#' Class: nmdp_tbl
#' Constructor for an <\code{nmdp_tbl}> object.
#' @source \url{https://bioinformatics.bethematchclinical.org/HLA-Resources/Allele-Codes/Allele-Code-Lists/Allele-Code-List-in-Numerical-Order/}.
#' @return
#' A table of mappings between NMDP codes and allelic subtypes with the fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "code": An NMDP code.
#' \item "subtype": The '/'-separated subtypes into which an NMDP code expands.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{g_table}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nmdp_codes <- nmdp_table()
#' }
nmdp_table <- function() {
u <- "https://bioinformatics.bethematchclinical.org/HLA/numeric.v3.zip"
tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
curl::curl_download(u, tmp)
con <- unz(tmp, filename = "numer.v3.txt")
rs <- dtplyr::tbl_dt(
scan(con, what = list("character", "character"),
nlines = -1, sep = "\t", skip = 3, quiet = TRUE)
data.table::setnames(rs, names(rs), c("code", "subtype"))
data.table::setkeyv(rs, "code")
structure(rs, class = c("nmdp_tbl", class(rs)))
#' @export
print.nmdp_tbl <- function(x, ..., n = 5) {
cat("NMDP table: ", sep = "")
NextMethod(n = n)
cat("...\n", sep = "")
#' Class: g_tbl
#' Constructor for a <\code{g_tbl}> object.
#' @source \url{http://hla.alleles.org/nomenclature/g_groups.html}.
#' @return
#' A table with the fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "gene": A HLA gene.
#' \item "code": The G Code.
#' \item "subtype": The '/'-separated subtypes into which a G Code expands.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{nmdp_table}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' g_codes <- g_table()
#' }
g_table <- function() {
con <- curl::curl("http://hla.alleles.org/wmda/hla_nom_g.txt")
tryCatch(open(con), error = function(e) {
stop("Trying to access http://hla.alleles.org/wmda/: ", e$message, call. = FALSE)
if (readLines(con, n = 1) != "# file: hla_nom_g.txt") {
warning("Possibly malformed file \"hla_nom_g.txt\" ",
"downloaded from http://hla.alleles.org/wmda/.", immediate. = TRUE)
rs <- read.csv(con, header = FALSE, colClasses = "character", sep = ";", comment.char = "#")
rs <- dtplyr::tbl_dt(data.table::setDT(rs))
data.table::setnames(rs, names(rs), c("gene", "subtype", "code"))
rs <- rs[, gene := paste0("HLA-", sub("*", "", gene, fixed = TRUE))]
rs <- rs[nzchar(rs[, code])][, .(gene, code, subtype)]
data.table::setkeyv(rs, "gene")
structure(rs, class = c("g_tbl", class(rs)))
#' @export
print.g_tbl <- function(x, ..., n = 5) {
cat("G-Codes: ", sep = "")
NextMethod(n = n)
cat("...\n", sep = "")
#' Class: eag_tbl
#' @description
#' Constructor for an <\code{eag_tbl}> object.
#' Use the prepackaged datasets (\code{\link{eag_tables}}) instead.
#' @param gene An HLA gene. One of \sQuote{A}, \sQuote{B}, \sQuote{C}, \sQuote{DRB1},
#' \sQuote{DQB1}, \sQuote{DPB1}.
#' @param nextype_basis_id "NeXtype Basis ID".
#' @return
#' A table with the fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "eag_num": Numeric code describing an Exon Allele Group.
#' \item "eag_allele": HLA allele code.
#' \item "exon": Exon '2' or '3'.
#' \item "allele_id": Allele identifier.
