
Defines functions proj.location.handler tidy.power.htest vec_power sum_ignore_NA Round convertIntervalNotation removeAnalyst setPermanentAnalyst nLevelsP nrowP setAnalyst

Documented in convertIntervalNotation nLevelsP nrowP removeAnalyst Round setAnalyst setPermanentAnalyst sum_ignore_NA vec_power

#' Set Default Analyst Value
#' This function allows you to set the option CIDAtools.analyst permanently
#' (until you change it or reinstall CIDAtools) and will
#' simultanesouly change the default in New Cida Project Template.
#' @param AnalystName A string containing the analyst name
#' @return A message stating the name has been changed.
#' @keywords options Analyst
#' @export

setAnalyst <- function(AnalystName){
  if(!is.character(AnalystName)) stop('Analyst Name must be a character string')
  if(length(AnalystName) > 1) {
    warning('Only First String is Used')
    AnalystName <- AnalystName[1]
  AnalErr <- try(setPermanentAnalyst(AnalystName), silent = T)
  msg1 <- NULL
  if(!is.null(AnalErr)) msg1 <- paste0('Default Analyst can not be ',
                                       'saved permanently.\n',
                                       'You will need to set for each ',
                                       'R session.\n')
  site_path = R.home(component = "home")
  Project_setup <- paste0(site_path,
  if(file.access(Project_setup, 2) == -1)
                'You do not have permission to change\n',
                'New CIDA Project Template'))
  DCF <- read.dcf(file.path(Project_setup), all = T)
  DCF$Default[DCF$Parameter == 'analyst' &
                !is.na(DCF$Parameter)] <- AnalystName
  write.dcf(DCF, file.path(Project_setup))
  return(paste('The default analyst name has been changed to',

#' Get pretty numbers of rows
#' Retrieve the number of rows in dataframe of matrix with commas inserted for
#' nice reports.
#' @param x data frame or matrix
#' @return Number of rows with big.mark = , and trim = T
#' @keywords prettynrow
#' @export

nrowP <- function(x){
  format(nrow(x), big.mark = ',', trim = T)

#' Get pretty number of levels
#' Just a wrapper for format(nlevels) with big.mark = , and trim = T
#' @param x factor
#' @return Number of rows with big.mark = , and trim = T
#' @keywords prettynlevels
#' @export

nLevelsP <- function(x){
  format(nlevels(x), big.mark = ',', trim = T)

#' Set Default Analyst Value
#' This is an internal function that writes the Default Analyst name to the
#' users Rprofile.
#' @param Name A string containing the analyst name
setPermanentAnalyst <- function(Name){
  options(CIDAtools.analyst = Name)
  fname = file.path("~/.Rprofile")
  opts <- character()
    opts <- readLines(fname)
  opts[grep('options\\(CIDAtools.analyst = ', opts, invert = T)] -> opts
  opts <- c(opts, paste0("options(CIDAtools.analyst = '",
                           paste0(Name), "')"))
  if(!file.create(fname, showWarnings = F))
  writeLines(opts, fname)

#' Remove Default Analyst from ~/.Rprofile
#' This function removes the default analyst set with setAnalyst() from the users
#' .Rprofile. If this is the only entry in .Rprofile it will remove the file as well.
#' @param quiet should a message indicating result be returned, if TRUE will only
#' return TRUE or FALSE
#' @return Message indicating sucess or failue
#' @keywords Analyst remove
#' @export
removeAnalyst <- function(quiet = F){
  fname = file.path("~/.Rprofile")
  if(file.access(fname, 4) != 0){
    return('User does not have an Rprofile or Rprofile can not be read')
  opts <- readLines(fname)
  opts[grep('options\\(CIDAtools.analyst = ', opts, invert = T)] -> opts
  if(file.access(fname, 2) != 0){
      return('You do not have permission to write to users Rprofile')
  if(length(opts) == 0){
    return('Users .Rprofile is empty and was deleted')
  writeLines(opts, fname)
    return('options(CIDAtools.analyst) has been removed from users profile')

