
# Rflow package - cellref.loc

#' Find grid reference of point in grid
#' Find column, row or other discrete divider reference in a grid, from its
#'  co-ordinate.  May also be used in the time dimension.  Vectorised in
#'  \code{x}.
#' @param x
#' numeric \code{[]};
#' locations in relevant dimension
#' @param gcs
#' numeric \code{[]};
#' grid line co-ordinates in relevant dimension.  Must have length one more
#'  than the number of discretised units in the relevant dimension.  For
#'  example, when finding the column reference, the length of \code{gcs} must be
#'  one more than the number of columns, including the left and right edges
#'  of the model grid.
#' @param rev
#' logical \code{[1]};
#' whether the grid lines are numbered in reverse order of co-ordinate.
#'  Generally \code{FALSE} for column references and \code{TRUE} for row
#'  references.  See the examples for more guidance on usage with MODFLOW
#'  grids.
#' @return
#' An integer vector of the same length as \code{x}, showing which grid cell
#'  reference the values of \code{x} are found in.  \code{NA} shows that values
#'  of \code{x} are outside the grid boundaries.
#' Values of \code{x} that are exactly on the grid lines are assigned to the
#'  smaller reference (or greater if \code{rev = TRUE}, as a side effect of
#'  \code{rev}).
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # some of these values may be outside the grid boundary
#' x <- sample(seq(0, 11, .1), 20)
#' # irregular grids are supported, but gcs must be in ascending order
#' gcs <- sort(sample(seq(0, 10, .5), 11))
#' cellref.loc(x, gcs)
#' cellref.loc(x, gcs, TRUE)
#' # for MODFLOW models:
#' library("RNetCDF")
#' mfdata <- open.nc(system.file("rflow_mf_demo.nc", package = "Rflow"))
#' #
#' # - example column reference
#' gccs <- c(var.get.nc(mfdata, "gccs") +
#'             att.get.nc(mfdata, "NC_GLOBAL", "origin-x"))
#' (C <- cellref.loc(625, gccs))
#' #
#' # - example row reference
#' #  -- rows are numbered in order of decreasing y, so put rev = TRUE
#' grcs <- c(var.get.nc(mfdata, "grcs") +
#'             att.get.nc(mfdata, "NC_GLOBAL", "origin-y"))
#' (R <- cellref.loc(825, grcs, TRUE))
#' #
#' # - example layer reference
#' #  -- layer divides are in descending order, so reverse the layer
#' #      divides and also use rev = TRUE
#' ldivs.cr <- c(var.get.nc(mfdata, "elev", c(C, R, NA), c(1L, 1L, NA)))
#' (L <- cellref.loc(25, rev(ldivs.cr), TRUE))
#' #
#' # - example time step reference
#' (ts <- cellref.loc(1500, mftstime(mfdata)))
cellref.loc <- function(x, gcs, rev = FALSE){
  refs <- as.integer(if(rev){
    length(gcs) - approx(gcs, 1:length(gcs), x, "constant", f = 0)$y
    approx(gcs, 1:length(gcs), x, "constant", f = 0)$y
  refs[x >= max(gcs)] <- NA_integer_

