
Defines functions CalcMSYRefs CalcUnfishedRefs addRealData applyAC generateRes indfit makeVec lcs indfitwrap getbeta dev.mode simCAL simCAA userguide_link getfifth genSizeCompWrap getsel dnormal assign_DLMenv run_parallel runMSEnomsg range01 Range sampy condmet LinInterp gettempvar getmov2 getclass getEffhist OptionalSlots ChkObj CanMP MPCheck

Documented in CanMP ChkObj condmet dnormal genSizeCompWrap getclass getEffhist getfifth getmov2 getsel gettempvar LinInterp Range sampy simCAA simCAL

utils::globalVariables(c("R0", "Mdb", "mod", "i", "nareas", "nsim", "dFfinal"))
tiny <- 1e-15  # define tiny variable
proportionMat <- TL <- Wa <- SurvWeiMat <- r <- lx <- logNormDensity <- sumlogNormDen <- NULL
proportionMat = vector()

MPCheck <- function(MPs, Data, timelimit, silent=FALSE) {
  if(!silent) message("Determining available methods") 
  PosMPs <- Can(Data, timelimit = timelimit)  # list all the methods that could be applied
  if (is.na(MPs[1])) {
    MPs <- PosMPs  # if the user does not supply an argument MPs run the MSE for all available methods
    if(!silent) message("No MPs specified: running all available")
  cant <- MPs[!MPs %in% PosMPs]
  if (length(cant) > 0) {
    if(!silent) message("Cannot run some MPs: ")
    if(!silent) print(DLMdiag(Data, "not available", funcs1=cant, timelimit = timelimit))
  MPs <- MPs[MPs %in% PosMPs]  # otherwise run the MSE for all methods that are deemed possible
  if (length(MPs) == 0) {
    if(!silent) message(Cant(Data, timelimit = timelimit))
    stop("MSE stopped: no viable methods \n\n", call. = FALSE)  # if none of the user specified methods are possible stop the run
  ok <- rep(TRUE, length(MPs))
  for (mm in seq_along(MPs)) {
    test <- try(get(MPs[mm]), silent=TRUE)
    if (!class(test) == 'MP') {
      ok[mm] <- FALSE
      if (class(test) == 'try-error') {
        message('Object ', paste(MPs[mm], ""), " does not exist - Ignoring")
      } else message('Dropping MP: ', paste(MPs[mm], ""), " - Not class 'MP'")
  MPs <- MPs[ok]

#' What Data objects can be used to run this MP?
#' @param MP Name of the MP
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
CanMP <- function(MP) {
  avData <- avail("Data")
  log <- rep(FALSE, length(avData))
  for (x in seq_along(avData)) {
    log[x] <- MP %in% Can(get(avData[x]))

#' Check that a DLM object is valid 
#' Check that all slots in Object are valid and contain values
#' @param OM An object of class OM, Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp
#' @param error Logical. Stop on missing parameter values? FALSE = warning
ChkObj <- function(OM, error=TRUE) {
  if (!class(OM) %in% c("OM", "Stock", "Fleet", "Obs", "Imp"))
    stop("Argument must be of class: OM, Stock, Fleet, Obs, or Imp", call.=FALSE)
  # Add missing slots with default values 
  OM <- updateMSE(OM)
  slots <- slotNames(OM)
  Ok <- rep(TRUE, length(slots))
  for (sl in seq_along(slots)) {
    slotVal <- slot(OM, slots[sl])
    if (length(slotVal) == 0) Ok[sl] <- FALSE
    if (length(slotVal) > 0) {
      Ok[sl] <- all(class(slotVal) == class(slot(OM, slots[sl])))
      if (class(slotVal) != "character" && class(slotVal) != "list") Ok[sl] <- all(is.finite(slotVal)) & length(slotVal) > 0
  optslots <- OptionalSlots()
  SelSlots <- optslots$SelSlots
  RecSlots <-  optslots$RecSlots
  # Slots ok to not contain values
  Ignore <- optslots$Ignore
  Ignore <- c(Ignore, "Mgrad", "Kgrad", "Linfgrad", "LatentEff")
  # if values present for one they need to be there for all! 
  if (any(SelSlots %in% slots[Ok])) Ignore <- Ignore[!Ignore %in% SelSlots] 
  if (any(RecSlots %in% slots[Ok])) Ignore <- Ignore[!Ignore %in% RecSlots] 
  probSlots <- slots[!Ok][!slots[!Ok] %in% Ignore]
  probSlots <- probSlots[!probSlots %in% names(OM@cpars)]
  if ('Len_age' %in% names(OM@cpars)) {
    probSlots <- probSlots[!probSlots %in% c("Linf", "K", "t0")]
  if ('Perr_y' %in% names(OM@cpars)) {
    probSlots <- probSlots[!probSlots %in% c("Perr")]
  if ('Find' %in% names(OM@cpars)) {
    probSlots <- probSlots[!probSlots %in% c("EffLower", "EffUpper", "EffYears")]
  if (length(probSlots) > 0) {
    if (error) stop("Slots in Object have missing values:\n ", paste(probSlots, " "), call.=FALSE)
    if (!error) warning("Slots in Object have missing values:\n ", paste(probSlots, " "), call.=FALSE)

