
#' @importFrom SDMTools auc confusion.matrix
#' @import randomForest
# A function for testing the outputs conform to the expected
# (within a context)
test_outputs <- function(roxy_parse, modulePath){

  # create enviromnet for zoon to find variables
  pos <- 1
  en <- as.environment(pos)

  # Appease CRAN
  # The modules in these checks appear to have no global definition
  # I get around this by assigning them all to NULL here and then loading 
  # them in. using forcereproducile = TRUE is not an option as this does
  # not allow me to use the module under test
  test_that('Check OCCURRENCE output formats',{ 
    if(roxy_parse$family == 'occurrence'){
      Background <- BackgroundAndCrossvalid <- NULL
      NaiveRandomRaster <- Crossvalidate <- LogisticRegression <- NULL
      NoProcess <- PrintMap <- NULL
      ## Move these to the sections where they are needed
      LoadModule('Background'); LoadModule('BackgroundAndCrossvalid')
      LoadModule('Crossvalidate'); LoadModule('LogisticRegression')
      # Load the script
      # Run the module with defaults
        occ_return <- do.call(roxy_parse$name, args = list())
      # Check the data.frame returned is as expected
      expect_is(occ_return, 'data.frame', info = 'Occurrence modules must return a data.frame')
      expect_named(occ_return, expected = c('longitude',
                   info = "Check your occurrence data has the correct column names in the correct order. See the 'Building a module' vignette for details")
      expect_is(occ_return$longitude, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'longitude must be a numeric or integer')
      expect_is(occ_return$latitude, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'latitude must be a numeric or integer')
      expect_is(occ_return$value, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'value must be a numeric or integer')
      expect_is(occ_return$type, 'character', info = 'type must be a character')
      expect_is(occ_return$fold, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'info must be a numeric or integer')
      ## Check it in a few workflows
      # Assign function
      OccurrenceModule <- source(modulePath)$value
      # this line is needed to  it to the global env. where zoon looks
      assign('OccurrenceModule', OccurrenceModule, envir = en)
      # Get the data types
      sections <- roxy_parse[grepl('section', names(roxy_parse))]
      data_types <- trimws(strsplit(gsub('Data type: ', '', sections[grepl('Data type: ', sections)]),
                                    split = ',')[[1]])
      xmin <- floor(min(occ_return$longitude, na.rm = TRUE))
      xmax <- ceiling(max(occ_return$longitude, na.rm = TRUE))
      ymin <- floor(min(occ_return$latitude, na.rm = TRUE))
      ymax <- ceiling(max(occ_return$latitude, na.rm = TRUE))
      myExtent <- c(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
      # We have to do this so that zoon can find it
      assign('myExtent', myExtent, envir = en)
      for(data_type in data_types){
        # Presence only
        if(data_type == "presence-only"){ 
          # test normal
          expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = OccurrenceModule,
                                  covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                                res = 0.5,
                                                                seed = 123),
                                  process = Background(n = 70),
                                  model = LogisticRegression,
                                  output = PrintMap,
                                  forceReproducible = FALSE),
                    info = 'The occurrence module did not work in a standard workflow')
          # test Chain
          expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = Chain(OccurrenceModule,
                                  covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                                res = 0.5,
                                                                seed = 123),
                                  process = Background(n = 70),
                                  model = LogisticRegression,
                                  output = PrintMap,
                                  forceReproducible = FALSE),
                    info = 'The occurrence module did not work when chained in a workflow')

          # test list + crossvalidation
          expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = list(OccurrenceModule,
                                  covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                                res = 0.5,
                                                                seed = 123),
                                  process = BackgroundAndCrossvalid,
                                  model = LogisticRegression,
                                  output = PerformanceMeasures,
                                  forceReproducible = FALSE),
                    info = 'The occurrence module did not work when listed in a workflow with crossvalidation')
        } else if(data_type == "presence/absence"){
            # test normal
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = OccurrenceModule,
                          covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                        res = 0.5,
                                                        seed = 123),
                          process = NoProcess,
                          model = LogisticRegression,
                          output = PrintMap,
                          forceReproducible = FALSE),
            info = 'The occurrence module did not work in a standard workflow')
            # test Chain
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = Chain(OccurrenceModule,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                                  res = 0.5,
                                                                  seed = 123),
                                    process = NoProcess,
                                    model = LogisticRegression,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The occurrence module did not work when chained in a workflow')
            # test list + crossvalidation