#' @name gcs
#' @rdname gcs
#' @title Grid line co-ordinates
#' @description
#' Find the co-ordinates of column (\code{gccs}) or row (\code{grcs})
#'  dividers from the DIS package or the NetCDF-format output data.
#' @param data
#' DIS.MFpackage or NetCDF object;
#' MODFLOW data relating to the model
#' @param absolute
#' logical \code{[1]};
#' \code{TRUE} if the absolute, or global co-ordinates should be returned.
#'  The default is \code{FALSE}, so that the first co-ordinate is always 0
#' @param x0,y0
#' numeric \code{[1]};
#' If \code{data} is a DIS package and \code{absolute = TRUE}, then the
#'  value of \eqn{x} (\code{gccs}) or \eqn{y} (\code{grcs}) at the model
#'  origin (bottom left corner) must be given.  Not needed with NetCDFs
#'  because this information is stored in the NetCDF output generated from
#'  \code{Rflow}.
#' @param v
#' numeric \code{[]};
#' a vector of grid divider co-ordinates
#' @return
#' \code{gccs}: numeric \code{[NCOL + 1]}\cr
#' \code{grcs}: numeric \code{[NROW + 1]}\cr
#' \code{mids}: numeric \code{[length(v) - 1]}
#' @details
#' \code{gccs} and \code{grcs} return the x co-ordinates of the column
#'  dividers and the y co-ordinates of the row dividers respectively, in
#'  each case in ascending order, which will be the reverse of the row
#'  order in the latter case.  Wrap with \code{mids} to find the midpoints,
#'  that is the node centres.
#' @examples
#' # using DIS.MFpackage
#' dis <- read.DIS(system.file("rflow_mf_demo.dis",
#'                             package = "Rflow"))
#' gccs(dis)
#' grcs(dis)
#' # arbitrary origin
#' gccs(dis, TRUE, 1000)
#' # using NetCDF
#' mfdata <- RNetCDF::open.nc({
#'   system.file("rflow_mf_demo.nc", package = "Rflow")
#' })
#' gccs(mfdata)
#' grcs(mfdata)
#' # origin is in fact 0,0 for the demo, so these will show no difference
#' gccs(mfdata, TRUE)
#' grcs(mfdata, TRUE)
#' # - if t0 is given with a NetCDF, a warning is given to avoid
#' #    ambiguity
#' \dontrun{gccs(mfdata, TRUE, 1000)}
#' # node centre x and y co-ordinates:
#' # - x
#' mids(gccs(mfdata, TRUE))
#' # - y
#' mids(grcs(mfdata, TRUE))

#' @rdname gcs
#' @importFrom RNetCDF var.get.nc
#' @importFrom RNetCDF att.get.nc
#' @export
gccs <- function(data, absolute = FALSE, x0){
         NetCDF = {
           if(absolute && !missing(x0)) warning({
             "Rflow::gccs: with NetCDF origin x is read from the data set, so x0 is ignored"

           as.vector(var.get.nc(data, "gccs") + if(absolute){
             att.get.nc(data, "NC_GLOBAL", "origin-x")
           }else 0)
         DIS.MFpackage = {
           if(absolute && missing(x0)) stop({
             "Rflow::gccs: with a DIS.MFpackage, x0 must be given for absolute co-ordinates"

           if(length(data$DELR) == 1L){
             unname(seq(0, by = data$DELR,
                        length.out = data$extent["NCOL"] + 1L)) +
               if(absolute) x0 else 0
             c(0, cumsum(data$DELR)) + if(absolute) x0 else 0
         stop("data must be a DIS.MFpackage or a NetCDF"))

#' @rdname gcs
#' @importFrom RNetCDF var.get.nc
#' @importFrom RNetCDF att.get.nc
#' @export
grcs <- function(data, absolute = FALSE, y0){
         NetCDF = {
           if(absolute && !missing(y0)) warning({
             "Rflow::grcs: with NetCDF origin y is read from the data set, so y0 is ignored"

           as.vector(var.get.nc(data, "grcs") + if(absolute){
             att.get.nc(data, "NC_GLOBAL", "origin-y")
           }else 0)
         DIS.MFpackage = {
           if(absolute && missing(y0)) stop({
             "Rflow::grcs: with a DIS.MFpackage, y0 must be given for absolute co-ordinates"

           if(length(data$DELC) == 1L){
             unname(seq(0, by = data$DELC,
                        length.out = data$extent["NROW"] + 1L)) +
               if(absolute) y0 else 0
             c(0, cumsum(rev(data$DELC))) + if(absolute) y0 else 0
         stop("data must be a DIS.MFpackage or a NetCDF"))

