#' Bayesian inference of a TMB model using the no-U-turn sampler.
#' Draw Bayesian posterior samples from a Template Model Builder (TMB)
#' model using an MCMC algorithm. This function generates posterior samples
#' from which inference can be made. Adaptation schemes are used so
#' specification tuning parameters are not necessary, and parallel
#' execution reduces overall run time.
#' @details This function implements algorithm 6 of Hoffman and Gelman (2014),
#' and loosely follows package \code{rstan}. The step size can be
#' adapted or specified manually. The metric (i.e., mass matrix) can be
#' unit diagonal, adapted diagonal (default and recommended), or a dense
#' matrix specified by the user. Further control of algorithms can be
#' specified with the \code{control} argument. Elements are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{adapt_delta}{The target acceptance rate.}
#' \item{metric}{The mass metric to use. Options are: "unit" for a unit diagonal
#' matrix; "diag" to estimate a diagonal matrix during warmup; a matrix
#' to be used directly (in untransformed space).}
#' \item{adapt_engaged}{Whether adaptation of step size and metric is turned on.}
#' \item{max_treedepth}{Maximum treedepth for the NUTS algorithm.}
#' \item{stepsize}{The stepsize for the NUTS algorithm. If \code{NULL} it
#' will be adapted during warmup.}
#' }
#' @author Cole Monnahan
#' @param obj A TMB model object.
#' @param lower A vector of lower bounds for parameters. Allowed values are
#' -Inf and numeric.
#' @param upper A vector of upper bounds for parameters. Allowed values are
#' Inf and numeric.
#' @param algorithm The algorithm to use. NUTS is the default and
#' recommended one, but "RWM" for the random walk Metropolis sampler and
#' "HMC" for the static HMC sampler are available. These last two are
#' deprecated but may be of use in some situations. These algorithms
#' require different arguments; see their help files for more
#' information.
#' @param laplace Whether to use the Laplace approximation if some
#' parameters are declared as random. Default is to turn off this
#' functionality and integrate across all parameters with MCMC.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to samplers
#' @return A list containing the samples, and properties of the sampler
#' useful for diagnosing behavior and efficiency.
#' @seealso \code{\link{extract_samples}} to extract samples and
#' \code{\link{launch_shinytmb}} to explore the results graphically which
#' is a wrapper for the \code{\link[shinystan]{launch_shinystan}} function.
#' @inheritParams sample_admb
#' @inheritSection sample_admb Warning
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Build a fake TMB object with objective & gradient functions and some
#' ## other flags
#' \dontrun{
#' f <- function(x, order=0){
#' if(order != 1) # negative log density
#' -sum(dnorm(x=x, mean=0, sd=1, log=TRUE))
#' else x # gradient of negative log density
#' }
#' init <- function() rnorm(2)
#' obj <- list(env=list(DLL='demo', last.par.best=c(x=init()), f=f,
#' beSilent=function() NULL))
#' ## Run NUTS for this object
#' fit <- sample_tmb(obj, iter=1000, chains=3, init=init)
#' ## Check basic diagnostics
#' mon <- rstan::monitor(fit$samples, print=FALSE)
#' Rhat <- mon[,"Rhat"]
#' max(Rhat)
#' ess <- mon[, 'n_eff']
#' min(ess)
#' ## Or do it interactively with ShinyStan
#' launch_shinytmb(fit)
#' }
sample_tmb <- function(obj, iter=2000, init, chains=3, seeds=NULL,
warmup=floor(iter/2), lower=NULL,
upper=NULL, thin=1, parallel=FALSE,
cores=NULL, path=NULL, algorithm="NUTS",
laplace=FALSE, control=NULL, ...){
.Deprecated("tmbstan", package='tmbstan',
msg='Use tmbstan::tmbstan instead, sample_tmb is deprecated and no longer under development/maintenance')
control <- .update_control_tmb(control)
## Argument checking.
if(chains>1) warning('Using same starting values for each chain -- strongly recommended to use dispersed inits')
init <- lapply(1:chains, function(i) as.numeric(unlist(obj$par)))
} else if(is.function(init)){
init <- lapply(1:chains, function(i) unlist(init()))
} else if(length(init) != chains){
stop("Length of init does not equal number of chains.")
} else if(any(unlist(lapply(init, function(x) length(unlist(x)) != length(obj$par))))){
stop("Initial parameter vector is wrong length")
algorithm <- match.arg(algorithm, choices=c("NUTS", "RWM", "HMC"))
stopifnot(thin >=1)
stopifnot(chains >= 1)
if(iter < 10 | !is.numeric(iter)) stop("iter must be > 10")
obj$env$beSilent() # silence console output
## if(control$adapt_mass)
## warning("Mass matrix adaptation is experimental -- use with caution")
## Ignore parameters declared as random? Borrowed from tmbstan.
par <- obj$env$last.par.best[-obj$env$random]
fn0 <- obj$fn
gr0 <- obj$gr
} else {
par <- obj$env$last.par.best
fn0 <- obj$env$f
gr0 <- function(x) obj$env$f(x, order=1)