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = list(OccurrenceModule,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster(extent = myExtent,
                                                                  res = 0.5,
                                                                  seed = 123),
                                    process = Crossvalidate,
                                    model = LogisticRegression,
                                    output = PerformanceMeasures,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The occurrence module did not work when listed in a workflow with crossvalidation')

        } ## Add tests for proportion and abundance ##
  test_that('Check COVARIATE output formats',{ 
    if(roxy_parse$family == 'covariate'){
      Background <- BackgroundAndCrossvalid <- NULL
      LogisticRegression <- NaiveRandomPresence <- NULL
      PrintMap <- NULL
      ## Move these to the sections where they are needed
      LoadModule('Background'); LoadModule('BackgroundAndCrossvalid')
      LoadModule('LogisticRegression'); LoadModule('NaiveRandomPresence');
      # Load the script
      # Run the module with defaults
      cov_return <- do.call(roxy_parse$name, args = list())
      # Check projection
      expect_true(all(grepl("+proj=longlat", projection(cov_return)),
                      grepl("+ellps=WGS84", projection(cov_return))),
                  info = 'Covariate module output must have WGS84 projection: proj4 string is expected to contain the elements "+proj=longlat" and "+ellps=WGS84"')
      # Check raster returned is as expected
      expect_is(cov_return, c('RasterLayer', 'RasterStack', 'RasterBrick'), info = 'Covariate module output must be either a RasterLayer or a RasterStack')
      ## Check it in a few workflows
      # Assign function
      CovariateModule <- source(modulePath)$value
      # this line is needed to  it to the global env. where zoon looks
      assign('CovariateModule', CovariateModule, envir = en)
      expect_is(extent(cov_return), "Extent",
                info = 'An extent could not be obtained from the object returned by the covariate module')
      myExtent <- as.vector(extent(cov_return))
      # We have to do this so that zoon can find it
      assign('myExtent', myExtent, envir = en)
      # Normal
      expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresence(extent = myExtent,
                                                               seed = 123),
                              covariate = CovariateModule,
                              process = Background(n = 70),
                              model = LogisticRegression,
                              output = PrintMap,
                              forceReproducible = FALSE),
                info = 'The covariate module did not work in a standard workflow')
      # Chain
      expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresence(extent = myExtent,
                                                               seed = 123),
                              covariate = Chain(CovariateModule, CovariateModule),
                              process = Background(n = 70),
                              model = LogisticRegression,
                              output = PrintMap,
                              forceReproducible = FALSE),
                info = 'The covariate module did not work when chained in a workflow')
      # List + crossvalidate
      expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresence(extent = myExtent,
                                                               seed = 123),
                              covariate = list(CovariateModule, CovariateModule),
                              process = BackgroundAndCrossvalid,
                              model = LogisticRegression,
                              output = PrintMap,
                              forceReproducible = FALSE),
                info = 'The covariate module did not work when listed in a workflow with crossvalidation')
  test_that('Check PROCESS output formats',{ 
    if(roxy_parse$family == 'process'){
      Background <- NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence <- NULL
      NaiveRandomRaster <- Crossvalidate <- LogisticRegression <- NULL
      NoProcess <- NULL
      PrintMap <- RandomForest <- UKAir <- UKAnophelesPlumbeus <- NULL
      ## Move these to the sections where they are needed
      LoadModule('Background'); LoadModule('NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence')
      LoadModule('Crossvalidate'); LoadModule('LogisticRegression')
      LoadModule('NaiveRandomRaster'); LoadModule('NoProcess')
      LoadModule('PrintMap'); LoadModule('RandomForest')
      LoadModule('UKAir'); LoadModule('UKAnophelesPlumbeus')
      # Load the script
      # Run the module with defaults
      sections <- roxy_parse[grepl('section', names(roxy_parse))]
      data_types <- gsub('Data type: ', '', sections[grepl('Data type: ', sections)])
      # assign the module
      ProcessModule <- source(modulePath)$value
      # this line is needed to  it to the global env. where zoon looks
      assign('ProcessModule', ProcessModule, envir = en)
      for(data_type in c("presence/absence", "presence-only")){
        if(grepl(data_type, data_types)){
         # visible binding
         .data <- NULL  
         if(data_type == "presence/absence") load(system.file("extdata", "data_PA.rdata", package="zoon"))
         if(data_type == "presence-only") load(system.file("extdata", 'data_PO.rdata', package="zoon"))
            pro_return <- do.call(roxy_parse$name, args = list(.data = .data))

          ## Check pro_return structure
          expect_is(pro_return, 'list', info = 'The object returned from a process module must be a list')
          expect_named(pro_return, expected = c('df', 'ras'), info = 'The elements of the list returned from a process module must be named "df" and "ras"')
          ## Check 'df'
          # Check the data.frame returned is as expected
          expect_is(pro_return$df, 'data.frame', info = 'Occurrence modules must return a data.frame')
          expect_true(all(c('longitude','latitude','value','type','fold') %in% names(pro_return$df)), 
