        lambda1=1, lambda2=0,
#'                        penaltyFunction=penaltyFunctionGenerator(),
#'                        include.area=FALSE, MesenteriumSubset)
#' @export
#' @author Ayan Bandyopadhyay, Bellarmine College Prep 11/26/2015

generateTraj <- function (particles,
                         L=26, R=3,
                         epsilon1=0, epsilon2=0,
                         lambda1=1, lambda2=0,
                         include.area=FALSE, frames)
  # checks if required packages are loaded
  if (!requireNamespace("flowcatchR", quietly = TRUE) )
    stop("flowcatchR needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  linkedParticles <- link.particles(particles,
                                    L=L, R=R,
                                    epsilon1=epsilon1, epsilon2=epsilon2,
                                    lambda1=lambda1, lambda2=lambda2,
                                    verboseOutput=FALSE, prog=FALSE,
  trajParticles <- trajectories(linkedParticles)
  # Correct trajectory data
  for (i in 1:length(trajParticles))
    newYCoords <- dim(frames)[2]  - (trajParticles[[i]]$trajectory$yCoord)
    trajParticles[[i]]$trajectory$yCoord <- newYCoords

#' Generates 24 measures for each trajectory
#' Removes trajectories with less than 4 data points
#' @param trajSet This is a \code{TrajectorySet} object,
#' @param spf Numeric. Seconds elapsed per frame.
#' @return A matrix 24 columns wide. Each row corresponds to one trajectory.
#' @examples
#' library(flowcatchR)
#' trajPlatelets <- trajectories(particles(channel.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,"red")))
#' trajData <-trajMeasures(trajPlatelets, 1)
#' @export
#' @author Ayan Bandyopadhyay, Bellarmine College Prep 11/26/2015

trajMeasures <- function(trajSet,spf)
  # checks if required packages are loaded
  if (!requireNamespace("class", quietly = TRUE) )
    stop("class needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
  # checks if required packages are loaded
  if (!requireNamespace("traj", quietly = TRUE) )
    stop("traj needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)

  # create 2 vectors: trajVector and index
  trajData <- list()
  index <- vector(length = length(trajSet))
  for(i in 1:length(trajSet))
    vec <- trajSet[[i]]$trajectory$yCoord
    trajData[[i]]<- vec
    index[i] <- length(vec)
  trajVector <- as.vector(do.call("rbind", lapply(trajData, as.data.frame)))

  # create matrix of 24 measurements for each trajectory
  trajDataMatrix = matrix(ncol = 24, nrow = length(index))
  for (i in 1:length(index))
      trajVector <- trajVector[-(1:index[i])]
      newVector <- trajVector[1:index[i]]
      newFrame <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=index[[i]],append(newVector,1:index[i]),byrow= TRUE)
      timeFrame <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=index[[i]],append(1:index[i]*spf,1:index[i]),byrow= TRUE)
      s1 <- step1measures(newFrame,timeFrame, ID = FALSE)
      trajData <- as.numeric(s1$measurments[1,])[2:length(as.vector(s1$measurments[1,]))]
      trajDataMatrix[i,] <- trajData

      if(length(trajVector) > length(1:index[i]))
        trajVector <- trajVector[-(1:index[i])]
        trajVector <- trajVector
  # get rid of data for trajectories w/ less than 4 data points
  for(i in 1:length(trajDataMatrix[,1]))
    if( is.na((trajDataMatrix[,1])[i]) )
      trajDataMatrix <- trajDataMatrix[-i,]
      trajDataMatrix <- trajDataMatrix

  trajDataFrame <- as.data.frame(trajDataMatrix)

#' Generate KNN classifier with LOOCV
#' Fits trajectory data into a K-nearest neighbors classifier using
#' leave one out cross validation.
#' @param trajDataFrame A data frame with measures for each trajectory. This can be produced by
#' function trajMeasures
#' @param labelVector A vector of labels for each trajectory. Its length must be equal
#' to the number of rows in trajDataFrame
#' @param kVal The number of neighbors used for classification
#' @return A vector of classified labels for each trajectory
#' @examples
#' data <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:4,nrow = 2,ncol = 2))
#' labels <- c("live","dead")
#' classifierKNN_CV<- fitModelKNN_CV(data,labels,3)
#' @export
#' @author Ayan Bandyopadhyay, Bellarmine College Prep 11/26/2015

fitModelKNN_CV<- function (trajDataFrame, labelVector, kVal)
  dataFrame<- trajDataFrame
  dataFrame$cellStatus <-labelVector
  dataLabels <- dataFrame[,dim(dataLabels)[2]]
  dataTrain <- dataFrame[,1:(dim(dataLabels)[2]-1)]

  trajDataCV<- knn.cv(train = dataTrain, cl = dataLabels, k=kVal)
  mp <- sum(trajDataCV != dataLabels)/length(dataLabels)
  print("Misclassification probability: " + mp)

Ayan1/Cell-Trajectory-Analysis documentation built on May 5, 2019, 9:23 a.m.