## Parameter constraints, if provided, require the fn and gr functions to
## be modified to account for differents in volume. There are four cases:
## no constraints, bounded below, bounded above, or both (box
## constraint).
bounded <- !(is.null(lower) & is.null(upper))
if(is.null(lower)) lower <- rep(-Inf, len=length(upper))
if(is.null(upper)) upper <- rep(Inf, len=length(lower))
cases <- .transform.cases(lower, upper)
fn <- function(y){
x <- .transform(y, lower, upper, cases)
scales <- .transform.grad(y, lower, upper, cases)
-fn0(x) + sum(log(scales))
gr <- function(y){
x <- .transform(y, lower, upper, cases)
scales <- .transform.grad(y, lower, upper, cases)
scales2 <- .transform.grad2(y, lower, upper, cases)
-as.vector(gr0(x))*scales + scales2
init <- lapply(init, function(x) .transform.inv(x=unlist(x), a=lower, b=upper, cases=cases))
} else {
fn <- function(y) -fn0(y)
gr <- function(y) -as.vector(gr0(y))
## Make parameter names unique if vectors exist
par.names <- names(par)
par.names <- as.vector((unlist(sapply(unique(par.names), function(x){
temp <- par.names[par.names==x]
if(length(temp)>1) paste0(temp,'[',1:length(temp),']') else temp
## Select and run the chain.
mcmc.out <- lapply(1:chains, function(i)
sample_tmb_hmc(iter=iter, fn=fn, gr=gr, init=init[[i]], warmup=warmup,
chain=i, thin=thin, seed=seeds[i], control=control, ...))
} else if(algorithm=="NUTS"){
mcmc.out <- lapply(1:chains, function(i)
sample_tmb_nuts(iter=iter, fn=fn, gr=gr, init=init[[i]], warmup=warmup,
chain=i, thin=thin, seed=seeds[i], control=control, ...))
} else if(algorithm=="RWM")
mcmc.out <- lapply(1:chains, function(i)
sample_tmb_rwm(iter=iter, fn=fn, init=init[[i]], warmup=warmup,
chain=i, thin=thin, seed=seeds[i], control=control, ...))
} else {
stop("path argument must be supplied to use parallel chains")
if(!requireNamespace("snowfall", quietly=TRUE)) stop("snowfall package not found")
if(file.exists('mcmc_progress.txt')) trash <- file.remove('mcmc_progress.txt')
snowfall::sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=cores, slaveOutfile='mcmc_progress.txt')
## snowfall::sfLibrary("TMB")
message("Starting parallel chains... ")
##mcmc.out <- lapply(1:chains, function(i)
mcmc.out <- snowfall::sfLapply(1:chains, function(i)
sample_tmb_parallel(parallel_number=i, iter=iter, obj=obj, path=path,
init=init[[i]], algorithm=algorithm, warmup=warmup,
lower=lower, upper=upper, seed=seeds[i],
control=control, ...))
message("... Finished parallel chains")
warmup <- mcmc.out[[1]]$warmup
## Clean up returned output
samples <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(mcmc.out[[1]]$par), chains, 1+length(par.names)),
dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, c(par.names,'lp__')))
## Before transforming, get estimated covariance to be used as metrix
## later.
covar.est <- cov(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:chains, function(i) mcmc.out[[i]]$par[-(1:warmup),1:length(par.names)])))
dimnames(covar.est) <- NULL
for(i in 1:chains){
temp <- mcmc.out[[i]]$par
temp[,-ncol(temp)] <-
t(apply(temp[,-ncol(temp)], 1, function(x)
.transform(x, lower, upper, cases)))
samples[,i,] <- temp
} else {
samples[,i,] <- mcmc.out[[i]]$par
## message("... Calculating ESS and Rhat")
## temp <- (rstan::monitor(samples, warmup=warmup, probs=.5, print=FALSE))
## Rhat <- temp[,6]; ess <- temp[,5]
message('Calculating ESS and Rhat...')
mon <- rstan::monitor(samples, warmup, print=FALSE)
sampler_params <- lapply(mcmc.out, function(x) x$sampler_params)
time.warmup <- unlist(lapply(mcmc.out, function(x) as.numeric(x$time.warmup)))
time.total <- unlist(lapply(mcmc.out, function(x) as.numeric(x$time.total)))
result <- list(samples=samples, sampler_params=sampler_params,
time.warmup=time.warmup, time.total=time.total,
algorithm=algorithm, warmup=warmup,
model=obj$env$DLL, covar.est=covar.est, monitor=mon)
if(algorithm=="NUTS") result$max_treedepth <- mcmc.out[[1]]$max_treedepth
result <- adfit(result)
#' Draw MCMC samples from a model posterior using the No-U-Turn (NUTS)
#' sampler with dual averaging.
#' @details
#' This function implements algorithm 6 of Hoffman and Gelman
#' (2014), which includes adaptive step sizes (\code{eps}) via an
#' algorithm called dual averaging. It also includes an adaptation scheme
#' to tune a diagonal mass matrix (metric) during warmup.
#' These \code{fn} and \code{gr} functions must have Jacobians already
#' applied if there are transformations used.
#' @param fn A function that returns the log of the posterior density.