  # check for negative values
  slot_names <- c('M', 'Linf', 'h', 'K', 'L50', 'L50_95', 'maxage', 'nyears',
                  'proyears', 'Vmaxlen', 'Rmaxlen', 'L5', "LFS", 'LR5', 'LFR',
                  'DR', 'L5Lower', 'L5Upper', 'LFSLower', 'LFSUpper', 'VmaxLower',
                  'VmaxUpper', 'R0', 'Msd', 'Perr', 'LenCV', 'Ksd',
                  'Linfsd', 'D', 'Size_area_1', 'Frac_area_1', 'Prob_staying',
                  'Fdisc', 'Spat_targ', "Esd", 'qcv', 'Cobs',
                  'CAA_nsamp', "CAA_ESS", 'CAL_nsamp', 'CAL_ESS', 'Iobs', 'Btobs',
                  'Btbiascv', 'beta', 'Dobs', 'Recbiascv')
  for (sl in slot_names) {
    val <- slot(OM, sl)
    if (length(val)>0 && !all(is.na(val)))
      if (all(val<0)) stop('OM@', sl, ' has negative values')
  # cpars 
  vals <- c(slot_names, 'M_at_Length', 'L95', 'Perr_y', 'Asize', 'Karray', 'Linfarray',
            'Marray', 'ageM', 'age95', 'M_ageArray', 'Mat_age', 'LatASD',
            'Wt_age', 'Len_age', 'mov', 'initD', 'binWidth', 'Find', "V",
            'SLarray', 'retA', 'retL')
  for (i in vals) {
    val <- OM@cpars[[i]]
    if(!is.null(val) && !all(is.na(val)))
      if (all(val<0)) stop('OM@cpars$', i, ' has negative values')

OptionalSlots <- function() {
  SelSlots <- c("SelYears", "L5Lower", "L5Upper", "LFSLower",
                "LFSUpper", "VmaxLower", "VmaxUpper")
  RecSlots <-  c("Period", "Amplitude")
  OptPars <- c("M2", "Mexp", "AbsSelYears", 'MPA')
  # Slots ok to not contain values
  Ignore <- c("Name", "Source", "cpars", SelSlots, RecSlots, OptPars,
              "Agency", "Region", "Latitude", "Longitude", "Species", "Sponsor", "Common_Name") 
  out <- list(SelSlots=SelSlots,
              OptPars=c(SelSlots, RecSlots, OptPars),

#' Calculate historical fishing mortality
#' @param Esd vector of standard deviation 
#' @param nyears number of years 
#' @param EffYears index of years
#' @param EffLower vector of lower bound
#' @param EffUpper vector of upper bound
#' @export getEffhist
#' @keywords internal
getEffhist <- function(Esd, nyears, EffYears, EffLower, EffUpper) {
  if (length(EffLower) == length(EffUpper) & length(EffUpper) == length(EffYears)) {
    nsim <- length(Esd)  # get nsim 
    if (EffYears[1] == 1 & EffYears[length(EffYears)] == nyears & length(EffYears) == nyears) {
      refYear <- EffYears
    } else{
      refYear <- ceiling(range01(EffYears + 0.5) * nyears) # standardize years 
      refYear[1] <- 1 # first year is year 1 
      refYear[length(refYear)] <- nyears  # first year is year 1 
    if (any(EffLower > EffUpper)) {
      ind <- which(EffLower > EffUpper)
      message("Some values in 'EffLower' are higher than 'EffUpper': Years ", paste(ind, ""),
              "\nSetting 'EffLower' to the lower of the two values.")
      tt <- cbind(EffLower, EffUpper)
      EffLower <- apply(tt, 1, min)
      EffUpper <- apply(tt, 1, max)
    # sample Effort
    # fmat <- rbind(EffLower, EffUpper)
    # nyrs <- length(EffLower)
    # Effs <- matrix(0, nsim, nyrs)
    # ind <- which(diff(fmat) > 0)[1]
    # for (X in 1:ind) {
    # Effs[,X] <- runif(nsim, min(fmat[,X]), max(fmat[,X]))  
    # }
    # val <- (Effs[,ind] - min(fmat[,ind]))/ diff(fmat[,ind])
    # for (X in 2:nyrs) Effs[,X] <- min(fmat[,X]) + diff(fmat[,X])*val
    Effs <- mapply(runif, n = nsim, min = EffLower, max = EffUpper)  # sample Effort
    if (nsim > 1) {
      if (ncol(Effs) == 1) {
        effort <- matrix(Effs, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
      } else {
        effort <- t(sapply(1:nsim, function(x) approx(x = refYear, 
                                                      y = Effs[x, ], method = "linear", n = nyears)$y))  # linear interpolation
    if (nsim == 1) {
      if (length(Effs) == 1) {
        effort <- matrix(Effs, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears)
      } else {
        effort <- matrix(approx(x = refYear, y = Effs, method = "linear", n = nyears)$y, nrow = 1)
    if (!all(effort == mean(effort))) effort <- range01(effort)  
    effort[effort == 0] <- 0.01
    Emu <- -0.5 * Esd^2
    Eerr <- array(exp(rnorm(nyears * nsim, rep(Emu, nyears), rep(Esd, nyears))), c(nsim, nyears))  # calc error
    out <- NULL
    eff <- effort * Eerr  # add error 
    out[[1]] <- eff
    out[[2]] <- (effort[, nyears] - effort[, nyears - 4])/5
  } else {
    message("Input vectors of effort years and bounds not of same length")

#' get object class
#' Internal function for determining if object is of classy
#' @param x Character string object name
#' @param classy A class of object (character string, e.g. 'Fleet')
#' @author T. Carruthers with nasty hacks from A. Hordyk
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
getclass <- function(x, classy) {
  return(any(class(get(x)) == classy)) # inherits(get(x), classy) - this gives a problem since we now inherit Stock etc in OM
#' Optimization function to find a movement model that matches user specified
#' movement characteristics modified for Rcpp.
#' The user specifies the probability of staying in the same area and spatial
#' heterogeneity (both in the unfished state).
#' This is paired with movfit to find the correct movement model.
#' @param x A position in vectors Prob_staying and Frac_area_1
#' @param Prob_staying User specified probability that individuals in area 1
#' remain in that area (unfished conditions)
#' @param Frac_area_1 User specified fraction of individuals found in area 1
#' (unfished conditions)
#' @return A markov movement matrix
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' Prob_staying<-0.8 # probability  that individuals remain in area 1 between time-steps
#' Frac_area_1<-0.35 # the fraction of the stock found in area 1 under equilibrium conditions
#' markovmat<-getmov2(1,Prob_staying, Frac_area_1)
#' vec<-c(0.5,0.5) # initial guess at equilibrium distribution (2 areas)
#' for(i in 1:300)vec<-apply(vec*markovmat,2,sum) # numerical approximation to stable distribution
#' c(markovmat[1,1],vec[1]) # pretty close right?
getmov2 <- function(x, Prob_staying, Frac_area_1) {
  test <- optim(par = c(0, 0, 0), movfit_Rcpp, method = "L-BFGS-B", 
                lower = rep(-6, 3), upper = rep(6, 3), prb = Prob_staying[x], 
                frac = Frac_area_1[x])	
  mov <- array(c(test$par[1], test$par[2], 0, test$par[3]), dim = c(2, 2))
  mov <- exp(mov)
  mov/array(apply(mov, 1, sum), dim = c(2, 2))

