
Defines functions cparscheck runMSE_int runMSE message

Documented in cparscheck runMSE

Names <- c("maxage", "R0", "Mexp", "Msd", "dep", "D", "Mgrad", "SRrel", "hs", "procsd",
           "L50", "L95", "L50_95", "CAL_binsmid", "Len_age", "maxlen", "Linf", 
           "M_at_Length", "Frac_area_1", "Prob_staying", "M_ageArray", "Mat_age",
           "Wt_age", "V", "Spat_targ", "procmu", "recMulti", "Linfrand", "Krand",
           "Abias Aerr", "Brefbias", "CAA_ESS", "CAA_nsamp", "CAL_ESS", "CAL_bins", "CAL_nsamp",
           "Cbias", "Crefbias", "Csd", "Dbias", "Derr", "TAEFrac", "TAESD", "EffLower",
           "EffUpper", "EffYears", "FMSY_Mbias", "Frac_area_1", "Irefbias", "Isd", "K", "Kbias", "Kgrad",
           "Krand", "Ksd", "L5", "L5s", "LFCbias", "LFS", "LFSbias", "LFSs", "LatASD", "Linfbias", "Linfgrad",
           "Linfrand", "Linfsd", "M", "M_ageArray", "Mat_age", "Mbias", "Mrand", "Prob_staying", "Recsd",
           "SLarray", "SizeLimFrac", "SizeLimSD", "Spat_targ", "TACFrac", "TACSD", 
           "Vmaxlen", "Vmaxlens", "Wt_age", "ageM", "betas", "lenMbias", "nCALbins", "procmu", "qcv", "qinc",
           "recMulti",  "t0", "t0bias", "Abias", "Aerr", "Perr", "Esd", "qvar", "Marray",
           "Linfarray", "Karray", "t0array", "mov",  "nareas", "AC", "LenCV", "a", "b", "FinF", 
           "Fdisc", "R50", "Rslope", "retA", "retL", "LR5", "LFR", "Rmaxlen",
           "V2", "SLarray2", "DR", "Asize", "Size_area_1", "L50array", "L95array",
           "Fdisc_array", "Fdisc_array2", "Pinitdist", "DataOut",
           'Perr_y', "Cobs", "Iobs", "Dobs", "Btbiascv", 'Btobs', "h", 'Index',
           '.', 'MP', 'Data', 'DataClass', "Type", "Recs", "DominatedMPs"

# change messages to blue text instead of default red
message <- function(...) {
  if (requireNamespace("crayon", quietly = TRUE)) {
    return(base::message(crayon::blue(..., sep="")))
  } else {

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(Names)

# fls <- list.files("R")
# fls <- fls[!fls=="sysdata.rda"]
# for (fl in fls) source(file.path('R', fl))
# fls <- list.files("../MSEtool/R")
# fls <- fls[!fls=="sysdata.rda"]
# for (fl in fls) source(file.path("../MSEtool/R", fl))
# cpars_info <- DLMtool:::cpars_info
# library(dplyr)

#' Run a Management Strategy Evaluation
#' A function that runs a Management Strategy Evaluation (closed-loop
#' simulation) for a specified operating model
#' @param OM An operating model object (class 'OM')
#' @param MPs A vector of methods (character string) of class MP
#' @param CheckMPs Logical to indicate if \link{Can} function should be used to check
#' if MPs can be run.
#' @param timelimit Maximum time taken for a method to carry out 10 reps
#' (methods are ignored that take longer)
#' @param Hist Should model stop after historical simulations? Returns an object of 
#' class 'Hist' containing all historical data
#' @param ntrials Maximum of times depletion and recruitment deviations are 
#' resampled to optimize for depletion. After this the model stops if more than 
#' percent of simulations are not close to the required depletion
#' @param fracD Maximum allowed proportion of simulations where depletion is not 
#' close to sampled depletion from OM before model stops with error
#' @param CalcBlow Should low biomass be calculated where this is the spawning
#' biomass at which it takes HZN mean generation times of zero fishing to reach 
#' Bfrac fraction of SSBMSY
#' @param HZN The number of mean generation times required to reach Bfrac SSBMSY
#' in the Blow calculation
#' @param Bfrac The target fraction of SSBMSY for calculating Blow
#' @param AnnualMSY Deprecated. Always set to TRUE now. Logical. Should MSY statistics be calculated for each projection year? 
#' May differ from MSY statistics from last historical year if there are changes in productivity
#' @param silent Should messages be printed out to the console?
#' @param PPD Logical. Should posterior predicted data be included in the MSE object Misc slot?
#' @param parallel Logical. Should the MSE be run using parallel processing?
#' @param save_name Character. Optional name to save parallel MSE list
#' @param checks Logical. Run tests?
#' @param control control options for testing and debugging
#' @templateVar url running-the-mse
#' @templateVar ref NULL 
#' @template userguide_link
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{MSE}
#' @author T. Carruthers and A. Hordyk
#' @describeIn runMSE Default function to use.
#' @seealso \link{joinMSE} \link{checkMSE} \link{updateMSE}
#' @export
runMSE <- function(OM = DLMtool::testOM, MPs = c("AvC","DCAC","FMSYref","curE","matlenlim", "MRreal"), 
                   CheckMPs = FALSE, timelimit = 1, Hist=FALSE, ntrials=100, fracD=0.05, CalcBlow=TRUE, 
                   HZN=2, Bfrac=0.5, AnnualMSY=TRUE, silent=FALSE, PPD=TRUE, parallel=FALSE, 
                   save_name=NULL, checks=FALSE, control=NULL) {
  if (class(OM)!='OM') stop("OM is not class 'OM'", call. = FALSE)
  # Set DLMenv to be empty. Currently updated by Assess models in MSEtool
  rm(list = ls(DLMenv), envir = DLMenv)
  # check if custom MP names already exist in DLMtool
  tt <- suppressWarnings(try(lsf.str(envir=globalenv()), silent=TRUE))
  if (class(tt)!="try-error") {
    gl.funs <- as.vector(tt)
    pkg.funs <- as.vector(ls.str('package:DLMtool'))
    if ('package:MSEtool' %in% search()) pkg.funs <- c(pkg.funs, as.vector(ls.str('package:MSEtool')))
    if (length(gl.funs)>0) {
      gl.clss <- unlist(lapply(lapply(gl.funs, get), class))
      gl.MP <- gl.funs[gl.clss %in% 'MP']
      if (length(gl.MP)>0) {
        inc.gl <- gl.MP[gl.MP %in% MPs]
        if (length(inc.gl)>0) {
          dup.MPs <- inc.gl[inc.gl %in% pkg.funs]
          if (length(dup.MPs)>0) {
            stop("Custom MP names already in DLMtool: ", paste0(dup.MPs, " "), "\nRename Custom MPs")
  # Check MPs 
  if (!all(is.na(MPs))) {
    for (mm in MPs) {
      chkMP <- try(get(mm), silent=TRUE)
      if (class(chkMP) != 'MP') stop(mm, " is not a valid MP", call.=FALSE) 

