
Defines functions check_request_valid distance_to_destinations distance_from_origins dist_url approx_grid

approx_grid <- function(lat,lng,km) {
  dist_lat <- km/6378 * (180/pi)
  dist_lng <- km/6387 *(180/pi) / cos(lat * pi/180)
  return(data.frame(lat=dist_lat, lng = dist_lng))

dist_url <- function(origin, dest, mode, departing = F, tz = Sys.timezone(), model = 'best_guess',
                     api_key = api_key) {

  # enter departing in form: YYYY-MM-DD 08:00:00
  if(departing != F & !grepl('[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2,}',departing)) {
    stop(paste0('departure time must either be set to FALSE or a time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (local time)'))
  } else if(departing != F) {
      departure_time <- paste0('&departure_time=',as.character(as.numeric(lubridate::ymd_hms(departing, tz=tz))),'&traffic_model=', model)
  } else if(departing == F) {
    departure_time <- ''

  # create web address
  root <- "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json"
  i <- paste0(root, "?origins=", origin, "&destinations=", dest, "&mode=",mode,
              departure_time, "&key=", api_key)



distance_from_origins <- function(origin, dest, mode = "driving",
                                  departing = F, tz = Sys.timezone(),  model = "best_guess", max_dimension = 25,
                                  api_key = api_key, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (!(mode %in% c("driving", "walking", "cycle", "cycling", "bicycle", "transit"))) {
    stop("mode must be one of: driving, walking, cycle, transit")

  dists_vec <- c()
  time_vec <- c()

  # Google Map Distance Matrix Service API only allow 25 origins per request
  lots <- length(origin) %/% max_dimension

  if (length(dest) %% max_dimension != 0) {
    lots <- lots + 1

  for (i in 1:(lots)) {

    # set up destination request string up to designated number of origins
    origin_txt <- gsub(" ", "+", paste0(origin[(1 + max_dimension * (i - 1)):(max_dimension * i)][!is.na(origin[(1 + max_dimension * (i - 1)):(max_dimension * i)])], collapse = "|"))

    if (origin_txt == "") {

    u <- dist_url(origin_txt, dest, mode, departing, tz, model, api_key = api_key)

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      message("trying url: ", u)

    u_secret <- gsub(api_key, "<api_key_here>", u)

    if (lots > 1) {
      message(glue::glue("Trying URL: {i} of {lots}", ))

    doc <- httr::GET(u)
    status <- httr::http_status(doc)
    err <- httr::http_error(doc)

    if (err) {
      stop(glue::glue("API request failed with error: {status$reason}\n attempted url (api key masked): {u_secret}"))

    x <- httr::content(doc, simplifyVector = TRUE)

    if(x$status =='INVALID_REQUEST'){

    if (status$category == "Success" & departing != F & mode == "driving") {
      tbl <- lapply(x$rows$elements, function(x) unlist(x) %>% as.data.frame.list(stringsAsFactors = F)) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
      dists_vec <- c(dists_vec, tbl$distance.value)
      time_vec <- c(time_vec, tbl$duration_in_traffic.value)
    } else if (status$category == "Success") {
      tbl <- lapply(x$rows$elements, function(x) unlist(x) %>% as.data.frame.list(stringsAsFactors = F)) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
      dists_vec <- c(dists_vec, tbl$distance.value)
      time_vec <- c(time_vec, tbl$duration.value)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Error in url: ", u))

    dist = dists_vec,
    time = time_vec

distance_to_destinations <- function(origin, dest, mode,
                                     departing = F, tz = Sys.timezone(), model = "best_guess", max_dimension = 25,
                                     api_key = api_key) {

  dists_vec <- c()
  time_vec <- c()

  # Google Map Distance Matrix Service API only allow 25 destinations per request
  lots <- length(dest) %/% max_dimension

  if (length(dest) %% max_dimension != 0) {
    lots <- lots + 1

  for (i in 1:(lots)) {
    # set up destination request string up to designated number of destinations
    dest_txt <- gsub(" ", "+", paste0(dest[(1 + max_dimension * (i - 1)):(max_dimension * i)][!is.na(dest[(1 + max_dimension * (i - 1)):(max_dimension * i)])], collapse = "|"))
    if (dest_txt == "") {

    u <- dist_url(origin, dest_txt, mode, departing, tz, model, api_key = api_key)