#' Creates a time series per simulation that has a random normal walk with sigma
#' @param targ mean
#' @param targsd standard deviation
#' @param targgrad gradient - no longer used
#' @param nyears number of years to simulate
#' @param nsim number of simulations
#' @keywords internal
gettempvar <- function(targ, targsd, targgrad, nyears, nsim, rands=NULL) {
  mutemp <- -0.5 * targsd^2
  if (!is.null(rands)) {
    temp <- rands
  } else {
    temp <- array(exp(rnorm(nsim*nyears, mutemp, targsd)),dim = c(nsim, nyears))
  # yarray <- array(rep((1:nyears) - 1, each = nsim), dim = c(nsim, nyears))
  # temp <- temp * (1 + targgrad/100)^yarray
  targ * temp/apply(temp, 1, mean)

#' Linear interpolation of a y value at level xlev based on a vector x and y
#' @param x A vector of x values
#' @param y A vector of y values (identical length to x)
#' @param xlev A the target level of x from which to guess y
#' @param ascending Are the the x values supposed to be ordered before interpolation
#' @param zeroint is there a zero-zero x-y intercept?
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @keywords internal
#' @export LinInterp
  ind <- ind[ind <= length(x)]
  if (length(ind)==1) ind <- c(ind, ind-1)

#'  Condition met?
#' @param vec vector of logical values 
condmet <- function(vec) TRUE %in% vec

#'  Sample vector
#' @param x vector of values 
#' @keywords internal
sampy <- function(x) sample(x, 1, prob = !is.na(x))

#' Standardize values
#' Function to standardize to value relative to minimum and maximum values
#' @param x vector of values 
#' @param Max Maximum value
#' @param Min Minimum value 
#' @keywords internal
Range <- function(x, Max, Min) {
  (x - Min)/(Max - Min)  

range01 <- function(x) {
  (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) 

runMSEnomsg <- function(...) {
  capture.output(out <- suppressMessages(runMSE(...)))

run_parallel <- function(i, itsim, OM, MPs, CheckMPs, timelimit, Hist, ntrials, fracD, CalcBlow, 
                         HZN, Bfrac, AnnualMSY, silent, PPD, control, parallel=FALSE) {
  # rename Perr in cpars to Perr_Y
  if ("Perr" %in% names(OM@cpars)) {
    if (!is.null(dim(OM@cpars[['Perr']]))) {
      OM@cpars[['Perr_y']] <- OM@cpars[['Perr']]
      OM@cpars[['Perr']] <- NULL
  if (length(OM@cpars)>0) {
    if (!is.null(ncparsim) && ncparsim == OM@nsim) { # cpars for each simulation 
      cpars <- OM@cpars
      if (i > 1) {
        ind <- (sum(itsim[1:(i-1)]) + 1): sum(itsim[1:i])  
      } else {
        ind <- 1:itsim[i]
      fixed_size_cpars <- c("CAL_bins", "CAL_binsmid", "binWidth", "M_at_length", "plusgroup", "Data", "AddIunits",
      for (x in 1:length(cpars)) {
        if (!names(cpars)[x] %in% fixed_size_cpars) {
          dd <- dim(cpars[[x]])
          if (length(dd) == 2) {
            cpars[[x]] <- cpars[[x]][ind,,drop=FALSE]
          if (length(dd) == 3) {
            cpars[[x]] <- cpars[[x]][ind,,,drop=FALSE]
          if (length(dd) == 4) {
            cpars[[x]] <- cpars[[x]][ind,,,,drop=FALSE]
          if (length(dd) == 5) {
            cpars[[x]] <- cpars[[x]][ind,,,,,drop=FALSE]
          if (is.null(dd)) {
            cpars[[x]] <- cpars[[x]][ind]
      OM@cpars <- cpars
  OM@nsim <- itsim[i]
  OM@seed <- OM@seed + i 
  mse <- runMSE_int(OM, MPs, CheckMPs, timelimit, Hist, ntrials, fracD, CalcBlow, 
                    HZN, Bfrac, AnnualMSY, silent, PPD=PPD, control=control, parallel=parallel)

assign_DLMenv <- function() {
  DLMenv_list <- snowfall::sfClusterEval(mget(ls(DLMenv), envir = DLMenv)) # Grab objects from cores' DLMenv
  clean_env <- snowfall::sfClusterEval(rm(list = ls(DLMenv), envir = DLMenv)) # Remove cores' DLMenv objects
  env_names <- unique(do.call(c, lapply(DLMenv_list, names)))
  if(length(env_names) > 0) {
    for(i in 1:length(env_names)) {
      temp <- lapply(DLMenv_list, getElement, env_names[i])
      assign(env_names[i], do.call(c, temp), envir = DLMenv) # Assign objects to home DLMenv

#' Double-normal selectivity curve
#' @param lens Vector of lengths 
#' @param lfs Length at full selection
#' @param sl Sigma of ascending limb
#' @param sr Sigma of descending limb

#' Calculate selectivity curve
#' @param x Simulation number
#' @param lens Matrix of lengths (nsim by nlengths)
#' @param lfs Vector of length at full selection (nsim long)
#' @param sls Vector of sigmas of ascending limb (nsim long)
#' @param srs Vector of sigmas of descending limb (nsim long)
getsel <- function(x, lens, lfs, sls, srs) {
  if (is.null(ncol(lens))) return(dnormal(lens, lfs[x], sls[x], srs[x]))
  dnormal(lens[x,], lfs[x], sls[x], srs[x])

