data2feather <- function(path = "data/db", data = "data/Rme_old.RData", new_data = "data/Rminor_elevated.rds") {
objects <- new.env()
if (stringr::str_detect(stringr::regex("RData$", ignore_case = TRUE))) {
load(data, envir = objects)
} else {
list2env(readRDS(data), envir = objects)
nms <- ls(objects, all.names = TRUE) %>%
{`[`(., !. %in% c("Exit", "summary", "Project", "tay", "Enrollment"))} %>%
stringr::str_subset("\\_between$", negate = TRUE)
obj_list <- rlang::env_get_list(objects, nms, NULL)
.is_df <- purrr::map_lgl(obj_list,
all_df_nms <- names(obj_list)[.is_df]
rm(list = all_df_nms, envir = objects)
objects$all_df_nms <- all_df_nms
purrr::iwalk(obj_list[.is_df], ~{
arrow::write_feather(.x, path = file.path(path, paste0(.y, ".feather")))
purrr::iwalk(all_df_nms, ~{
assign(.x, function() arrow::read_feather(as.character([[1]])), objects)
save(list = ls(envir = objects), file = new_data, envir = objects)
compare_image_sizes <- function(new = "data/Rminor_elevated.RData", old = "data/Rme_old.RData") {
old_objects <- new.env()
load(new, envir = old_objects)
nms <- ls(old_objects, all.names = TRUE)
old_list <- rlang::env_get_list(old_objects, nms, NULL)
new_objects <- new.env()
load(old, envir = new_objects)
nms <- ls(new_objects, all.names = TRUE)
new_list <- rlang::env_get_list(new_objects, nms, NULL)
out <- object.size(old_list) - object.size(new_list)
message(paste0(as.numeric(out) / as.numeric(object.size(old_list)), "% reduction"))
message(format(out,"GB", standard = "SI"), " removed")
list(difference = out,
new = new_list,
old = old_list)
#' @title Convert the occurrence of a symbol in an R document to a function call by the same name
#' @description Useful to replace calls to an object by symbol name with an accessor function or reactive with the same name
#' @param x \code{(character)} All symbols to change
#' @param file \code{(character)} Path to file in which to change them
#' @return \code{(character)} vector of text in the file with the new function calls
sym2function <- function(x, file) {
.parse <- parse(file)
.server_data <- utils::getParseData(.parse)
.to_change <- which(.server_data$token %in% "SYMBOL" & grepl(paste0(paste0("(?:(?<!\\w)",x,"(?!\\w))"), collapse = "|"), .server_data$text, perl = TRUE))
out <- readLines(file)
for (i in .to_change) {
.ln_num <- .server_data$line2[i]
if (interactive()) {
rstudioapi::navigateToFile(file, line = .ln_num, column = .server_data$col1[i])
.answer <- utils::askYesNo("Change this symbol instance to a function?")
if (isFALSE(.answer)) next
else if ( stop("A choice must be selected")
# if a line must be altered more than once, adjust the column numbers based on the number of reoccurences
.add <- (which(.to_change[.server_data$line2[.to_change] %in% .ln_num] %in% .to_change[.to_change %in% i]) - 1) * 2
.line <- out[.ln_num]
.col <- .server_data$col2[i]
out[.ln_num] <- stringr::str_c(stringr::str_sub(.line, end = .col + .add),"()", stringr::str_sub(.line, .col + .add + 1, nchar(.line)))
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