#' @param gr A function that returns a vector of gradients of the log of
#' the posterior density (same as \code{fn}).
#' @param chain The chain number, for printing only.
#' @param seed The random seed to use.
#' @references
#' Hoffman and Gelman (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler: Adaptively setting
#' path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. J. Mach. Learn. Res.
#' 15:1593-1623.
#' @inheritParams sample_tmb
#' @seealso \code{sample_tmb}
sample_tmb_nuts <- function(iter, fn, gr, init, warmup=floor(iter/2),
chain=1, thin=1, seed=NULL, control=NULL){
## Now contains all required NUTS arguments
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
control <- .update_control_tmb(control)
eps <- control$stepsize
init <- as.vector(unlist(init))
npar <- length(init)
M <- control$metric
if(is.null(M)) M <- rep(1, len=npar)
if( !(is.vector(M) | is.matrix(M)) )
stop("Metric must be vector or matrix")
max_td <- control$max_treedepth
adapt_delta <- control$adapt_delta
adapt_mass <- control$adapt_mass
## Mass matrix adapatation algorithm arguments. Same as Stan defaults.
w1 <- control$w1; w2 <- control$w2; w3 <- control$w3
aws <- w2 # adapt window size
anw <- w1+w2 # adapt next window
if(warmup < (w1+w2+w3) & adapt_mass){
warning("Too few warmup iterations to do mass matrix adaptation.. disabled")
adapt_mass <- FALSE
## Using a mass matrix means redefining what fn and gr do and
## backtransforming the initial value.
rotation <- .rotate_space(fn=fn, gr=gr, M=M, y.cur=init)
fn2 <- rotation$fn2; gr2 <- rotation$gr2
theta.cur <- rotation$x.cur
chd <- rotation$chd
sampler_params <-
matrix(numeric(0), nrow=iter, ncol=6, dimnames=list(NULL,
c("accept_stat__", "stepsize__", "treedepth__", "n_leapfrog__",
"divergent__", "energy__")))
## This holds the rotated but untransformed variables ("y" space)
theta.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=iter, ncol=npar)
## how many steps were taken at each iteration, useful for tuning
j.results <- lp <- rep(NA, len=iter)
useDA <- is.null(eps) # whether to use DA algorithm
epsvec <- Hbar <- epsbar <- rep(NA, length=warmup+1)
eps <- epsvec[1] <- epsbar[1] <-
.find.epsilon(theta=theta.cur, fn=fn2, gr=gr2, eps=.1, verbose=FALSE)
mu <- log(10*eps)
Hbar[1] <- 0; gamma <- 0.05; t0 <- 10; kappa <- 0.75
} else {
## dummy values to return
epsvec <- epsbar <- Hbar <- NULL
## Start of MCMC chain
time.start <- Sys.time()
message(paste('Starting NUTS at', time.start))
for(m in 1:iter){
## Initialize this iteration from previous in case divergence at first
## treebuilding. If successful trajectory they are overwritten
theta.minus <- theta.plus <- theta.cur
theta.out[m,] <-
if(is.vector(M)) chd*theta.cur else t(chd %*% theta.cur)
lp[m] <- if(m==1) fn2(theta.cur) else lp[m-1]
r.cur <- r.plus <- r.minus <- rnorm(npar,0,1)
H0 <- .calculate.H(theta=theta.cur, r=r.cur, fn=fn2)
## Draw a slice variable u in log space
logu <-
log(runif(1)) + .calculate.H(theta=theta.cur,r=r.cur, fn=fn2)
j <- 0; n <- 1; s <- 1; divergent <- 0
## Track steps and divergences; updated inside .buildtree
info <- as.environment(list(n.calls=0, divergent=0))
while(s==1) {
v <- sample(x=c(1,-1), size=1)
## move in right direction
res <- .buildtree(theta=theta.plus, r=r.plus, logu=logu, v=v,
j=j, eps=eps, H0=H0,
fn=fn2, gr=gr2, info=info)
theta.plus <- res$theta.plus
r.plus <- res$r.plus
} else {
## move in left direction
res <- .buildtree(theta=theta.minus, r=r.minus, logu=logu, v=v,
j=j, eps=eps, H0=H0,
fn=fn2, gr=gr2, info=info)
theta.minus <- res$theta.minus
r.minus <- res$r.minus
## test whether to accept this state
if(!is.finite(res$s)) res$s <- 0
if(res$s==1) {
if(runif(n=1, min=0,max=1) <= res$n/n){
theta.cur <- res$theta.prime
lp[m] <- fn2(theta.cur)
## Rotate parameters
theta.out[m,] <-
if(is.vector(M)) chd*theta.cur else t(chd %*% theta.cur)
n <- n+res$n
s <- as.vector(res$s*.test.nuts(theta.plus, theta.minus, r.plus, r.minus))