# Generate size comps

#' Wrapper for C++ function to generate length composition
#' And other internal related functions 
#' @param i Simulation number
#' @param vn Array of vulnerable numbers
#' @param CAL_binsmid Mid-points of CAL bins
#' @param retL Array of retention-at-length
#' @param CAL_ESS CAL effective sample size
#' @param CAL_nsamp CAL sample size
#' @param Linfarray Matrix of Linf
#' @param Karray Matrix of K values
#' @param t0array Matrix of t0 values
#' @param LenCV Vector of LenCV
#' @param truncSD Numeric. Number of standard deviations to truncate normal d
#' distribution
#' @return Generated length composition from `genSizeComp`
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
genSizeCompWrap <- function(i, vn, CAL_binsmid, retL,
                            CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp,
                            Linfarray, Karray, t0array,
                            LenCV, truncSD=2) {
  VulnN <- as.matrix(vn[i,,]) 
  if (ncol(VulnN)>1) {
    VulnN <- VulnN/rowSums(VulnN) * CAL_nsamp[i] # get relative numbers at age   
  } else {
    VulnN <- VulnN/sum(VulnN) * CAL_nsamp[i] # get relative numbers at age 
  VulnN <- round(VulnN,0) # convert to integers
  nyrs <- nrow(as.matrix(Linfarray[i,]))
  if (nyrs == 1) VulnN <- t(VulnN)
  retLa <- as.matrix(retL[i,,])
  lens <- genSizeComp(VulnN, CAL_binsmid, retLa,
              CAL_ESS=CAL_ESS[i], CAL_nsamp=CAL_nsamp[i],
              Linfs=Linfarray[i,], Ks=Karray[i,], t0s=t0array[i,],
              LenCV=LenCV[i], truncSD)
  lens[!is.finite(lens)] <- 0

#' @describeIn genSizeCompWrap Internal function to calculate fifth percentile of size composition
#' @param lenvec Vector of lengths 
#' @export 
getfifth <- function(lenvec, CAL_binsmid) {
  temp <- rep(CAL_binsmid, lenvec)
  if(sum(lenvec)==0) return(NA)
  dens <- try(density(temp), silent=TRUE)
  if(class(dens)!="density") return(NA)
  dens$x[min(which(cumsum(dens$y/sum(dens$y)) >0.05))]

# genSizeCompWrap2<- function(i, vn, CAL_binsmid, 
#                             CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp,
#                             Linfarray, Karray, t0array,
#                             LenCV, truncSD=2) {
#   VulnN <- as.matrix(vn[i,,]) 
#   VulnN <- round(VulnN,0)
#   nyrs <- nrow(as.matrix(Linfarray[i,]))
#   if (nyrs == 1) VulnN <- t(VulnN)
#   lens <- genSizeComp2(VulnN, CAL_binsmid, 
#                       CAL_ESS=CAL_ESS[i], CAL_nsamp=CAL_nsamp[i],
#                       Linfs=Linfarray[i,], Ks=Karray[i,], t0s=t0array[i,],
#                       LenCV=LenCV[i], truncSD)
#   lens
# }

userguide_link <- function(url, ref=NULL) {
  url <- paste0('https://dlmtool.github.io/DLMtool/userguide/', url, '.html')
  if (ref!="NULL") url <- paste0(url, "#", ref)
  paste0("See relevant section of the \\href{", url, "}{DLMtool User Guide} for more information.")

#' Simulate Catch-at-Age Data
#' CAA generated with a multinomial observation model from retained catch-at-age
#' data
#' @param nsim Number of simulations
#' @param yrs Number of years 
#' @param maxage Maximum age
#' @param Cret Retained Catch at age in numbers - array(sim, years, maxage)
#' @param CAA_ESS CAA effective sample size 
#' @param CAA_nsamp CAA sample size
#' @return CAA array 
simCAA <- function(nsim, yrs, maxage, Cret, CAA_ESS, CAA_nsamp) {
  # generate CAA from retained catch-at-age 
  CAA <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, yrs, maxage))  # Catch  at age array
  # a multinomial observation model for catch-at-age data
  for (i in 1:nsim) {
    for (j in 1:yrs) {
      if (!sum(Cret[i, ,j])) {
        CAA[i, j, ] <- 0 
      } else {
        CAA[i, j, ] <- ceiling(-0.5 + rmultinom(1, CAA_ESS[i], Cret[i, ,j]) * CAA_nsamp[i]/CAA_ESS[i])   