#' }
#' and the attributes:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "nextype_basis_id"
#' \item "gene"
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dpb1_eag1412 <- eag_table("DPB1", "1412")
#' }
eag_table <- function(gene = "DPB1", nextype_basis_id = "1412") {
if (!requireNamespace("orcl", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Need access to internal databases at DKMS LSL. Please use the packaged tables.",
call. = FALSE)
assertive::assert_is_scalar(nextype_basis_id, "length")
gene <- match_hla_gene(gene)
fmt <- "
a.eag_num AS eag_num, a.nmdp_new AS eag_allele,
TO_NUMBER(b.exon) AS exon, a.allele_id, a.dna_version_id,
FROM ngstest.nextype_alleles_per_eag a
INNER JOIN ngstest.nextype_eags b
ON a.eag_num = b.eag_num
WHERE a.gene = '%s'
AND a.nextype_basis_id = %s"
rs <- dtplyr::tbl_dt(orcl::ora_query(sprintf(fmt, gene, nextype_basis_id), user = "ngstest"))
rs[, allele_id := strsplitN(allele_id, ";", 1)]
dna_version_id <- rs[, unique(dna_version_id)]
rs[, dna_version_id := NULL]
dna_version_id = dna_version_id,
nextype_basis_id = nextype_basis_id,
gene = gene,
class = c("eag_tbl", class(rs))
#' @export
print.eag_tbl <- function(x, ..., n = 5) {
fmt <- "EAG table [Gene: %s, BasisID: %s, DNAversion: %s]\n"
cat(sprintf(fmt, gene(x), nextype_basis_id(x), dna_version_id(x)), sep = "")
NextMethod(n = n)
#' @export
exon.eag_tbl <- function(x, n) {
n <- match.arg(as.character(n), c("2", "3"))
x[exon == n],
nextype_basis_id = nextype_basis_id(x),
gene = gene(x),
class = class(x)
#' @export
nextype_basis_id.eag_tbl <- function(x) {
attr(x, "nextype_basis_id")
#' @export
dna_version_id.eag_tbl <- function(x) {
attr(x, "dna_version_id")
#' @export
gene.eag_tbl <- function(x) {
attr(x, "gene")
#' Class: gtf_tbl
#' Constructor for <\code{gtf_tbl}> objects. Calculates observed
#' and expected genotype frequencies.
#' @param x A <\code{\link{HLA}}> object.
#' @return A table with the fields:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "genotype": \strong{Key}. The genotype in the format "A1/A2".
#' \item "pexp": Expected genotype frequencies.
#' \item "pobs": Observed genotype frequencies.
#' \item "log_pexp": Log of expected genotype frequenciies.
#' \item "log_pobs": Log of expected genotype frequenciies.
#' \item "nexp": Expected number of samples for a genotype.
#' \item "nobs": Observed number of samples for a genotype.
#' \item "chisq": \eqn{\chi^2}-value describing the difference
#' between expected and observed genotype frequency.
#' \item "log_fold_diff": Log-fold diffence between expected
#' and observed genotype frequency.
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Extract HLA-DPB1 genotype frequencies
#' dpb1 <- HLA("DPB1", "01/01/2014", "23/03/2015")
#' ## Restrict the data to the German sample
#' dpb1.de <- dpb1[provenance == "DE"]
#' ## Remove low-resolution four-digit codes
#' dpb1.de <- dpb1.de[allele1 %ni% dpb1_four_digit_codes | allele2 %ni% dpb1_four_digit_codes]
#' ## Remove cases of unknown alleles
#' dpb1.de <- dpb1.de[field2(allele1) != "XXX" | field2(allele2) != "XXX"]
#' dpb1.de <- dpb1.de[toupper(allele1) != "NEW" | toupper(allele2) != "NEW"]
#' ## Calculate observed and expected genotype frequencies
#' gtf_table(dpb1.de)
#' }
gtf_table.HLA <- function(x) {
## purge existing genotype/allele frequencies
## calculate observed genotype frequencies
gtf_obs <- dplyr::select(x$genotype_frequency(), genotype, pobs = frequency)
## calculate expected genotype frequencies
af <- x$allele_frequency()
gtf_exp <- expected_genotype_frequencies(alleles = af$allele, frequencies = af$frequency)
## Which theoretically possible genotypes are missing from the sample
missing <- gtf_exp[!as.character(gtf_exp$genotype) %chin% as.character(gtf_obs$genotype)]