if(!is.finite(s)) s <- 0
j <- j+1
## Stop doubling if too many or it's diverged enough
if(j>=max_td) {
## warning("j larger than max_treedepth, skipping to next m")
j.results[m] <- j-1
alpha2 <- res$alpha/res$nalpha
if(!is.finite(alpha2)) alpha2 <- 0
## ---------------
## Step size adapation with the
## Do the adapting of eps.
if(m <= warmup){
## Adaptation during warmup:
Hbar[m+1] <- (1-1/(m+t0))*Hbar[m] +
## If logalpha not defined, skip this updating step and use
## the last one.
## if(is.nan(Hbar[m+1])) Hbar[m+1] <- abs(Hbar[m])
logeps <- mu-sqrt(m)*Hbar[m+1]/gamma
epsvec[m+1] <- exp(logeps)
logepsbar <- m^(-kappa)*logeps + (1-m^(-kappa))*log(epsbar[m])
epsbar[m+1] <- exp(logepsbar)
eps <- epsvec[m+1]
} else {
## Fix eps for sampling period
eps <- epsbar[warmup]
## ---------------
## Do the adaptation of mass matrix. The algorithm is working in X
## space but I need to calculate the mass matrix in Y space. So need to
## do this coversion in the calcs below.
if(adapt_mass & .slow_phase(m, warmup, w1, w3)){
## If in slow phase, update running estimate of variances
## The Welford running variance calculation, see
## https://www.johndcook.com/blog/standard_deviation/
if(m== w1){
## Initialize algorithm from end of first fast window
m1 <- theta.out[m,]; s1 <- rep(0, len=npar); k <- 1
} else if(m==anw){
## If at end of adaptation window, update the mass matrix to the estimated
## variances
M <- as.numeric(s1/(k-1)) # estimated variance
## Update density and gradient functions for new mass matrix
warning("Non-finite estimates in mass matrix adaptation -- reverting to unit")
M <- rep(1, length(M))
rotation <- .rotate_space(fn=fn, gr=gr, M=M, y.cur=theta.out[m,])
fn2 <- rotation$fn2; gr2 <- rotation$gr2; chd <- rotation$chd;
theta.cur <- rotation$x.cur
## Reset the running variance calculation
k <- 1; m1 <- theta.out[m,]; s1 <- rep(0, len=npar)
## Calculate the next end window. If this overlaps into the final fast
## period, it will be stretched to that point (warmup-w3)
aws <- 2*aws
anw <- .compute_next_window(m, anw, warmup, w1, aws, w3)
## Find new reasonable eps since it can change dramatically when M
## updates
eps <- .find.epsilon(theta=theta.cur, fn=fn2, gr=gr2, eps=.1, verbose=FALSE)
print(paste(m, ": new range(M) is:",
round(min(M),5), round(max(M),5), ", pars",
which.min(M), which.max(M), ", eps=", eps))
} else {
k <- k+1; m0 <- m1; s0 <- s1
## Update M and S
m1 <- m0+(theta.out[m,]-m0)/k
s1 <- s0+(theta.out[m,]-m0)*(theta.out[m,]-m1)
## End of mass matrix adaptation
## Save adaptation info.
sampler_params[m,] <-
c(alpha2, eps, j, info$n.calls, info$divergent, fn2(theta.cur))
if(m==warmup) time.warmup <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.progress(m, iter, warmup, chain)
} ## end of MCMC loop
## Process the output for returning
theta.out <- cbind(theta.out, lp)
theta.out <- theta.out[seq(1, nrow(theta.out), by=thin),]
warm <- warmup/thin
sampler_params <- sampler_params[seq(1, nrow(sampler_params), by=thin),]
ndiv <- sum(sampler_params[-(1:warm),5])
message(paste0("There were ", ndiv, " divergent transitions after warmup"))
msg <- paste0("Final acceptance ratio=", sprintf("%.2f", mean(sampler_params[-(1:warm),1])))
if(useDA) msg <- paste0(msg,", and target=", adapt_delta)
if(useDA) message(paste0("Final step size=", round(eps, 3),
"; after ", warmup, " warmup iterations"))
time.total <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.timing(time.warmup=time.warmup, time.total=time.total)
return(list(par=theta.out, sampler_params=sampler_params,
time.total=time.total, time.warmup=time.warmup,
warmup=warm, max_treedepth=max_td))
## Calculate the log joint density (Hamiltonian) value for given position and
## momentum variables.
## @details This function currently assumes iid standard normal momentum
## variables.
.calculate.H <- function(theta, r, fn) fn(theta)-(1/2)*sum(r^2)
## Test whether a "U-turn" has occured in a branch of the binary tree
## created by \ref\code{.buildtree} function. Returns TRUE if no U-turn,
## FALSE if one occurred
.test.nuts <- function(theta.plus, theta.minus, r.plus, r.minus){
theta.temp <- theta.plus-theta.minus
res <- (crossprod(theta.temp,r.minus) >= 0) *
(crossprod(theta.temp, r.plus) >= 0)
