
Defines functions updateData makeData

makeData <- function(Biomass, CBret, Cret, N, SSB, VBiomass, StockPars, 
                     FleetPars, ObsPars, ImpPars, RefPoints,
                     ErrList, OM, SampCpars, initD, Sample_Area, 
                     control, silent=FALSE) {
  if(!silent) message("Simulating observed data")
  Name <- OM@Name
  nyears <- OM@nyears
  proyears <- OM@proyears
  nsim <- OM@nsim 
  nareas <- StockPars$nareas
  reps <- OM@reps
  Data <- new("Data")  # create a blank DLM data object
  if (reps == 1) Data <- OneRep(Data)  # make stochastic variables certain for only one rep
  Data <- replic8(Data, nsim)  # make nsim sized slots in the DLM data object
  Data@Name <- Name
  Data@Year <- 1:nyears
  # --- Observed catch ----
  # Simulated observed retained catch (biomass)
  Cobs <- ErrList$Cbiasa[, 1:nyears] * ErrList$Cerr[, 1:nyears] * 
    apply(CBret*Sample_Area$Catch[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)  
  Data@Cat <- Cobs 
  Data@CV_Cat <- matrix(Data@CV_Cat[,1], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
  # --- Index of total abundance ----
  # Index of abundance from total biomass - beginning of year before fishing
  # apply hyperstability / hyperdepletion
  II <- (apply(Biomass*Sample_Area$BInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)^ObsPars$betas) * 
    ErrList$Ierr[, 1:nyears]  
  II <- II/apply(II, 1, mean)  # normalize
  Data@Ind <- II # index of total abundance
  Data@CV_Ind <- matrix(Data@CV_Ind[,1], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
  # --- Index of spawning abundance ----
  # Index of abundance from total biomass - beginning of year before fishing
  # apply hyperstability / hyperdepletion
  II <- (apply(SSB*Sample_Area$SBInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)^ObsPars$betas) * 
    ErrList$SpIerr[, 1:nyears]  
  II <- II/apply(II, 1, mean)  # normalize
  Data@SpInd <- II # index of spawning abundance
  Data@CV_SpInd <- matrix(Data@CV_SpInd[,1], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
  # --- Index of vulnerable abundance ----
  # Index of abundance from vulnerable biomass - beginning of year before fishing
  # apply hyperstability / hyperdepletion
  II <- (apply(VBiomass*Sample_Area$VInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)^ObsPars$betas) * 
    ErrList$VIerr[, 1:nyears]  
  II <- II/apply(II, 1, mean)  # normalize
  Data@VInd <- II # index of vulnerable abundance
  Data@CV_VInd <- matrix(Data@CV_VInd[,1], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
  # --- Index of recruitment ----
  Data@Rec <- apply(N[, 1, , ]*Sample_Area$RecInd[,1:nyears,], c(1, 2), sum) * 
    ErrList$Recerr[, 1:nyears] 
  Data@t <- rep(nyears, nsim) # number of years of data
  # --- Average catch ----
  Data@AvC <- apply(Cobs, 1, mean) # average catch over all years
  # --- Depletion ----
  # observed depletion
  Depletion <- apply(SSB[,,nyears,],1,sum)/RefPoints$SSB0 # current depletion
  Data@Dt <- ObsPars$Dbias * Depletion * 
    rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Derr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Derr))
  Data@Dep <- ObsPars$Dbias * Depletion * 
    rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Derr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Derr))  
  # --- Life-history parameters ----
  Data@vbLinf <- StockPars$Linfarray[,nyears] * ObsPars$Linfbias # observed vB Linf
  Data@vbK <- StockPars$Karray[,nyears] * ObsPars$Kbias # observed vB K
  Data@vbt0 <- StockPars$t0array[,nyears] * ObsPars$t0bias # observed vB t0
  Data@Mort <- StockPars$Marray[,nyears] * ObsPars$Mbias # natural mortality
  Data@L50 <- StockPars$L50array[,nyears] * ObsPars$lenMbias # observed length at 50% maturity
  Data@L95 <- StockPars$L95array[,nyears] * ObsPars$lenMbias # observed length at 95% maturity