  if (parallel) {
    if (OM@nsim<48) stop("nsim must be >=48 for parallel processing", call.=FALSE)
    if(!snowfall::sfIsRunning()) {
      # stop("Parallel processing hasn't been initialized. Use 'setup'", call. = FALSE)
      message("Parallel processing hasn't been initialized. Calling 'setup()' now")
    if (all(is.na(MPs))) MPs <- avail("MP")
    # Export Custom MPs # 
    cMPs <- MPs[!MPs %in% pkg.funs]
    globalMP <- NULL
    extra_package <- NULL
    for (mm in seq_along(cMPs)) {
      nmspace <- utils::find(cMPs[mm])
      if (nmspace==".GlobalEnv") {
        globalMP <- c(globalMP, cMPs[mm]) 
      } else {
        extra_package <- c(extra_package, strsplit(nmspace, ":")[[1]][2])
      extra_package <- unique(extra_package)
    if (!is.null(globalMP)) {
      message("Exporting custom MPs in global environment")
    if (!is.null(extra_package)) {
      message("Exporting additional packages with MPs")
      for (pk in extra_package)
        sfLibrary(pk, character.only = TRUE, verbose=FALSE)

    ncpu <- snowfall::sfCpus()
    nits <- ceiling(OM@nsim/48)
    itsim <- rep(48,nits)
    if (nits < ncpu) {
      if (nits < 4) {
        nits <- 4
        itsim <- rep(ceiling(OM@nsim/4), 4)
      } else{
        nits <- ncpu
        itsim <- rep(ceiling(OM@nsim/ncpu), ncpu)
    cnt <- 1
    while(sum(itsim) != OM@nsim | any(itsim<2)) {
      diff <-  OM@nsim - sum(itsim)
      if (diff >0) {
        itsim[cnt] <- itsim[cnt]+1
      if(diff < 0) {
        itsim[cnt] <- itsim[cnt]-1
      cnt <- cnt+1 
      if (cnt > length(itsim)) cnt <- 1 
    if (!silent & !Hist) message("Running MSE in parallel on ", ncpu, ' processors')
    if (!silent & Hist) message("Running historical simulations in parallel on ", ncpu, ' processors')
    temp <- snowfall::sfClusterApplyLB(1:nits, run_parallel, itsim=itsim, OM=OM, MPs=MPs,  
                             CheckMPs=CheckMPs, timelimit=timelimit, Hist=Hist, ntrials=ntrials, 
                             fracD=fracD, CalcBlow=CalcBlow, 
                             HZN=HZN, Bfrac=Bfrac, AnnualMSY=AnnualMSY, silent=TRUE, PPD=PPD,
                             control=control, parallel=parallel)
    #assign_DLMenv() # grabs objects from DLMenv in cores, then merges and assigns to 'home' environment
    if (!is.null(save_name) && is.character(save_name)) saveRDS(temp, paste0(save_name, '.rdata'))

    MSE1 <- joinMSE(temp)
    if (class(MSE1) == "MSE") {
      if (!silent) message("MSE completed")
    } else if (class(MSE1) == "Hist"){
      if (!silent) message("Historical simulations completed")
    } else {
      warning("MSE completed but could not join MSE objects. Re-run with `save_name ='MyName'` to debug")

  if (!parallel) {
    if (OM@nsim > 48 & !silent & !Hist) message("Suggest using 'parallel = TRUE' for large number of simulations")
    MSE1 <- runMSE_int(OM, MPs, CheckMPs, timelimit, Hist, ntrials, fracD, CalcBlow, 
                       HZN, Bfrac, AnnualMSY, silent, PPD, checks=checks, control=control)
  if (class(MSE1) == "MSE") {
    # list in sequential mode
    if ('list' %in% class(MSE1@Misc$TryMP)) {
      ok <- unlist(MSE1@Misc$TryMP) == "Okay"
      fail <- unlist(MSE1@Misc$TryMP)
    if ('matrix' %in% class(MSE1@Misc$TryMP)) {
      ok <- colSums(MSE1@Misc$TryMP == "Okay") == nrow(MSE1@Misc$TryMP)
      fail <- t(MSE1@Misc$TryMP)
      if (any(grepl("could not find function", unique(fail[!ok,])))) {
        warning("MPs may have been dropped because of non-exported functions in parallel mode. \nUse `setup(); snowfall::sfExport('FUNCTION1', 'FUNCTION2')` to export functions to cores")
    if (any(!ok)) {
      failedMPs <- MSE1@MPs[!ok]
      warning("Dropping failed MPs: ", paste(failedMPs, collapse=", "),"\n\nSee MSE@Misc$TryMP for error messages\n\n")

      if (length(failedMPs) == MSE1@nMPs) {
        warning("All MPs failed.")
      MSE1 <- Sub(MSE1, MPs=MSE1@MPs[!MSE1@MPs%in% failedMPs])  

runMSE_int <- function(OM = DLMtool::testOM, MPs = c("AvC","DCAC","FMSYref","curE","matlenlim", "MRreal"), 
                      CheckMPs = FALSE, timelimit = 1, Hist=FALSE, ntrials=100, fracD=0.05, CalcBlow=TRUE, 
                      HZN=2, Bfrac=0.5, AnnualMSY=TRUE, silent=FALSE, PPD=TRUE, checks=FALSE,
                      control=NULL, parallel=FALSE) {
  # Dev Setup ####
  # development mode - assign default argument values to current workspace if they don't exist
  # def.args <- DLMtool:::dev.mode(); for (nm in names(def.args)) assign(nm, def.args[[nm]])
  if  (class(OM) != "OM") stop("You must specify an operating model")
  Misc<-new('list') #Blank miscellaneous slot created
  if("seed"%in%slotNames(OM)) set.seed(OM@seed) # set seed for reproducibility 
  OM <- updateMSE(OM)
  if (OM@nsim <=1) stop("OM@nsim must be > 1", call.=FALSE)
  tiny <- 1e-15  # define tiny variable
  # Backwards compatible with DLMtool v < 4
  # Backwards compatible with DLMtool v < 4.4.2
  if(length(OM@interval)>0) interval <- OM@interval
  if(length(OM@pstar)>0) pstar <- OM@pstar
  if(length(OM@maxF)>0) maxF <- OM@maxF
  if(length(OM@reps)>0) reps <- OM@reps

  OM@interval <- interval 
  OM@pstar <- pstar 
  OM@maxF <- maxF 
  OM@reps <- reps 
  OM@nsim<-nsim # number of simulations
  OM@proyears<-proyears # number of projection years
  nyears <- OM@nyears  # number of historical years
  OM <- ChkObj(OM) # Check that all required slots in OM object contain values 
  if (proyears < 2) stop('OM@proyears must be > 1', call.=FALSE)
  if(!silent) message("Loading operating model")
  # Detect if a plus-group is used
  plusgroup <- 0 
  if(!is.null(OM@cpars$plusgroup)) {
    plusgroup <- 1
    OM@cpars$plusgroup <- NULL 
  control <- c(control, OM@cpars$control)
  OM@cpars$control <- NULL
  # Option to optimize depletion for vulernable biomass instead of spawning biomass
  optVB <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(control$D) && control$D == "VB") optVB <- TRUE  
  # --- Sample OM parameters ----
  # Custom Parameters
  # custom parameters exist - sample and write to list
  SampCpars <- list()
  SampCpars <- if(length(OM@cpars)>0) SampleCpars(OM@cpars, nsim, msg=!silent)

  # Stock Parameters & assign to function environment
  StockPars <- SampleStockPars(OM, nsim, nyears, proyears, SampCpars, msg=!silent)
  for (X in 1:length(StockPars)) assign(names(StockPars)[X], StockPars[[X]])

  # Fleet Parameters & assign to function environment
  FleetPars <- SampleFleetPars(SubOM(OM, "Fleet"), Stock=StockPars, nsim, 
                               nyears, proyears, cpars=SampCpars)
  for (X in 1:length(FleetPars)) assign(names(FleetPars)[X], FleetPars[[X]])
  # Obs Parameters & assign to function environment
  ObsPars <- SampleObsPars(OM, nsim, cpars=SampCpars)
  for (X in 1:length(ObsPars)) assign(names(ObsPars)[X], ObsPars[[X]])
  # Imp Parameters & assign to function environment
  ImpPars <- SampleImpPars(OM, nsim, cpars=SampCpars)
  for (X in 1:length(ImpPars)) assign(names(ImpPars)[X], ImpPars[[X]])

