
Defines functions .list.names sort.Rle .unique.Rle anyDuplicated.Rle .duplicated.Rle .bindROWS_Rle_objects rev.Rle .rep_times_Rle extract_ranges_from_Rle extract_range_from_Rle extract_positions_from_Rle getStartEndRunAndOffset .as.data.frame.Rle decodeRle as.list.Rle asFactorOrFactorRle as.vector.Rle new_Rle .valid_Rle

Documented in anyDuplicated.Rle as.list.Rle as.vector.Rle rev.Rle sort.Rle

### =========================================================================
### Rle objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------


### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters

setMethod("length", "Rle",
    function(x) as.double(.Call2("Rle_length", x, PACKAGE="S4Vectors"))

setGeneric("runLength", signature = "x",
           function(x) standardGeneric("runLength"))
setMethod("runLength", "Rle", function(x) x@lengths)
setGeneric("runValue", signature = "x",
           function(x) standardGeneric("runValue"))
setMethod("runValue", "Rle", function(x) x@values)

setGeneric("nrun", signature = "x", function(x) standardGeneric("nrun"))
setMethod("nrun", "Rle", function(x) length(runLength(x)))

setMethod("start", "Rle", function(x) .Call2("Rle_start", x, PACKAGE="S4Vectors"))
setMethod("end", "Rle", function(x) .Call2("Rle_end", x, PACKAGE="S4Vectors"))
setMethod("width", "Rle", function(x) runLength(x))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity

.valid_Rle <- function(x)
    msg <- NULL
    msg <- c(msg, .Call2("Rle_valid", x, PACKAGE="S4Vectors"))
    ## Too expensive so commented out for now. Maybe do this in C?
    #run_values <- runValues(x)
    #if (length(run_values) >= 2 && is.atomic(run_values) &&
    #    any(run_values[-1L] == run_values[-length(run_values)]))
    #    msg <- c(msg, "consecutive runs must have different values")

setValidity2("Rle", .valid_Rle)

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructor

### Low-level constructor.
new_Rle <- function(values=logical(0), lengths=NULL)
    if (!is(values, "vector_OR_factor"))
        stop("Rle of type '", typeof(values), "' is not supported")
    if (!is.null(lengths)) {
        if (!(is.numeric(lengths) || is.LLint(lengths)))
            stop("'lengths' must be NULL or a numeric or LLint vector")
        if (anyNA(lengths))
            stop("'lengths' cannot contain NAs")
        if (is.double(lengths)) {
            suppressWarnings(lengths <- as.LLint(lengths))
            if (anyNA(lengths))
                stop("Rle vector is too long")
        if (length(lengths) == 1L)
            lengths <- rep.int(lengths, length(values))
    .Call2("Rle_constructor", values, lengths, PACKAGE="S4Vectors")

setGeneric("Rle", signature="values",
    function(values=logical(0), lengths=NULL) standardGeneric("Rle")

setMethod("Rle", "ANY",
    function(values=logical(0), lengths=NULL) new_Rle(values, lengths)

setMethod("Rle", "Rle",
    function(values=logical(0), lengths=NULL)
        if (!missing(lengths))
            stop(wmsg("'lengths' cannot be supplied when calling Rle() ",
                      "on an Rle object"))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Setters

setGeneric("runLength<-", signature="x",
           function(x, value) standardGeneric("runLength<-"))
setReplaceMethod("runLength", "Rle",
                 function(x, value) Rle(runValue(x), value))
setGeneric("runValue<-", signature="x",
           function(x, value) standardGeneric("runValue<-"))
setReplaceMethod("runValue", "Rle",
                 function(x, value) Rle(value, runLength(x)))