  Data@L95[Data@L95 > 0.9 * Data@vbLinf] <- 0.9 * Data@vbLinf[Data@L95 > 0.9 * Data@vbLinf]  # Set a hard limit on ratio of L95 to Linf
  Data@L50[Data@L50 > 0.9 * Data@L95] <- 0.9 * Data@L95[Data@L50 > 0.9 * Data@L95]  # Set a hard limit on ratio of L95 to Linf
  Data@LenCV <- StockPars$LenCV # variablity in length-at-age - no error at this time
  Data@sigmaR <- StockPars$procsd # observed sigmaR - assumed no obs error
  Data@MaxAge <- StockPars$maxage # maximum age - no error - used for setting up matrices only
  # if (!is.null(control$maxage)) {
  #   if (!is.numeric(control$maxage)) stop('control$maxage must be numeric of length 1', call.=FALSE)
  #   Data@MaxAge <- control$maxage
  # }
  # Observed steepness values 
  hs <- StockPars$hs
  if (!is.null(OM@cpars[['hsim']])) {
    hsim <- SampCpars$hsim
    hbias <- hsim/hs  # back calculate the simulated bias
    if (OM@hbiascv == 0) hbias <- rep(1, nsim) 
    ObsPars$hbias <- hbias 
  } else {
    hsim <- rep(NA, nsim)  
    cond <- hs > 0.6
    hsim[cond] <- 0.2 + rbeta(sum(hs > 0.6), alphaconv((hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8, (1 - (hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8) * OM@hbiascv), 
                              betaconv((hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8,  (1 - (hs[cond] - 0.2)/0.8) * OM@hbiascv)) * 0.8
    hsim[!cond] <- 0.2 + rbeta(sum(hs <= 0.6), alphaconv((hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8,  (hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8 * OM@hbiascv), 
                               betaconv((hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8, (hs[!cond] - 0.2)/0.8 * OM@hbiascv)) * 0.8
    hbias <- hsim/hs  # back calculate the simulated bias
    if (OM@hbiascv == 0) hbias <- rep(1, nsim) 
    ObsPars$hbias <- hbias
  Data@steep <- hs * ObsPars$hbias # observed steepness
  # --- Reference points ----
  # Simulate observation error in BMSY/B0 
  ntest <- 20  # number of trials  
  BMSY_B0bias <- array(rlnorm(nsim * ntest, 
                              mconv(1, OM@BMSY_B0biascv), sdconv(1, OM@BMSY_B0biascv)), 
                       dim = c(nsim, ntest))  # trial samples of BMSY relative to unfished  
  test <- array(RefPoints$SSBMSY_SSB0 * BMSY_B0bias, dim = c(nsim, ntest))  # the simulated observed BMSY_B0 
  indy <- array(rep(1:ntest, each = nsim), c(nsim, ntest))  # index
  indy[test > max(0.9, max(RefPoints$SSBMSY_SSB0))] <- NA  # interval censor
  BMSY_B0bias <- BMSY_B0bias[cbind(1:nsim, apply(indy, 1, min, na.rm = T))]  # sample such that BMSY_B0<90%
  ObsPars$BMSY_B0bias <- BMSY_B0bias
  Data@FMSY_M <- RefPoints$FMSY_M * ObsPars$FMSY_Mbias # observed FMSY/M
  Data@BMSY_B0 <- RefPoints$SSBMSY_SSB0 * ObsPars$BMSY_B0bias # observed BMSY/B0
  Data@Cref <- RefPoints$MSY * ObsPars$Crefbias # Catch reference - MSY with error
  Data@Bref <- RefPoints$VBMSY * ObsPars$Brefbias # Vuln biomass ref - VBMSY with error
  # Generate values for reference SBMSY/SB0
  # should be calculated from unfished - won't be correct if initD is set
  I3 <- apply(Biomass, c(1, 3), sum)^ObsPars$betas  # apply hyperstability / hyperdepletion
  I3 <- I3/apply(I3, 1, mean)  # normalize index to mean 1
  if (!is.null(initD)) {
    b1 <- apply(Biomass, c(1, 3), sum)
    b2 <- matrix(RefPoints$BMSY, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
    ind <- apply(abs(b1/ b2 - 1), 1, which.min) # find years closest to BMSY
    Iref <- diag(I3[1:nsim,ind])  # return the real target abundance index closest to BMSY
  } else {
    Iref <- apply(I3[, 1:5], 1, mean) * RefPoints$BMSY_B0  # return the real target abundance index corresponding to BMSY
  Data@Iref <- Iref * ObsPars$Irefbias # index reference with error
  # --- Abundance ----
  # Calculate vulnerable and spawning biomass abundance --
  M_array <- array(0.5*StockPars$M_ageArray[,,nyears], dim=c(nsim, StockPars$maxage, nareas))