#' Simulate Catch-at-Length Data
#' Simulate CAL and calculate length-at-first capture (LFC),
#' mean length (ML), modal length (Lc), and mean length over modal length (Lbar)  
#' @param nsim Number of simulations
#' @param nyears Number of years 
#' @param maxage Maximum age
#' @param CAL_ESS CAA effective sample size 
#' @param CAL_nsamp CAA sample size
#' @param nCALbins number of CAL bins
#' @param CAL_binsmid mid-points of CAL bins
#' @param vn Vulnerable numbers-at-age
#' @param retL Retention at length curve
#' @param Linfarray Array of Linf values by simulation and year
#' @param Karray Array of K values by simulation and year
#' @param t0array Array of t0 values by simulation and year
#' @param LenCV CV of length-at-age#'
#' @return named list with CAL array and LFC, ML, & Lc vectors
simCAL <- function(nsim, nyears, maxage,  CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp, nCALbins, CAL_binsmid,  
                   vn, retL, Linfarray, Karray, t0array, LenCV) {
  # a multinomial observation model for catch-at-length data
  # assumed normally-distributed length-at-age truncated at 2 standard deviations from the mean
  CAL <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim,  nyears, nCALbins))
  # Generate size comp data with variability in age
  tempSize <- lapply(1:nsim, genSizeCompWrap, vn, CAL_binsmid, retL, CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp,
                     Linfarray, Karray, t0array, LenCV, truncSD=2)
  CAL <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(tempSize, use.names=FALSE)), 
                     dim=c(nyears, length(CAL_binsmid), nsim)), c(3,1,2))
  # calculate LFC - length-at-first capture - 5th percentile
  LFC <- rep(NA, nsim)
  LFC <- unlist(lapply(tempSize, function(x) getfifth(x[nyears, ], CAL_binsmid)))
  LFC[is.na(LFC)] <- 1
  LFC[LFC<1] <- 1
  # Mean Length 
  temp <- CAL * rep(CAL_binsmid, each = nsim * nyears)
  ML <- apply(temp, 1:2, sum)/apply(CAL, 1:2, sum)
  ML[!is.finite(ML)] <- 0 
  # Lc - modal length 
  Lc <- array(CAL_binsmid[apply(CAL, 1:2, which.max)], dim = c(nsim, nyears))
  # Lbar - mean length above Lc
  nuCAL <- CAL
  for (i in 1:nsim) {
    for (j in 1:nyears) {
      # nuCAL[i, j, 1:match(max(1, Lc[i, j]), CAL_binsmid, nomatch=1)] <- NA
      lcbin <- max(1,match(max(1, Lc[i, j]), CAL_binsmid, nomatch=1)-1)
      nuCAL[i, j, 1:lcbin] <- NA
  temp <- nuCAL * rep(CAL_binsmid, each = nsim * nyears)
  Lbar <- apply(temp, 1:2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)/apply(nuCAL, 1:2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
  Lbar[!is.finite(Lbar)] <- 0 
  out <- list()
  out$CAL <- CAL
  out$LFC <- LFC
  out$ML <- ML 
  out$Lc <- Lc
  out$Lbar <- Lbar

# initialize development mode
dev.mode <- function() {
  DFargs <- formals(runMSE_int)
  argNames <- names(DFargs)
  ind <- which(unlist(lapply(argNames, exists)))
  DFargs[ind] <- NULL
  ind <- which(lapply(DFargs, class) == 'call')
  for (x in ind) {
    DFargs[[x]] <- eval((DFargs[[x]]))


indfitwrap <- function(x, type, sim.indices, ind.type, Data, nyears, plot=FALSE) {
  sim.index <- sim.indices[[match(type, ind.type)]][x,]
  dat <- Data@RInd[x,match(type, Data@Type),]

  obs.ind <- Data@RInd[x,match(type, Data@Type), 1:nyears]
  sim.index <- sim.index[1:nyears]
  Year <- Data@Year
  indfit(sim.index,obs.ind, Year, plot, lcex=0.8)

  if ("matrix" %in% class(x)) {
    nsim <- nrow(x)
    nyr <- ncol(x)
    x1 <- x/matrix(apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), nrow=nsim, ncol=nyr) # rescale to mean 1
    x2<- log(x1) # log it
    x3 <- x2 -matrix(apply(x2, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE), nrow=nsim, ncol=nyr) # mean 0
  } else {
    x1<-x/mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) # rescale to mean 1
    x2<-log(x1)     # log it
    x3<-x2-mean(x2, na.rm=TRUE) # mean 0

makeVec <- function(obj, row=1, nsim) {
  tt <- obj[row,] %>% unlist()
  if (is.null(tt)) return(rep(NA, nsim))

indfit <- function(sim.index,obs.ind, Year, plot=FALSE, lcex=0.8){
  sim.index <- lcs(sim.index[!is.na(obs.ind)]) # log space conversion of standardized simulated index
  obs.ind <- lcs(obs.ind[!is.na(obs.ind)]) # log space conversion of standardized observed ind
    mtext("Model estimate",1,line=2.2)
  ac<-acf(res,plot=F)$acf[2,1,1] # lag-1 autocorrelation
  res2<-obs.ind-sim.index                  # linear, without hyperdepletion / hyperstability
  ac2<-acf(res2,plot=F)$acf[2,1,1] # linear AC
    legend('topleft',legend=round(opt$minimum,3),text.col="blue",bty='n',title='Hyper-stability, beta',cex=lcex)
    legend('topleft',legend=round(ac,3),text.col="red",bty='n',title="Lag 1 autocorrelation",cex=lcex)
    legend('bottomleft',legend=round(sd(res),3),text.col="red",bty='n',title="Residual StDev",cex=lcex)
    legend('topright',legend=c("Model estimate","Index"),text.col=c("black","red"),bty='n',cex=lcex)
  # list(stats=data.frame(beta=opt$minimum,AC=ac,sd=sd(exp(obs.ind)/(exp(sim.index)^opt$minimum)),
  #                       cor=cor(sim.index,obs.ind),AC2=ac2,sd2=sd(obs.ind-sim.index)),
  #      mult=exp(obs.ind)/(exp(sim.index)^opt$minimum))

generateRes <- function(df, nsim, proyears, lst.err) {
  sd <- df$sd 
  ac <- df$AC
  if (all(is.na(sd))) return(rep(NA, nsim))
  mu <- -0.5 * (sd)^2 * (1 - ac)/sqrt(1 - ac^2)
  Res <- matrix(rnorm(proyears*nsim, mu, sd), nrow=proyears, ncol=nsim, byrow=TRUE) 
  # apply a pseudo AR1 autocorrelation 
  Res <- sapply(1:nsim, applyAC, res=Res, ac=ac, max.years=proyears, lst.err=lst.err) # log-space

applyAC <- function(x, res, ac, max.years, lst.err) {
  for (y in 1:max.years) {
    if (y == 1) {
      res[y,x] <- ac[x] * lst.err[x] + lst.err[x] * (1-ac[x] * ac[x])^0.5 
    } else {
      res[y,x] <- ac[x] * res[y-1,x] + res[y,x] * (1-ac[x] * ac[x])^0.5  