## A recursive function that builds a leapfrog trajectory using a balanced
## binary tree.
## @references This is from the No-U-Turn sampler with dual averaging
## (algorithm 6) of Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
## @details The function repeatedly doubles (in a random direction) until
## either a U-turn occurs or the trajectory becomes unstable. This is the
## 'efficient' version that samples uniformly from the path without storing
## it. Thus the function returns a single proposed value and not the whole
## trajectory.
.buildtree <- function(theta, r, logu, v, j, eps, H0, fn, gr,
delta.max=1000, info = environment() ){
## ## Useful code for debugging. Returns entire path to global env.
## if(!exists('theta.trajectory'))
## theta.trajectory <<- data.frame(step=0, t(theta))
## base case, take one step in direction v
r <- r+(v*eps/2)*gr(theta)
theta <- theta+(v*eps)*r
r <- r+(v*eps/2)*gr(theta)
## verify valid trajectory. Divergences occur if H is NaN, or drifts
## too from from true H.
H <- .calculate.H(theta=theta, r=r, fn=fn)
n <- logu <= H
s <- logu < delta.max + H
if(!is.finite(H) | s == 0){
info$divergent <- 1; s <- 0
## Acceptance ratio in log space: (Hnew-Hold)
logalpha <- H-H0
alpha <- min(exp(logalpha),1)
info$n.calls <- info$n.calls + 1
## theta.trajectory <<-
## rbind(theta.trajectory, data.frame(step=tail(theta.trajectory$step,1),t(theta)))
return(list(theta.minus=theta, theta.plus=theta, theta.prime=theta, r.minus=r,
r.plus=r, s=s, n=n, alpha=alpha, nalpha=1))
} else {
## recursion - build left and right subtrees
xx <- .buildtree(theta=theta, r=r, logu=logu, v=v, j=j-1, eps=eps,
H0=H0, fn=fn, gr=gr, info=info)
theta.minus <- xx$theta.minus
theta.plus <- xx$theta.plus
theta.prime <- xx$theta.prime
r.minus <- xx$r.minus
r.plus <- xx$r.plus
alpha <- xx$alpha
nalpha <- xx$nalpha
s <- xx$s
if(!is.finite(s)) s <- 0
nprime <- xx$n
## If it didn't fail, update the above quantities
if(v== -1){
yy <- .buildtree(theta=theta.minus, r=r.minus, logu=logu, v=v,
j=j-1, eps=eps, H0=H0,
fn=fn, gr=gr, info=info)
theta.minus <- yy$theta.minus
r.minus <- yy$r.minus
} else {
yy <- .buildtree(theta=theta.plus, r=r.plus, logu=logu, v=v,
j=j-1, eps=eps, H0=H0,
fn=fn, gr=gr, info=info)
theta.plus <- yy$theta.plus
r.plus <- yy$r.plus
### Update elements:
## If both slice variables fail you get 0/0.
nprime <- yy$n+ xx$n
if(!is.finite(nprime)) {nprime <- 0}
## choose whether to keep this theta
if(runif(1) <= yy$n/nprime)
theta.prime <- yy$theta.prime
alpha <- xx$alpha+yy$alpha
nalpha <- xx$nalpha+yy$nalpha
## check for valid proposal
b <- .test.nuts(theta.plus=theta.plus,
theta.minus=theta.minus, r.plus=r.plus,
s <- yy$s*b
return(list(theta.minus=theta.minus, theta.plus=theta.plus,
r.minus=r.minus, r.plus=r.plus, s=s, n=nprime,
alpha=alpha, nalpha=nalpha))
## Estimate a reasonable starting value for epsilon (step size) for a given
## model, for use with Hamiltonian MCMC algorithms.
## This is Algorithm 4 from Hoffman and Gelman (2010) and is used in the
## dual-averaging algorithms for both HMC and NUTS to find a reasonable
## starting value.
## @title Estimate step size for Hamiltonian MCMC algorithms
## @param theta An initial parameter vector.
## @param fn A function returning the log-likelihood (not the negative of
## it) for a given parameter vector.
## @param gr A function returning the gradient of the log-likelihood of a
## model.
## @param eps A value for espilon to initiate the algorithm. Defaults to
## 1. If this is far too big the algorithm won't work well and an
## alternative value can be used.
## @return Returns the "reasonable" espilon invisible, while printing how
## many steps to reach it.
## @details The algorithm uses a while loop and will break after 50
## iterations.
.find.epsilon <- function(theta, fn, gr, eps=1, verbose=TRUE){
r <- rnorm(n=length(theta), mean=0, sd=1)
## Do one leapfrog step
r.new <- r+(eps/2)*gr(theta)
theta.new <- theta+eps*r.new
r.new <- r.new+(eps/2)*gr(theta.new)
H1 <- .calculate.H(theta=theta, r=r, fn=fn)
H2 <- .calculate.H(theta=theta.new, r=r.new, fn=fn)
a <- 2*(exp(H2)/exp(H1)>.5)-1
## If jumped into bad region, a can be NaN so setup algorithm to keep
## halving eps instead of throwing error
if(!is.finite(a)) a <- -1
k <- 1
## Similarly, keep going if there are infinite values
while (!is.finite(H1) | !is.finite(H2) | a*H2-a*H1 > -a*log(2)) {
eps <- (2^a)*eps
## Do one leapfrog step
r.new <- r+(eps/2)*gr(theta)
theta.new <- theta+eps*r.new
r.new <- r.new+(eps/2)*gr(theta.new)
H2 <- .calculate.H(theta=theta.new, r=r.new, fn=fn)
k <- k+1
if(k>50) {
stop("More than 50 iterations to find reasonable eps. Model is likely misspecified or some other issue.")
if(verbose) message(paste("Reasonable epsilon=", eps, "found after", k, "steps"))
#' [Deprecated] Draw MCMC samples from a model posterior using a
#' Random Walk Metropolis (RWM) sampler.