  A <- apply(VBiomass[, , nyears, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum) # Abundance (mid-year before fishing)
  Asp <- apply(SSB[, , nyears, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum)  # Spawning abundance (mid-year before fishing)
  OFLreal <- A * (1-exp(-RefPoints$FMSY))  # the true simulated Over Fishing Limit
  Data@Abun <- A * ObsPars$Abias * 
    rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr)) # observed vulnerable abundance
  Data@SpAbun <- Asp * ObsPars$Abias * 
    rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr)) # spawing abundance
  # --- Catch-at-age ----
  Cret2 <- apply(Cret * Sample_Area$CAA[,,1:nyears,], 1:3, sum)
  Data@CAA <- simCAA(nsim, nyears, StockPars$maxage, Cret2, ObsPars$CAA_ESS, ObsPars$CAA_nsamp)
  # --- Catch-at-length ----
  vn <- apply(N*Sample_Area$CAL[,,1:nyears,], c(1,2,3), sum) * FleetPars$retA[,,1:nyears] 
  # numbers at age in population that would be retained
  vn <- aperm(vn, c(1,3, 2))

  CALdat <- simCAL(nsim, nyears, StockPars$maxage, ObsPars$CAL_ESS, 
                   ObsPars$CAL_nsamp, StockPars$nCALbins, StockPars$CAL_binsmid, 
                   vn, FleetPars$retL, StockPars$Linfarray, 
                   StockPars$Karray, StockPars$t0array, StockPars$LenCV)
  Data@CAL_bins <- StockPars$CAL_bins
  Data@CAL_mids <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid
  Data@CAL <- CALdat$CAL # observed catch-at-length
  Data@ML <- CALdat$ML # mean length
  Data@Lc <- CALdat$Lc # modal length 
  Data@Lbar <- CALdat$Lbar # mean length above Lc 
  Data@LFC <- CALdat$LFC * ObsPars$LFCbias # length at first capture
  Data@LFS <- FleetPars$LFS[nyears,] * ObsPars$LFSbias # length at full selection
  # --- Previous Management Recommendations ----
  Data@MPrec <- apply(CBret, c(1, 3), sum)[,OM@nyears] # catch in last year
  Data@MPeff <- rep(1, nsim) # effort in last year = 1 
  # --- Store OM Parameters ----
  # put all the operating model parameters in one table
  ind <- which(lapply(StockPars, length) == nsim)
  stock <- as.data.frame(StockPars[ind])
  stock$Fdisc <- NULL
  stock$CAL_bins <- NULL
  stock$CAL_binsmid <- NULL
  ind <- which(lapply(FleetPars, length) == nsim)
  fleet <- as.data.frame(FleetPars[ind])
  ind <- which(lapply(ImpPars, length) == nsim)
  imp <- as.data.frame(ImpPars[ind])
  refs <- RefPoints %>% select('MSY', 'FMSY', 'SSBMSY_SSB0', 'BMSY_B0', 'SSBMSY',
                               'BMSY', 'UMSY', 'FMSY_M', 'RefY', 'Blow', 'MGT', 'SSB0')
  OMtable <- data.frame(stock, fleet, imp, refs, ageM=StockPars$ageM[,nyears], 
                     L5=FleetPars$L5[nyears, ], LFS=FleetPars$LFS[nyears, ], 
                     Vmaxlen=FleetPars$Vmaxlen[nyears, ],
                     LR5=FleetPars$LR5[nyears,], LFR=FleetPars$LFR[nyears,], 
                     DR=FleetPars$DR[nyears,], OFLreal, maxF=OM@maxF,
                     A=A, Asp=Asp, CurrentYr=OM@CurrentYr)
  OMtable <- OMtable[,order(names(OMtable))]
  Data@OM <- OMtable
  # --- Store Obs Parameters ----
  ObsTable <- as.data.frame(ObsPars)
  ObsTable <- ObsTable[,order(names(ObsTable))]
  Data@Obs <- ObsTable # put all the observation error model parameters in one table
  # --- Misc ----
  Data@Units <- "unitless"
  Data@Ref_type <- "Simulated OFL"
  Data@wla <- rep(StockPars$a, nsim)
  Data@wlb <- rep(StockPars$b, nsim)
  Data@nareas <- nareas
  Data@Ref <- OFLreal 
  Data@LHYear <- nyears  # Last historical year is nyears (for fixed MPs)
  Data@Misc <- vector("list", nsim)

updateData <- function(Data, OM, MPCalcs, Effort, Biomass, N, Biomass_P, CB_Pret, 
                       N_P, SSB, SSB_P, VBiomass, VBiomass_P, RefPoints, ErrList, 
                       FMSY_P, retA_P, 
                       retL_P, StockPars, FleetPars, ObsPars, 
                       V_P, Mat_age,
                       upyrs, interval, y=2, 
                       mm=1, Misc, SampCpars, Sample_Area, AddIunits, AddIndType) {