  # Bio-Economic Parameters
  BioEcoPars <- c("RevCurr", "CostCurr", "Response", "CostInc", "RevInc", "LatentEff")
  if (all(lapply(SampCpars[BioEcoPars], length) == 0)) {
    # no bio-economic model
    # if (!silent) message("No bio-economic model parameters found. \nTAC and TAE assumed to be caught in full")
    RevCurr <- CostCurr <- Response <- CostInc <- RevInc <- LatentEff <- rep(NA, nsim)
  } else {
    if (!silent) message("Bio-economic model parameters found.")
    # Checks
    if (length(SampCpars$CostCurr) != nsim) stop("OM@cpars$CostCurr is not length OM@nsim", call.=FALSE)
    if (length(SampCpars$RevCurr) != nsim) stop("OM@cpars$RevCurr is not length OM@nsim", call.=FALSE)
    if (length(SampCpars$Response) != nsim) stop("OM@cpars$Response is not length OM@nsim", call.=FALSE)
    if (length(SampCpars$RevInc) != nsim) SampCpars$RevInc <- rep(0, nsim)
    if (length(SampCpars$CostInc) != nsim) SampCpars$CostInc <- rep(0, nsim)
    if (length(SampCpars$LatentEff) != nsim) SampCpars$LatentEff <- rep(NA, nsim)
    RevCurr <- SampCpars$RevCurr
    CostCurr <- SampCpars$CostCurr
    Response <- SampCpars$Response
    CostInc <- SampCpars$CostInc
    RevInc <- SampCpars$RevInc
    LatentEff <- SampCpars$LatentEff
  # --- Initialize Arrays ----
  N <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # stock numbers array
  Biomass <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # stock biomass array
  VBiomass <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # vulnerable biomass array
  SSN <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # spawning stock numbers array
  SSB <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # spawning stock biomass array
  FM <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # fishing mortality rate array
  FMret <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # fishing mortality rate array for retained fish 
  Z <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears, nareas))  # total mortality rate array
  SPR <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears)) # store the Spawning Potential Ratio
  Agearray <- array(rep(1:maxage, each = nsim), dim = c(nsim, maxage))  # Age array

  #  --- Pre Equilibrium calcs ----
  # Survival array with M-at-age
  surv <- matrix(1, nsim, maxage)
  # surv <- matrix(exp(-M_ageArray[,1,1]), nsim, maxage)
  surv[, 2:maxage] <- t(exp(-apply(M_ageArray[,,1], 1, cumsum)))[, 1:(maxage-1)]  # Survival array
  if (plusgroup) {
    surv[,n_age] <- surv[,n_age]+surv[,n_age]*exp(-M_ageArray[,n_age,1])/(1-exp(-M_ageArray[,n_age,1])) # indefinite integral
  Nfrac <- surv * Mat_age[,,1]  # predicted Numbers of mature ages in first year
  # Set up array indexes sim (S) age (A) year (Y) region/area (R)
  SAYR <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nareas, 1, 1:maxage, 1:nsim)[4:1])  
  SAY <- SAYR[, 1:3]
  SAR <- SAYR[, c(1,2,4)]
  SA <- Sa <- SAYR[, 1:2]
  SR <- SAYR[, c(1, 4)]
  S <- SAYR[, 1]
  SY <- SAYR[, c(1, 3)]
  Sa[,2]<- maxage-Sa[,2] + 1 # This is the process error index for initial year

  # Calculate initial distribution if mov provided in cpars
  if(!exists('initdist', inherits = FALSE)) { # movement matrix has been provided in cpars
    # Pinitdist is created in SampleStockPars instead of initdist if 
    # movement matrix is provided in cpars - OM@cpars$mov
    if (!exists('Asize', inherits = FALSE)) {
      message('Asize not set in cpars. Assuming all areas equal size')
      Asize <- matrix(1/nareas, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas)
    SSN[SAYR] <- Nfrac[SA] * R0[S] * Pinitdist[SR]  # Calculate initial spawning stock numbers
    N[SAYR] <- R0[S] * surv[SA] * Pinitdist[SR]  # Calculate initial stock numbers
    Neq <- N
    SSB[SAYR] <- SSN[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAY]    # Calculate spawning stock biomass
    SSB0 <- apply(SSB[, , 1, ], 1, sum)  # Calculate unfished spawning stock biomass
    SSBpR <- matrix(SSB0/R0, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas)  # Spawning stock biomass per recruit
    SSB0a <- apply(SSB[, , 1, ], c(1, 3), sum)  # Calculate unfished spawning stock numbers
    bR <- matrix(log(5 * hs)/(0.8 * SSB0a), nrow=nsim)  # Ricker SR params
    aR <- matrix(exp(bR * SSB0a)/SSBpR, nrow=nsim)  # Ricker SR params
    R0a <- matrix(R0, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas, byrow=FALSE) * 1/nareas # initial distribution of recruits
    # Project unfished for Nyrs to calculate equilibrium spatial distribution
    Nyrs <- ceiling(3 * maxage) # Project unfished for 3 x maxage
    # Set up projection arrays 
    M_ageArrayp <- array(M_ageArray[,,1], dim=c(dim(M_ageArray)[1:2], Nyrs))
    Wt_agep <- array(Wt_age[,,1], dim=c(dim(Wt_age)[1:2], Nyrs))
    Mat_agep <- array(Mat_age[,,1], dim=c(dim(Mat_age)[1:2], Nyrs))
    Perr_yp <- array(1, dim=c(dim(Perr_y)[1], Nyrs+maxage)) # no process error 
    # update mov if needed
    dimMov <- dim(mov)
    movp <- mov
    if (dimMov[length(dimMov)] < Nyrs) {
      movp <- array(movp, dim=c(dimMov[1:(length(dimMov)-1)], Nyrs))

    # Not used but make the arrays anyway
    retAp <- array(retA[,,1], dim=c(dim(retA)[1:2], Nyrs))
    Vp <- array(V[,,1], dim=c(dim(V)[1:2], Nyrs))
    noMPA <- matrix(1, nrow=Nyrs, ncol=nareas)
    runProj <- lapply(1:nsim, projectEq, Asize, nareas=nareas, maxage=maxage, N=N, pyears=Nyrs,
           M_ageArray=M_ageArrayp, Mat_age=Mat_agep, Wt_age=Wt_agep, V=Vp, retA=retAp,
           Perr=Perr_yp, mov=movp, SRrel=SRrel, Find=Find, Spat_targ=Spat_targ, hs=hs,
           R0a=R0a, SSBpR=SSBpR, aR=aR, bR=bR, SSB0=SSB0, B0=B0, MPA=noMPA, maxF=maxF,
    Neq1 <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(runProj)), dim=c(maxage, nareas, nsim)), c(3,1,2))  # unpack the list 
    # --- Equilibrium spatial / age structure (initdist by SAR)
    initdist <- Neq1/array(apply(Neq1, c(1,2), sum), dim=c(nsim, maxage, nareas))
    # check arrays and calculations
    if (checks) {
      if(!all(round(apply(initdist, c(1,2), sum),1)==1)) warning('initdist does not sum to one')
      if(!(all(round(apply(Neq[,,1,], 1, sum) /  apply(Neq1, 1, sum),1) ==1))) warning('eq age structure')
      sim <- sample(1:nsim,1)
      yrval <- sample(1:Nyrs,1)
      if (!all(M_ageArrayp[sim,,yrval] == M_ageArray[sim,,1] )) warning('problem with M_ageArrayp')
      if(!all(Wt_agep[sim,,yrval] == Wt_age[sim,,1]))  warning('problem with Wt_agep')
      if(!all(Mat_agep[sim,,yrval] == Mat_age[sim,,1])) warning('problem with Mat_agep')