                      info = "Some of the required columns from the 'df' element returned by the process module, are missing ('longitude', 'latitude', 'value', 'type', 'fold')")
          expect_is(pro_return$df$longitude, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'longitude column, from the "df" element returned from a process module, must be a numeric or integer')
          expect_is(pro_return$df$latitude, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'latitude column, from the "df" element returned from a process module, must be a numeric or integer')
          expect_is(pro_return$df$value, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'value column, from the "df" element returned from a process module, must be a numeric or integer')
          expect_is(pro_return$df$type, c('character', 'factor'), info = 'type column, from the "df" element returned from a process module, must be a character')
          expect_is(pro_return$df$fold, c('numeric', 'integer'), info = 'info column, from the "df" element returned from a process module, must be a numeric or integer')
          expect_true(ncol(pro_return$df) >= 6, info = 'The "df" element returned from a process module is expected to contain 6 or more columns')
          ## Check 'ras'
          # Check projection
          expect_true(all(grepl("+proj=longlat", projection(pro_return$ras)),
                          grepl("+ellps=WGS84", projection(pro_return$ras))),
                      info = 'The "ras" element returned by a process module must have WGS84 projection: proj4 string is expected to contain the elements "+proj=longlat" and "+ellps=WGS84"')
          # Check raster returned is as expected
          expect_is(pro_return$ras, c('RasterLayer', 'RasterStack', 'RasterBrick'), info = 'The "ras" element returned by a process module must be either a RasterLayer or a RasterStack')
          ## Try it in some workflows
          if(data_type == "presence/absence"){
            # normal
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = ProcessModule,
                                    model = LogisticRegression,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a standard workflow')
            # Chained
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = Chain(Background(n = 70),
                                    model = LogisticRegression,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a chain workflow')
            # list + crossvalidated
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = list(Crossvalidate,
                                    model = LogisticRegression,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a list workflow')
          } else if(data_type == "presence-only"){
            # Norm
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = ProcessModule,
                                    model = RandomForest,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a standard workflow')
            # Chain
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = list(NoProcess,
                                    model = RandomForest,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a chain workflow')
            # list
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = list(NoProcess,
                                    model = RandomForest,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a list workflow')
  test_that('Check MODEL output formats',{ 
    if(roxy_parse$family == 'model'){
      Background <- NaiveRandomRaster <- Crossvalidate <- NULL
      NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence <- NoProcess <- PerformanceMeasures <- NULL
      PrintMap <- UKAir <- UKAnophelesPlumbeus <- NULL
      ## Move these to the sections where they are needed
      LoadModule('Background'); LoadModule('Crossvalidate')
      LoadModule('NaiveRandomRaster'); LoadModule('NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence')
      LoadModule('NoProcess'); LoadModule('PerformanceMeasures');
      LoadModule('PrintMap'); LoadModule('UKAir'); LoadModule('UKAnophelesPlumbeus')
      # Load the script
      # Run the module with defaults
      sections <- roxy_parse[grepl('section', names(roxy_parse))]
      data_types <- gsub('Data type: ', '', sections[grepl('Data type: ', sections)])
      # assign the module
      ModelModule <- source(modulePath)$value
      # this line is needed to  it to the global env. where zoon looks
      assign('ModelModule', ModelModule, envir = en)
      if(length(data_types) > 0){
        # There are not any true presence only models as yet
        for(data_type in c("presence/absence", "presence/background")){
        if(grepl(data_type, data_types)){
          if(data_type == "presence/absence") load(system.file("extdata", 'data_PA.rdata', package="zoon"))
          if(data_type == "presence/background") load(system.file("extdata", 'data_PB.rdata', package="zoon")) # basically the same as above but type == 'background'
            mod_return <- do.call(roxy_parse$name, args = list(.df = .data$df))
          ## Check mod_return structure
          expect_is(mod_return, 'zoonModel', info = "The object returned from a model module must be a 'zoonModel' object. See '?ZoonModel' for more details")
          expect_named(mod_return, expected = c('model', 'code', 'packages'), info = "The elements of a 'zoonModel' object must be named 'model', 'code', and 'packages'")
          ## Check 'model'
          # There are not any requirements other than that is exists
          ## Check 'code'
          # code is a charachter and can be parsed and checked
          expect_is(mod_return$code, 'character', info = 'The "code" element returned by a model module must be a character (see ?ZoonModel for details)')
          newdata <- .data$df[, 6:ncol(.data$df), drop = FALSE]

          predicted_vals <- ZoonPredict(zoonModel = mod_return,
                                        newdata = newdata)
          expect_true(is.vector(predicted_vals), info = 'Your ZoonModel object (returned from your model module) does not return a vector when using "code" to predict (see ?ZoonModel)')
          expect_is(predicted_vals, 'numeric', info = 'The code element of your model module did not return a vector of predicted values when given your model object and data.')
