## ============================================================================
## The motifProfile function for GRanges objects.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @import dplyr
#' @import methods
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq
#' @importFrom BSgenome getBSgenome
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges start
## ============================================================================
## Small functions
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Transfer the input motif
.transMotif <- function(motif)
## IUPAC codes
IUPAC <- data.frame(IUPAC=c("A", "C", "G", "T", "R", "Y", "S", "W",
"K", "M", "B", "D", "H", "V", "N"),
code=c("[A]", "[C]", "[G]", "[T]", "[AG]", "[CT]",
"[GC]", "[AT]", "[GT]", "[AC]", "[CGT]",
"[AGT]", "[ACT]", "[ACG]", "[ATCG]"))
## Transfer the input motif
splitmotif <- strsplit(motif,"") %>% as.data.frame()
splitmotif$code <- IUPAC$code[match(splitmotif[,1], IUPAC$IUPAC)]
output <- paste0(splitmotif$code, collapse = '')
output <- paste0("^", output)
## Calculation as fraction
.getFractionPlot <- function(flankingSeq, l, checkmotif, flanking, motif, title)
number <- c()
for (j in seq_len(l)){
sub <- substr(flankingSeq,j,j+nchar(motif)-1)
P <- length(sub[grep(checkmotif, sub)])/
number <- c(number,P)
## Making dataframe for the plot
df <- data.frame(Position=seq(from=-(flanking+nchar(motif)-1),
to=flanking), Fraction=number)
df$Position <- factor(df$Position,
levels=seq(from=-(flanking+nchar(motif)-1), to=flanking))
df <- df[-seq_len(nchar(motif)-1),]
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=Position, y=Fraction)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "Orange") + ggtitle(title) +
theme_bw() + ylab(paste0("Fraction of ", motif)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
out <- list(Numbers=df, Plot=p1)
## Making the plot with number
.getNumberPlot <- function(flankingSeq, l, checkmotif, flanking, motif, title)
number <- c()
for (j in seq_len(l)){
sub <- substr(flankingSeq,j,j+nchar(motif)-1)
P <- length(sub[grep(checkmotif, sub)])
number <- c(number,P)
## Making dataframe for the plot
df <- data.frame(Position = seq(from=-(flanking+nchar(motif)-1),
Number = number)
df$Position <- factor(df$Position,
levels=seq(from=-(flanking+nchar(motif)-1), to=flanking))
df <- df[-seq_len(nchar(motif)-1),]
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=Position, y=Number)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "Orange") + ggtitle(title) +
theme_bw() + ylab(paste0("Number of ", motif)) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
out <- list(Numbers=df, Plot=p1)
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## The "motifProfile" methods for GRanges objects.
#' @title motifProfile for the GRanges objects
#' @description An function to plot the frequency or fraction of the interested
#' motif around the center of input peaks.
#' @author You Zhou, Kathi Zarnack
#' @param object A GRanges object which should contains all the peaks that you
#' want to check
#' @param motif A character string which use the IUPAC nucleotide code, e.g.
#' @param genome The name of the full genome sequences package in the
#' Bioconductor, e.g. "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10". You should
#' install the package before running this function.
#' @param fraction A logical vector (TRUE or FALSE) that the result should be
#' presented in fraction or number.
#' @param title The main title for the output meta gene profile plot.
#' @param flanking The size of the flanking windows that you would like to
#' check. Flanking=5 will give you the result of the 10+1nt
#' windows around the center of peaks.
#' @return A list object, the list 1 contains the information of the
#' frequency of specified motif around the center of peaks. The list 2
#' includes the plot of motifProfile.
#' @examples
#' ## Load the test data and get the path to the test gff3 file
#' testpath <- system.file("extdata", package = "cliProfiler")
#' test <- readRDS(file.path(testpath, "test.rds"))
#' test_gff3 <- file.path(testpath, "annotation_test.gff3")
#' ## Please make sure that the correct BSgenome package have installed before
#' ## running motifProfile. For example,library("BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10")
#' ## would be required for the mouse data.
#' output <- motifProfile(test,
#' motif = "DRACH",
#' genome = "BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10",
#' flanking = 20
#' )
#' @export
motifProfile <- function(object, motif=NA, genome=NA, fraction=TRUE,
title="Motif Profile", flanking=10)
if (!is.character(motif))
stop("The 'motif' should be a character string.")
if (missing(motif))
stop("The parameter 'motif' is missing.")
if (missing(object))
stop("The input object is missing.")
if (missing(genome))
stop("The parameter genome is missing.")
if (nchar(motif) > 1+flanking)
stop("The motif is longer than the flanking region. Please
set a bigger number to the parameter flanking.")
else {
object <- .centerPeaks(object)
## Transfer input into uppercase
motif <- toupper(motif)
splitString <- strsplit(motif,"") %>% as.data.frame()
## Make sure the motif is using the IUPAC code
IUPAC <- c("A", "T", "C", "G", "R", "Y", "S", "W", "K",
"M", "B", "D", "H", "V", "N")
if (sum(!splitString[,1] %in% IUPAC) != 0)
stop("The 'motif' should be the IUPAC nucleotide code.")
## Transfer the IUPAC code
checkmotif <- .transMotif(motif)
genome <- getBSgenome(genome)
flankingSeq <- Biostrings::getSeq(genome,
object+flanking + nchar(motif) - 1)
## Calculate the number of iteration for the string splite
l <- 1+((flanking+nchar(motif)-1)*2)-nchar(motif)+1
## Calculate the result and generate plot
if (fraction == TRUE) {
output <- .getFractionPlot(flankingSeq, l, checkmotif,
flanking, motif, title)
if (fraction == FALSE) {
output <- .getNumberPlot(flankingSeq, l, checkmotif,
flanking, motif, title)
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