### =========================================================================
### seqlevelsStyle() and related low-level utilities
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### .set_seqlevelsStyle_from_seqlevels_and_genome()
### This is the workhorse behing the seqlevelsStyle() setter for Seqinfo
### objects.
### 'genome' must be a single string.
### Return "NCBI", "UCSC", or a character NA.
.is_NCBI_assembly_or_UCSC_genome <- function(genome)
NCBI_assemblies <- registered_NCBI_assemblies()
if (genome %in% NCBI_assemblies[ , "assembly"])
UCSC_genomes <- registered_UCSC_genomes()
if (genome %in% UCSC_genomes[ , "genome"])
## We try getChromInfoFromUCSC(). It will succeed if genome is a valid
## (unregistered) UCSC genome, and will fail otherwise.
## Note that getChromInfoFromUCSC() uses an in-memory caching mechanism
## so will be fast and won't need internet access if the chromosome
## information for 'genome' is already in the cache. If 'genome' is not
## in getChromInfoFromUCSC's cache, getChromInfoFromUCSC() will try to
## fetch the chromosome sizes from UCSC with fetch_chrom_sizes_from_UCSC()
## and will fail if 'genome' is an unknown UCSC genome. This is the only
## situation where internet is accessed.
chrominfo <- try(getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome), silent=TRUE)
if (!inherits(chrominfo, "try-error"))
### A RefSeq accession begins with 2 or 3 upper case letters. Note that
### the 3-letter prefix is rare e.g. chromosome 2 in NCBI33 (hg15) has
### accession GPC_000001061.1.
.is_RefSeq_accession <- function(seqnames)
grepl("^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]?_[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$", seqnames)
.get_seqlevelsStyle_for_NCBI_seqlevels <- function(seqlevels)
is_refseq <- .is_RefSeq_accession(seqlevels)
if (all(is_refseq))
if (any(is_refseq))
return(c("RefSeq", "NCBI"))
### Will map GRCh38 and any GRCh38 patch level to hg38. This will allow
### us to switch the style of stuff like SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh38
### (based on GRCh38.p2) to UCSC.
.map_NCBI_assembly_to_UCSC_genome <- function(assembly)
UCSC_genomes <- registered_UCSC_genomes()
NCBI_assemblies <- UCSC_genomes[ , "NCBI_assembly"]
idx <- match(assembly, NCBI_assemblies)
if (!is.na(idx))
return(UCSC_genomes[idx, "genome"])
## Remove patch level suffix (e.g. ".p2")
base_assembly <- sub("^(.*)(\\.p[0-9]+)$", "\\1", assembly)
NCBI_base_assemblies <- sub("^(.*)(\\.p[0-9]+)$", "\\1", NCBI_assemblies)
idx <- match(base_assembly, NCBI_base_assemblies)
UCSC_genomes[idx, "genome"]
### Will map hg38 to GRCh38.p14 because that's what hg38 is officially based
### on at the moment (as of Jan 31, 2023, used to be GRCh38.p13 before that).
### See https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgGateway?db=hg38
### Note that this is not written in stone and the UCSC folks might
### change this at any time in the future.
### IMPORTANT: A round trip thru .map_NCBI_assembly_to_UCSC_genome() and
### .map_UCSC_genome_to_NCBI_assembly() is in general a no-op **except**
### for NCBI assemblies with patch levels! For example the round trip will
### map any GRCh38 patch level to GRCh38.p14.
.map_UCSC_genome_to_NCBI_assembly <- function(genome)
UCSC_genomes <- registered_UCSC_genomes()
idx <- match(genome, UCSC_genomes[ , "genome"])
UCSC_genomes[idx, "NCBI_assembly"]
.map_NCBI_or_RefSeq_seqlevels_to_UCSC <- function(seqlevels, new_genome)
chrominfo <- getChromInfoFromUCSC(new_genome, map.NCBI=TRUE)
UCSC_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "chrom"]
SequenceName <- chrominfo[ , "NCBI.SequenceName"]
RefSeqAccn <- chrominfo[ , "NCBI.RefSeqAccn"]
m <- match(seqlevels, SequenceName)
m2 <- match(seqlevels, RefSeqAccn)
m[is.na(m)] <- m2[is.na(m)]
