
Defines functions xt_params read_wt_hdr read_wt_tbl read_xtabs_ total_patt read_weights read_xtabs

Documented in read_weights read_xtabs

#' @title Read crosstab data and weights
#' @description
#' These two functions facilitate reading in Excel
#' spreadsheets of crosstabs generated from SPSS. Note that they're likely
#' only useful for working with the DataHaven Community Wellbeing Survey.
#' @param path Path to an excel file
#' @param name_prefix String used to create column names such as x1, x2, x3, ...,
#' Default: 'x'
#' @param marker String/regex pattern used to demarcate crosstabs from weight
#' table. If `NULL`, it will be assumed that the file contains only crosstab
#' data *or* weights, and no filtering will be done. If `marker` is never found,
#' it's assumed that weights are in headers above the data, such as for 2021,
#' in which case a different operation is done but the same weights table is
#' returned. Default: `"Nature of the [Ss]ample"`
#' @param year Numeric. As of now, its main purpose is to add an extra filtering
#' step to take out headers in the 2015 files. Default: 2018
#' @param process Logical: if `FALSE` (the default), this will return the
#' crosstab data to be processed, most likely by passing along to `xtab2df`. If
#' `TRUE`, `xtab2df` will be called, and you'll receive a nice, clean data frame
#' ready for analysis. This is *only* recommended if you already know for sure
#' what the crosstab data looks like, so you don't accidentally lose some
#' questions or important description. As a sanity check, you'll see a message
#' listing the parameters used in the `xtab2df` call.
#' @param verbose Logical: if `process` is true, should parameters being passed to `xtab2df` be printed? Defaults to `TRUE` to encourage you to double check that you're passing arguments intentionally.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to `xtab2df` if `process = TRUE`.
#' @return A data frame. For `read_xtabs`, there will be one column per
#' demographic/geographic group included, plus one for the questions & answers.
#' For `read_weights`, only 2 columns, one for demographic groups and one for
#' their associated weights.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()) {
#'   xt <- system.file("extdata/test_xtab2018.xlsx", package = "cwi")
#'   read_weights(xt)
#'   # returns a not-very-pretty data frame of the crosstabs to be processed
#'   read_xtabs(xt)
#'   # returns a pretty data frame ready for analysis
#'   read_xtabs(xt, process = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname read_xtabs
#' @seealso [cwi::xtab2df()]
read_xtabs <- function(path, name_prefix = "x", marker = "Nature of the [Ss]ample", year = 2018, process = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  data <- read_xtabs_(path, name_prefix)
  first_col <- rlang::sym(names(data)[1])
  if (as.numeric(year) == 2015) {
    data <- camiller::filter_after(data, grepl("Samp[le]+ Size", {{ first_col }}))
  data <- dplyr::filter(data, !stringr::str_detect({{ first_col }}, total_patt()) | is.na({{ first_col }}))
  if (!is.null(marker)) {
    data <- camiller::filter_until(data, grepl(marker, {{ first_col }}))
  if (process) {
    if (verbose) {
      xt_params(list(col = first_col, ...))
    xtab2df(data, col = {{ first_col }}, ...)
  } else {

#' @export
#' @rdname read_xtabs
read_weights <- function(path, marker = "Nature of the [Ss]ample") {
  data <- read_xtabs_(path, name_prefix = "x")

  # is marker in col1? yes --> wt_tbl; no --> wt_hdr
  has_wt_tbl <- !is.null(marker) & any(grepl(marker, data[[1]]))

  if (has_wt_tbl) {
    data <- camiller::filter_after(data, grepl(marker, data[[1]]))
    wts <- read_wt_tbl(data)
  } else {
    data <- camiller::filter_until(data, grepl(total_patt(), dplyr::lag(data[[1]])))
    data <- dplyr::select(data, -1)
    data <- janitor::remove_empty(data, which = "rows")
    wts <- read_wt_hdr(data, scale = TRUE)


#################### HELPERS ##########################################
total_patt <- function() {
  "(Weighted [Tt]otal|^Total\\:$)"

read_xtabs_ <- function(path, name_prefix) {
  out <- readxl::read_excel(path, col_names = FALSE, .name_repair = make.names)
  out <- rlang::set_names(out, function(n) paste0(name_prefix, 1:ncol(out)))
  out <- janitor::remove_empty(out, which = "rows")

read_wt_tbl <- function(data, marker) {
  out <- janitor::remove_empty(data, which = "cols")
  out <- dplyr::select(out, group = 1, weight = 2)
  out <- dplyr::filter(out, !is.na(weight))
  out <- dplyr::mutate(out, weight = round(as.numeric(weight), digits = 3))

read_wt_hdr <- function(data, scale) {
  out <- t(data)
  out <- as.data.frame(out)
  names(out) <- c("category", "group", "weight")
  out <- tidyr::fill(out, category, .direction = "down")
  out <- dplyr::filter(out, !is.na(category))
  out$weight <- as.numeric(out$weight)
  out <- dplyr::group_by(out, category)

  if (scale) out <- dplyr::mutate(out, weight = round(weight / sum(weight), digits = 3))

  out <- dplyr::ungroup(out)
  out <- dplyr::select(out, -category)

xt_params <- function(args) {
  defaults <- formals(xtab2df)
  # don't need to include .data
  from_def <- defaults[!names(defaults) %in% names(args)][-1]
  params <- c(from_def, args)
  params <- params[names(defaults)[-1]]
  params[["code_pattern"]] <- gsub("\\{", "{{", params[["code_pattern"]])
  params[["code_pattern"]] <- gsub("\\}", "}}", params[["code_pattern"]])
  param_str <- paste(names(params), params, sep = " = ")
  # param_str <- stats::setNames(param_str, rep_len("*", length(param_str)))
  cli::cli_alert_info("xtab2df is being called on the data with the following parameters:")
  purrr::walk(param_str, cli::cli_alert)
CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:45 a.m.