  yind <- upyrs[match(y, upyrs) - 1]:(upyrs[match(y, upyrs)] - 1) # index
  nyears <- OM@nyears
  proyears <- OM@proyears
  nsim <- OM@nsim 
  nareas <- StockPars$nareas
  reps <- OM@reps
  Data@Year <- 1:(nyears + y - 1)
  Data@t <- rep(nyears + y, nsim)
  # --- Simulate catches ---- 
  CBtemp <- CB_Pret[, , yind, , drop=FALSE] * Sample_Area$Catch[,,nyears+yind,, drop=FALSE] 
  CBtemp[is.na(CBtemp)] <- tiny
  CBtemp[!is.finite(CBtemp)] <- tiny

  yr.index <- max(which(!is.na(Data@CV_Cat[1,])))
  newCV_Cat <- matrix(Data@CV_Cat[,yr.index], nrow=nsim, ncol=length(yind))
  Data@CV_Cat <- cbind(Data@CV_Cat, newCV_Cat)
  # --- Observed catch ----
  # Simulated observed retained catch (biomass)
  Cobs <- ErrList$Cerr[, nyears + yind] * apply(CBtemp, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE) *
    ErrList$Cbiasa[, nyears + yind]
  Data@Cat <- cbind(Data@Cat, Cobs) 
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data) && ncol(SampCpars$Data@Cat)>nyears &&
      !all(is.na(SampCpars$Data@Cat[1,(nyears+1):length(SampCpars$Data@Cat[1,])]))) {
    # update projection catches with observed catches
    addYr <- min(y,ncol(SampCpars$Data@Cat) - nyears)
    Data@Cat[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@Cat[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                               nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
    Data@CV_Cat[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@CV_Cat[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                            nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
  # --- Index of total abundance ----
  yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(ErrList$Ierr[1,1:nyears])))
  I2 <- cbind(apply(Biomass*Sample_Area$BInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)[,yr.ind:nyears], 
              apply(Biomass_P*Sample_Area$BInd[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),], c(1, 3), sum)[, 1:(y - 1)])
  # standardize, apply  beta & obs error  
  I2 <- exp(lcs(I2))^ObsPars$betas * ErrList$Ierr[,yr.ind:(nyears + (y - 1))]
  year.ind <- max(which(!is.na(Data@Ind[1,1:nyears])))
  scaler <- Data@Ind[,year.ind]/I2[,1]
  scaler <- matrix(scaler, nrow=nsim, ncol=ncol(I2))
  I2 <- I2 * scaler # convert back to historical index scale
  I2 <- cbind(Data@Ind[,1:(yr.ind)], I2[,2:ncol(I2)])
  Data@Ind <- I2
  yr.index <- max(which(!is.na(Data@CV_Ind[1,1:nyears])))
  newCV_Ind <- matrix(Data@CV_Ind[,yr.index], nrow=nsim, ncol=length(yind))
  Data@CV_Ind <- cbind(Data@CV_Ind, newCV_Ind)
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data) && ncol(SampCpars$Data@Ind)>nyears &&
      !all(is.na(SampCpars$Data@Ind[1,(nyears+1):length(SampCpars$Data@Ind[1,])]))) {
    # update projection index with observed index if it exists
    addYr <- min(y,ncol(SampCpars$Data@Ind) - nyears)
    Data@Ind[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@Ind[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                   nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)

    Data@CV_Ind[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@CV_Ind[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                      nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)

  # --- Index of spawning abundance ----
  yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(ErrList$SpIerr[1,1:nyears])))
  I2 <- cbind(apply(SSB*Sample_Area$SBInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)[,yr.ind:nyears], 
              apply(SSB_P*Sample_Area$SBInd[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),], c(1, 3), sum)[, 1:(y - 1)])
  # standardize, apply  beta & obs error  
  I2 <- exp(lcs(I2))^ObsPars$betas * ErrList$SpIerr[,yr.ind:(nyears + (y - 1))]
  year.ind <- max(which(!is.na(Data@SpInd[1,1:nyears])))
  scaler <- Data@SpInd[,year.ind]/I2[,1]
  scaler <- matrix(scaler, nrow=nsim, ncol=ncol(I2))