#' Convert Interval Notation
#' Converts a vector from Interval Notation to less than equal to, less than,
#' etc.
#' @param x a character vector to be converted
#' @return a character vector of same length of x converted
#' @keywords interval notation
#' @export
convertIntervalNotation <- function(x){
  if(!is.character(x)) stop('x must be a character vector')
  x <- gsub('\\(-Inf, ', '', x)
  x <- gsub(',Inf\\)', '', x)
  x <- gsub('\\[', '\u2265', x)
  x <- gsub('([0-9]+)\\]', '\u2264\\1', x)
  x <- gsub(',', ' - ', x)
  x <- gsub("\\(", '>', x)
  x <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\)", "<\\1", x)

#' Round and don't drop trailing zeros
#' Shorter wrapper for format(x, digits = n, nsmall = n)
#' @param x numeric to be formatted
#' @param n number of digits for nsmall
#' @return a character vector of same length of x converted
#' @details should not be used unless digits after a decimal are needed.
#' Note for numbers with leading zeros (ie. 0.0349) you will get one more
#' decimal place than n. (ie. \code{Round(O.0349, 2)} will return
#' \code{0.035})
#' @keywords interval notation
#' @export
Round <- function(x, n){
  format(x, digits = n, nsmall = n)

#' Sum ignoring NAs
#' Will sum values returning NA only if all values are NA, otherise will ignore
#' @param ... numbers or vectors to be summed. Must be type logical or numeric.
#' @return a numeric vector of the same length as the arguments
#' @details this function will provide vectorized sums with NAs ignored unless
#' only NAs are present
#' @keywords sum
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # ignores NA
#' sum_ignore_NA(2, 3, NA)
#' # returns NA if all values are NA
#' sum_ignore_NA(NA, NA, NA)
#' # returns vectorized sums
#' x <- c(1, 2, NA)
#' y <- c(1:3)
#' sum_xy <- sum_ignore_NA(x, y)
#' data.frame(x, y, sum_xy)
#' x <- c(1, 2, NA)
#' y <- c(1, 2, NA)
#' sum_xy <- sum_ignore_NA(x, y)
#' data.frame(x, y, sum_xy)

sum_ignore_NA <- function(...){
  arguments <- list(...)
  arguments <- lapply(arguments, unlist)
  x <- sapply(arguments, length)
  if(min(x) != max(x)) stop('Vectors must be same length')
  arguments <- lapply(1:min(x), function(i) sapply(arguments, `[[`, i))
  sapply(arguments, function(numbers){
    if(all(is.na(numbers))) return(NA)
    if(!is.numeric(numbers) & !is.logical(numbers))
      stop('Arguments must be numeric or logical')
    sum(numbers, na.rm = T)

#' Vectorized power estimates
#' This function allows you to use power.t.test, power.prop.test, etc in
#' vectorized fashion and return a table of results
#' @param fun a power calculating function; <function>
#' @param ... the arguments for the power calculating function assigned to `fun`;
#' @return tibble of results
#' @importFrom generics tidy
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @examples
#' # single non-vectorized output
#' vec_power(fun = power.t.test, n = 100, delta = 1, sd = 1, sig.level = 0.05)
#' # multiple vectorized output
#' vec_power(fun = power.t.test, n = 80:100, delta = 1, sd = 1, sig.level = 0.05)
#' # every combination of arguments vectorized output
#' vec_power(fun = power.t.test, n = 90:100, delta = 1, sd = seq(0, 1, length=10), sig.level = 0.05)
#' @export

vec_power <- function(fun = stats::power.t.test, ...){

  args <- list(...)
  params <- expand.grid(args, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,length(args):1]

  results <- tidy(do.call(fun, params[1,]))
  for(i in 1:nrow(params)) {
    res <- try(do.call(fun, params[i,]), silent = TRUE)
    results[i,] <- NA
    if(class(res)[1] != "try-error")
      results[i,] <- tidy(res)

  results <- dplyr::bind_cols(results, params[!(names(params) %in% names(results))])


# Helper for pwr package version of power fns.
tidy.power.htest <- function(x, ...) {
  class(x) <- "list"

# helper function to cleanup project location
proj.location.handler <- function(loc="") {
  loc <- gsub("/Volumes/sph-cida", "", loc)
  loc <- gsub("P:/", "", loc)
  loc <- gsub(".*BRANCHES", "BRANCHES", loc)
  loc <- gsub("/$", "", loc)
CIDA-CSPH/CIDAtools documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 10:55 a.m.