  # Unfished recruitment by area - INITDIST OF AGE 1.
  R0a <- matrix(R0, nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas, byrow=FALSE) * initdist[,1,] # 
  # ---- Unfished Equilibrium calcs ----
  surv <- array(1, dim=c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears)) # unfished survival for every year
  # surv <- array(exp(-M_ageArray[,1,]), dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, maxage))
  # surv <- aperm(surv, c(1,3,2))
  surv[, 2:maxage, ] <- aperm(exp(-apply(M_ageArray, c(1,3), cumsum))[1:(maxage-1), ,], c(2,1,3)) # Survival array
  if (plusgroup) {
    surv[,n_age] <- surv[,n_age]+surv[,n_age]*exp(-M_ageArray[,n_age,1])/(1-exp(-M_ageArray[,n_age,1])) # indefinite integral
  Nfrac <- surv * Mat_age  # predicted numbers of mature ages in all years
  # indices for all years
  SAYR_a <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nareas, 1:(nyears+proyears), 1:maxage, 1:nsim)[4:1])  
  SAY_a <- SAYR_a[, 1:3]
  SAR_a <- SAYR_a[, c(1,2,4)]
  SA_a <- SAYR_a[, 1:2]
  SR_a <- SAYR_a[, c(1, 4)]
  S_a <- SAYR_a[, 1]
  SY_a <- SAYR_a[, c(1, 3)]

  # arrays for unfished biomass for all years 
  SSN_a <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears, nareas))  
  N_a <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears, nareas))
  Biomass_a <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears, nareas))
  SSB_a <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, nyears+proyears, nareas))

  SSN_a[SAYR_a] <- Nfrac[SAY_a] * R0[S_a] * initdist[SAR_a]  # Calculate initial spawning stock numbers for all years
  N_a[SAYR_a] <- R0[S_a] * surv[SAY_a] * initdist[SAR_a] # Calculate initial stock numbers for all years
  Biomass_a[SAYR_a] <- N_a[SAYR_a] * Wt_age[SAY_a]  # Calculate initial stock biomass
  SSB_a[SAYR_a] <- SSN_a[SAYR_a] * Wt_age[SAY_a]    # Calculate spawning stock biomass