### Returns the new seqlevels in a named character vector parallel
### to 'seqlevels'. The returned vector will contain NA's for input
### seqlevels that could not be mapped, and the names on those elements
### will be set to "". The names on the non-NA elements (mapped seqlevels)
### will be set to the NCBI assembly associated with 'genome'.
.map_UCSC_seqlevels_to_NCBI_or_RefSeq <- function(seqlevels, genome, new_style)
chrominfo <- getChromInfoFromUCSC(genome, map.NCBI=TRUE)
UCSC_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "chrom"]
if (new_style == "NCBI") {
NCBI_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "NCBI.SequenceName"]
} else {
NCBI_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "NCBI.RefSeqAccn"]
m <- match(seqlevels, UCSC_seqlevels)
new_seqlevels <- NCBI_seqlevels[m]
## Set names (new genome) on 'new_seqlevels'.
new_genome <- character(length(new_seqlevels))
NCBI_assembly_info <- attributes(chrominfo)$NCBI_assembly_info
new_genome[!is.na(new_seqlevels)] <- NCBI_assembly_info$assembly
setNames(new_seqlevels, new_genome)
### UGLY HACK! We need to special-case hg38 because it contains 2 sequences
### that do NOT belong to GRCh38.p14. But they can be found in GRCh38.p13!
.hg38_FOREIGN_ASSEMBLY <- "GRCh38.p13"
.hg38_FOREIGN_MAPPINGS <- c(chr11_KQ759759v1_fix="KQ759759.1",
.map_NCBI_or_RefSeq_seqlevels_to_hg38 <- function(seqlevels)
new_seqlevels <- .map_NCBI_or_RefSeq_seqlevels_to_UCSC(seqlevels, "hg38")
## Take care of the foreign sequences. Note that they are not
## necessarily present in 'seqlevels'.
chrominfo <- getChromInfoFromNCBI(.hg38_FOREIGN_ASSEMBLY)
foreign_idx <- match(.hg38_FOREIGN_MAPPINGS, chrominfo[ , "GenBankAccn"])
stopifnot(!anyNA(foreign_idx)) # sanity check
foreign_SequenceName <- chrominfo[foreign_idx, "SequenceName"]
foreign_RefSeqAccn <- chrominfo[foreign_idx, "RefSeqAccn"]
m <- match(seqlevels, foreign_SequenceName)
m2 <- match(seqlevels, foreign_RefSeqAccn)
m[is.na(m)] <- m2[is.na(m)]
new_seqlevels2 <- names(.hg38_FOREIGN_MAPPINGS)[m]
## Merge 'new_seqlevels2' into 'new_seqlevels'.
idx2 <- which(!is.na(new_seqlevels2))
stopifnot(all(is.na(new_seqlevels[idx2]))) # sanity check
new_seqlevels[idx2] <- new_seqlevels2[idx2]
.map_hg38_seqlevels_to_NCBI_or_RefSeq <- function(seqlevels, new_style)
new_seqlevels <- .map_UCSC_seqlevels_to_NCBI_or_RefSeq(
seqlevels, "hg38", new_style)
## Take care of the foreign sequences. Note that they are not
## necessarily present in 'seqlevels'.
chrominfo <- getChromInfoFromNCBI(.hg38_FOREIGN_ASSEMBLY)
foreign_idx <- match(.hg38_FOREIGN_MAPPINGS, chrominfo[ , "GenBankAccn"])
stopifnot(!anyNA(foreign_idx)) # sanity check
m <- match(seqlevels, names(.hg38_FOREIGN_MAPPINGS))
if (new_style == "NCBI") {
NCBI_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "SequenceName"]
} else {
NCBI_seqlevels <- chrominfo[ , "RefSeqAccn"]
new_seqlevels2 <- NCBI_seqlevels[foreign_idx[m]]
## Merge 'new_seqlevels2' into 'new_seqlevels'.
idx2 <- which(!is.na(new_seqlevels2))
stopifnot(all(is.na(new_seqlevels[idx2]))) # sanity check
new_seqlevels[idx2] <- new_seqlevels2[idx2]