#' @rdname gcs
#' @export
mids <- function(v){
  (v[-1L] + v[-length(v)])/2

#' @name mftime
#' @rdname mftime
#' @title Time Step and Stress Period timings
#' @description
#' Get the time values of the time step or stress period divides from a DIS
#'  package or a MODFLOW NetCDF data set.  Stress periods define periods of
#'  different boundary condition stresses.  Stress periods are divided into
#'  multiple time steps in order to describe the transient response
#'  accurately.
#' @param data
#' DIS.MFpackage or NetCDF object;
#' mfsptime does not yet support NetCDF
#' @param absolute
#' logical \code{[1]};
#' \code{TRUE} if the absolute time values should be returned.  The default
#'  is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param t0
#' numeric \code{[1]};
#' If \code{data} is a DIS package and \code{absolute = TRUE}, then the
#'  value of \eqn{t} at the start of the model must be given.  Not needed
#'  with NetCDFs because this information is stored in the NetCDF output
#'  generated from \code{Rflow}.
#' @return
#' \code{mftstime}:\cr
#' numeric \code{[NTS + 1]}, where \code{NTS} is the number of time steps;
#' the time values at the time step transitions, including the start and end
#'  times of the model
#' \code{mfsptime}:\cr
#' numeric \code{[NPER + 1]}, where \code{NPER} is the number of stress
#' periods; the time values at the stress period transitions, including the
#'  start and end times of the model
#' @examples
#' # using DIS.MFpackage
#' dis <- read.DIS(system.file("rflow_mf_demo.dis",
#'                             package = "Rflow"))
#' mftstime(dis)
#' mfsptime(dis)
#' # - with a made-up start time for demonstration purposes
#' mftstime(dis, TRUE, 1000)
#' mfsptime(dis, TRUE, 1000)
#' # using a NetCDF
#' mfdata <- RNetCDF::open.nc({
#'   system.file("rflow_mf_demo.nc", package = "Rflow")
#' })
#' mftstime(mfdata)
#' # - the start time is in fact 0 for the demo, so this will show no
#' #    difference
#' mftstime(mfdata, TRUE)
#' # - if t0 is given with a NetCDF, a warning is given to avoid
#' #    ambiguity
#' \dontrun{mftstime(mfdata, TRUE, 1000)}

#' @rdname mftime
#' @importFrom RNetCDF var.get.nc
#' @importFrom RNetCDF att.get.nc
#' @export
mftstime <- function(data, absolute = FALSE, t0){
         NetCDF = {
           if(absolute && !missing(t0)) warning({
             "Rflow::mftstime: with NetCDF origin t is read from the data set, so t0 is ignored"

           c(0, var.get.nc(data, "time")) + if(absolute){
             att.get.nc(data, "NC_GLOBAL", "start_time")
           }else 0
         DIS.MFpackage = {
           if(absolute && missing(t0)) stop({
             "Rflow::mftstime: with a DIS.MFpackage, t0 must be given for absolute co-ordinates"

           with(data$sps, {
             c(0, Map(function(Dt, N, m, t.end, sp){
               dt1 <- Dt/sum(m^(0:(N - 1L)))
               ts <- cumsum(dt1*m^(0:(N - 1L))) + t.end - Dt
               names(ts) <- paste(sp, 1:N, sep = "_")
             }, PERLEN, NSTP, TSMULT, cumsum(PERLEN), 1:length(PERLEN)),
             recursive = TRUE) + if(absolute) t0 else 0})
         stop("data must be a DIS.MFpackage or a NetCDF"))

#' @rdname mftime
#' @importFrom RNetCDF var.get.nc
#' @importFrom RNetCDF att.get.nc
#' @export
mfsptime <- function(data, absolute = FALSE, t0){
         NetCDF = {
           stop("Rflow::mfsptime: mfsptime does not yet support RNetCDF input")
         DIS.MFpackage = {
           if(absolute && missing(t0)) stop({
             "Rflow::mfsptime: with a DIS.MFpackage, t0 must be given for absolute co-ordinates"

           cumsum(c(if(absolute) t0 else 0, data$sps$PERLEN))
         stop("data must be a DIS.MFpackage or a NetCDF"))
CJBarry/Rflow documentation built on June 16, 2019, 12:35 p.m.