#' @details This algorithm does not yet contain adaptation of \code{alpha}
#' so some trial and error may be required for efficient sampling.
#' @param alpha The amount to scale the proposal, i.e,
#' Xnew=Xcur+alpha*Xproposed where Xproposed is generated from a mean-zero
#' multivariate normal. Varying \code{alpha} varies the acceptance rate.
#' @return A list containing samples and other metadata.
#' @inheritParams sample_tmb_nuts
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample_tmb}}
#' @references
#' Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A.W., Rosenbluth, M.N., Teller, A.H.,
#' Teller, E., 1953. Equation of state calculations by fast computing
#' machines. J Chem Phys. 21:1087-1092.
sample_tmb_rwm <- function(iter, fn, init, alpha=1, chain=1,
warmup=floor(iter/2), thin=1,
seed=NULL, control=NULL){
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
control <- .update_control_tmb(control)
lp <- accepted <- rep(0, length=iter)
init <- as.vector(unlist(init))
n.params <- length(init)
theta.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=iter, ncol=n.params)
## If using covariance matrix and Cholesky decomposition, redefine
## these functions to include this transformation. The algorithm will
## work in the transformed space.
metric <- control$metric
fn2 <- function(theta) fn(chd %*% theta)
chd <- t(chol(metric)) # lower triangular Cholesky decomp.
chd.inv <- solve(chd) # inverse
theta.cur <- chd.inv %*% init
} else {
fn2 <- fn
theta.cur <- init
fn.cur <- fn2(theta.cur)
time.start <- Sys.time()
message(paste('Starting RWM at', time.start))
for(m in 1:iter){
## generate proposal
theta.new <- theta.cur + alpha*rnorm(n=n.params, mean=0, sd=1)
fn.new <- fn2(theta.new)
if(log(runif(1))< fn.new-fn.cur){
## accept
accepted[m] <- 1
theta.cur <- theta.out[m,] <- theta.new
fn.cur <- fn.new
} else {
## do not accept
theta.out[m,] <- theta.cur
lp[m] <- fn.cur
if(m==warmup) time.warmup <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.progress(m, iter, warmup, chain)
} ## end of MCMC loop
## Back transform parameters if metric is used
if(!is.null(metric)) {
theta.out <- t(apply(theta.out, 1, function(x) chd %*% x))
theta.out <- cbind(theta.out, lp)
theta.out <- theta.out[seq(1, nrow(theta.out), by=thin),]
message(paste0("Final acceptance ratio=", sprintf("%.2f", mean(accepted[-(1:warmup)]))))
time.total <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.timing(time.warmup=time.warmup, time.total=time.total)
return(list(par=theta.out, sampler_params=NULL,
time.total=time.total, time.warmup=time.warmup, warmup=warmup/thin))
## These fucntions were modeled after those in Stan at:
## https://github.com/stan-dev/stan/blob/967f5717edc8a101c8712838d47e6d393ac4a3db/src/stan/mcmc/windowed_adaptation.hpp
## Helper functions for mass matrix adapatation.
## Compute the next window size
## @param i MCMC iteration number
## @param warmup Number of warmup iterations
## @param w1 The first adapation window (usually 75)
## @param aws The last adapt window size
## @param w3 The last adaptation window (usually 50)
## @return The next adaptation window (anw)
## @details This function calculates the size of the next window for
## adapation. If the next window size would be too long then this is
## extended to the end of that window.
.compute_next_window <- function(i, anw, warmup, w1, aws, w3){
anw <- i+aws
if(anw== (warmup-w3) ) return(anw)
## Check that the next anw is not too long. This will be the anw for the
## next time this is computed. If the next one is too long, extend this
## one to the very end.
nwb <- anw+2*aws
if(nwb >= warmup-w3){
## if(i != warmup-w3)
## message(paste("Extending last slow window from", anw, "to", warmup-w3))
anw <- warmup-w3
## Check whether adaptation is in the slow phase
## @param i MCMC iteration number
## @param warmup Number of warmup iterations
## @param w1 The first adapation window (usually 75)
## @param w3 The last adaptation window (usually 50)
## @return Bool whether in slow phase
## @details During the slow phase the mass matrix is updated in a series of
## expanding windows. See Stan manual on adaptation.
.slow_phase <- function(i, warmup, w1, w3){
## After w1, before start of w3
x1 <- i>= w1 # after initial fast window
x2 <- i<= (warmup-w3) # but before last fast window
x3 <- i < warmup # definitely not during sampling
return(x1 & x2 & x3)