addRealData <- function(Data, SampCpars, ErrList, Biomass, VBiomass, N, SSB, CBret,
                        nsim, nyears, proyears, 
                        V, Mat_age, silent=FALSE) {
  AddIndType <- AddIunits <- NA
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$Data)) {
    RealDat <- SampCpars$Data
    # ---- Catch ----
    if (!all(is.na(RealDat@Cat[1,]))) {
      if (!silent) 
        message('Updating Simulated Catch from `OM@cpars$Data@Cat` (OM Catch observation parameters are ignored)')
      Data@Cat <- matrix(RealDat@Cat[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      Data@CV_Cat <- matrix(RealDat@CV_Cat[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      if (!all(is.na(RealDat@Units))) Data@Units <- RealDat@Units
      simcatch <- apply(CBret, c(1,3), sum)
      Cbias <- matrix(apply(Data@Cat, 1, mean)/apply(simcatch, 1, mean),
                      nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears+proyears)
      Cerr <- Data@Cat/(simcatch/Cbias[,1:nyears])
      t1<-  Cerr[,max(nyears-10, 1):nyears]/apply(Cerr[,max(nyears-10, 1):nyears],1,mean)
      SDs <- apply(log(t1), 1, sd)
      Cerr_proj <- matrix(NA, nsim, proyears)
      for (i in 1:nsim) {
        Cerr_proj[i,] <- exp(rnorm(proyears, -((SDs[i]^2)/2), SDs[i]))     
      Cerr <- cbind(Cerr, Cerr_proj)

      ErrList$Cbiasa <- Cbias
      ErrList$Cerr <- Cerr

    # ---- Index (total biomass) ----
    if (!all(is.na(RealDat@Ind[1,]))) { # Index exists
      if (!silent) 
        message('Updating Simulated Index from `OM@cpars$Data@Ind` (OM Index observation parameters are ignored). \nSee Misc@ErrList for updated observation error and hyper-stability parameters')
      Data@Ind <- matrix(RealDat@Ind[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      Data@CV_Ind <- matrix(RealDat@CV_Ind[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      # Calculate Error
      SimBiomass <- apply(Biomass, c(1, 3), sum)
      I_Err <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i) indfit(SimBiomass[i,],  Data@Ind[i,]))
      I_Err <- do.call('rbind', I_Err)
      Ierr <- exp(lcs(Data@Ind))/exp(lcs(SimBiomass))^I_Err$beta
      ErrList$Ierr[,1:nyears] <- Ierr
      # # Sample to replace NAs in historical years
      # for (i in 1:nsim) {
      #   temp <- ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears]
      #   n <- sum(is.na(temp))
      #   temp2 <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
      #   temp[is.na(temp)] <- sample(temp2, n, replace=TRUE)
      #   ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears] <- temp 
      # }
      # Sample for projection years 
      yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(RealDat@Ind[1,1:nyears])))
      ErrList$Ierr[, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- generateRes(df=I_Err, nsim, proyears, lst.err=log(ErrList$Ierr[,yr.ind]))
      ErrList$Ind_Stat <- I_Err # return index statistics
    # ---- Index (spawning biomass) ----
    if (!all(is.na(RealDat@SpInd[1,]))) { # Index exists
      if (!silent) 
        message('Updating Simulated Index from `OM@cpars$Data@SpInd` (OM Index observation parameters are ignored). \nSee Misc@ErrList for updated observation error and hyper-stability parameters')
      Data@SpInd <- matrix(RealDat@SpInd[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      Data@CV_SpInd <- matrix(RealDat@CV_SpInd[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      # Calculate Error
      SimBiomass <- apply(SSB, c(1, 3), sum)
      I_Err <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i) indfit(SimBiomass[i,],  Data@SpInd[i,]))
      I_Err <- do.call('rbind', I_Err)
      Ierr <- exp(lcs(Data@SpInd))/exp(lcs(SimBiomass))^I_Err$beta
      ErrList$SpIerr[,1:nyears] <- Ierr
      # # Sample to replace NAs in historical years
      # for (i in 1:nsim) {
      #   temp <- ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears]
      #   n <- sum(is.na(temp))
      #   temp2 <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
      #   temp[is.na(temp)] <- sample(temp2, n, replace=TRUE)
      #   ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears] <- temp 
      # }
      # Sample for projection years 
      yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(RealDat@SpInd[1,1:nyears])))
      ErrList$SpIerr[, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- generateRes(df=I_Err, nsim, proyears, lst.err=log(ErrList$SpIerr[,yr.ind]))
      ErrList$SpInd_Stat <- I_Err # return index statistics
    # ---- Index (vulnerable biomass) ----
    if (!all(is.na(RealDat@VInd[1,]))) { # Index exists
      if (!silent) 
        message('Updating Simulated Index from `OM@cpars$Data@VInd` (OM Index observation parameters are ignored). \nSee Misc@ErrList for updated observation error and hyper-stability parameters')
      Data@VInd <- matrix(RealDat@VInd[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      Data@CV_VInd <- matrix(RealDat@CV_VInd[1,1:nyears], nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
      # Calculate Error
      SimBiomass <- apply(VBiomass, c(1, 3), sum)
      I_Err <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i) indfit(SimBiomass[i,],  Data@VInd[i,]))
      I_Err <- do.call('rbind', I_Err)
      Ierr <- exp(lcs(Data@VInd))/exp(lcs(SimBiomass))^I_Err$beta
      ErrList$VIerr[,1:nyears] <- Ierr
      # # Sample to replace NAs in historical years
      # for (i in 1:nsim) {
      #   temp <- ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears]
      #   n <- sum(is.na(temp))
      #   temp2 <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
      #   temp[is.na(temp)] <- sample(temp2, n, replace=TRUE)
      #   ErrList$Ierr[i,1:nyears] <- temp 
      # }
      # Sample for projection years 
      yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(RealDat@VInd[1,1:nyears])))
      ErrList$VIerr[, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- generateRes(df=I_Err, nsim, proyears, lst.err=log(ErrList$VIerr[,yr.ind]))
      ErrList$VInd_Stat <- I_Err # return index statistics
    # ---- Additional Indices ----
    if (!all(is.na(RealDat@AddInd))) {
      if (!silent) 
        message('Adding Additional Indices to Simulated Data from `OM@cpars$Data@AddInd`')
      n.ind <- dim(RealDat@AddInd)[2]
      Data@AddInd <- Data@CV_AddInd <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n.ind, nyears))
      fitbeta <- fitIerr <- TRUE
      if (!is.null(SampCpars$AddIbeta)) {
        if (any(dim(SampCpars$AddIbeta) != c(nsim, n.ind))) stop("cpars$AddIbeta must be dimensions c(nsim, n.ind)")
        ErrList$AddIbeta <- SampCpars$AddIbeta
        fitbeta <- FALSE
      } else {
        ErrList$AddIbeta <- matrix(NA, nsim, n.ind)
      if (!is.null(SampCpars$AddIerr)) {
        if (any(dim(SampCpars$AddIerr) != c(nsim, n.ind, nyears+proyears))) 
          stop("cpars$AddIerr must be dimensions c(nsim, n.ind, nyears+proyears)")
        ErrList$AddIerr <- SampCpars$AddIerr
        fitIerr <- FALSE
      } else {
        ErrList$AddIerr <- array(NA, dim=c(nsim, n.ind, nyears+proyears))
      if (!is.null(SampCpars$AddIunits) && length(SampCpars$AddIunits) != n.ind) 
        stop("cpars$AddIunits must be length n.ind")
      AddIunits <- RealDat@AddIunits
      if (all(is.na(AddIunits))) AddIunits <- rep(1, n.ind)
      if (!is.null(SampCpars$AddIunits)) AddIunits <- SampCpars$AddIunits
      AddIndType <- RealDat@AddIndType 
      if (all(is.na(AddIndType))) AddIndType <- rep(1, n.ind)
      ErrList$AddInd_Stat <- list()