names(new_seqlevels)[idx2] <- .hg38_FOREIGN_ASSEMBLY
### 'genome' must be a single string or NA.
### Return a 2-column DataFrame with 1 row per element in 'seqlevels'.
### The columns contain the (possibly) modified seqlevels and genome
### associated with each seqname.
.set_seqlevelsStyle_from_seqlevels_and_genome <-
function(seqlevels, genome, new_style)
ans <- DataFrame(seqlevels=seqlevels, genome=genome)
if (is.na(genome) || !(new_style %in% c("NCBI", "RefSeq", "UCSC"))) {
## Switch style based on seqlevels only. 'genome' is untouched.
seqlevelsStyle(ans[ , "seqlevels"]) <- new_style
old_style <- .is_NCBI_assembly_or_UCSC_genome(genome)
if (is.na(old_style)) {
## Switch style based on seqlevels only. 'genome' is untouched.
seqlevelsStyle(ans[ , "seqlevels"]) <- new_style
if (old_style == "NCBI")
old_style <- .get_seqlevelsStyle_for_NCBI_seqlevels(seqlevels)
## 'old_style' can be c("RefSeq", "NCBI") so we cannot use == here.
if (identical(new_style, old_style))
return(ans) # no-op
## The user wants to switch between styles NCBI, RefSeq, and UCSC.
## We want to make sure that this switch is **reversible** i.e. that
## switching back to the original style restores the original seqlevels
## and genome. Note that this is not always possible e.g. switching stuff
## based on GRCh38.p2 to UCSC then back to NCBI or RefSeq will set the
## genome to GRCh38.p14. See .map_UCSC_genome_to_NCBI_assembly() above
## in this file.
if (new_style == "UCSC") {
## 'old_style' is "NCBI" or "RefSeq" or c("RefSeq", "NCBI") i.e. the ## user wants to switch from NCBI or RefSeq to UCSC style.
new_genome <- .map_NCBI_assembly_to_UCSC_genome(genome)
if (is.na(new_genome)) {
## 'genome' is an NCBI assembly that this not linked to a UCSC
## genome. Note that we could still switch the style based on
## seqlevels only. However, since we cannot also switch the genome,
## this would result in a non-reversible operation because trying
## to switch back to NCBI would then be a no-op.
warning(wmsg("cannot switch ", genome, "'s seqlevels ",
"to ", new_style, " style"))
if (new_genome == "hg38") {
new_seqlevels <- .map_NCBI_or_RefSeq_seqlevels_to_hg38(seqlevels)
} else {
new_seqlevels <- .map_NCBI_or_RefSeq_seqlevels_to_UCSC(
seqlevels, new_genome)
} else if (identical(old_style, "UCSC")) {
## 'new_style' is "NCBI" or "RefSeq" i.e. the user wants to switch
## from UCSC to NCBI or RefSeq style.
new_genome <- .map_UCSC_genome_to_NCBI_assembly(genome)
if (is.na(new_genome)) {
## 'genome' is an UCSC genome that this not based on an NCBI
## assembly. Note that we could still switch the style based on
## seqlevels only. However, since we cannot also switch the genome,
## this would result in a non-reversible operation because trying
## to switch back to UCSC would then be a no-op.
warning(wmsg("cannot switch ", genome, "'s seqlevels ",
"from ", old_style, " to ", new_style, " style"))
if (genome == "hg38") {
new_seqlevels <- .map_hg38_seqlevels_to_NCBI_or_RefSeq(
seqlevels, new_style)
} else {
new_seqlevels <- .map_UCSC_seqlevels_to_NCBI_or_RefSeq(
seqlevels, genome, new_style)
new_genome <- names(new_seqlevels)[!is.na(new_seqlevels)]