  SSN0_a <- apply(SSN_a, c(1,3), sum) # unfished spawning numbers for each year
  N0_a <- apply(N_a, c(1,3), sum) # unfished numbers for each year)
  SSB0_a <- apply(SSB_a, c(1,3), sum) # unfished spawning biomass for each year
  SSB0a_a <- apply(SSB_a, c(1, 3,4), sum)  # Calculate unfished spawning stock biomass by area for each year
  B0_a <- apply(Biomass_a, c(1,3), sum) # unfished biomass for each year
  VB0_a <- apply(apply(Biomass_a, c(1,2,3), sum) * V, c(1,3), sum) # unfished vulnerable biomass for each year
  UnfishedByYear <- list(SSN0=SSN0_a, N0=N0_a, SSB0=SSB0_a, B0=B0_a, VB0=VB0_a)
  if (quantile(ageM[,1],0.95) > nyears + proyears) {
    if(!silent) message('Note: number of historical year `nyears` + `proyears` is less than the highest age of maturity')
  # ---- Unfished Reference Points ----
  SSBpRa <- array(SSB0_a/matrix(R0, nrow=nsim, ncol=nyears+proyears), dim = c(nsim, nyears+proyears))
  UnfishedRefs <- sapply(1:nsim, CalcUnfishedRefs, ageM=ageM, N0_a=N0_a, SSN0_a=SSN0_a,
                         SSB0_a=SSB0_a, B0_a=B0_a, VB0_a=VB0_a, SSBpRa=SSBpRa, SSB0a_a=SSB0a_a) 
  N0 <- UnfishedRefs[1,] %>% unlist() # average unfished numbers
  SSN0 <- UnfishedRefs[2,] %>% unlist() # average spawning unfished numbers
  SSB0 <- UnfishedRefs[3,] %>% unlist() # average unfished spawning biomass
  B0 <- UnfishedRefs[4,] %>% unlist() # average unfished biomass
  VB0 <- UnfishedRefs[5,] %>% unlist() # average unfished biomass
  # average spawning stock biomass per recruit 
  SSBpR <- matrix(UnfishedRefs[6,] %>% unlist(), nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas) 
  SSB0a <- UnfishedRefs[7,] %>% unlist() %>% matrix(nrow=nsim, ncol=nareas, byrow = TRUE)# average unfished biomass
  bR <- matrix(log(5 * hs)/(0.8 * SSB0a), nrow=nsim)  # Ricker SR params
  aR <- matrix(exp(bR * SSB0a)/SSBpR, nrow=nsim)  # Ricker SR params
  Misc$Unfished <- list(Refs=UnfishedRefs, ByYear=UnfishedByYear)
  # --- Optimize for Initial Depletion ----
  # Depletion in year 1 
  initD <- SampCpars$initD # 
  if (!is.null(initD)) { # initial depletion is not unfished
    if (!silent) message("Optimizing for user-specified depletion in first historical year")
    Perrmulti <- sapply(1:nsim, optDfunwrap, initD=initD, Nfrac=Nfrac[,,1], R0=R0,
                        Perr_y=Perr_y, surv=surv[,,1], Wt_age=Wt_age, SSB0=SSB0,
    Perr_y[,1:maxage] <- Perr_y[, 1:maxage] * Perrmulti
  # --- Non-equilibrium calcs ----
  SSN[SAYR] <- Nfrac[SAY] * R0[S] * initdist[SAR]*Perr_y[Sa]  # Calculate initial spawning stock numbers
  N[SAYR] <- R0[S] * surv[SAY] * initdist[SAR]*Perr_y[Sa]  # Calculate initial stock numbers
  Biomass[SAYR] <- N[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAY]  # Calculate initial stock biomass
  SSB[SAYR] <- SSN[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAY]    # Calculate spawning stock biomass
  VBiomass[SAYR] <- Biomass[SAYR] * V[SAY]  # Calculate vunerable biomass
  if (checks && !is.null(initD)) { # check initial depletion 
    plot(apply(SSB[,,1,], 1, sum)/SSB0, initD)
    if (!any(round(apply(SSB[,,1,], 1, sum)/SSB0, 2) == round(initD,2))) warning('problem with initial depletion')
  # --- Historical Spatial closures ----
  MPA <- matrix(1, nyears+proyears, ncol=nareas) # fraction open to fishing 
  if (all(!is.na(OM@MPA)) && sum(OM@MPA) != 0) { # historical spatial closures have been specified
    yrindex <- OM@MPA[,1]
    if (max(yrindex)>nyears) stop("Invalid year index for spatial closures: must be <= nyears")
    if (min(yrindex)<1) stop("Invalid year index for spatial closures: must be > 1")
    if (ncol(OM@MPA)-1 != nareas) stop("OM@MPA must be nareas + 1")
    for (xx in seq_along(yrindex)) {
      MPA[yrindex[xx]:nrow(MPA),] <- matrix(OM@MPA[xx, 2:ncol(OM@MPA)], nrow=length(yrindex[xx]:nrow(MPA)),ncol=nareas, byrow = TRUE)
  # --- Optimize catchability (q) to fit depletion ----
  bounds <- c(0.0001, 15) # q bounds for optimizer
  if (!is.null(SampCpars$qs)) {
    if(!silent) message("Skipping optimization for depletion - using catchability (q) from OM@cpars.")
    qs <- SampCpars$qs
    } else {
    if(!silent) message("Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year")
    # find the q that gives current stock depletion - optVB = depletion for vulnerable biomass else SB
    qs <- sapply(1:nsim, getq3, D, SSB0, nareas, maxage, N, pyears=nyears, 
                 M_ageArray, Mat_age, Asize, Wt_age, V, retA, Perr_y, mov, SRrel, Find, 
                 Spat_targ, hs, R0a, SSBpR, aR, bR, bounds=bounds, MPA=MPA, maxF=maxF,
                 plusgroup=plusgroup, VB0=VB0, optVB=optVB)
  # --- Check that q optimizer has converged ---- 
  LimBound <- c(1.1, 0.9)*range(bounds)  # bounds for q (catchability). Flag if bounded optimizer hits the bounds 
  probQ <- which(qs > max(LimBound) | qs < min(LimBound))
  Nprob <- length(probQ)
  # If q has hit bound, re-sample depletion and try again. Tries 'ntrials' times and then alerts user
  if (length(probQ) > 0) {
    Err <- TRUE
    if(!silent) message(Nprob,' simulations have final biomass that is not close to sampled depletion') 
    if(!silent) message('Re-sampling depletion, recruitment error, and fishing effort')
    count <- 0
    OM2 <- OM 
    while (Err & count < ntrials) {
      # Re-sample Stock Parameters 
      Nprob <- length(probQ)
      OM2@nsim <- Nprob
      SampCpars2 <- list()
      if (length(OM2@cpars)>0) SampCpars2 <- SampleCpars(OM2@cpars, OM2@nsim, msg=FALSE) 
      ResampStockPars <- SampleStockPars(OM2, cpars=SampCpars2, msg=FALSE)  
      ResampStockPars$CAL_bins <- StockPars$CAL_bins
      ResampStockPars$CAL_binsmid <- StockPars$CAL_binsmid 
      D[probQ] <- ResampStockPars$D  # Re-sampled depletion  
      procsd[probQ] <- ResampStockPars$procsd # Re-sampled recruitment deviations
      AC[probQ] <- ResampStockPars$AC
      Perr_y[probQ,] <- ResampStockPars$Perr_y
      hs[probQ] <- ResampStockPars$hs # Re-sampled steepness
      # Re-sample historical fishing effort
      ResampFleetPars <- SampleFleetPars(SubOM(OM2, "Fleet"), Stock=ResampStockPars, 
                                         OM2@nsim, nyears, proyears, cpars=SampCpars2)
      Esd[probQ] <- ResampFleetPars$Esd 
      Find[probQ, ] <- ResampFleetPars$Find
      dFfinal[probQ] <- ResampFleetPars$dFfinal
      # Optimize for q 
      qs[probQ] <- sapply(probQ, getq3, D, SSB0, nareas, maxage, N, pyears=nyears, 
                          M_ageArray, Mat_age, Asize, Wt_age, V, retA, Perr_y, mov, SRrel, Find, 
                          Spat_targ, hs, R0a, SSBpR, aR, bR, bounds=bounds, MPA=MPA, maxF=maxF,
                          plusgroup=plusgroup, VB0=VB0, optVB=optVB)
      probQ <- which(qs > max(LimBound) | qs < min(LimBound))
      count <- count + 1 
      if (length(probQ) == 0) Err <- FALSE
    if (Err) { # still a problem
      tooLow <- length(which(qs > max(LimBound)))
      tooHigh <- length(which(qs < min(LimBound)))
      prErr <- length(probQ)/nsim
      if (prErr > fracD & length(probQ) > 1) {
        if (length(tooLow) > 0) message(tooLow, " sims can't get down to the lower bound on depletion")
        if (length(tooHigh) > 0) message(tooHigh, " sims can't get to the upper bound on depletion")
        if(!silent) message("More than ", fracD*100, "% of simulations can't get to the specified level of depletion with these Operating Model parameters")
        stop("Change OM@seed and try again for a complete new sample, modify the input parameters, or increase ntrials")
      } else {
        if (length(tooLow) > 0) message(tooLow, " sims can't get down to the lower bound on depletion")
        if (length(tooHigh) > 0) message(tooHigh, " sims can't get to the upper bound on depletion")
        if(!silent) message("More than ", 100-fracD*100, "% simulations can get to the sampled depletion.\nContinuing")
  # --- Simulate historical years ----
  if(!silent) message("Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics")  # Print a progress update
  if(!is.null(control$unfished)) { # generate unfished historical simulations
    if(!silent) message("Simulating unfished historical period")
    Hist <- TRUE
    CalcBlow <- FALSE
    qs <- rep(0, nsim) # no fishing
  histYrs <- sapply(1:nsim, function(x) 
    popdynCPP(nareas, maxage, Ncurr=N[x,,1,], nyears,  
              M_age=M_ageArray[x,,], Asize_c=Asize[x,], MatAge=Mat_age[x,,], WtAge=Wt_age[x,,],
              Vuln=V[x,,], Retc=retA[x,,], Prec=Perr_y[x,], movc=split.along.dim(mov[x,,,,],4), 
              Effind=Find[x,],  Spat_targc=Spat_targ[x], hc=hs[x], R0c=R0a[x,], 
              SSBpRc=SSBpR[x,], aRc=aR[x,], bRc=bR[x,], Qc=qs[x], Fapic=0, MPA=MPA, maxF=maxF, 
              control=1, SSB0c=SSB0[x], plusgroup=plusgroup))
  N <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[1,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  Biomass <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[2,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  SSN <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[3,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  SSB <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[4,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  VBiomass <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[5,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  FM <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[6,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  FMret <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[7,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  Z <-aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs[8,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  Depletion <- apply(SSB[,,nyears,],1,sum)/SSB0
  # Calculate unfished N-at-age
  histYrs_unfished <- sapply(1:nsim, function(x) 
    popdynCPP(nareas, maxage, Ncurr=N[x,,1,], nyears,  
              M_age=M_ageArray[x,,], Asize_c=Asize[x,], MatAge=Mat_age[x,,], WtAge=Wt_age[x,,],
              Vuln=V[x,,], Retc=retA[x,,], Prec=Perr_y[x,], movc=split.along.dim(mov[x,,,,],4), 
              Effind=rep(0, nyears),  Spat_targc=Spat_targ[x], hc=hs[x], R0c=R0a[x,], 
              SSBpRc=SSBpR[x,], aRc=aR[x,], bRc=bR[x,], Qc=qs[x], Fapic=0, MPA=MPA, maxF=maxF, 
              control=1, SSB0c=SSB0[x], plusgroup=plusgroup))
  N_unfished <- aperm(array(as.numeric(unlist(histYrs_unfished[1,], use.names=FALSE)), dim=c(maxage, nyears, nareas, nsim)), c(4,1,2,3))
  N_unfished <- apply(N_unfished, 1:3, sum)
  if (!is.null(OM@cpars$qs)) {
    # update OM@D 
    D <- Depletion 
  # Check that depletion is correct
  if (checks) {
    if (prod(round(D, 2)/ round(Depletion,2)) != 1) {
      print(cbind(round(D,2), round(Depletion,2)))
      warning("Possible problem in depletion calculations")
  # --- Calculate MSY statistics for each year ----
  MSY_y <- array(0, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears)) # store MSY for each sim and year
  FMSY_y <- MSY_y # store FMSY for each sim, and year
  SSBMSY_y <- MSY_y # store SSBMSY for each sim, and year 
  BMSY_y <- MSY_y # store BMSY for each sim, and year
  VBMSY_y <- MSY_y # store VBMSY for each sim, and year 
  if(!silent) message("Calculating MSY reference points for each year")
  # average life-history parameters over ageM years
  for (y in 1:(nyears+proyears)) {
    MSYrefsYr <- sapply(1:nsim, optMSY_eq, M_ageArray, Wt_age, Mat_age, V,
                        maxage, R0, SRrel, hs, yr.ind=y,
    MSY_y[,y] <- MSYrefsYr[1, ]
    FMSY_y[,y] <- MSYrefsYr[2,]
    SSBMSY_y[,y] <- MSYrefsYr[3,]
    BMSY_y[,y] <- MSYrefsYr[6,]
    VBMSY_y[,y] <- MSYrefsYr[7,] 
  # --- MSY reference points ----
  MSYRefPoints <- sapply(1:nsim, CalcMSYRefs, MSY_y=MSY_y, FMSY_y=FMSY_y, 
                         SSBMSY_y=SSBMSY_y, BMSY_y=BMSY_y, VBMSY_y=VBMSY_y, 
                         ageM=ageM, OM=OM)
  MSY <- MSYRefPoints[1,] %>% unlist() # record the MSY results (Vulnerable)
  FMSY <- MSYRefPoints[2,] %>% unlist()  # instantaneous FMSY (Vulnerable)
  SSBMSY <- MSYRefPoints[3,] %>% unlist()  # Spawning Stock Biomass at MSY
  BMSY <- MSYRefPoints[4,] %>% unlist() # total biomass at MSY
  VBMSY <- MSYRefPoints[5,] %>% unlist() # Biomass at MSY (Vulnerable)
  UMSY <- MSY/VBMSY  # exploitation rate 
  FMSY_M <- FMSY/M  # ratio of true FMSY to natural mortality rate M
  SSBMSY_SSB0 <- SSBMSY/SSB0 # SSBMSY relative to unfished (SSB)
  BMSY_B0 <- BMSY/B0 # Biomass relative to unfished (B0)
  VBMSY_VB0 <- VBMSY/VB0 # VBiomass relative to unfished (VB0)
  if (!AnnualMSY) {
    warning('AnnualMSY argument is deprecated. MSY metrics are always calculated by year.\n Use `MSE@SSB` or `MSE@B` and `MSE@Misc$MSYRefs$ByYear` for alternative methods to calculate B/BMSY')
  if (checks) {
    Btemp <- apply(SSB, c(1,3), sum)
    x <- Btemp[,nyears]/SSBMSY
    y <-D/SSBMSY_SSB0
    plot(x,y, xlim=c(0,max(x)), ylim=c(0,max(y)), xlab="SSB/SSBMSY", ylab="D/SSBMSY_SSB0")
  # --- Calculate B-low ---- 
  # (SSB where it takes MGThorizon x MGT to reach Bfrac of BMSY)
  # Znow<-apply(Z[,,nyears,]*N[,,nyears,],1:2,sum)/apply(N[,,nyears,],1:2,sum)
  # MGTsurv<-t(exp(-apply(Znow,1,cumsum)))
  # MGT<-apply(Agearray*(Mat_age[,,nyears]*MGTsurv),1,sum)/apply(Mat_age[,,nyears]*MGTsurv,1,sum)
  MarrayArea <- replicate(nareas, M_ageArray[,,1:nyears])
  Blow <- rep(NA,nsim)
    if(!silent) message("Calculating B-low reference points")            
    Blow <- sapply(1:nsim,getBlow, N, Asize, SSBMSY,SSBpR, MPA, SSB0, nareas, retA, MGThorizon,
                   Find,Perr_y,M_ageArray,hs,Mat_age, Wt_age,R0a,V,nyears,maxage,mov,
                   Spat_targ,SRrel,aR,bR,Bfrac, maxF) 

