
Defines functions .starcluster_option AWSBatchJobsParam awsInstanceType awsCredentialsPath awsWorkers awsAmiId awsSubnet awsSshKeyPair awsProfile bpsetup bpsuspend bpresume bpteardown

Documented in awsAmiId awsAmiId AWSBatchJobsParam awsCredentialsPath awsCredentialsPath awsInstanceType awsInstanceType awsProfile awsSshKeyPair awsSshKeyPair awsSubnet awsSubnet awsWorkers awsWorkers bpsetup bpsuspend bpteardown

#' Reference class .AWSBatchJobsParam allows use AWS EC2 as Clusters
#' The .AWSBatchJobsParam class extends the BatchJobsParam class to allow
#' usage of AWS EC2-instances for parallel computation. The methods follow a
#' style similar to that of BiocParallelParams, with bpstart, bpstop, bpisup,
#' bplapply being the important one. The behaviour of these functions is
#' described in the man pages.
#' @field awsCredentialsPath Path to AWS credentials, default value is
#'     `~/.aws/credentials`
#' @field awsInstanceType Type of AWS EC2-instance, eg. t2.micro
#' @field awsSubnet AWS EC2-instance subnet, within a certain VPC
#' @field awsAmiId AMI(amazon machine image) ID for the
#'     Bioconductor-starcluster image. Correct ID is needed.
#' @field awsSshKeyPair SSH key pair, to associate with your AWS
#'     EC2-instance
#' @importFrom methods new validObject callNextMethod
#' @importFrom BiocParallel BatchJobsParam
#' @importClassesFrom BiocParallel BatchJobsParam BiocParallelParam
.AWSBatchJobsParam <- setRefClass(
    contains = "BatchJobsParam",
    fields = list(
        awsCredentialsPath = "character",
        awsInstanceType = "character",
        awsSubnet = "character",
        awsAmiId = "character",
        awsSshKeyPair = "character",
        awsProfile = "character"
    methods = list(
        show = function() {
            cat("  awsCredentialsPath: ", awsCredentialsPath(.self),
                "\n  awsInstanceType: ", awsInstanceType(.self),
                "\n  awsSubnet: ", awsSubnet(.self),
                "\n  awsAmiId: ", awsAmiId(.self),
                "\n  awsSshKeyPair: ", awsSshKeyPair(.self),
                "\n  awsProfile: ", awsProfile(.self),

#' AWSBatchJobsParam function to start an AWS EC2-instance cluster
#' This function starts a cluster of AWS EC2-instances to allow
#' parallel computation of R objects using BatchJobs on SGE, and works
#' with BiocParallel, to allow computation with R/Bioconductor objects.
#' @param workers Numeric, number of workers to launch in the cluster
#' @param awsCredentialsPath character, Path to AWS credentials,
#'     default value is `~/.aws/credentials`
#' @param awsInstanceType character, Type of AWS EC2-instance,
#'     eg. t2.micro
#' @param awsSubnet character, AWS EC2-instance subnet, within a
#'     certain VPC
#' @param awsAmiId character, AMI(amazon machine image) ID for the
#'     Bioconductor-release version
#' @param awsSshKeyPair character, SSH key pair, to associate with
#'     your AWS EC2-instance
#' @param awsProfile character, indicates what profile to use while
#'     using AWS credentials
#' @param verbose logical, gives a verbose output of SSH connection
#'     attempt, default is FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, used to initialize BatchJobsParam.
#' @return AWSSnowParam object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'         ## Minimal example
#'         aws <- AWSBatchJobsParam(
#'                    workers = 2
#'                    awsCredentialsPath = "~/.aws/credentials"
#'                    awsInstanceType = "t2.micro"
#'                    awsSubnet = "subnet-d66a05ec"
#'                    awsAmiId = "ami-0454187e"
#'                    awsSshKeyPair = "mykey"
#'                )
#' }
#' @importFrom aws.ec2 my_ip
#' @importFrom aws.signature use_credentials
#' @importFrom ini read.ini
#' @exportClass AWSBatchJobsParam
## aws, starclusterConfigPaths exist: AWSBatchJobsParam() constructs a
## valid object
## starclusterCredentialsPaths does not exist: create from arguments