      UnitsTab <- data.frame(n=1:0, units=c('biomass', 'numbers'))
      TypeTab <- data.frame(n=1:3, type=c('total', 'spawning', 'vuln.'))
      for (i in 1:n.ind) {
        units <- UnitsTab$units[match(AddIunits[i], UnitsTab$n)]
        type <- TypeTab$type[match(AddIndType[i], TypeTab$n)]
        if(!silent) message("Additional index ", i, ' - ', type, ' stock', ' (', units, ')')
        ind <- RealDat@AddInd[1,i,1:nyears]
        cv_ind <- RealDat@CV_AddInd[1,i,1:nyears]
        Data@AddInd[,i,] <- matrix(ind, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
        Data@CV_AddInd[,i,] <- matrix(cv_ind, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
        # Calculate observation error for future projections 
        Ind_V <- RealDat@AddIndV[1,i, ]
        if (AddIunits[i]) { 
          if (AddIndType[i]==1) SimIndex <- apply(Biomass, c(1, 2, 3), sum) # Total Biomass-based index
          if (AddIndType[i]==2) SimIndex <- apply(SSB, c(1, 2, 3), sum) # Spawning Biomass-based index
          if (AddIndType[i]==3) SimIndex <- apply(VBiomass, c(1, 2, 3), sum) # vuln Biomass-based index
        } else {
          if (AddIndType[i]==1) SimIndex <- apply(N, c(1, 2, 3), sum) # Total Abundance-based index 
          if (AddIndType[i]==2) SimIndex <- apply(N, c(1, 2, 3), sum) * Mat_age[,,1:nyears] # Spawning abundance-based index 
          if (AddIndType[i]==3) SimIndex <- apply(N, c(1, 2, 3), sum) * V[,,1:nyears] # Spawning abundance-based index 
        Ind_V <- matrix(Ind_V, nrow=Data@MaxAge, ncol= nyears)
        Ind_V <- replicate(nsim, Ind_V) %>% aperm(., c(3,1,2))
        SimIndex <- apply(SimIndex*Ind_V, c(1,3), sum) # apply vuln curve
        I_Err <- lapply(1:nsim, function(i) indfit(SimIndex[i,],  ind))
        I_Err <- do.call('rbind', I_Err)
        ind <- matrix(ind, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears, byrow=TRUE)
        Ierr <- exp(lcs(ind))/exp(lcs(SimIndex))^I_Err$beta
        if (fitIerr) ErrList$AddIerr[,i, 1:nyears] <- Ierr
        if (fitbeta) ErrList$AddIbeta[,i] <- I_Err$beta
        # Sample to replace NAs in historical years and for projection years
        # for (j in 1:nsim) {
        #   temp <- ErrList$AddIerr[j, i,1:nyears]
        #   n <- sum(is.na(temp))
        #   temp2 <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
        #   temp[is.na(temp)] <- sample(temp2, n, replace=TRUE)
        #   ErrList$AddIerr[j, i,1:nyears] <- temp 
        # }
        # Sample for projection years 
        if (fitIerr) {
          yr.ind <- max(which(!is.na(RealDat@AddInd[1,i,1:nyears])))
          ErrList$AddIerr[,i, (nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)] <- generateRes(df=I_Err, nsim, proyears, lst.err=log(ErrList$AddIerr[,i,yr.ind]))    
        ErrList$AddInd_Stat[[i]] <- I_Err # index fit statistics
  return(list(Data=Data, ErrList=ErrList, AddIndType=AddIndType, AddIunits=AddIunits))

# calculate average unfished ref points over first A50 years
CalcUnfishedRefs <- function(x, ageM, N0_a, SSN0_a, SSB0_a, B0_a, VB0_a, SSBpRa, SSB0a_a) {
  avg.ind <- 1:ceiling(ageM[x,1]) # unfished eq ref points averaged over these years 
  nyears <- dim(N0_a)[2]
  if (length(avg.ind) > nyears) avg.ind <- 1:nyears
  N0 <- mean(N0_a[x, avg.ind])
  SSN0  <- mean(SSN0_a[x, avg.ind])
  SSB0 <- mean(SSB0_a[x, avg.ind])
  B0 <- mean(B0_a[x, avg.ind])
  VB0 <- mean(VB0_a[x, avg.ind])
  SSBpR <- mean(SSBpRa[x, avg.ind])
  if (length(avg.ind)>1) {
    SSB0a <- apply(SSB0a_a[x,avg.ind,], 2, mean)  
  } else {
    SSB0a <- SSB0a_a[x,avg.ind,]
  list(N0=N0, SSN0=SSN0, SSB0=SSB0, B0=B0, VB0=VB0, SSBpR=SSBpR, SSB0a=SSB0a)

