## This script holds condensed information on how the hla and kir databases
## for the ipdDb package are created. This requires four steps:
## 1. download the data from github:
## Hla: https://github.com/ANHIG/IMGTHLA We use the hla/hla.xml.zip in that
## repo
## Kir: https://github.com/ANHIG/IPDKIR We use the KIR.dat, as there is not
## yet a reliable xml file
## 2. Read the file and store it in a data.frame. Extract the sequences as
## DNAStringSet and the structures as GRanges objects.
## 3. Find the closest full-length allele. All alleles of one locus
## are put into groups of "feature compositions". We have a group for each
## kind of partial allele, e.g. all alleles were only exon 2 and 3 are known
## are put together. All full-length alleles are also grouped and known part
## of the "feature composition" is extracted, e.g. only exon 2 and 3.
## A distance matrix is build from all sequences in the group. The full-length
## allele with the minimal distance is considered the closest full-length
## allele.
## 4. The dataframes are put into an SQLite database based on the AnnotationDbi
## vignette.
### Get IPD Database ####
#' Clone the IMGTHLA repo on github
#' @note Due to limitations in the \pkg{git2r} this will not work
#' behind a proxy.
#' @param family one of "kir" or "hla". If none is provided it will fetch HLA.
#' @param url url to fetch from
#' @return The path to the local repo
fetchIPD <- function(family="hla", url=NULL) {
hla_url <- "https://github.com/ANHIG/IMGTHLA"
kir_url <- "https://github.com/ANHIG/IPDKIR"
if (is.null(url))
url <- ifelse(tolower(family) == "kir", kir_url, hla_url)
requireNamespace("git2r", quietly = TRUE)
tmp <- tempfile()
# Currently not working behind proxy
git2r::clone(url, tmp)
#' Fetch the IMGT/HLA hla.xml file
#' @param dbpath the path to the xml file
#' @return An object of class (S3) \code{XMLInternalDocument}.
readHlaXml <- function(dbpath) {
dbfile <- normalizePath(file.path(dbpath, "xml", "hla.xml.zip"),
mustWork = TRUE)
tfile <- unzip(zipfile = dbfile, exdir = dbpath)
tfile <- tfile[grepl(pattern = "^hla.xml", x = basename(tfile))]
doc <- xml2::read_xml(tfile)
unlink(dbpath, force = TRUE)
#' Fetch the KIR.da file in EMBL format ##
#' @param dbpath the path to the KIR.dat file
#' @return A text representation of the KIR.dat file
readKirDat <- function(dbpath) {
dbfile <- normalizePath(file.path(dbpath, "KIR.dat"), mustWork = TRUE)
kirDat <- readLines(file(dbfile))
unlink(dbpath, force = TRUE)
#' Get clostest complete neighbour allele
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @import BSgenome
getClosest <- function(x){
message("Infer the closest complete neighbours")
# assertthat::assert_that(is("ipdDF", x))
cmpl <- x$annot[x$annot$complete,]$GID
ncmpl <- x$annot[!x$annot$complete,]$GID
ann_ncmpl <- x$features[x$features$GID %in% ncmpl,]
seqs <- DNAStringSet(x$seq$seq)
names(seqs) <- x$seq$GID
## We need to know which partial genes are there
featureGroups <- .getFeatureGroups(ann_ncmpl)
message(sprintf("Found %s distinct feature compositions",
## Iterate over all possible partials and calc the corresponding dists
allNeighbours <- lapply(unique(featureGroups$feat), function(featurePattern) {
# featurePattern <- unique(featureGroups$feat)[1]
# loi
message(sprintf("Process feature composition %s", featurePattern))
partialSeqs <- .getPartialSeqs(x$features, cmpl, featurePattern, seqs)
neighbours <- lapply(unique(x$annot$locus), function(loi) {
message(sprintf("Get closest neighbours for Locus %s", loi))
do.call(rbind, neighbours)
do.call(rbind, allNeighbours)
## Get the distance matrix for each locus and report the nearest neighbour
.getDistMatrices <- function(annot, loi, featureGroups, featurePattern,
partialSeqs, seqs){
allele_locus <- filter(annot, locus == loi)$GID
aoi <- allele_locus[
allele_locus %in%
filter(featureGroups, feat == featurePattern)$GID]
caoi <- names(partialSeqs)[names(partialSeqs) %in% allele_locus]
allPartialSeqs <- c(partialSeqs[caoi],
seqs[names(seqs) %in% aoi])
allPartialAln <- DECIPHER::AlignSeqs(allPartialSeqs,
processors = getOption("ipd.ncores"))
allPartialDm <- DECIPHER::DistanceMatrix(
allPartialAln, processors = getOption("ipd.ncores"))
do.call(rbind, lapply(aoi, function(x) {
data_frame(GID = x,
closest_complete = names(which.min(allPartialDm[x,caoi])))
## Get the partial seqs composed of the desired features
.getPartialSeqs <- function(features, cmpl, featPattern, seqs){
ranges <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(BiocParallel::bplapply(cmpl, function(s)
.extractRanges(s, featPattern, features)))
partialSeqs <- getSeq(seqs, ranges)
partialSeqs <- DNAStringSet(lapply(partialSeqs, unlist))
names(partialSeqs) <- cmpl
.extractRanges <- function(allele, featPattern, features){
featPattern <- strsplit(featPattern, ":")[[1]]