## Setting P_obs zero and merge with the table of observed frequencies.
missing <- missing[, `:=`(pexp = NULL, pobs = 0)]
gtf_obs <- rbind(gtf_obs, missing)
gtf <- gtf_exp[gtf_obs][order(-pexp)]
gtf <- gtf[, `:=`(log_pexp = base::log(pexp), log_pobs = base::log(pobs))]
## replace -Inf with -30 as lower bound at the log scale
gtf <- gtf[, log_pobs := ifelse(log_pobs == -Inf, -30, log_pobs)]
## transform frequencies to counts.
N <- af[, sum(count)] / 2 # sample size
gtf <- gtf[, `:=`(nexp = pexp*N, nobs = pobs*N )]
# calculate Chi^2 and log fold difference as measures of deviation between
# expected and observed genotype frequencies
gtf <- gtf[, chisq := (nobs - nexp)^2 / nexp]
gtf <- gtf[, log_fold_diff := log_pobs - log_pexp]
setkeyv(gtf, "genotype")
if ("eag_status" %in% names(tbl <- x$get_table())) {
tbl <- tbl[, .(eag_status = unique(eag_status)), by = genotype]
setkeyv(tbl, "genotype")
gtf <- tbl[gtf]
gtf <- dtplyr::tbl_dt(gtf)
structure(gtf, class = c("gtf_tbl", class(gtf)))
#' @export
print.gtf_tbl <- function(x, n = 4, ...) {
cat("GTF table [Nonevents: ", sum(x$Class == "N"), "; Events: ", sum(x$Class == "E"), "]\n", sep = "")
NextMethod(n = n)
joker_table <- function(eag) {
gene <- gene(eag)
dna_version_id <- dna_version_id(eag)
exon <- 3
if (gene %in% c("HLA-DQB1", "HLA-DRB1", "HLA-DPB1") &&
dna_version_id == "52" &&
!requireNamespace("orcl", quietly = TRUE)) {
`HLA-DQB1` = dqb1_jokers1412,
`HLA-DRB1` = drb1_jokers1412,
`HLA-DPB1` = dpb1_jokers1412)
} else {
## TODO: Revert table names once migration is finished
fmt <- "
SELECT joker_num, allele_num, nmdp_new AS eag_allele
FROM ngsrep.nextype_jokers
WHERE gene = '%s'
AND dna_version_id = %s
AND exon = %s"
rs <- orcl::ora_query(sprintf(fmt, gene, dna_version_id, exon))
setkeyv(rs, "eag_allele")
partials_table <- function(eag) {
gene <- gene(eag)
dna_version_id <- dna_version_id(eag)
nextype_basis_id <- nextype_basis_id(eag)
exon <- 3
if (gene %in% c("HLA-DQB1", "HLA-DRB1", "HLA-DPB1") &&
dna_version_id == "52" &&
!requireNamespace("orcl", quietly = TRUE)) {
`HLA-DQB1` = dqb1_partials1412,
`HLA-DRB1` = drb1_partials1412,
`HLA-DPB1` = dpb1_partials1412)
} else {
## TODO: Revert table names once migration is finished
fmt <- "
SELECT a.allele_num,
b.nmdp_new AS eag_allele
FROM ngsrep.nextype_partials a
INNER JOIN ngsrep.nextype_alleles_per_eag b
ON a.allele_num_partial = b.allele_num
AND a.dna_version_id = b.dna_version_id
AND a.gene = b.gene
WHERE a.gene = '%s'
AND b.dna_version_id = '%s'
AND a.exon = %s
AND b.nextype_basis_id = %s"
rs <- orcl::ora_query(sprintf(fmt, gene, dna_version_id, exon, nextype_basis_id))
setkeyv(rs, "allele_num")
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