          expect_equal(length(predicted_vals), nrow(newdata), info = 'Length of predicted values is not equal to the number of row in newdata')
          ## Check 'packages'
          expect_true(is.vector(mod_return$packages), info = '"packages" element of ZoonModel object returned from a model module should be a vector')
          expect_is(mod_return$packages, 'character', '"packages" element of ZoonModel object returned from a model module should be a character object of package names')
          # Check these against available packages
          cran_avail_packages <- unique(row.names(utils::available.packages('http://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib')))
          inst_pck <- as.data.frame(utils::installed.packages())
          base_installed_packages <- rownames(inst_pck[inst_pck$Priority=="base" & !is.na(inst_pck$Priority), ])
          avail_packages <- c(cran_avail_packages, base_installed_packages)
          not_avail <- mod_return$packages[!mod_return$packages %in% avail_packages]
          expect_true(length(not_avail) == 0, info = paste('Not all packages specified in your model module are available on cran. Could not find:',
                                                           paste(not_avail, collapse = ', ')))
          ## Try it in some workflows
          if(data_type == "presence/absence"){
            # normal
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = NoProcess,
                                    model = ModelModule,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The model module did not work in a standard workflow')
            # Chained
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = Chain(NoProcess, NoProcess),
                                    model = ModelModule,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The model module did not work in a chain workflow')
            # list
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = NoProcess,
                                    model = list(ModelModule, ModelModule),
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a list workflow')
            # crossvalidate
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresenceAbsence,
                                    covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
                                    process = Crossvalidate,
                                    model = list(ModelModule, ModelModule),
                                    output = PerformanceMeasures,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a crossvalidation workflow')
          } else if(data_type == "presence/background"){
            # Norm
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = Background(n = 70),
                                    model = ModelModule,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a standard workflow')
            # Chain
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = list(NoProcess,
                                                   Background(n = 70)),
                                    model = ModelModule,
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a chain workflow')
            # list
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = Background(n = 70),
                                    model = list(ModelModule, ModelModule),
                                    output = PrintMap,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a list workflow')
            # crossvalidate
            expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                                    covariate = UKAir,
                                    process = Chain(Background(n = 70), Crossvalidate),
                                    model = ModelModule,
                                    output = PerformanceMeasures,
                                    forceReproducible = FALSE),
                      info = 'The process module did not work in a crossvalidation workflow')
  test_that('Check OUTPUT output formats',{ 
    if(roxy_parse$family == 'output'){
      Background <- LogisticRegression <- NULL
      UKAir <- UKAnophelesPlumbeus <- NULL
      ## Move these to the sections where they are needed
      LoadModule('Background'); LoadModule('LogisticRegression')
      LoadModule('UKAir'); LoadModule('UKAnophelesPlumbeus')
      # Load the script
      # Run the module with defaults
      sections <- roxy_parse[grepl('section', names(roxy_parse))]
      data_types <- gsub('Data type: ', '', sections[grepl('Data type: ', sections)])
      # assign the module
      OutputModule <- source(modulePath)$value
      # this line is needed to  it to the global env. where zoon looks
      assign('OutputModule', OutputModule, envir = en)
      ## At the moment output modules are expected to work with 
      ## all data types
      # normal
      expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                              covariate = UKAir,
                              process = Background(n = 70),
                              model = LogisticRegression,
                              output = OutputModule),
                info = 'The output module did not work in a standard workflow')
      # # Chained
      # expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
      #                         covariate = UKAir,
      #                         process = Background(n = 70),
      #                         model = LogisticRegression,
      #                         output = Chain(OutputModule, OutputModule)),
      #           'zoonWorkflow',
      #           info = 'The output module did not work in a chain workflow')
      # list + crossvalidated
      expect_is(w <- workflow(occurrence = UKAnophelesPlumbeus,
                              covariate = UKAir,
                              process = Background(n = 70),
                              model = LogisticRegression,
                              output = list(OutputModule, OutputModule)),
                info = 'The process module did not work in a list workflow')
Boodogs/zoon-clone documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:59 a.m.