} else {
## The user wants to switch from NCBI to RefSeq style or vice-versa.
## This does NOT touch the genome.
chrominfo <- getChromInfoFromNCBI(genome)
SequenceName <- chrominfo[ , "SequenceName"]
RefSeqAccn <- chrominfo[ , "RefSeqAccn"]
if (new_style == "RefSeq") {
## 'old_style' is "NCBI" or c("RefSeq", "NCBI").
m <- match(seqlevels, SequenceName)
new_seqlevels <- RefSeqAccn[m]
} else {
## 'old_style' is "RefSeq" or c("RefSeq", "NCBI")
## and 'new_style' is "NCBI".
m <- match(seqlevels, RefSeqAccn)
new_seqlevels <- SequenceName[m]
new_genome <- genome
## Switch seqlevels **and** genome.
replace_idx <- which(!is.na(new_seqlevels))
if (length(replace_idx) == 0L) {
## Can happen if the current seqlevels don't match the current genome
## e.g.:
## gr <- GRanges("chrA:1-10")
## genome(gr) <- "GRCh38"
## seqlevelsStyle(gr) <- "RefSeq"
warning(wmsg("cannot switch ", genome, "'s seqlevels ",
"from ", paste(old_style, collapse="/"), " ",
"to ", new_style, " style"))
if (length(replace_idx) < length(new_seqlevels))
warning(wmsg("cannot switch some ", genome, "'s seqlevels ",
"from ", paste(old_style, collapse="/"), " ",
"to ", new_style, " style"))
ans[replace_idx, "seqlevels"] <- new_seqlevels[replace_idx]
ans[replace_idx, "genome"] <- new_genome
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### seqlevelsStyle() generic getter and setter
function(x) standardGeneric("seqlevelsStyle")
setGeneric("seqlevelsStyle<-", signature="x",
function(x, value) standardGeneric("seqlevelsStyle<-")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### seqlevelsStyle() getter and setter methods for Seqinfo objects
.get_genome_as_factor <- function(x)
## genome(x) can be a mix of several genomes (including NAs).
x_genome <- unname(genome(x))
factor(x_genome, levels=unique(x_genome),
exclude=character(0)) # keep NA in levels
### 'genome' must be a single string or NA.
### Tries to get the style first based on 'genome', then based on 'seqlevels'.
### Can return more than 1 style.
.get_seqlevelsStyle_from_seqlevels_and_genome <- function(seqlevels, genome)
if (is.na(genome))
return(seqlevelsStyle(seqlevels)) # can return more than 1 style
ans <- .is_NCBI_assembly_or_UCSC_genome(genome)
if (is.na(ans))
return(seqlevelsStyle(seqlevels)) # can return more than 1 style
if (ans == "NCBI")
ans <- .get_seqlevelsStyle_for_NCBI_seqlevels(seqlevels)
.normarg_seqlevelsStyle <- function(seqlevelsStyle)
if (!(is.character(seqlevelsStyle) && length(seqlevelsStyle) >= 1L))
stop(wmsg("the supplied seqlevels style must be a single string"))
if (length(seqlevelsStyle) > 1L) {
warning(wmsg("more than one seqlevels style supplied, ",
"using the 1st one only"))
seqlevelsStyle <- seqlevelsStyle[[1L]]
if (is.na(seqlevelsStyle))
stop(wmsg("the supplied seqlevels style cannot be NA"))
.get_Seqinfo_seqlevelsStyle <- function(x)
x_genome <- .get_genome_as_factor(x)
if (length(x_genome) == 0L)
stop(wmsg("no seqlevels present in this object"))
genome2seqlevels <- split(seqlevels(x), x_genome)
genome2style <- mapply(.get_seqlevelsStyle_from_seqlevels_and_genome,
genome2seqlevels, names(genome2seqlevels),
unique(unlist(genome2style, use.names=FALSE))
.set_Seqinfo_seqlevelsStyle <- function(x, value)
value <- .normarg_seqlevelsStyle(value)
x_genome <- .get_genome_as_factor(x)
if (length(x_genome) == 0L)
genome2seqlevels <- split(seqlevels(x), x_genome)
genome2DF <- mapply(.set_seqlevelsStyle_from_seqlevels_and_genome,
genome2seqlevels, names(genome2seqlevels),
DF <- unsplit(as(genome2DF, "CompressedDataFrameList"), x_genome)
seqlevels(x) <- DF[ , "seqlevels"]
genome(x) <- DF[ , "genome"]
setMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "Seqinfo", .get_Seqinfo_seqlevelsStyle)
setReplaceMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "Seqinfo", .set_Seqinfo_seqlevelsStyle)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Default seqlevelsStyle() getter and setter methods