  # --- Calculate Reference Yield ----
  if(!silent) message("Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy")  
  RefY <- sapply(1:nsim, getFref3, Asize, nareas, maxage, N=N[,,nyears,, drop=FALSE], pyears=proyears, 
                 V=V[, , (nyears + 1):(nyears + proyears), drop=FALSE], 
                 retA=retA[, , (nyears + 1):(nyears + proyears), drop=FALSE],  
                 Perr=Perr_y[,(nyears):(nyears+maxage+proyears-1)], mov, SRrel, Find, 
                 Spat_targ, hs, R0a, SSBpR, aR, bR, MPA=MPA, maxF=maxF, SSB0=SSB0,

                         FMSY_M=FMSY_M, N0=N0, SSB0=SSB0, B0=B0, VB0=VB0, RefY=RefY, 
                         Blow=Blow, MGT=MGT, R0=R0)

  Misc$MSYRefs <- list(Refs=RefPoints, ByYear=list(MSY=MSY_y, FMSY=FMSY_y,
  # --- Calculate Historical Catch ----
  # Calculate catch-at-age 
  CB <- Biomass * (1 - exp(-Z)) * (FM/Z)  # Catch in biomass (removed from population)
  CB[is.na(CB)] <- 0
  # Calculate retained-at-age
  Cret <- N * (1 - exp(-Z)) * (FMret/Z)  # Retained catch in numbers
  Cret[is.na(Cret)] <- 0
  CBret <- Biomass * (1 - exp(-Z)) * (FMret/Z)  # Retained catch in biomass 
  CBret[is.na(CBret)] <- 0

  # --- Observation errors for all years ----
  ErrList <- list()
  ErrList$Cbiasa <- array(ObsPars$Cbias, c(nsim, nyears + proyears))  # Catch bias array
  if (!is.null(control$Cbias_yr)) { # catch bias specified with control argument 
    Cbiasa <- matrix(1, nsim, nyears+proyears)
    Cbiasa[,control$yrs] <- control$Cbias_yr
    ErrList$Cbiasa <- Cbiasa
  # composite of bias and observation error
  ErrList$Cerr <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim, 
                       mconv(1, rep(ObsPars$Csd, (nyears + proyears))), 
                       sdconv(1, rep(ObsPars$Csd, nyears + proyears))), 
                c(nsim, nyears + proyears))  
  # Index error
  ErrList$Ierr <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim, 
                       mconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears)), 
                       sdconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears))), 
                c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
  ErrList$SpIerr <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim, 
                               mconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears)), 
                               sdconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears))), 
                        c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
  ErrList$VIerr <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim, 
                               mconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears)), 
                               sdconv(1, rep(Isd, nyears + proyears))), 
                        c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
  # Simulate error in observed recruitment index 
  ErrList$Recerr <- array(rlnorm((nyears + proyears) * nsim, mconv(1, rep(Recsd, (nyears + proyears))), 
                         sdconv(1, rep(Recsd, nyears + proyears))), c(nsim, nyears + proyears))
  # --- Implementation error time series ----
  TAC_f <- array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim, mconv(TACFrac, TACSD),
                        sdconv(TACFrac, TACSD)), c(nsim, proyears))  # composite of TAC fraction and error
  E_f <- array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim, mconv(TAEFrac, TAESD),
                      sdconv(TAEFrac, TAESD)), c(nsim, proyears))  # composite of TAE fraction and error
  SizeLim_f<-array(rlnorm(proyears * nsim, mconv(SizeLimFrac, SizeLimSD),
                          sdconv(SizeLimFrac, SizeLimSD)), c(nsim, proyears))  # composite of size limit fraction and error
  # --- Sampling by area ----
  valNames <- c("Catch", 'BInd', 'SBInd', 'VInd', 'RecInd',
                'CAA', 'CAL')
  Sample_Area_array <- array(1, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nareas))
  Sample_Area <- rep(list(Sample_Area_array), length(valNames))
  names(Sample_Area) <- valNames
  if (!is.null(control$Sample_Area)) {
    Sample_Area_in <- control$Sample_Area
    inval <- names(Sample_Area_in)[!names(Sample_Area_in) %in% valNames]
    if (length(inval)>0) 
      stop("Invalid names in OM@cpars$control$Sample_Area.\nValid names are:\n", paste(valNames, collapse="\n"))
    for (nm in names(Sample_Area_in)) {
      Sample_Area[[nm]] <- Sample_Area_in[[nm]]
      if (any(dim(Sample_Area_in[[nm]]) != c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nareas))) 
        stop("OM@cpars$Sample_Area$", nm, " must be dimensions: nsim, nareas, nyears+proyears", call. = FALSE)
  n_age <- maxage # +1 for new version of model starting at age-0
  nms <- c("Catch", "BInd", "SBInd", "VInd", "CAA", "CAL")
  for (nm in nms) {
    temp <- replicate(n_age, Sample_Area[[nm]])
    Sample_Area[[nm]] <- aperm(temp, c(1,4,2,3))