  I2 <- I2 * scaler # convert back to historical index scale
  I2 <- cbind(Data@SpInd[,1:(yr.ind)], I2[,2:ncol(I2)])
  Data@SpInd <- I2
  yr.index <- max(which(!is.na(Data@CV_SpInd[1,1:nyears])))
  newCV_Ind <- matrix(Data@CV_SpInd[,yr.index], nrow=nsim, ncol=length(yind))
  Data@CV_SpInd <- cbind(Data@CV_SpInd, newCV_Ind)
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data) && ncol(SampCpars$Data@SpInd)>nyears &&
      !all(is.na(SampCpars$Data@SpInd[1,(nyears+1):length(SampCpars$Data@SpInd[1,])]))) {
    # update projection index with observed index if it exists
    addYr <- min(y,ncol(SampCpars$Data@SpInd) - nyears)
    Data@SpInd[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@SpInd[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                   nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
    Data@CV_SpInd[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@CV_SpInd[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                      nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
  # --- Index of vulnerable abundance ----
  yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(ErrList$VIerr[1,1:nyears])))
  I2 <- cbind(apply(VBiomass*Sample_Area$VInd[,,1:nyears,], c(1, 3), sum)[,yr.ind:nyears], 
              apply(VBiomass_P*Sample_Area$VInd[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),], c(1, 3), sum)[, 1:(y - 1)])
  # standardize, apply  beta & obs error  
  I2 <- exp(lcs(I2))^ObsPars$betas * ErrList$VIerr[,yr.ind:(nyears + (y - 1))]
  year.ind <- max(which(!is.na(Data@VInd[1,1:nyears])))
  scaler <- Data@VInd[,year.ind]/I2[,1]
  scaler <- matrix(scaler, nrow=nsim, ncol=ncol(I2))
  I2 <- I2 * scaler # convert back to historical index scale
  I2 <- cbind(Data@VInd[,1:(yr.ind)], I2[,2:ncol(I2)])
  Data@VInd <- I2
  yr.index <- max(which(!is.na(Data@CV_VInd[1,1:nyears])))
  newCV_Ind <- matrix(Data@CV_VInd[,yr.index], nrow=nsim, ncol=length(yind))
  Data@CV_VInd <- cbind(Data@CV_VInd, newCV_Ind)
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data) && ncol(SampCpars$Data@VInd)>nyears &&
      !all(is.na(SampCpars$Data@VInd[1,(nyears+1):length(SampCpars$Data@VInd[1,])]))) {
    # update projection index with observed index if it exists
    addYr <- min(y,ncol(SampCpars$Data@VInd) - nyears)
    Data@VInd[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@VInd[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                   nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
    Data@CV_VInd[,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@CV_VInd[1,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                      nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
  # --- Update additional indices (if they exist) ----
  if (length(ErrList$AddIerr)>0) {
   n.ind <- dim(ErrList$AddIerr)[2]
   AddInd <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n.ind, nyears+y-1))
   CV_AddInd  <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n.ind, nyears+y-1))
   for (i in 1:n.ind) {
     Ind_V <- SampCpars$Data@AddIndV[1,i, ]
     Ind_V <- matrix(Ind_V, nrow=Data@MaxAge, ncol= nyears+proyears)
     Ind_V <- replicate(nsim, Ind_V) %>% aperm(., c(3,1,2))
     yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(ErrList$AddIerr[1,i, 1:nyears])))
     if (AddIunits[i]) { # Biomass-based index
       if (AddIndType[i]==1) {
         # total biomass
         b1 <- apply(Biomass[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum)
         b2 <- apply(Biomass_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum)
       if (AddIndType[i]==2) {
         # spawning biomass
         b1 <- apply(SSB[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum)
         b2 <- apply(SSB_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum)
       if (AddIndType[i]==3) {
         # vulnerable biomass
         b1 <- apply(VBiomass[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum)
         b2 <- apply(VBiomass_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum)
     } else {
       if (AddIndType[i]==1) {
         # total stock
         b1 <- apply(N[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum) # Abundance-based index
         b2 <- apply(N_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum)
       if (AddIndType[i]==2) {
         # spawning stock
         b1 <- apply(N[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum) * Mat_age[,,yr.ind:nyears,  drop=FALSE] 
         b2 <- apply(N_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum)  * Mat_age[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),  drop=FALSE]
       if (AddIndType[i]==3) {
         # vuln stock
         b1 <- apply(N[,,yr.ind:nyears,, drop=FALSE], c(1, 2, 3), sum) * V_P[,,yr.ind:nyears,  drop=FALSE]  
         b2 <- apply(N_P, c(1, 2, 3), sum) * V_P[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),  drop=FALSE]
     b1 <- apply(b1 * Ind_V[,,yr.ind:nyears, drop=FALSE], c(1,3), sum)
     b2 <- apply(b2 * Ind_V[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears), drop=FALSE], c(1,3), sum)
     tempI <- cbind(b1, b2[, 1:(y - 1)])
     # standardize, apply  beta & obs error  
     tempI <- exp(lcs(tempI))^ErrList$AddIbeta[,i] * ErrList$AddIerr[,i,yr.ind:(nyears + (y - 1))]
     year.ind <- max(which(!is.na(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,1:nyears])))
     scaler <- SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,year.ind]/tempI[,1]
     scaler <- matrix(scaler, nrow=nsim, ncol=ncol(tempI))
     tempI <- tempI * scaler # convert back to historical index scale

     AddInd[,i,] <- cbind(Data@AddInd[1:nsim,i,1:yr.ind], tempI[,2:ncol(tempI)])
     yr.index <- max(which(!is.na(Data@CV_AddInd[1,i,1:nyears])))
     newCV_Ind <- matrix(Data@CV_AddInd[,i,yr.index], nrow=nsim, ncol=length(yind))
     CV_AddInd[,i,] <- cbind(Data@CV_AddInd[,i,], newCV_Ind)
     if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data) && length(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,])>nyears &&
         !all(is.na(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,(nyears+1):length(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,])]))) {
       # update projection index with observed index if it exists
       addYr <- min(y,length(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,]) - nyears)
       AddInd[,i,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@AddInd[1,i,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                      nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
       CV_AddInd[,i,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)] <- matrix(SampCpars$Data@CV_AddInd[1,i,(nyears+1):(nyears+addYr)], 
                                                         nrow=nsim, ncol=addYr, byrow=TRUE)
   Data@AddInd <- AddInd
   Data@CV_AddInd <- CV_AddInd

  # --- Index of recruitment ----
  Recobs <- ErrList$Recerr[, nyears + yind] * apply(array(N_P[, 1, yind, ] *
                                                          c(nsim, interval[mm], nareas)),
                                                    c(1, 2), sum)
  Data@Rec <- cbind(Data@Rec, Recobs)
  # --- Average catch ----
  Data@AvC <- apply(Data@Cat, 1, mean)
  # --- Depletion ----
  Depletion <- apply(SSB_P[, , y, ], 1, sum)/RefPoints$SSB0 
  Depletion[Depletion < tiny] <- tiny
  Data@Dt <- ObsPars$Dbias * Depletion * rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Derr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Derr))
  Data@Dep <- ObsPars$Dbias * Depletion * rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Derr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Derr))
  # --- Update life-history parameter estimates for current year ----
  Data@vbLinf <- StockPars$Linfarray[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$Linfbias # observed vB Linf