.starcluster_option <-
    function(config, cluster_id, option_value, default_value)
    if (!is.null(default_value))

#' @export
AWSBatchJobsParam <-
    function(workers = NULL,
             starclusterConfigPath = .STARCLUSTER_CONFIG_PATH,
             startclusterClusterId = "smallcluster",
             ## for bpsetup() only
             awsInstanceType = NA_character_,
             awsSubnet = NA_character_,
             awsAmiId = NA_character_,
             awsSshKeyPair = NA_character_,
             awsCredentialsPath = "~/.aws/credentials",
             awsProfile = "default",
             ## for BatchJobsParam()
    ## Zero Check: Cannot support Windows.
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        stop("'AWSBatchJobsParam' not supported on Windows")

    ## FIXME: On master node, when library(AWSParallel) is called, it does not need valid aws credntials to launch jobs.
    ## Zero Check: Cannot work without AWS credentials
    if (!file.exists(starclusterConfigPath)) {
        credentialCheck <- file.exists(awsCredentialsPath) &&
            any(grepl(awsProfile, readLines(awsCredentialsPath)))
        if (!credentialCheck) {
            stop("'AWSBatchJobsParam()' requires either 'startclusterConfig*' _or_ 'aws*' arguments",

    ## First check: If starcluster config exists use that
    if (file.exists(starclusterConfigPath))
        ## read config
        config <- read.ini(starclusterConfigPath)
        clusterId <- paste("cluster", startclusterClusterId)
        ## extract awsInstanceType, awsSubnet, awsAmiId, awsSshKeyPair
        awsInstanceType <- config[[clusterId]][["NODE_INSTANCE_TYPE"]]
        awsSubnet <- config[[clusterId]][["SUBNET_IDS"]]
        awsAmiId <- config[[clusterId]][["NODE_IMAGE_ID"]]
        awsSshKeyPair <- config[[clusterId]][["KEYNAME"]]
        workers <- .starcluster_option(
            config, clusterId, "CLUSTER_SIZE", workers
        cidr_ip <- config[["permission http"]][["CIDR_IP"]]

    ## Second Check:
    ## If any of the AWS requirements are missing, if they are
    ## initialize with empty values
    setup <- !missing(awsInstanceType) || !missing(awsSubnet) ||
        !missing(awsAmiId) || !missing(awsSshKeyPair)

    ## If workers are null give an integer value of 0
    if (!setup){
        if (is.null(workers)) {
            workers <- 0L
        awsInstanceType = awsSubnet = awsAmiId = awsSshKeyPair = ""

    ## ELSE, if arguments are given, use arguments
    ## Initiate .AWSBatchJobsParam class
    x <- .AWSBatchJobsParam(
        workers = workers,
        ## AWSBatchJobsParam fields
        awsCredentialsPath = awsCredentialsPath,
        awsInstanceType = awsInstanceType,
        awsSubnet = awsSubnet,
        awsAmiId = awsAmiId,
        awsSshKeyPair = awsSshKeyPair,
        awsProfile = awsProfile

#' Get AWS Instance type.
#' The possible instance types are listed in the
#' document: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/.  The
#' Bioconductor AMI's have been built using an m4.xlarge instance
#' type.  Large computations are best supported on this type of
#' instance.
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @return character
#' @export
awsInstanceType <-

#' Get path to AWS credentials
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @export
awsCredentialsPath <-

#' Get number of workers in the cluster
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @export
awsWorkers <-

#' Get AWS AMI-ID of the launched instance. These need to be
#' Bioconductor configured AMI's.
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam
#' @export
awsAmiId <-

#' Get AWS Subnet within which the AWS EC2 instance was launched
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam
#' @export
awsSubnet <-

#' Get the SSH public key path associted to the AWS EC2 instance.
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam
#' @export
awsSshKeyPair <-

#' Get the awsProfile being used
#' @param AWSBatchJobsParam
#' @export
awsProfile <-