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### Coercion

setAs("ANY", "Rle", function(from) Rle(from))

setAs("Rle", "vector", function(from) as.vector(from))
setAs("Rle", "logical", function(from) as.logical(from))
setAs("Rle", "integer", function(from) as.integer(from))
setAs("Rle", "numeric", function(from) as.numeric(from))
setAs("Rle", "complex", function(from) as.complex(from))
setAs("Rle", "character", function(from) as.character(from))
setAs("Rle", "raw", function(from) as.raw(from))
setAs("Rle", "factor", function(from) as.factor(from))
setAs("Rle", "list", function(from) as.list(from))

as.vector.Rle <- function(x, mode)
  rep.int(as.vector(runValue(x), mode), runLength(x))
setMethod("as.vector", "Rle", as.vector.Rle)
setMethod("as.factor", "Rle", function(x) rep.int(as.factor(runValue(x)), runLength(x)))

asFactorOrFactorRle <- function(x) {
  if (is(x, "Rle")) {
    runValue(x) <- as.factor(runValue(x))
  } else {

### S3/S4 combo for as.list.Rle
as.list.Rle <- function(x, ...) as.list(as.vector(x), ...)
setMethod("as.list", "Rle", as.list.Rle)

setGeneric("decode", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("decode"))
setMethod("decode", "ANY", identity)

decodeRle <- function(x) rep.int(runValue(x), runLength(x))
setMethod("decode", "Rle", decodeRle)

.as.data.frame.Rle <- function(x, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, ...)
    value <- decodeRle(x)
    as.data.frame(value, row.names=row.names,
                  optional=optional, ...)
setMethod("as.data.frame", "Rle", .as.data.frame.Rle)

getStartEndRunAndOffset <- function(x, start, end) {
    .Call2("Rle_getStartEndRunAndOffset", x, start, end, PACKAGE="S4Vectors")

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### Subsetting workhorses
### These are the low-level functions that do the real work of subsetting an
### Rle object. The final coercion to class(x) is to make sure that they act
### like an endomorphism on objects that belong to a subclass of Rle (the
### VariantAnnotation package defines Rle subclasses).
### Note that they drop the metadata columns!

### TODO: Support NAs in 'pos'.
extract_positions_from_Rle <- function(x, pos, method=0L, decoded=FALSE)
    if (!is.integer(pos))
        stop("'pos' must be an integer vector")
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(decoded))
        stop("'decoded' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    #ans <- .Call2("Rle_extract_positions", x, pos, method, PACKAGE="S4Vectors")
    mapped_pos <- map_positions_to_runs(runLength(x), pos, method=method)
    ans <- runValue(x)[mapped_pos]
    if (decoded)
    as(Rle(ans), class(x))  # so the function is an endomorphism

extract_range_from_Rle <- function(x, start, end)
    ans <- .Call2("Rle_extract_range", x, start, end, PACKAGE="S4Vectors")
    as(ans, class(x))  # so the function is an endomorphism

### NOT exported but used in IRanges package (by "extractROWS" method with
### signature Rle,RangesNSBS).
extract_ranges_from_Rle <- function(x, start, width, method=0L, as.list=FALSE)
    method <- normarg_method(method)
    if (!isTRUEorFALSE(as.list))
        stop("'as.list' must be TRUE or FALSE")
    ans <- .Call2("Rle_extract_ranges", x, start, width, method, as.list,
    ## The function must act like an endomorphism.
    x_class <- class(x)
    if (!as.list)
        return(as(ans, x_class))
    ## 'ans' is a list of Rle instances.
    if (x_class == "Rle")
    lapply(ans, as, x_class)

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### Subsetting

setMethod("extractROWS", c("Rle", "ANY"),
    function (x, i) 
        i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, allow.NAs=TRUE, as.NSBS=TRUE)

setMethod("extractROWS", c("Rle", "RangeNSBS"),
    function(x, i)
        range <- i@subscript
        range_start <- range[[1L]]
        range_end <- range[[2L]]
        ans <- extract_range_from_Rle(x, range_start, range_end)
        mcols(ans) <- extractROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i)

setMethod("extractROWS", c("Rle", "NSBS"),
    function(x, i)
        ans <- extract_positions_from_Rle(x, as.integer(i))
        mcols(ans) <- extractROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i)

setMethod("[", "Rle",
    function(x, i, j, ..., drop=getOption("dropRle", default=FALSE))
        if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0)
            stop("invalid subsetting")
        if (!missing(i))
            x <- extractROWS(x, i)
        if (drop)
            x <- decodeRle(x)

### The replaced elements in 'x' must get their metadata columns from 'value'.
### See this thread on bioc-devel:
###   https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2015-November/008319.html
setMethod("replaceROWS", c("Rle", "ANY"),
    function(x, i, value)
        ## FIXME: Right now, the subscript 'i' is turned into an IRanges
        ## object so we need stuff that lives in the IRanges package for this
        ## to work. This is ugly/hacky and needs to be fixed (thru a redesign
        ## of this method).
        if (!requireNamespace("IRanges", quietly=TRUE))
            stop("Couldn't load the IRanges package. You need to install ",
                 "the IRanges\n  package in order to replace values in ",
                 "an Rle object.")

        i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS=TRUE)
        lv <- length(value)
        if (lv != 1L) {
            ans <- Rle(replaceROWS(decodeRle(x), i, as.vector(value)))
            mcols(ans) <- replaceROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i,
                                      mcols(value, use.names=FALSE))

        ## From here, 'value' is guaranteed to be of length 1.

        ## TODO: Maybe make this the coercion method from NSBS to IntegerRanges.
        if (is(i, "RangesNSBS")) {
            ir <- i@subscript
        } else {
            ir <- as(as.integer(i), "IRanges")
        ir <- IRanges::reduce(ir)
        if (length(ir) == 0L)

        isFactorRle <- is.factor(runValue(x))
        value <- normalizeSingleBracketReplacementValue(value, x)
        value2 <- as.vector(value)
        if (isFactorRle) {
            value2 <- factor(value2, levels=levels(x))
            dummy_value <- factor(levels(x), levels=levels(x))
        if (anyMissingOrOutside(start(ir), 1L, length(x)) ||
            anyMissingOrOutside(end(ir), 1L, length(x)))
            stop("some ranges are out of bounds")

        valueWidths <- width(ir)
        ir <- IRanges::gaps(ir, start=1, end=length(x))
        k <- length(ir)
        start <- start(ir)
        end <- end(ir)

        info <- getStartEndRunAndOffset(x, start, end)
        runStart <- info[["start"]][["run"]]
        offsetStart <- info[["start"]][["offset"]]
        runEnd <- info[["end"]][["run"]]
        offsetEnd <- info[["end"]][["offset"]]

        if ((length(ir) == 0L) || (start(ir)[1L] != 1L)) {
            k <- k + 1L
            runStart <- c(1L, runStart)
            offsetStart <- c(0L, offsetStart)
            runEnd <- c(0L, runEnd)
            offsetEnd <- c(0L, offsetEnd)
        if ((length(ir) > 0L) && (end(ir[length(ir)]) != length(x))) {
            k <- k + 1L
            runStart <- c(runStart, 1L)
            offsetStart <- c(offsetStart, 0L)
            runEnd <- c(runEnd, 0L)
            offsetEnd <- c(offsetEnd, 0L)

        subseqs <- vector("list", length(valueWidths) + k)
        if (k > 0L) {
            if (isFactorRle) {
                subseqs[seq(1L, length(subseqs), by=2L)] <-
                    lapply(seq_len(k), function(i) {
                           ans <- .Call2("Rle_window_aslist",
                                         x, runStart[i], runEnd[i],
                                         offsetStart[i], offsetEnd[i],
                           ans[["values"]] <- dummy_value[ans[["values"]]]
            } else {
                subseqs[seq(1L, length(subseqs), by=2L)] <-
                    lapply(seq_len(k), function(i)
                                  x, runStart[i], runEnd[i],
                                  offsetStart[i], offsetEnd[i],
        if (length(valueWidths) > 0L) {
            subseqs[seq(2L, length(subseqs), by=2L)] <-
                lapply(seq_len(length(valueWidths)), function(i)
        values <- unlist(lapply(subseqs, "[[", "values"))
        if (isFactorRle)
            values <- dummy_value[values]
        ans <- Rle(values, unlist(lapply(subseqs, "[[", "lengths")))
        mcols(ans) <- replaceROWS(mcols(x, use.names=FALSE), i,
                                  mcols(value, use.names=FALSE))

setReplaceMethod("[", c("Rle", "ANY"),
    function(x, i, j,..., value)
        if (!missing(j) || length(list(...)) > 0L)
            stop("invalid subsetting")
        i <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(i, x, as.NSBS=TRUE)
        li <- length(i)
        if (li == 0L) {
            ## Surprisingly, in that case, `[<-` on standard vectors does not
            ## even look at 'value'. So neither do we...
        lv <- length(value)
        if (lv == 0L)
            stop("replacement has length zero")
        replaceROWS(x, i, value)

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### Subsetting an object by an Rle subscript.
### See R/subsetting-utils.R for more information.

setClass("RleNSBS",      # not exported
        subscript="Rle"  # integer-Rle
        ## Calling Rle(integer(0)) below causes the following error at
        ## installation time:
        ##     Error in .Call(.NAME, ..., PACKAGE = PACKAGE) : 
        ##       "Rle_constructor" not available for .Call() for package
        ##       "S4Vectors"
        ##     Error : unable to load R code in package ‘S4Vectors’
        ##     ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘S4Vectors’
        subscript=new2("Rle", values=integer(0),

### Construction methods.
### Supplied arguments are trusted so we don't check them!

setMethod("NSBS", "Rle",
    function(i, x, exact=TRUE, strict.upper.bound=TRUE, allow.NAs=FALSE)
        x_NROW <- NROW(x)
        i_vals <- runValue(i)
        if (is.logical(i_vals) && length(i_vals) != 0L) {
            if (anyNA(i_vals))
                stop("subscript contains NAs")
            if (length(i) < x_NROW)
                i <- rep(i, length.out=x_NROW)
            ## The coercion method from Rle to NormalIRanges is defined in the
            ## IRanges package.
            if (requireNamespace("IRanges", quietly=TRUE)) {
                i <- as(i, "NormalIRanges")
                ## This will call the "NSBS" method for IntegerRanges objects
                ## defined in the IRanges package and return a RangesNSBS, or
                ## RangeNSBS, or NativeNSBS object.
                "Couldn't load the IRanges package. Installing this package ",
                "will enable efficient subsetting by a logical-Rle object ",
                "so is higly recommended."
            i <- which(i)
            return(callGeneric())  # will return a NativeNSBS object
        i_vals <- NSBS(i_vals, x, exact=exact,
        runValue(i) <- as.integer(i_vals)
        new2("RleNSBS", subscript=i,

### Other methods.

setMethod("as.integer", "RleNSBS", function(x) decodeRle(x@subscript))

setMethod("length", "RleNSBS", function(x) length(x@subscript))

setMethod("anyDuplicated", "RleNSBS",
    function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...) anyDuplicated(x@subscript)

setMethod("isStrictlySorted", "RleNSBS",
    function(x) isStrictlySorted(x@subscript)

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### Subsetting an Rle object by an Rle subscript.