## Determine which transformation is to be used for each parameter.
## @details The 4 cases are (0) none, (1) lower only [a,Inf], (2) upper
## only [-Inf, b], and (3) both lower and upper [a,b]. Each case requires
## a different set of transformation functions.
## @param lower Vector of lower bounds, potentially -infinity for some
## @param upper Vector of upper bounds, potentially infinity for some
## @return Vector of cases, in 0:3, to be used in all other transformation
## functions. Error checking is only done here, not in other functions.
## @seealso \code{\link{.transform}}, \code{\link{.transform.inv}},
## \code{\link{.transform.grad}}, \code{\link{.transform.grad2}}
## @export
.transform.cases <- function(lower, upper){
if(length(lower) != length(upper))
stop("Lengths of lower and upper do not match")
if(any(is.na(c(lower, upper))) | any(is.nan(c(lower, upper))))
stop("Bounds must be finite or -Inf/Inf -- NA and NaN not allowed")
if(any(lower >= upper))
stop("Lower bound >= upper bound")
cases <- rep(NA, length(lower))
cases[!is.finite(lower) & !is.finite(upper)] <- 0
cases[is.finite(lower) & !is.finite(upper)] <- 1
cases[!is.finite(lower) & is.finite(upper)] <- 2
cases[is.finite(lower) & is.finite(upper)] <- 3
stop("Something unexpected went wrong determining the bounding functions.
Check lower and upper.")
## This function returns the transformed variable, x=f(y).
## @export
.transform <- function(y, a, b, cases){
x <- y
ind <- cases==1
x[ind] <- exp(y[ind])+a[ind]
ind <- cases==2
x[ind] <- b[ind]-exp(y[ind])
ind <- cases==3
x[ind] <- a[ind]+(b[ind]-a[ind])/(1+exp(-y[ind]))
## The inverse of the transformation, y=f-1(x).
## @export
.transform.inv <- function(x, a, b, cases){
if(any(x<a) | any(x>b)) stop("x outside limits provided -- not meaningful")
y <- sapply(1:length(x), function(i) {
if(cases[i]==0) return(x[i])
else if(cases[i]==1) return(log(x[i]-a[i]))
else if(cases[i]==2) return(log(b[i]-x[i]))
else if(cases[i]==3) return(-log( (b[i]-x[i])/(x[i]-a[i]) ))
## The absolute value of the derivative of transformation.
## @export
.transform.grad <- function(y, a, b, cases){
x <- rep(1, length(y))
ind <- cases %in% 1:2
x[ind] <- exp(y[ind])
ind <- cases==3
tmp <- exp(-y[ind])
x[ind] <- (b[ind]-a[ind])*tmp/(1+tmp)^2
## The derivative of the log of the derivative of the transformation. I.e.,
## d/dy[log(.transform.grad(y,a,b))].
## @export
.transform.grad2 <- function(y, a, b, cases){
x <- rep(0, len=length(y))
ind <- cases %in% 1:2
x[ind] <- 1
ind <- cases==3
x[ind] <- -1+2/(1+exp(y[ind]))
#' Draw MCMC samples from a model posterior using a static HMC sampler.
#' @details This function implements algorithm 5 of Hoffman and Gelman
#' (2014), which includes adaptive step sizes (\code{eps}) via an
#' algorithm called dual averaging.
#' @inheritParams sample_tmb_nuts
#' @param L The number of leapfrog steps to take. The NUTS algorithm does
#' not require this as an input. If \code{L=1} this function will perform
#' Langevin sampling. In some contexts \code{L} can roughly be thought of
#' as a thinning rate.
#' @param eps The step size. If a numeric value is passed, it will be used
#' throughout the entire chain. A \code{NULL} value will initiate
#' sampler_params of \code{eps} using the dual averaging algorithm during
#' the first \code{warmup} steps.
#' @references \itemize{ \item{Neal, R. M. (2011). MCMC using Hamiltonian
#' dynamics. Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo.} \item{Hoffman and
#' Gelman (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler: Adaptively setting path lengths
#' in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 15:1593-1623.} }
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample_tmb}}
#' @return A list containing samples ('par') and algorithm details such as
#' step size adaptation and acceptance probabilities per iteration
#' ('sampler_params').
#' @references
#' Hoffman and Gelman (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler: Adaptively setting
#' path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. J. Mach. Learn. Res.
#' 15:1593-1623.
#' @seealso \code{\link{sample_tmb}}
sample_tmb_hmc <-
function(iter, fn, gr, init, L, eps, warmup=floor(iter/2), seed=NULL,
chain=1,thin=1, control=NULL){
warning("NUTS should be prefered to sHMC except in rare, specific cases")
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
control <- .update_control_tmb(control)
metric <- control$metric
adapt_delta <- control$adapt_delta
## If using covariance matrix and Cholesky decomposition, redefine
## these functions to include this transformation. The algorithm will
## work in the transformed space
fn2 <- function(theta) fn(chd %*% theta)
gr2 <- function(theta) as.vector( t( gr(chd %*% theta) ) %*% chd )
chd <- t(chol(metric)) # lower triangular Cholesky decomp.