  # --- Populate Data object with Historical Data ---- 
  Data <- makeData(Biomass, CBret, Cret, N, SSB, VBiomass, StockPars, 
                   FleetPars, ObsPars, ImpPars, RefPoints,
                   ErrList, OM, SampCpars, initD, Sample_Area,
  # --- Condition Simulated Data on input Data object (if it exists) & calculate error stats ----
  templist <- addRealData(Data, SampCpars, ErrList, Biomass, VBiomass, N, SSB, CBret, 
                          nsim, nyears, proyears, V, Mat_age,
  AddIunits <- templist$AddIunits
  AddIndType <- templist$AddIndType
  Data <- templist$Data # update 
  ErrList <- templist$ErrList # update
  ObsPars <- Data@Obs # Obs pars updated in makeData 
  OMPars <- Data@OM
  OMPars$qs <- qs
  # --- Return Historical Simulations and Data from last historical year ----
  if (Hist) { # Stop the model after historical simulations are complete
    if(!silent) message("Returning historical simulations")
    HistObj <- new("Hist")
    Misc$mov <- mov
    Misc$initdist <- initdist
    Misc$N <- N
    Misc$B <- Biomass
    Data@Misc <- list()
    HistObj@Data <- Data 
    HistObj@Obs <- ObsPars
    om <- OMPars[,order(colnames(OMPars))]
    ind <- which(!colnames(om) %in% colnames(RefPoints))
    HistObj@OM <- om[,ind]
    HistObj@AtAge <- list(Length=Len_age, Weight=Wt_age, Select=V,
                          Maturity=Mat_age, N.Mortality=M_ageArray,
                          Nage=apply(N, 1:3, sum),
                          SSBage=apply(SSB, 1:3, sum),
    nout <- t(apply(N, c(1, 3), sum)) 
    vb <- t(apply(VBiomass, c(1, 3), sum))
    b <- t(apply(Biomass, c(1, 3), sum))
    ssb <- t(apply(SSB, c(1, 3), sum))
    Cc <- t(apply(CB, c(1,3), sum))
    Ccret <- t(apply(CBret, c(1,3), sum))
    rec <- t(apply((N)[, 1, , ], c(1,2), sum))
    TSdata <- list(VB=t(vb), SSB=t(ssb), B=t(b), Removals=t(Cc), Catch=t(Ccret),
                   Rec=t(rec), N=t(nout),
                   Find=Find, Marray=Marray, RecDev=Perr_y)
    HistObj@TSdata <- TSdata
    HistObj@Ref <- RefPoints[,order(colnames(RefPoints))]
    HistObj@SampPars <- c(StockPars, FleetPars, ObsPars, ImpPars)
    HistObj@Misc <- Misc
    HistObj@Misc$CurrentYr <- OM@CurrentYr
    HistObj@Misc$ErrList <- ErrList

  # --- Check MPs ---- 
  if (is.na(MPs[1])) CheckMPs <- TRUE
  if (CheckMPs) MPs <- MPCheck(MPs, Data, timelimit, silent)
  nMP <- length(MPs)  # the total number of methods used
  if (nMP < 1) stop("No valid MPs found", call.=FALSE)
  # --- Add nMP dimension to MSY stats  ----
  MSY_y <- array(MSY_y, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nMP)) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2)) # store MSY for each sim, MP and year
  FMSY_y <- array(FMSY_y, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nMP)) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2)) # store FMSY for each sim, MP and year
  SSBMSY_y <- array(SSBMSY_y, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nMP)) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2)) # store SSBMSY for each sim, MP and year 
  BMSY_y <- array(BMSY_y, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nMP)) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2)) # store BMSY for each sim, MP and year
  VBMSY_y <- array(VBMSY_y, dim=c(nsim, nyears+proyears, nMP)) %>% aperm(c(1,3,2)) # store VBMSY for each sim, MP and year 

  # Calculate management interval for each MP
  if (length(interval) != nMP) interval <- rep(interval, nMP)[1:nMP]
  if (!all(interval == interval[1])) {
    message("Variable management intervals:")
    df <- data.frame(MP=MPs,interval=interval)
    message(paste(capture.output(print(df)), collapse = "\n"))
  # ---- Set-up arrays and objects for projections ----
  MSElist <- list(Data)[rep(1, nMP)]  # create a data object for each method (they have identical historical data and branch in projected years)
  B_BMSYa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected B_BMSY
  F_FMSYa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected F_FMSY
  Ba <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected Biomass
  SSBa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected SSB
  VBa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected vulnerable biomass
  FMa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected fishing mortality rate
  Ca <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected removed catch
  CaRet <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected retained catch
  TACa <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the projected TAC recommendation
  Effort <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the Effort
  PAAout <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, maxage))  # store the population-at-age in last projection year
  CAAout <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, maxage))  # store the catch-at-age in last projection year
  CALout <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, nCALbins))  # store the population-at-length in last projection year
  # SPRa <- array(NA,dim=c(nsim,nMP,proyears)) # store the Spawning Potential Ratio
  Cost_out <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store Total Cost
  Rev_out <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store Total Revenue
  LatEffort_out<- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears))  # store the Latent Effort
  TAE_out <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, nMP, proyears)) # store the TAE
  # --- Begin loop over MPs ----
  mm <- 1 # for debugging
  Misc$TryMP <- list()
  for (mm in 1:nMP) {  # MSE Loop over methods
    tryMP <- try({
      if(!silent) message(mm, "/", nMP, " Running MSE for ", MPs[mm]) 
      checkNA <- rep(0, OM@proyears) # save number of NAs