#' Setup a new AWS EC2 cluster
#' The step bpsetup is required before using any of the conventional
#' BiocParallel functions like bpstart, bpstop. It is used to setup
#' or start a new or existing cluster on the user's AWS account. Once
#' a cluster is up an running, it should be safely suspended or terminated
#' using functionality like 'bpsuspend' and 'bpteardown'. NOTE: This function
#' takes a while to process, depending on the number of workers needed
#' it may take upto 4-5 minutes.
#' @param x AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @param clustername character value given to the cluster.
#' @export
bpsetup <-
    function(x, clustername="awsparallel")
    .config_starcluster(workers = awsWorkers(x),
                        awsCredentialsPath = awsCredentialsPath(x),
                        awsInstanceType = awsInstanceType(x),
                        awsSubnet = awsSubnet(x),
                        awsAmiId = awsAmiId(x),
                        awsSshKeyPair = awsSshKeyPair(x),
                        awsProfile = awsProfile(x),
                        cidr_ip = ""
    args <- c("start", clustername)
    res <- system2("starcluster", args=args)
    ## If res!=0 then fail.
    if (res != 0) {
        stop("Cluster failed to launch, please check the settings")
    ## Once cluster is started transfer config file to master node
    transferToCluster(clustername, "~/.starcluster/config",

#' Suspend an AWS EC2 cluster started using bpsetup
#' bpsuspend is required to 'stop' an AWS Cluster, if the user
#' has an intention of re-using it at a later time. It does NOT
#' terminate the cluster. The clustername should match the argument
#' used in bpstart.
#' NOTE: bpsuspend stops the cluster, but it loses connection to resume it.
#' Please refrain from using bpsuspend.
#' @param x AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @param clustername character value given to the cluster.
#' @export
bpsuspend <-
    function(x, clustername="awsparallel")
    warning("If you use 'bpsuspend()', you cannot restart the cluster using 'bpresume()', please check ?bpsuspend")
    args <- c("stop", "--confirm", clustername)
    res <- system2("starcluster", args=args)
    ## Throw error if unsuccessful
    if (res != 0) {
        stop("Error suspending cluster. Please check your AWS",
             "account for these instances.")

## FIXME: If awsparallel cluster already exists, when bpsetup is called,
## trigger bpresume
## FIXME: This is not working because of a starcluster bug, 
## "ERROR: No master node found!"
bpresume <-
    function(x, clustername="awsparallel")
        stop("bpresume, does NOT work at this time")
        args <- c("restart", clustername)
        res <- system2("starcluster", args=args)
        ## Throw error if unsuccessful
        if (res != 0) {
            stop("Error resuming cluster. Please check your AWS",
                 "account to see if they have been terminated instead.")

## Function to resume cluster
## bpresume2 <- 
##     function(x, clustername="awsparallel")
##     {
##         ### use credentials
##         aws.ec2::use_credentials(awsCredentialsPath(aws), profile=awsProfile(awS))
##         ### Discover instances
##         instances <- aws.ec2::describe_instances()
##         ### Find instances with "name" containing clustername
##         awsList <- ## List of nodes with paste0(clustername, "-master")
##         ### start instances
##         run_instances(awsList)
##     }

#' Teardown permanently (TERMINATE) the AWS cluster.
#' bpteardown is used to completely remove the AWS cluster from
#' the users AWS account. The user cannot retreive any data or
#' reuse the cluster once bpteardown is started.
#' We recommend using bpteardown, once the data analysis is done.
#' This will regulate AWS account costs, unless the user intends to
#' to reuse the cluster. If there is a need to reuse the cluster see,
#' '?bpsuspend'.
#' @param x AWSBatchJobsParam object
#' @param clustername character value given to the cluster.
#' @export
bpteardown <-
    function(x, clustername="awsparallel")
    args <- c("terminate", "-f", "--confirm", clustername)
    res <- system2("starcluster", args=args)
    if (res !=0 ) {
        stop("Error terminating cluster. Please check your AWS",
             "account for these instances or run bpteardown again.")

## TODO: Provide information for the config file to be SSH-ed into the master.
## 1. Save config file.
## 2. re-construct the AWSBatchJobsParam on the master from the config file.
## 3. Look at register.R from BiocParallel to see how to register latest
##    AWSBatchJobs param.
setMethod("bpstart", "AWSBatchJobsParam",
    if(.awsDetectMaster()) {
            "SSH to Master node of batch jobs machine using",
            call. = FALSE

setMethod("bpstop", "AWSBatchJobsParam",
    cat("bpstop is being called")
Bioconductor/AWSParallel documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:58 a.m.