alleleFeatures <- filter(features,
GID == allele,
feat_name %in% featPattern)
GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = alleleFeatures$GID,
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = alleleFeatures$start,
end = alleleFeatures$end,
names = alleleFeatures$GID))
## extract all possible and valid intron/exon combinations
.getFeatureGroups <- function(x){
total_feats <- x %>%
group_by(GID) %>%
summarize(feat = paste(feat_name, collapse = ":"))
### Create HLA data without hlatools
#' Parse all HLA alleles for a locus from hla.xml
#' @param doc \file{hla.xml} as an \code{xml_document} object.
#' @param locusname One of [\code{HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DPA1, HLA-DPB1,
#' @param ncores The number of compute cores to use.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{HLAAllele}} object.
parseHlaAlleles <- function(doc, locusnames = NULL,
ncores = getOption("ipd.ncores")) {
if (is.null(locusnames))
locusnames <- .VALID_HLA_LOCI()
locusnames <- sapply(locusnames, .matchHlaLocus)
if (is.null(ncores))
ncores <- parallel::detectCores()/2
ns <- xml2::xml_ns(doc)
xpaths1 <- sapply(locusnames, function(locusname)
nodess1 <- lapply(xpaths1, function(xpath1) xml2::xml_find_all(doc,
xpath1, ns))
xpath2 <- paste0(".//d1:releaseversions[not(starts-with(@releasestatus,
'Allele Deleted'))]/parent::node()")
nodes2 <- lapply(nodess1, function(nodes1) xml2::xml_find_all(nodes1,
xpath2, ns))
releaseVersion <- xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes2[[1]][1], "string(./d1:releaseversions/@currentrelease)", ns)
seq <- do.call(rbind, lapply(nodes2, .parseSequence))
annot <- do.call(rbind,
annot <- bind_cols(GID = annot$allele_name, annot)
features <- do.call(rbind,
lapply(nodes2, function(x)
.parseFeatures(x, ncores = ncores)))
seq = seq,
annot = annot,
features = features,
version = releaseVersion)
############# Helper to extract the data ###########
##### Extract sequence #####
.parseSequence = function(nodes) {
ns <- xml2::xml_ns(nodes)
xpath <- './d1:sequence/d1:nucsequence'
GID = xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "name"),
seq = xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(nodes, xpath, ns)),
## Extract annotations
.parseAnnotations = function(nodes, locus) {
ns <- xml2::xml_ns(nodes)
res <- data_frame(
## Allele designation
locus = locus,
allele_name = xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "name"),
allele_id = xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "id"),
g_group = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:hla_g_group/@status)", ns),
p_group = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:hla_p_group/@status)", ns),
date_assigned = xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "dateassigned"),
## Release
first_released = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:releaseversions/@firstreleased)", ns),
last_updated = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:releaseversions/@lastupdated)", ns),
release_status = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:releaseversions/@releasestatus)", ns),
confirmed = xml2::xml_find_lgl(
nodes, "string(./d1:releaseversions/@confirmed)=\"Confirmed\"", ns),
## CWD status and Completeness (we consider as complete alleles for which
## both UTRs are present)
cwd_status = xml2::xml_find_chr(
nodes, "string(./d1:cwd_catalogue/@cwd_status)", ns),
complete = xml2::xml_find_lgl(
nodes, "count(./d1:sequence/d1:feature[@featuretype=\"UTR\"])=2", ns),
##### Extract gene features ######
.parseFeatures = function(nodes, ncores) {
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = ncores)
ns <- xml2::xml_ns(nodes)
nodeset <- xml2::xml_find_all(nodes, "./d1:sequence", ns)
xpath <- "./d1:feature[not(@featuretype=\"Protein\")]"
seqnames <- xml2::xml_attr(nodes, "name")
res <- foreach(node = nodeset, seqname = seqnames, .combine = rbind) %dopar% {
GID = seqname,
start = as.integer(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/d1:SequenceCoordinates/@start"), ns))),
end = as.integer(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/d1:SequenceCoordinates/@end"), ns))),
feat_name = xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/@name"), ns)),
id = xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/@id"), ns)),
feat_order = as.integer(xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/@order"), ns))),
type = xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(
node, paste0(xpath, "/@featuretype"), ns)),
frame = vapply(xml2::xml_find_all(node, xpath, ns), function(node) {
frame <- xml2::xml_find_chr(
node, "string(./d1:cDNACoordinates/@readingframe)", ns)
as.integer(ifelse(frame == "", 0, frame))
}, FUN.VALUE = 0L)
#' Parse all KIR alleles for a locus from KIR.dat
#' @param doc \file{KIR.dat} as an line vector object.
#' @return A list of R6 class EmblEntry objects.
readEmblEntries <- function(dat){
iLine <- itertools::ihasNext(dat)
emblEntryList <- c()
idx <- 0
while (TRUE){
if (!itertools::hasNext(iLine))
line <- iterators::nextElem(iLine)
idx <- idx+1
if (startsWith(line, "ID")){
line = strsplit(strsplit(line, ";")[[1]][1], "\\s+")[[1]][2]
eEntry <- EmblEntry(line)
seqHeader <- ""
deleted <- FALSE
} else if (startsWith(line, "DT")){
line <- strsplit(line, "\\s+")[[1]]
if (line[5] == "Created,"){
} else if (line[6] == "Updated,"){
} else if (line[5] == "Current"){
} else if (startsWith(line, "FT")){
line <- strsplit(line, "\\s+")[[1]]
if (startsWith(line[2], "/allele")){
features <- dplyr::data_frame(feat=character(),
allele <- strsplit(line[2], '\"')[[1]][2]
} else if (line[2] %in% c("UTR", "intron", "exon")){
positions <- strsplit(line[3], "\\.\\.")[[1]]
feature <- list(feat = line[2],
start = as.integer(positions[1]),
end = as.integer(positions[2]))
if (line[2] == "UTR"){
feature["count"] <- ifelse(NROW(features) == 0, 1L,2L)
features <- dplyr::bind_rows(features, feature)
} else if (startsWith(line[2], "/number")){
count = strsplit(line[2], '\"')[[1]][2]
feature["count"] <- as.integer(gsub("/","", count))
features <- dplyr::bind_rows(features, feature)
} else if (startsWith(line, "SQ")){
if (is.null(eEntry$getAlleleName()))
deleted <- TRUE
seqHeader = eEntry$getAlleleName()
seq <- Biostrings::DNAString()
} else if (line == "//"){
seq <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(seq)
names(seq) <- seqHeader
if (!is.null(eEntry$getAlleleName()))
emblEntryList <- c(emblEntryList, eEntry)
} else if (!seqHeader == "" && !deleted){
line <- strsplit(line, "\\s+")[[1]]
seqP <- Biostrings::DNAString(paste0(line[1:(length(line)-1)],
collapse = ""))
seq <- c(seq, seqP)
.emblEntryListToDataFrame <- function(embl){
allele <- embl$getAlleleName()
seq <- data_frame(GID = allele %||% NA,
seq = as.character(embl$getSeq()))
features <- embl$getFeat()
features$feat <- simpleCap(features$feat)
features <- data_frame(GID = allele %||% NA,
start = features$start,
end = features$end,
feat_name = features$feat_name,
id = "NA",
feat_order = features$count,
type = features$feat,
frame = 0
annot <- data_frame(GID = allele %||% NA,
locus = embl$getLocus(),
allele_name = allele %||% NA ,
allele_id = embl$getId(),
g_group = "NA",
p_group = "NA",
date_assigned = embl$getDateAssigned() %||% "NA",
first_released = embl$getFirstReleased() %||% "NA",
last_updated = embl$getLastUpdated(),
release_status = embl$getReleaseStatus(),
confirmed = embl$getConfirmed() %||% NA,
cwd_status = "NA",
complete = embl$getComplete())
list(seq = seq, features = features, annot = annot)
# Class: EmblEntry ----------------------------------------------------------
#' Constructor for EmblEntry objects.