chd.inv <- solve(chd) # inverse
theta.cur <- chd.inv %*% init
} else {
fn2 <- fn; gr2 <- gr
theta.cur <- init
accepted <- divergence <- lp <- rep(NA, iter)
theta.out <- matrix(NA, nrow=iter, ncol=length(init))
sampler_params <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow=iter, ncol=4, # holds DA info by iteration
dimnames=list(NULL, c("accept_stat__",
"stepsize__", "int_time__", "energy__")))
## A NULL value for eps signifies to use the dual averaging algorithm
useDA <- is.null(eps)
## Initialize the dual-averaging algorithm.
epsvec <- Hbar <- epsbar <- rep(NA, length=warmup+1)
eps <- epsvec[1] <- epsbar[1] <-
.find.epsilon(theta=theta.cur, fn=fn2, gr=gr2, eps=.1, verbose=FALSE)
mu <- log(10*eps)
Hbar[1] <- 0; gamma <- 0.05; t0 <- 10; kappa <- 0.75
} else {
## dummy values to return
epsvec <- epsbar <- Hbar <- NULL
## Start of MCMC chain
time.start <- Sys.time()
message(paste('Starting static HMC at', time.start))
for(m in 1:iter){
## Jitter step size to mitigate potential negative autocorrelations,
## only once fixed though
if(useDA & m > warmup) eps <- eps*runif(1,.9,1.1)
r.cur <- r.new <- rnorm(length(init),0,1)
theta.new <- theta.cur
theta.leapfrog <- matrix(NA, nrow=L, ncol=length(theta.cur))
r.leapfrog <- matrix(NA, nrow=L, ncol=length(theta.cur))
## Make a half step for first iteration
r.new <- r.new+eps*gr2(theta.new)/2
for(i in 1:L){
theta.leapfrog[i,] <- theta.new
r.leapfrog[i,] <- r.new
theta.new <- theta.new+eps*r.new
## Full step except at end
if(i!=L) r.new <- r.new+eps*gr2(theta.new)
## If divergence, stop trajectory earlier to save computation
if(any(!is.finite(r.new)) | any(!is.finite(theta.new))) break
## half step for momentum at the end
r.new <- r.new+eps*gr2(theta.new)/2
logalpha <- -fn2(theta.cur)+fn2(theta.new)+ sum(r.cur^2)/2-sum(r.new^2)/2
## Numerical divergence is registered as a NaN above. In this case we
## want to reject the proposal, mark the divergence, and adjust the
## step size down if still adapting (see below).
divergence[m] <- 1
logalpha <- -Inf
} else {
divergence[m] <- 0
## Test whether to accept or reject proposed state
if(log(runif(1)) < logalpha){
## accept the proposed state
theta.cur <- theta.new
accepted[m] <- TRUE
} else {
## otherwise reject it and stay there
accepted[m] <- FALSE
theta.out[m,] <- theta.cur
lp[m] <- fn(theta.cur)
## Do the adapting of eps.
if(m <= warmup){
Hbar[m+1] <-
(1-1/(m+t0))*Hbar[m] + (adapt_delta-min(1,exp(logalpha)))/(m+t0)
logeps <- mu-sqrt(m)*Hbar[m+1]/gamma
epsvec[m+1] <- exp(logeps)
logepsbar <- m^(-kappa)*logeps + (1-m^(-kappa))*log(epsbar[m])
epsbar[m+1] <- exp(logepsbar)
eps <- epsvec[m+1]
} else {
eps <- epsbar[warmup]
## Save adaptation info.
sampler_params[m,] <- c(min(1,exp(logalpha)), eps, eps*L, fn2(theta.cur))
if(m==warmup) time.warmup <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.progress(m, iter, warmup, chain)
} ## end of MCMC loop
## Back transform parameters if metric is used
if(!is.null(metric)) {
theta.out <- t(apply(theta.out, 1, function(x) chd %*% x))
theta.out <- cbind(theta.out, lp)
theta.out <- theta.out[seq(1, nrow(theta.out), by=thin),]
sampler_params <- sampler_params[seq(1, nrow(sampler_params), by=thin),]
message(paste0("There were ", sum(divergence[-(1:warmup)]),
" divergent transitions after warmup"))
message(paste0("Final acceptance ratio=", sprintf("%.2f", mean(accepted[-(1:warmup)])),
" and target is ", adapt_delta))
if(useDA) message(paste0("Final step size=", round(epsbar[warmup], 3),
"; after ", warmup, " warmup iterations"))
time.total <- difftime(Sys.time(), time.start, units='secs')
.print.mcmc.timing(time.warmup=time.warmup, time.total=time.total)
return(list(par=theta.out, sampler_params=sampler_params,
time.total=time.total, time.warmup=time.warmup, warmup=warmup/thin))
## Update the control list.
## @param control A list passed from \code{sample_tmb}.
## @return A list with default control elements updated by those supplied
## in \code{control}
.update_control_tmb <- function(control){
default <- list(adapt_delta=0.8, metric=NULL, stepsize=NULL,
adapt_mass=TRUE, max_treedepth=12, w1=75, w2=50, w3=25)
if(is.matrix(control$metric) & !is.null(control$adapt_mass)){
warning("Mass matrix adaptation disabled if metric is a matrix")
control$adapt_mass <- FALSE
new <- default
for(i in names(control)) new[[i]] <- control[[i]]
if(is.matrix(new$metric)) new$adapt_mass <- FALSE
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