  Data@vbK <- StockPars$Karray[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$Kbias # observed vB K
  Data@vbt0 <- StockPars$t0array[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$t0bias # observed vB t0
  Data@Mort <- StockPars$Marray[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$Mbias # natural mortality
  Data@L50 <- StockPars$L50array[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$lenMbias # observed length at 50% maturity
  Data@L95 <- StockPars$L95array[,nyears+y] * ObsPars$lenMbias # observed length at 95% maturity
  Data@L95[Data@L95 > 0.9 * Data@vbLinf] <- 0.9 * Data@vbLinf[Data@L95 > 0.9 * Data@vbLinf]  # Set a hard limit on ratio of L95 to Linf
  Data@L50[Data@L50 > 0.9 * Data@L95] <- 0.9 * Data@L95[Data@L50 > 0.9 * Data@L95]  # Set a hard limit on ratio of L95 to Linf
  # --- Abundance ----
  # Calculate vulnerable and spawning biomass abundance --
  M_array <- array(0.5*StockPars$M_ageArray[,,nyears+y], dim=c(nsim, StockPars$maxage, nareas))
  A <- apply(VBiomass_P[, , y, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum) # Abundance (mid-year before fishing)
  Asp <- apply(SSB_P[, , y, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum)  # Spawning abundance (mid-year before fishing)
  Data@Abun <- A * ObsPars$Abias * rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr))
  Data@SpAbun <- Asp * ObsPars$Abias * rlnorm(nsim, mconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr), sdconv(1, ObsPars$Aerr))
  # Data@Ref <- A * (1 - exp(-FMSY_P[,mm,y])) 

  # --- Catch-at-age ----
  # previous CAA
  oldCAA <- Data@CAA
  Data@CAA <- array(0, dim = c(nsim, nyears + y - 1, StockPars$maxage))
  Data@CAA[, 1:(nyears + y - interval[mm] - 1), ] <- oldCAA[, 1:(nyears + y - interval[mm] - 1), ] 
  # update CAA
  CNtemp <- retA_P[,,yind+nyears, drop=FALSE] * 
    apply(N_P[,,yind,, drop=FALSE]*Sample_Area$CAA[,,nyears+yind,, drop=FALSE], 1:3, sum) 
  CNtemp[is.na(CNtemp)] <- tiny
  CNtemp[!is.finite(CNtemp)] <- tiny

  CAA <- simCAA(nsim, yrs=length(yind), StockPars$maxage, Cret=CNtemp, ObsPars$CAA_ESS, ObsPars$CAA_nsamp)
  Data@CAA[, nyears + yind, ] <- CAA
  # --- Catch-at-length ----
  oldCAL <- Data@CAL
  Data@CAL <- array(0, dim = c(nsim, nyears + y - 1, StockPars$nCALbins))
  Data@CAL[, 1:(nyears + y - interval[mm] - 1), ] <- oldCAL[, 1:(nyears + y - interval[mm] - 1), ]
  CAL <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, interval[mm], StockPars$nCALbins))  
  vn <- (apply(N_P*Sample_Area$CAL[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears),], c(1,2,3), sum) * retA_P[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)]) # numbers at age that would be retained
  vn <- aperm(vn, c(1,3,2))
  CALdat <- simCAL(nsim, nyears=length(yind), StockPars$maxage, ObsPars$CAL_ESS, 
                   ObsPars$CAL_nsamp, StockPars$nCALbins, StockPars$CAL_binsmid, 
                   vn=vn[,yind,, drop=FALSE], retL=retL_P[,,nyears+yind, drop=FALSE],
                   Linfarray=StockPars$Linfarray[,nyears + yind, drop=FALSE],  
                   Karray=StockPars$Karray[,nyears + yind, drop=FALSE], 
                   t0array=StockPars$t0array[,nyears + yind,drop=FALSE],

  Data@CAL[, nyears + yind, ] <- CALdat$CAL # observed catch-at-length
  Data@ML <- cbind(Data@ML, CALdat$ML) # mean length
  Data@Lc <- cbind(Data@Lc, CALdat$Lc) # modal length 
  Data@Lbar <- cbind(Data@Lbar, CALdat$Lbar) # mean length above Lc 
  Data@LFC <- CALdat$LFC * ObsPars$LFCbias # length at first capture
  Data@LFS <- FleetPars$LFS[nyears+y,] * ObsPars$LFSbias # length at full selection

  # --- Previous Management Recommendations ----
  Data@MPrec <- MPCalcs$TACrec # last MP  TAC recommendation
  Data@MPeff <- Effort[, mm, y-1] # last recommended effort
  Data@Misc <- Misc
DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.