#' @param allele_id the id of a kir allele
#' @return A EmblEntry object
EmblEntry <- function(allele_id) {
#' Class \code{"EmblEntry"}
#' @docType class
#' @keywords data internal
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} representing an Embl Entry.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{x$new(locusname, db_version, ncores = parallel::detectCores(),
#' with_dist = FALSE)}}{Create an object of this class.}
#' \item{\code{x$get_db_version()}}{Get the IMGT/HLA database version.}
#' \item{\code{x$get_locusname()}}{Get the name of the locus.}
#' \item{\code{x$get_alleles(allele)}}{Get alleles.}
#' \item{\code{x$get_closest_complete_neighbor(allele)}}{Get the complete
#' allele that is closest at exon 2 to the query allele.}
#' \item{\code{x$get_reference_sequence(allele)}}{Get the (imputed) reference
#' sequence for allele.}
#' }
EmblEntry_ <- R6::R6Class(
classname = "EmblEntry",
public = list(
initialize = function(allele_id) {
private$id <- allele_id
print = function() {
fmt0 <- "EmblEntry <%s>;\nLocus: <%s>\nAllele: <%s>\nComplete: <%s>"
## getters and setters
## get Allele name
getAlleleName = function() {
## set Allele name
setAlleleName = function(allele_name){
private$name = allele_name
## set sequence
setSeq = function(seq){
assertthat::assert_that(is(object = seq, class2 = "DNAStringSet"))
private$seq = seq
## get Sequence
getSeq = function(){
## set features
setFeat = function(features){
private$feat = features
## get features
getFeat = function(){
## get Locus
getLocus = function(){
strsplit(private$name, "\\*")[[1]][1]
## set Id
setId = function(id){
private$id = id
## get allele id
getId = function(){
## set date assigned
setDateAssigned = function(date){
## Todo add test for object
private$date_assigned = date
## get date assigned
getDateAssigned = function(){
## set first_released
setFirstReleased = function(date){
## Todo add test for object
private$first_released = date
## get first released
getFirstReleased = function(){
## set release status
setReleaseStatus = function(date){
## Todo add test for object
private$release_status = date
## get release status
getReleaseStatus = function(){
## set last updated
setLastUpdated = function(date){
## Todo add test for object
private$last_updated = date
## get last updated
getLastUpdated= function(){
## get confirmed
setConfirmed = function(confirmed){
private$confirmed = confirmed
## get confirmed
getConfirmed = function(){
## get complete
getComplete = function(){
sum(self$getFeat()$feat == "UTR") == 2
private = list(
name = NULL, # [character]; allele name
seq = NULL, # [DNAStringSet]: allele sequence
feat = NULL, # [GRanges]: feature ranges
lcn = NULL, # [character]; locus name
id = NULL, # [character]: allele id
date_assigned = NULL,
first_released = NULL,
last_updated = NULL,
release_status = NULL,
confirmed = NULL,
cwd_status = NULL
##### Helper #####
.getFeatures <- function(feats){
feats %>%
dplyr::mutate(feat_name = ifelse(
feat == "UTR",
ifelse(count == 1,
"3' UTR",
"5' UTR"),
paste(paste0(toupper(substring(feat, 1, 1)),
substring(feat, 2, nchar(feat))),
count, sep = " " )))
#### Utils ####
.VALID_HLA_LOCI <- function(){
c("HLA-A", "HLA-B", "HLA-C", "HLA-DPB1", "HLA-DQB1", "HLA-DRB1")
.VALID_KIR_LOCI <- function(){
c("KIR2DL1", "KIR2DL2", "KIR2DL3", "KIR2DL4", "KIR2DL5A", "KIR2DL5B",
"KIR2DP1", "KIR2DS1", "KIR2DS2", "KIR2DS3", "KIR2DS4", "KIR2DS5",
"KIR3DL1", "KIR3DL2", "KIR3DL3", "KIR3DP1", "KIR3DS1")
.expandHlaAllele <- function(x, locus = NULL) {
if (is.null(locus)) {
ifelse(!grepl("^HLA-\\S+", x), paste0("HLA-", x), x)
} else {
locus <- sub("HLA-", "", toupper(locus))
pattern1 <- paste0("^HLA-", locus, "[*]\\d\\d\\d?:.+$")