      # years management is updated
      upyrs <- seq(from=1, to=proyears, by=interval[mm]) 
      # reset selectivity & retention parameters for projections
      L5_P <- L5  
      LFS_P <- LFS
      Vmaxlen_P <- Vmaxlen
      SLarray_P <- SLarray # selectivity at length array - projections
      V_P <- V  #  selectivity at age array - projections
      LR5_P <- LR5
      LFR_P <- LFR
      Rmaxlen_P <- Rmaxlen
      retA_P <- retA # retention at age array - projections
      retL_P <- retL # retention at length array - projections
      Fdisc_P <- Fdisc # Discard mortality for projectons 
      DR_P <- DR # Discard ratio for projections
      LatentEff_MP <- LatentEff # Historical latent effort
      # projection arrays
      N_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      Biomass_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      VBiomass_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      SSN_P <-array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      SSB_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      FM_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      FM_Pret <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas)) # retained F 
      Z_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      CB_P <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas))
      CB_Pret <- array(NA, dim = c(nsim, maxage, proyears, nareas)) # retained catch 
      # indexes
      SAYRL <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, nyears, 1:nareas))  # Final historical year
      SAYRt <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, 1 + nyears, 1:nareas))  # Trajectory year
      SAYR <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, 1, 1:nareas))
      SYt <- SAYRt[, c(1, 3)]
      SAYt <- SAYRt[, 1:3]
      SR <- SAYR[, c(1, 4)]
      SA1 <- SAYR[, 1:2]
      S1 <- SAYR[, 1]
      SY1 <- SAYR[, c(1, 3)]
      SAY1 <- SAYRt[, 1:3]
      SYA <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1, 1:maxage))  # Projection year
      SY <- SYA[, 1:2]
      SA <- SYA[, c(1, 3)]
      SAY <- SYA[, c(1, 3, 2)]
      S <- SYA[, 1]
      # -- First projection year ----
      y <- 1
      if(!silent) {
        cat("."); flush.console()
      # Recruitment and movement in first year 
      NextYrN <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x)
        popdynOneTScpp(nareas, maxage, SSBcurr=colSums(SSB[x,,nyears, ]), Ncurr=N[x,,nyears,],
                       Zcurr=Z[x,,nyears,], PerrYr=Perr_y[x, nyears+maxage-1], hs=hs[x],
                       R0a=R0a[x,], SSBpR=SSBpR[x,], aR=aR[x,], bR=bR[x,],
                       mov=mov[x,,,,nyears+1], SRrel=SRrel[x],
                       plusgroup = plusgroup))
      # The stock at the beginning of projection period
      N_P[,,1,] <- aperm(array(unlist(NextYrN), dim=c(maxage, nareas, nsim, 1)), c(3,1,4,2))
      Biomass_P[SAYR] <- N_P[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAY1]  # Calculate biomass
      VBiomass_P[SAYR] <- Biomass_P[SAYR] * V_P[SAYt]  # Calculate vulnerable biomass
      SSN_P[SAYR] <- N_P[SAYR] * Mat_age[SAY1]  # Calculate spawning stock numbers
      SSB_P[SAYR] <- SSN_P[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAY1]
      # Update abundance estimates - used for FMSY ref methods so that FMSY is applied to current abundance
      M_array <- array(0.5*M_ageArray[,,nyears+y], dim=c(nsim, maxage, nareas))
      Atemp <- apply(VBiomass_P[, , y, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum) # Abundance (mid-year before fishing)
      MSElist[[mm]]@OM$A <- Atemp 

      # -- Apply MP in initial projection year ----
      runMP <- applyMP(Data=MSElist[[mm]], MPs = MPs[mm], reps = reps, silent=TRUE)  # Apply MP
      MPRecs <- runMP[[1]][[1]] # MP recommendations
      Data_p <- runMP[[2]] # Data object object with saved info from MP 
      Data_p@TAC <- MPRecs$TAC
      LastSpatial <- array(MPA[nyears,], dim=c(nareas, nsim)) # 
      LastAllocat <- rep(1, nsim) # default assumption of reallocation of effort to open areas
      LastTAC <- LastCatch <- apply(CBret[,,nyears,], 1, sum)
      # calculate pstar quantile of TAC recommendation dist 
      TACused <- apply(Data_p@TAC, 2, quantile, p = pstar, na.rm = T) 
      if (length(MPRecs$TAC) >0) {
        # a TAC has been recommended
        checkNA[y] <- sum(is.na(TACused))
        TACused[is.na(TACused)] <- LastTAC[is.na(TACused)] # set to last yr TAC if NA
        TACused[TACused<tiny] <- tiny 
        TACa[, mm, y] <- TACused # recommended TAC 
      # -- Bio-Economics ----
      # Calculate Profit from last historical year
      RevPC <- RevCurr/LastCatch # cost-per unit catch in last historical year
      PMargin <- 1 - CostCurr/(RevPC * LastCatch) # profit margin in last historical year
      Profit <- (RevPC * LastCatch) - CostCurr # profit in last historical year
      HistEffort <- rep(1, nsim) # future effort is relative to today's effort
      Effort_pot <- HistEffort + Response*Profit # potential effort in first projection year
      Effort_pot[Effort_pot<0] <- tiny # 
      # Latent Effort - Maximum Effort Limit
      if (!all(is.na(LatentEff_MP))) {
        LastTAE <- histTAE <- HistEffort / (1 - LatentEff_MP) # current TAE limit exists    
      } else {
        LastTAE <- histTAE <- rep(NA, nsim) # no current TAE exists  

      # -- Calc stock dynamics ----
      MPCalcs <- CalcMPDynamics(MPRecs, y, nyears, proyears, nsim, Biomass_P, VBiomass_P,
                                LastTAE, histTAE, LastSpatial, LastAllocat, LastTAC,
                                TACused, maxF,
                                LR5_P, LFR_P, Rmaxlen_P, retL_P, retA_P,
                                L5_P, LFS_P, Vmaxlen_P, SLarray_P, V_P,
                                Fdisc_P, DR_P,
                                M_ageArray, FM_P, FM_Pret, Z_P, CB_P, CB_Pret,
                                TAC_f, E_f, SizeLim_f,
                                FinF, Spat_targ,
                                CAL_binsmid, Linf, Len_age, maxage, nareas, Asize, nCALbins,
                                qs, qvar, qinc, Effort_pot)
      TACa[, mm, y] <- MPCalcs$TACrec # recommended TAC 
      LastSpatial <- MPCalcs$Si
      LastAllocat <- MPCalcs$Ai
      LastTAE <- MPCalcs$TAE # TAE set by MP 
      LastTAC <- MPCalcs$TACrec # TAC et by MP
      Effort[, mm, y] <- MPCalcs$Effort  
      CB_P <- MPCalcs$CB_P # removals
      CB_Pret <- MPCalcs$CB_Pret # retained catch 

      # apply(CB_Pret[,,1,], 1, sum)
      FM_P <- MPCalcs$FM_P # fishing mortality
      FM_Pret <- MPCalcs$FM_Pret # retained fishing mortality 
      Z_P <- MPCalcs$Z_P # total mortality
      retA_P <- MPCalcs$retA_P # retained-at-age
      retL_P <- MPCalcs$retL_P # retained-at-length
      V_P <- MPCalcs$V_P  # vulnerable-at-age
      SLarray_P <- MPCalcs$SLarray_P # vulnerable-at-length
      FMa[,mm,y] <- MPCalcs$Ftot 
      LR5_P <- MPCalcs$LR5_P
      LFR_P <- MPCalcs$LFR_P
      Rmaxlen_P <- MPCalcs$Rmaxlen_P
      L5_P <- MPCalcs$L5_P
      LFS_P <- MPCalcs$LFS_P
      Vmaxlen_P <- MPCalcs$Vmaxlen_P
      Fdisc_P <- MPCalcs$Fdisc_P
      DR_P <- MPCalcs$DR_P
      # ---- