
Defines functions NBjacobianRow

Documented in NBjacobianRow

#' A jacobian function of the NB for the row scores
#' @param beta a vector of of length n + k +1 regression parameters to optimize
#' @param X the data matrix of dimensions nxp
#' @param reg a 1xp regressor matrix: outer product of column scores and psis
#' @param thetas nxp matrix with the dispersion parameters
#' (converted to matrix for numeric reasons)
#' @param muMarg an nxp offset matrix
#' @param k a scalar, the dimension of the RC solution
#' @param p a scalar, the number of taxa
#' @param n a scalar, the number of samples
#' @param rowWeights a vector of length n, the weights used for the restrictions
#' @param nLambda an integer, the number of lagrangian multipliers
#' @param rMatK the lower dimension row scores
#' @param preFabMat a prefab matrix, (1+X/thetas)
#' @param Jac an empty Jacobian matrix
#' @param allowMissingness A boolean, are missing values present
#' @param naId The numeric index of the missing values in X
#' @return a symmetric jacobian matrix of size n+k + 1
NBjacobianRow = function(beta, X, reg, thetas,
    muMarg, k, n, p, rowWeights, nLambda,
    rMatK, preFabMat, Jac, allowMissingness, naId) {
    rMat = beta[seq_len(n)]
    mu = exp(rMat %*% reg) * muMarg

      preFabMat = 1 + correctXMissingness(X, mu, allowMissingness, naId)/thetas

    # dLag²/dr_{ik}dlambda_{1k} already
    # happened dLag²/dr_{ik}dlambda_{2k}
    Jac[seq_len(n), n + 2] = Jac[n + 2, seq_len(n)] = 2 *
        rMat * rowWeights
    # dLag²/dr_{ik}dlambda_{3kk'} already
    # happened

    # dLag²/dr_{ik}²
    diag(Jac)[seq_len(n)] = -tcrossprod(reg^2,
        preFabMat * mu/(1 + mu/thetas)^2) +
        2 * rowWeights * beta[n + 2]
CenterForStatistics-UGent/RCM documentation built on April 24, 2023, 8:26 p.m.