pattern2 <- paste0("^", locus, "[*]\\d\\d\\d?:.+$")
pattern3 <- "^\\d\\d\\d?:.+$"
ifelse(grepl(pattern1, x),
ifelse(grepl(pattern2, x),
paste0("HLA-", x),
ifelse(grepl(pattern3, x),
paste0("HLA-", locus, "*", x), x)))
.matchHlaLocus <- function(locus) {
locus <- .expandHlaAllele(locus)
match.arg(locus, .VALID_HLA_LOCI())
.expandKirAllele <- function(x, locus = NULL) {
if (is.null(locus)) {
ifelse(!grepl("^HLA-\\S+", x), paste0("HLA-", x), x)
} else {
locus <- sub("HLA-", "", toupper(locus))
pattern1 <- paste0("^HLA-", locus, "[*]\\d\\d\\d?:.+$")
pattern2 <- paste0("^", locus, "[*]\\d\\d\\d?:.+$")
pattern3 <- "^\\d\\d\\d?:.+$"
ifelse(grepl(pattern1, x),
ifelse(grepl(pattern2, x),
paste0("HLA-", x),
ifelse(grepl(pattern3, x),
paste0("HLA-", locus, "*", x), x)))
.matchKirLocus <- function(locus) {
locus <- .expandKirAllele(locus)
match.arg(locus, .VALID_KIR_LOCI())
simpleCap <- function(x) {
sapply(x, function(e){
s <- strsplit(e, " ")[[1]]
paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2),
sep="", collapse=" ")
`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
if (length(a) == 0) b else a
#' gather the Hla data
#' fetch every information and create the dataframes
#' Get the HLA info
#' @return A data.frame with all information to be stored in the database
getHlaDf <- function(){
hlaDb <- fetchIPD(family = "HLA")
hladoc <- readHlaXml(hlaDb)
hla <- parseHlaAlleles(hladoc)
closestComplete <- getClosest(hla)
hla$annot <- dplyr::left_join(hla$annot, closestComplete, by="GID")
#' gather the KIR data
#' fetch every information and create the dataframes
#' Get the HLA info
#' @return A data.frame with all information to be stored in the database
getKirDf <- function() {
kirDb <- fetchIPD(family = "KIR")
kirdoc <- readKirDat(kirDb)
pattern <- "^.*(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+).*"
version <- sub(pattern, "\\1",
kirdoc[grep("CC IPD-KIR Release Version", kirdoc)[1]])
kirObj <- readEmblEntries(kirdoc)
kirFullDFList <- lapply(kirObj, .emblEntryListToDataFrame)
kirDf <- list()
kirDf$seq <- do.call(rbind, lapply(kirFullDFList, function(x) x$seq))
kirDf$features <- do.call(rbind,
lapply(kirFullDFList, function(x) x$features))
kirDf$annot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(kirFullDFList, function(x) x$annot))
closestComplete <- getClosest(kirDf)
kirDf$annot <- dplyr::left_join(kirDf$annot, closestComplete, by="GID")
kirDf$version <- version
#' Prepare the final database
#' Some restructuring of the data to fit into the SQLite database.
#' @param df the dataframe from either getKirDf() or getHlaDf().
#' @return a list containing the final data.frame and version information.
prepareDb <- function(df){
ipd <- list()
ipd$annot <- df$annot %>%
mutate(closest_complete = ifelse(is.na(closest_complete), allele_name,
closest_complete)) %>%
mutate(g_group = ifelse(is.na(g_group), "none", g_group)) %>%
mutate(p_group = ifelse(is.na(p_group), "none", p_group)) %>%
mutate(confirmed = ifelse(is.na(confirmed), "NA", confirmed)) %>%
mutate(first_released = ifelse(is.na(first_released), "NA",
first_released)) %>%
mutate(date_assigned = ifelse(is.na(date_assigned), "NA",
date_assigned)) %>%
mutate(cwd_status = ifelse(is.na(cwd_status), "NA", cwd_status))
ipd$features <- df$features
ipd$seq <- df$seq
list(ipd = ipd, version = df$version)
#' Get the Kir data ready
#' @return a list containing the final data.frame and version information.
getKir <- function() {
df <- getKirDf()
#' Get the Hla Data ready
#' @return a list containing the final data.frame and version information.
getHla <- function() {
df <- getHlaDf()
## Run the functions and get the actual data
hla <- getHla()
kir <- getKir()
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