
#' An R6 Class object for unilevel network
#' @description a fitted level of a unilevel network once
#' $do_vem() is done
#' @import R6
#' @export

# Class declaration

FitSBM <-
    private = list(
      Q         = NULL, # Number of clusters
      pi        = NULL, # Mixture parameter
      alpha     = NULL, # Connectivity parameter
      tau       = NULL, # Variational parameter
      X         = NULL, # Adjacency Matrix
      n         = NULL, # number of nodes
      directed_  = NULL, # is X directed ?
      M         = NULL,  # mask matrix,
      distribution_ = NULL
    public = list(
#' @description Constructor for FitSBM  R6 class
#' @param Q Number of blocks
#' @param X Adjacency matrix
#' @param M Mask matrix
#' @param directed boolean
#' @param distribution string (only "bernoulli")
#' @return A new FitSBM object
      initialize = function(Q = 1,
                            X = NULL,
                            M = NULL,
                            directed = FALSE,
                            distribution = "bernoulli") {
        private$X        = X
        private$n        = nrow(X)
        private$Q        = Q
        private$directed_ = directed
        private$distribution_ = distribution
        if (is.null(M)) {
          private$M  <-  diag(-1, private$n) + 1
        } else {
          private$M          <-  M
          private$X[M == 0]  <-  -1
          diag(private$X)    <-  0
        if (sum(is.na(X)) > 0) {
          private$M[is.na(X)] <- 0
          private$X[is.na(X)] <- -1
      #' @field vbound vector of variational bound for convergence monitoring
      vbound = NULL,
      # Parameters update
      #' @description  Update the connection parameter for the M step
      #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
      update_alpha =
        function(safeguard = 1e-6) {
          ## alpha
          if (private$Q == 1) {
            private$alpha <-
              as.matrix( sum(private$M * private$X) / sum(private$M))
          } else {
            alpha <- crossprod(private$tau, (private$M*private$X) %*% private$tau) /
              crossprod(private$tau, private$M %*% private$tau)
            private$alpha <- alpha
      #' @description Update the upper level mixture parameter for the M step
      #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
      update_pi =
                 function(safeguard = 1e-6){
                   ## pi
                   if (private$Q == 1) {
                     private$pi <- 1
                   } else {
                     pi                 <- colMeans(private$tau)
                     pi[pi < safeguard] <- safeguard
                     private$pi         <- pi/sum(pi)
      #  Inference
      #' @description   init_clustering Initial clustering for VEM algorithm
      #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
      #' @param method Algorithm used to initiate the clustering, either
      #' "spectral", "hierarchical" or "merge_split" (if \code{Z} is provided)
      #' @param Z Initial clustering if provided
      init_clustering =
        function(safeguard = 1e-6,
                 method = "hierarchical",
                 Z = NULL) {
          if (private$Q == 1) {
            private$tau <-
              as.matrix(rep(1, private$n), nrow = private$n, ncol = 1)
          } else {
            init_clustering <-
                     "spectral"     = spcClust(private$X, private$Q),
                     "hierarchical" = hierarClust(private$X, private$Q),
                     "merge_split"  = Z)
            private$tau <-
              1 * sapply(1:private$Q, function(x) init_clustering %in% x)
            private$tau[private$tau < safeguard] <- safeguard
            private$tau <- private$tau / rowSums(private$tau)
      #      # Varational EM algorithm
      #' @description m_step Compute the M step of the VEM algorithm
      #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
      m_step = function(safeguard = 1e-6){
       #' @description Compute the VE step of the VEM algorithm
       #' @param threshold The convergence threshold
       #' @param fixPointIter The maximum number of fixed point iterations
       #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
        ve_step =
        function(threshold = 1e-6, fixPointIter = 100, safeguard = 1e-6){
          condition <-  TRUE
          it        <-  0
          tau_old   <-  private$tau
            ## tau
            if(private$distribution_ == "bernoulli") {
              tau  <-
                matrix(log(private$pi), private$n, private$Q, byrow = TRUE) +
                (private$M * private$X) %*% tcrossprod(tau_old,
                                                       log(private$alpha)) +
                (private$M * (1 - private$X)) %*% tcrossprod(tau_old,
                                                             log(1 - private$alpha))
              if (private$directed_) {
                tau <- tau +
                  t(private$M * private$X) %*% tcrossprod(tau_old, t(log(private$alpha))) +
                  t(private$M * (1 - private$X)) %*%
                  tcrossprod(tau_old, t(log(1 - private$alpha)))
            if(private$distribution_ == "poisson") {
              tau <- matrix(log(private$pi), private$n, private$Q, byrow = TRUE)
              tau <- tau +
                (private$M * private$X) %*%
                tau_old %*%
                t(log(private$alpha)) -
                private$M %*%
                tau_old %*%
              if (private$directed_) {
                tau <- tau +
                            tau_old %*%
                              log(private$alpha)) -
                            tau_old %*%
            if (private$Q == 1) {
              tau  <- as.matrix(exp(apply(tau, 1, function(x) x - max(x))), ncol = 1 )
            } else {
              tau  <-  exp(t(apply(tau, 1, function(x) x - max(x))) )
            tau[tau < safeguard] <- safeguard
            tau <-  tau/rowSums(tau)
            it <-  it + 1
            condition  <- dist_param(tau, tau_old) > threshold && it <= fixPointIter
            tau_old   <- tau
