
Defines functions backup archive

Documented in archive backup

#' Archives files from a folder based on modification date.
#' All files within folder are processed based on modification date.
#' @param from Path to folder containing files to archive.
#' @param to Folder name to archive files to. Default is Archive
#' @param date File modification date from which files are to be retained. Files prior to this date are archived. Default is Sys.Date().
#' @param dir Optional logical argument; also archive folders or not. Default is FALSE.
#' @param string Optional string pattern in files to archive.
#' @param exclude Optional string pattern of files to exclude from archiving
#' @param keep Optional retain archived files in original location and copy to archive folder. Default is FALSE.
#' @return Moves older files based on date to an archive subfolder
#' @author Diane Hatziioanou
#' @keywords archive
#' @examples
#' # Move all files excluding folders to an Archive subfolder
#' # archive("C:..../analysis")
#' # Move all files excluding folders to a different folder
#' # archive(from = "C:..../analysis", to = "C:.../backup/outputs")
#' ## Copy all files and folders with the "output_version_x" in the file name
#' ## which have not been modified in the past week to a different folder
#' # archive(from = "C:..../analysis", to = "C:.../backup/outputs", date = Sys.Date() -7,
#' #         string = "output_version_x", keep = T, dir = T)
#' @export
archive <- function(from, to = "Archive", date = Sys.Date(), dir = FALSE, string = "", exclude = NA, keep = FALSE) {

  # Destination type
  destination <- ifelse(length(stringr::str_split(to, pattern = "/")[[1]])>1, "path", "subfolder")
  if(length(from)>1) stop("Argument -from- should be a single folder")

  # Archive folder present
  if(destination == "path"){
    if (!(dir.exists(to))) {
  } else if (destination == "subfolder" & !(dir.exists(file.path(from, to)))) {
     dir.create(file.path(from, to))

  # Files to archive
  files <- list.files(path = from, recursive = F, pattern = string)
  files <- files[!grepl(paste0(exclude, collapse = "|"), files)]
  files <- as.data.frame(files)
  files$files <- as.character(files$files)
  files$Modified <- file.info(file.path(from, files[,1]))$ctime
  files$paths  <- file.path(from, files$file)
  if(dir == F){
    files <- files[files$Modified < date &
                   !(files$paths %in% list.dirs(from, recursive = F)),]
  } else {
    files <- files[files$Modified < date,]
  if(nrow(files)==0) {
    message("No files to archive")
    } else {
  # Archive files
  ifelse(keep == T,
   # Copy files
   ifelse(destination == "path",
          file.copy(from = files$paths, to = folder, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
                    copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE),
          file.copy(from = files$paths, to = file.path(path,folder), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE,
                    copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE)),
   # Move files
   ifelse(destination == "path",
         file.rename(from = files$paths, to = file.path(to, files$files)),
         file.rename(from = files$paths, to = file.path(from, to, files$files))))

#'  Backup folder contents where change identified with \code{\link[simpleepi]{simplefilecheck}}
#' @param silent
#' @return creates a backup of files
#' @param from  folder path with most up to date data
#' @param to    folder path where backups stored
#' @param silent Optional; disaply messages
#' @examples
#' # backup(from ="path1", to = "path2")
#' @export
backup <- function(from, to, silent = FALSE){
  # Destination
  if(!dir.exists(to)) {
    t <- try(dir.create(to))
    if(!t) stop("cannot find or make destination folder")
  # Source
  f <- list.files(from, full.names = T, recursive = T)
  if(length(f)==0) stop("No files found to backup")
  f_info <- data.table::data.table(infile =f,
                       dirs = gsub("^/", "",gsub(from, "",dirname(f))))
  f_info$dirlevs <-  strsplit(f_info$dirs, "/")

  f_info$dirn <- lapply(f_info$dirlevs, function(x) length(x))

  # Create folder structure
    for (l in 1:max(unlist(f_info$dirn))){
     # f_info$to_f <- file.path(stats::na.omit(f_info$to_f,sapply(f_info$dirlevs,"[",l)))
      dirs <- stats::na.omit(unique(f_info$to_f))
      suppressWarnings(lapply(dirs, function(x) dir.create(file.path(to, x))))
  # Make 1 level folders
  for(d in unique(f_info[!(dirs %in% c("",NA))]$dirs)){
    if(!dir.exists(file.path(to,d))) dir.create(file.path(to,d))

  # List modified files
  f_ok <- lapply(f, function(c) simplefilecheck(x = c, y =file.path(to, basename(c))))
  dirs <- gsub("^/", "",gsub(from, "",dirname(f)))

  td <-sum(unlist(f_ok)!=TRUE)
  if(!silent) message(paste0(td, " files being copied"))
  if(any(f_ok == FALSE)) { lapply(f[f_ok==FALSE], function(r) file.copy(from = r, to = paste0(to,gsub(from, "",dirname(r))), overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, copy.mode = TRUE, copy.date = TRUE))}
DHatziioanou/simpleepi documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:25 a.m.