CalcMSYRefs <- function(x, MSY_y, FMSY_y, SSBMSY_y, BMSY_y, VBMSY_y, ageM, OM) {
  n.yrs <- ceiling(ageM[x,OM@nyears]) # MSY ref points averaged over these years
  nyears <- dim(ageM)[2]
  minY <- floor(n.yrs/2) 
  maxY <- n.yrs - minY - 1 
  avg.ind <- (OM@nyears - minY):(OM@nyears + maxY)
  avg.ind <- avg.ind[avg.ind>0]
  if (max(avg.ind) > nyears) avg.ind <- avg.ind[avg.ind < nyears]
  MSY <- mean(MSY_y[x, avg.ind])
  FMSY <- mean(FMSY_y[x, avg.ind])
  SSBMSY <- mean(SSBMSY_y[x, avg.ind])
  BMSY <- mean(BMSY_y[x, avg.ind])
  VBMSY <- mean(VBMSY_y[x, avg.ind])

# makeSizeCompW <- function(i, maxage, Linfarray, Karray, t0array, LenCV,
#                           CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retL, CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp, 
#                           vn, truncSD=2, scaleR0=1) {
#   if(length(scaleR0)==1) scaleR0 <- rep(scaleR0, i)
#   AgeVec <- 1:maxage 
#   SubAgeVec <- seq(from=0, to=maxage+1, length.out=101) # create pseudo sub-year classes
#   Linfarray_c <- as.matrix(Linfarray[i,])
#   nyrs <- nrow(Linfarray_c)
#   VulnN <- as.matrix(vn[i,,]) * scaleR0[i]
#   VulnN <- round(VulnN,0)
#   if (nyrs == 1) VulnN <- t(VulnN)
#   # 
#   # out <- list(AgeVec=AgeVec, SubAgeVec=SubAgeVec,
#   #             Linfarray_c=Linfarray_c,
#   #             Karray_c=as.matrix(Karray[i,]),
#   #             t0array_c=as.matrix(t0array[i,]),
#   #             LenCV_c=LenCV[i],
#   #             CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retLength=as.matrix(retL[i,, ]), CAL_ESS=CAL_ESS[i],
#   #             CAL_nsamp=CAL_nsamp[i], VulnN=VulnN, truncSD=truncSD)
#   # saveRDS(out, 'out.rdata')
#  makeLenComp(AgeVec, SubAgeVec,
#               Linfarray_c=Linfarray_c,
#               Karray_c=as.matrix(Karray[i,]),
#               t0array_c=as.matrix(t0array[i,]),
#               LenCV_c=LenCV[i],
#               CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retLength=as.matrix(retL[i,, ]), CAL_ESS=CAL_ESS[i],
#               CAL_nsamp=CAL_nsamp[i], VulnN=VulnN, truncSD)
# }
# makeSizeCompW2 <- function(i, nyrs, maxage, Linfarray, Karray, t0array, LenCV,
#                           CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retL, CAL_ESS, CAL_nsamp,
#                           vn, truncSD=2) {
#   makeSizeComp(nyrs, maxage, Linfarray_c=as.matrix(Linfarray[i,]),
#                Karray_c=as.matrix(Karray[i,]),
#                t0array_c=as.matrix(t0array[i,]),
#                LenCV_c=LenCV[i],
#                CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retLength=as.matrix(retL[i,, ]), CAL_ess=CAL_ESS[i],
#                CAL_Nsamp=CAL_nsamp[i], VulnN=as.matrix(vn[i,,]), truncSD)
# }
# makeSizeComp <- function(nyrs, maxage, Linfarray_c, Karray_c, t0array_c, LenCV_c,
#                          CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retLength, CAL_ess, CAL_Nsamp,
#                          VulnN, truncSD=2) {
#   AgeVec <- seq(from=0, to=maxage+1, length.out=101) # create pseudo sub-year classes
#   ageby <- AgeVec[2] - AgeVec[1]
#   ages <- seq(AgeVec[2]-0.5*ageby, by=ageby, length.out=length(AgeVec)-1)
#   VulnN2 <- matrix(NA, nrow=nyrs, ncol=length(ages))
#   LenAge <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(ages), ncol=nyrs)
#   tempfun <- function(x, VulnN, maxage, AgeVec) {
#     tempval <- rep(1:maxage, VulnN[x,]) + runif(sum(VulnN[x,]), -0.5, 0.5) # add variability to ages
#     hist(tempval, breaks=AgeVec, plot=FALSE)$counts
#   }
#   if (nyrs > 1) {
#     temp <- lapply(1:nyrs, tempfun, VulnN=round(VulnN,0), maxage=maxage, AgeVec=AgeVec)
#     VulnN2 <- do.call("rbind", temp)
#   } else {
#     VulnN <- round(VulnN,0)
#     tempval <- rep(1:maxage, VulnN[,1]) + runif(sum(VulnN[,1]), -0.5, 0.5) # add variability to ages
#     VulnN2 <- matrix(hist(tempval, breaks=AgeVec, plot=FALSE)$counts, nrow=nyrs, ncol=length(AgeVec)-1)
#   }
#   ind <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:length(ages), 1:nyrs))  # an index for calculating Length at age
#   LenAge[ind] <- Linfarray_c[ind[,2]] * (1 - exp(-Karray_c[ind[, 2]] * (ages - t0array_c[ind[, 2]])))
#   LenAge[LenAge<0] <- 0
#   LenSD <- LenAge * LenCV_c
#   genLenComp(CAL_bins, CAL_binsmid, retLength, CAL_ess, CAL_Nsamp,
#              VulnN2, LenAge, LenSD, truncSD)
# }
DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.