### Works on any object 'x' with a working seqinfo() getter.
setMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "ANY", function(x) seqlevelsStyle(seqinfo(x)))
### Works on any object 'x' with a working seqinfo() getter and setter.
setReplaceMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "ANY",
function (x, value)
x_seqinfo <- seqinfo(x)
seqlevelsStyle(x_seqinfo) <- value
seqinfo(x, new2old=seq_along(x_seqinfo)) <- x_seqinfo
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### seqlevelsStyle() getter and setter methods for character vectors
.getDatadir <- function()
system.file(package = "GenomeInfoDb","extdata","dataFiles")
.getNamedFiles <- function()
filePath <- .getDatadir()
files <- dir(filePath, full.names=TRUE, pattern =".txt$")
setNames(files, sub(".txt$", "", basename(files)))
.supportedSeqnameMappings <- function()
dom <- lapply(.getNamedFiles(), read.table, header=TRUE, sep="\t",
lapply(dom, function(x) {x[,-c(1:3)] })
.normalize_organism <- function(organism)
parts <- CharacterList(strsplit(organism, "_| "))
parts_eltNROWS <- elementNROWS(parts)
## If 3 parts or more (e.g. "Canis_lupus_familiaris") then remove part 2.
idx3 <- which(parts_eltNROWS >= 3L)
if (length(idx3) != 0L)
parts[idx3] <- parts[idx3][rep.int(list(-2L), length(idx3))]
unstrsplit(parts, sep="_")
.guessSpeciesStyle <- function(seqnames)
zz <- .supportedSeqnameMappings()
got2 <- lapply(zz ,function(y) lapply(y, function(z)
sum(z %in% seqnames)) )
unlistgot2 <- unlist(got2, recursive=TRUE,use.names=TRUE)
if (max(unlistgot2) == 0) {
ans <- NA
##vec is in format "Homo_sapiens.UCSC"
vec <- names(which(unlistgot2==max(unlistgot2)))
organism <- .normalize_organism(sub("(.*?)[.].*", "\\1", vec))
style <- gsub("^[^.]+.","", vec)
ans <- list(species=organism, style=style)
setMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "character",
if (length(x) == 0L)
stop(wmsg("no seqlevels present in this object"))
seqlevels <- unique(x)
ans <- .guessSpeciesStyle(seqlevels)
## 3 cases -
## 1. if no style found - ans is na - stop with message
## 2. if multiple styles returned then print message saying that it could
## be any of these styles
## 3. if one style returned - hurray!
if (all(.is_RefSeq_accession(seqlevels)))
txt <- "The style does not have a compatible entry for the
species supported by Seqname. Please see
genomeStyles() for supported species/style"
stop(paste(strwrap(txt, exdent=2), collapse="\n"))
.replace_seqlevels_style <- function(x_seqlevels, value)
renaming_maps <- mapSeqlevels(x_seqlevels, value, drop=FALSE)
if (nrow(renaming_maps) == 0L) {
msg <- c("found no sequence renaming map compatible ",
"with seqname style \"", value, "\" for this object")
## Use 1st best renaming map.
if (nrow(renaming_maps) != 1L) {
msg <- c("found more than one best sequence renaming map ",
"compatible with seqname style \"", value, "\" for ",
"this object, using the first one")
renaming_maps <- renaming_maps[1L, , drop=FALSE]
new_seqlevels <- as.vector(renaming_maps)
na_idx <- which(is.na(new_seqlevels))
new_seqlevels[na_idx] <- x_seqlevels[na_idx]
setReplaceMethod("seqlevelsStyle", "character",
function (x, value)
value <- .normarg_seqlevelsStyle(value)
x_seqlevels <- unique(x)
new_seqlevels <- .replace_seqlevels_style(x_seqlevels, value)
new_seqlevels[match(x, x_seqlevels)]
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Other user-facing low-level utilities related to the seqlevelsStyle()
### getter and setter methods for character vectors:
### - genomeStyles()
### - extractSeqlevels()
### - extractSeqlevelsByGroup()
### - mapSeqlevels()
### - seqlevelsInGroup()
.isSupportedSeqnamesStyle <- function(organism, style)
organism <- .normalize_organism(organism)
possible <- lapply(.getNamedFiles(), scan, nlines=1, what=character(),
availStyles <- possible[[organism]]
style %in% availStyles[-which(availStyles %in% c("circular","auto","sex"))]
.getDataInFile <- function(organism)
organism2 <- .normalize_organism(organism)
filename <- paste0(.getDatadir(), "/", organism2, ".txt")
if (file.exists(filename)) {
read.table(filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
stop("Organism ", organism, " is not supported by GenomeInfoDb")
.supportedSeqlevelsStyles <- function()
dom <- lapply(.getNamedFiles(), scan, nlines=1, what=character(),
lapply(dom, function(x) {x[!(x %in% c("circular","auto","sex"))] })
genomeStyles <- function(species)
if (missing(species))
lapply(.getNamedFiles(), read.table, header=TRUE, sep="\t",
extractSeqlevels <- function(species, style)
if (missing(species) || missing(style))
stop("'species' or 'style' missing")
if(.isSupportedSeqnamesStyle(species, style))
data <- .getDataInFile(species)
result <- as.vector(data[,which( names(data) %in% style)])
stop("The style specified by '",style,
"' does not have a compatible entry for the species ",species)}
extractSeqlevelsByGroup <- function(species, style, group)
if (missing(species) || missing(style) || missing(group))
stop("'species', 'style', and / or 'group' missing")
logic <-sapply(species, function(x) .isSupportedSeqnamesStyle(x, style))
data <- .getDataInFile(species)
if (group!="all"){
colInd <- which(names(data)%in% group)
Ind <- which(data[,colInd]==1)
result <- as.vector(data[Ind,which( names(data) %in% style)])
result <- as.vector(data[,which( names(data) %in% style)])
stop("The style specified by '",style,
"' does not have a compatible entry for the species ",species)}
mapSeqlevels <- function(seqnames, style, best.only=TRUE, drop=TRUE)
if (!is.character(seqnames))
stop("'seqnames' must be a character vector")
if (!isSingleString(style))
stop("the supplied seqlevels style must be a single string")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(best.only))
stop("'best.only' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(drop))
stop("'drop' must be TRUE or FALSE")
supported_styles <- .supportedSeqlevelsStyles()
tmp <- unlist(supported_styles, use.names = FALSE)
compatible_species <- rep.int(names(supported_styles),
compatible_species <- compatible_species[tolower(tmp) ==
if (length(compatible_species) == 0L)
stop("supplied seqname style \"", style, "\" is not supported")
seqname_mappings <- .supportedSeqnameMappings()
ans <- lapply(compatible_species, function(species) {
mapping <- seqname_mappings[[species]]
names(mapping) <- tolower(names(mapping))
to_seqnames <- as.character(mapping[[tolower(style)]])
lapply(mapping, function(from_seqnames)
to_seqnames[match(seqnames, from_seqnames)])
ans_ncol <- length(seqnames)
ans <- matrix(unlist(ans, use.names = FALSE), ncol = ans_ncol, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(ans) <- seqnames
score <- rowSums(!is.na(ans))
idx <- score != 0L
if (best.only)
idx <- idx & (score == max(score))
ans <- ans[idx, , drop = FALSE]
ans <- as.matrix(unique(as.data.frame(ans, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
if (nrow(ans) == 1L && drop)
ans <- drop(ans)
else rownames(ans) <- NULL
seqlevelsInGroup <-
function(seqnames, group=c("all", "auto", "sex", "circular"),
species, style)
group <- match.arg(group)
if (missing(species) && missing(style)) {
## guess the species and / or style for the object
ans <- .guessSpeciesStyle(seqnames)
species<- ans$species
style <- unique(unlist(ans$style))
logic <-sapply(species, function(x) .isSupportedSeqnamesStyle(x, style))
if (all(logic)) {
seqvec <- sapply(unlist(species), function(x)
extractSeqlevelsByGroup( x, style, group))
unique(unlist(seqvec))[na.omit(match(seqnames, unique(unlist(seqvec))))]
} else {
txt <- paste0( "The style specified by ", sQuote(style),
" does not have a compatible entry for the species ",
stop(paste(strwrap(txt, exdent=2), collapse="\n"))
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