          private$tau <- tau
      #' @param init The method for \code{self$init_clustering}
      #' @param threshold The convergence threshold
      #' @param maxIter The max number of VEM iterations
      #' @param fixPointIter The max number of fixed point iterations for VE step
      #' @param safeguard Parameter live in a compact [safeguard, 1-safeguard]
      #' @param Z Initial clustering if provided
      #' @description Launch a Variational EM algorithm
      do_vem =
        function(init = "hierarchical", threshold = 1e-6, maxIter = 1000,
                 fixPointIter = 100, safeguard = 1e-6, Z = NULL) {
          self$init_clustering(method = init, safeguard = safeguard, Z = Z)
          self$m_step(safeguard = safeguard)
          self$vbound <-  c(self$vbound, self$bound)
          condition   <-  TRUE
          it          <-  0
          if (private$Q != 1) {
            while (condition) {
              alpha_old <- private$alpha
              pi_old    <- private$pi
              tau_old   <- private$tau
              bound_old <- self$vbound[length(self$vbound)]
              self$ve_step(safeguard = safeguard)
              self$m_step(safeguard = safeguard)
              if (bound_old > self$bound) {
                private$tau   <- tau_old
                private$alpha <- alpha_old
                private$pi    <- pi_old
                condition     <- FALSE
              } else {
                it          <-  it + 1
                self$vbound <-  c(self$vbound, self$bound)
                #            cat(it, " : ", self$bound, "\r" )
                condition <- dist_param(private$alpha, alpha_old) >
                  (threshold && it <= maxIter)
#' @description permute_empty_class Put empty blocks numbers at the end
      permute_empty_class =
                   if(length(unique(self$Z)) < private$Q){
                     perm  <-  c(unique(self$Z), setdiff( 1:private$Q, self$Z))
                     private$tau     <-  private$tau[, perm]
                     private$alpha   <- private$alpha[perm, perm]
                     private$pi      <- private$pi[perm]
      #' @description Reset all parameters
     clear =
                   private$pi     <-  NULL
                   private$alpha  <-  NULL
                   private$tau    <-  NULL
    active = list(
      ## accessor and mutator
      #' @field adjacency Get the adjacency matrix
      adjacency  = function(value) private$X,
      #' @field mask Get the mask matrix for dealing with NA
      mask = function(value) private$M,
      #' @field nb_nodes Get the number of nodes of the level
      nb_nodes   = function(value) private$n,
      #' @field nb_clusters Get the number of blocks
      nb_clusters = function(value) private$Q,
      #' @field distribution Get the distribution used for the connections
      distribution = function(value) private$distribution_,
      #' @field directed Get if the level is directed or not
      directed = function(value) private$directed_,
      #' @field mixture_parameter Access the block proportions
      mixture_parameter = function(value) {
        if (missing(value)) return(private$pi) else private$pi <- value
      #' @field connectivity_parameter Access the connectivity matrix
      connectivity_parameter = function(value) {
        if (missing(value)) return(private$alpha) else private$alpha <- value
      #' @field membership Access the variational parameters
      membership = function(value) {
        if (missing(value)) return(private$tau) else private$tau <- value
      ## other functions
      #' @field entropy Get the entropy of the model
      entropy    = function(value) - sum( .xlogx(private$tau)),
      #' @field bound Get the variational bound of the model
      bound     = function(value) self$likelihood + self$entropy,
      #' @field df_mixture Get the degree of freedom of the block proportion
      df_mixture = function(value) private$Q -1,
      #' @field df_connect Get the degree of freedom of the connection parameters
      df_connect = function(value) {
        if (private$directed_) private$Q**2 else private$Q*(private$Q+1)/2
      #' @field connect Get the number of observed dyads
      connect = function(value) ifelse (private$directed_, 1, .5)*sum(private$M),
      #' @field ICL Get the ICL model selection criterion
      ICL        = function(value) self$likelihood - self$penalty,
      #' @field penalty Get the penalty used for computing the ICL
      penalty    = function(value) {
        .5*self$df_connect*log(self$connect) + .5*self$df_mixture*log(private$n)
      #' @field Z Access the vector of block membership (clustering)
      Z          = function(value){
        if (private$Q == 1) rep(1, private$n) else apply(private$tau, 1, which.max)
      #' @field X_hat Get the connection probability matrix
      X_hat = function(value) {

      # Likelihood computation
      #' @field X_likelihood adjacency part of the log likelihood
      X_likelihood = function(value) {
        factor <-  if (private$directed_) 1 else .5
        xl <- 0
        emqr <-
          .tquadform(private$tau, private$X * private$M)
        nmqr <-
          .tquadform(private$tau, private$M)
        if(private$distribution_ == "bernoulli") {
          xl <-
            factor * sum(
              .xlogy(emqr, private$alpha, eps = 1e-12) +
                .xlogy(nmqr - emqr, 1 - private$alpha, eps = 1e-12))
            # sum(private$M * private$X *
            #       quad_form(log(private$alpha), private$tau)) +
            #   sum(private$M * (1 - private$X) *
            #         quad_form(log(1 - private$alpha), private$tau))
        if (private$distribution_ == "poisson") {
          xl <- factor * sum(emqr*log(private$alpha) -
                      nmqr  * private$alpha )
      #' @field Z_likelihood block part of the log likelihood
      Z_likelihood = function(value) sum(private$tau%*%log(private$pi)),
      #' @field likelihood complete log likelihood
      likelihood = function(value) self$X_likelihood + self$Z_likelihood
Chabert-Liddell/MLVSBM documentation built on March 25, 2023, 11:45 a.m.