### Simplified version of rep.int() for Rle objects. Handles only the case
### where 'times' has the length of 'x'.
.rep_times_Rle <- function(x, times)
    breakpoints <- end(x)
    if (length(times) != last_or(breakpoints, 0L))
        stop("invalid 'times' argument")
    runLength(x) <- groupsum(times, breakpoints)

setMethod("extractROWS", c("Rle", "RleNSBS"),
    function(x, i)
        rle <- i@subscript
        .rep_times_Rle(extractROWS(x, runValue(rle)), runLength(rle))

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### Other subsetting-related operations

### S3/S4 combo for rev.Rle
rev.Rle <- function(x)
    x@values <- rev(runValue(x))
    x@lengths <- rev(runLength(x))
setMethod("rev", "Rle", rev.Rle)

setMethod("rep.int", "Rle",
    function(x, times)
        if (!is.numeric(times))
            stop("invalid 'times' argument")
        if (!is.integer(times))
            times <- as.integer(times)
        if (anyMissingOrOutside(times, 0L))
            stop("invalid 'times' argument")

        x_len <- length(x)
        times_len <- length(times)
        if (times_len == x_len)
            return(.rep_times_Rle(x, times))
        if (times_len != 1L)
            stop("invalid 'times' argument")
        ans <- Rle(rep.int(runValue(x), times),
                   rep.int(runLength(x), times))
        as(ans, class(x))  # so the function is an endomorphism

setMethod("rep", "Rle",
          function(x, times, length.out, each)
              usedEach <- FALSE
              if (!missing(each) && length(each) > 0) {
                  each <- as.integer(each[1L])
                  if (!is.na(each)) {
                      if (each < 0)
                          stop("invalid 'each' argument")
                      usedEach <- TRUE
                      if (each == 0)
                          x <- new2(class(x), values=runValue(x)[0L],
                          x@lengths <- each[1L] * runLength(x)
              if (!missing(length.out) && length(length.out) > 0) {
                  n <- length(x)
                  length.out <- as.integer(length.out[1L])
                  if (!is.na(length.out)) {
                      if (length.out == 0) {
                          x <- new2(class(x), values=runValue(x)[0L],
                      } else if (length.out < n) {
                          x <- window(x, 1, length.out)
                      } else if (length.out > n) {
                          if (n == 0) {
                              x <- Rle(rep(runValue(x), length.out=1),
                          } else {
                              x <-
                                window(rep.int(x, ceiling(length.out / n)),
                                       1, length.out)
              } else if (!missing(times)) {
                  if (usedEach && length(times) != 1)
                      stop("invalid 'times' argument")
                  x <- rep.int(x, times)

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### Concatenation

.bindROWS_Rle_objects <-
    function(x, objects=list(), use.names=TRUE, ignore.mcols=FALSE, check=TRUE)
    objects <- prepare_objects_to_bind(x, objects)
    all_objects <- c(list(x), objects)

    ## 1. Take care of the parallel slots

    ## Call method for Vector objects to concatenate all the parallel
    ## slots (only "elementMetadata" in the case of Rle) and stick them
    ## into 'ans'. Note that the resulting 'ans' can be an invalid object
    ## because its "elementMetadata" slot can be longer (i.e. have more rows)
    ## than 'ans' itself so we use 'check=FALSE' to skip validation.
    ans <- callNextMethod(x, objects, use.names=use.names,

    ## 2. Take care of the non-parallel slots

    ## Concatenate the "values" slots.
    values_list <- lapply(all_objects, slot, "values")
    tmp_values <- unlist(values_list, recursive=FALSE)

    ## Concatenate the "lengths" slots.
    lengths_list <- lapply(all_objects, slot, "lengths")
    tmp_lengths <- unlist(lengths_list, recursive=FALSE)

    tmp <- Rle(tmp_values, tmp_lengths)
    BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(ans, values=tmp@values,

setMethod("bindROWS", "Rle", .bindROWS_Rle_objects)

setMethod("append", c("Rle", "vector"),
          function (x, values, after = length(x)) {
              append(x, Rle(values), after)

setMethod("append", c("vector", "Rle"),
          function (x, values, after = length(x)) {
              append(Rle(x), values, after)

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### Other methods.

setMethod("%in%", "Rle",
          function(x, table)
              new_Rle(runValue(x) %in% table, runLength(x)))

setGeneric("findRun", signature = "vec",
           function(x, vec) standardGeneric("findRun"))

setMethod("findRun", signature = c(vec = "Rle"),
          function(x, vec) {
            runs <- findIntervalAndStartFromWidth(as.integer(x),
            runs[is.na(runs) | x == 0 | x > length(vec)] <- NA

setMethod("is.na", "Rle",
              new_Rle(is.na(runValue(x)), runLength(x)))

setMethod("anyNA", "Rle",

setMethod("sameAsPreviousROW", "Rle", function(x) {
    is.same <- !logical(length(x))
    is.same[start(x)] <- sameAsPreviousROW(runValue(x))

setMethod("is.finite", "Rle",
              new_Rle(is.finite(runValue(x)), runLength(x)))

setMethod("match", c("ANY", "Rle"),
    function(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, incomparables=NULL)
        m <- match(x, runValue(table), incomparables=incomparables)
        ans <- start(table)[m]
        ## 'as.integer(nomatch)[1L]' seems to mimic how base::match() treats
        ## the 'nomatch' argument.
        nomatch <- as.integer(nomatch)[1L]
        if (!is.na(nomatch))
            ans[is.na(ans)] <- nomatch

setMethod("match", c("Rle", "ANY"),
    function(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, incomparables=NULL)
        x_run_lens <- runLength(x)
        x <- runValue(x)
        m <- callGeneric()
        Rle(m, x_run_lens)

setMethod("match", c("Rle", "Rle"),
    function(x, table, nomatch=NA_integer_, incomparables=NULL)
        x_run_lens <- runLength(x)
        x <- runValue(x)
        m <- callGeneric()
        Rle(m, x_run_lens)

.duplicated.Rle <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, fromLast=FALSE)
    stop("no \"duplicated\" method for Rle objects yet, sorry")
setMethod("duplicated", "Rle", .duplicated.Rle)

### S3/S4 combo for anyDuplicated.Rle
anyDuplicated.Rle <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...)
    any(runLength(x) != 1L) || anyDuplicated(runValue(x))
setMethod("anyDuplicated", "Rle", anyDuplicated.Rle)

.unique.Rle <- function(x, incomparables=FALSE, ...)
    unique(runValue(x), incomparables=incomparables, ...)
setMethod("unique", "Rle", .unique.Rle)

setMethod("order", "Rle",
          function(..., na.last=TRUE, decreasing=FALSE,
                   method=c("auto", "shell", "radix"))
    args <- list(...)
    if (length(args) == 1L) {
        x <- args[[1L]]
        o <- order(runValue(x), na.last=na.last, decreasing=decreasing,
        sequence(width(x)[o], from=start(x)[o])
    } else {
        args <- lapply(unname(args), decodeRle)
        do.call(order, c(args, list(na.last=na.last,

setMethod("is.unsorted", "Rle",
          function(x, na.rm = FALSE, strictly = FALSE)
              ans <- is.unsorted(runValue(x), na.rm = na.rm, strictly = strictly)
              if (strictly && !ans)
                  ans <- any(runLength(x) > 1L)

setMethod("isStrictlySorted", "Rle",
    function(x) all(runLength(x) == 1L) && isStrictlySorted(runValue(x))

### S3/S4 combo for sort.Rle
sort.Rle <- function(x, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=NA, ...)
    if (is.na(na.last)) {
        if (anyNA(runValue(x)))
            x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    ord <- base::order(runValue(x), na.last=na.last, decreasing=decreasing)
    new_Rle(runValue(x)[ord], runLength(x)[ord])
setMethod("sort", "Rle", sort.Rle)

setMethod("rank", "Rle", function (x, na.last = TRUE,
                                   ties.method = c("average", "first", 
                                     "random", "max", "min"))
              ties.method <- match.arg(ties.method)
              if (ties.method == "min" || ties.method == "first") {
              } else {
                  x <- as.vector(x)
                  ans <- callGeneric()
                  if (ties.method %in% c("average", "max", "min")) {
                  } else {

setMethod("xtfrm", "Rle", function(x) {
    initialize(x, values=xtfrm(runValue(x)))

setMethod("table", "Rle", 
        ## Currently only 1 Rle is supported. An approach for multiple 
        ## Rle's could be disjoin(), findRun() to find matches, then 
        ## xtabs(length ~ value ...).
        x <- sort(list(...)[[1L]]) 
        if (is.factor(runValue(x))) {
            dn <- levels(x)
            tab <- integer(length(dn))
            tab[dn %in% runValue(x)] <- runLength(x)
            dims <- length(dn)
        } else {
            dn <- as.character(runValue(x)) 
            tab <- runLength(x) 
            dims <- nrun(x)
        ## Adjust 'dn' for consistency with base::table
        if (length(dn) == 0L)
            dn <- NULL
        dn <- list(dn)
        names(dn) <- .list.names(...) 
        y <- array(tab, dims, dimnames=dn)
        class(y) <- "table"

.list.names <- function(...) {
    l <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
    deparse.level <- 1 
    nm <- names(l)
    fixup <- if (is.null(nm))
    else nm == ""
    dep <- vapply(l[fixup], function(x) switch(deparse.level +
        1, "", if (is.symbol(x)) as.character(x) else "",
        deparse(x, nlines = 1)[1L]), "")
    if (is.null(nm))
    else {
        nm[fixup] <- dep

### Not exported? Broken on numeric-Rle and factor-Rle. H.P. -- Oct 16, 2016
setMethod("tabulate", "Rle",
          function (bin, nbins = max(bin, 1L, na.rm = TRUE)) {
              tabulate2(runValue(bin), nbins, runLength(bin))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Set methods
### The return values of these do not have any duplicated values, so
### it would obviously be more efficient to return plain vectors. That
### might violate user expectations though.

setMethod("union", c("Rle", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(union(runValue(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("union", c("ANY", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(union(as.vector(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("union", c("Rle", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(union(runValue(x), as.vector(y)))

setMethod("intersect", c("Rle", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(intersect(runValue(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("intersect", c("ANY", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(intersect(as.vector(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("intersect", c("Rle", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(intersect(runValue(x), as.vector(y)))

setMethod("setdiff", c("Rle", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(setdiff(runValue(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("setdiff", c("ANY", "Rle"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(setdiff(as.vector(x), runValue(y)))

setMethod("setdiff", c("Rle", "ANY"), function(x, y) {
  Rle(setdiff(runValue(x), as.vector(y)))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" method

setMethod("show", "Rle",
              lo <- length(object)
              nr <- nrun(object)
              halfWidth <- getOption("width") %/% 2L
                  "-Rle of length ", as.character(as.LLint(lo)),
                  " with ", nr, ifelse(nr == 1, " run\n", " runs\n"), sep = "")
              first <- max(1L, halfWidth)
              showMatrix <-
                rbind(showAsCell(head(runLength(object), first)),
                      showAsCell(head(runValue(object), first)))
              if (nr > first) {
                  last <- min(nr - first, halfWidth)
                  showMatrix <-
                          rbind(showAsCell(tail(runLength(object), last)),
                                showAsCell(tail(runValue(object), last))))
              if (is.character(runValue(object))) {
                  showMatrix[2L,] <-
                    paste("\"", showMatrix[2L,], "\"", sep = "")
              showMatrix <- format(showMatrix, justify = "right")
              cat(labeledLine("  Lengths", showMatrix[1L,], count = FALSE))
              cat(labeledLine("  Values ", showMatrix[2L,], count = FALSE))
              if (is.factor(runValue(object)))
                  cat(labeledLine("Levels", levels(object)))
Bioconductor/S4Vectors documentation built on July 20, 2024, 6:52 a.m.