    # don't include ferries in walk directions
    if (mode == "walking") {
      u <- gsub("(.+&mode=[A-Za-z]+)(&key=.+)", "\\1&avoid=ferries\\2", u)

    u_secret <- gsub(api_key, "<api_key_here>", u)
    if (lots > 1) {
      message(glue::glue("Trying URL: {i} of {lots}", ))

    res <- httr::GET(u)
    err <- httr::http_error(res)
    status <- httr::http_status(res)

    if (err) {
      stop(glue::glue("API request failed with error: {status$reason}\n attempted url (api key masked): {u_secret}"))

    x <- httr::content(res, simplifyVector = TRUE)

    if(x$status =='INVALID_REQUEST'){

    # if valid result and we have set departure time for driving, get time in traffic
    if (status$category == "Success" & mode == "driving" & departing != F) {
      dist <- x$rows$elements[[1]]$distance$value
      time <- x$rows$elements[[1]]$duration_in_traffic$value
      dists_vec <- c(dists_vec, dist)
      time_vec <- c(time_vec, time)
    } else if (status$category == "Success") {
      dist <- x$rows$elements[[1]]$distance$value
      time <- x$rows$elements[[1]]$duration$value
      dists_vec <- c(dists_vec, dist)
      time_vec <- c(time_vec, time)
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Error in url: ", u))

    dist = dists_vec,
    time = time_vec

check_request_valid <- function(method, mapbox_api_key, google_api_key, direction, site, time, detail, mode, departing, tz, init_grid_size, multiplier) {
  # ensure API Key is correct
  if(method %in% c('google','google_guess') ){
    assign('api_key', google_api_key, envir = parent.frame())
    if(google_api_key== ''){
      stop('please set google api key (see set_google_api)')
  } else if(method == 'mapbox'){
    assign('api_key', mapbox_api_key, envir = parent.frame())
    if(mapbox_api_key == ''){
      stop('please set mapbox api key (see set_mapbox_api)')
    if(direction == 'in'){
      stop('mapbox method does not support direction "in"')
  } else{
    stop('method must be one of google or mapbox')

  # ensure direction correctly specified
  if(!direction %in% c('in', 'out')){
    stop(paste0('direction parameter must be one of "in" or "out". "in" builds an isochrone based on travel times travelling towards the site. "out" builds the isochrone travelling away from the site.'))
  # ensure site is either a data frame containing lat and lon, or a string to be geocoded
    if('lat' %in% names(site)) {
      message('found column "lat" in site dataframe...')
    } else {
      stop('If the site parameter is a dataframe it should contain a column named "lat".')

    if('lng' %in% names(site)){
      message('found column "lng" in site dataframe...')
    } else if('lon' %in% names(site)){
      message('found column "lon" in site dataframe...')
      assign('site', rename(site, lng = lon), envir = parent.frame())
    } else {
      stop('If the site parameter is a dataframe it should contain a column named "lng".')
  } else if(!is.character(site)){
    stop('Site should be a dataframe or a character string to be geocoded.')

  # time should be numeric
    stop('Time should be specified as a numeric value (time in minutes)')

  # detail should be correctly specified
  if(!detail %in% c('low', 'med', 'medium','high')) {
    stop('Detail should be one of low, med or high')

  # mode should be valid
  if(!(mode %in% c('driving','walking','cycle','cycling','bicycle','transit'))){
    stop('mode must be one of: driving, walking, cycle, transit')

  # departure time should be valid, if set
  if(departing != F & !grepl('[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2,}',departing)) {
    stop(paste0('departure time must either be set to FALSE or a time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. Note the time is local time.'))
  } else if(departing != F) {
    # if departure time is set, set it to a time in the future (later today or tomorrow depending on whether or not the time has already passed today.

    # google maps wants it in the format in time elapsed since 01/01/1970 UTC.


Chrisjb/RDistanceMatrix documentation built on Jan. 27, 2021, 9:12 p.m.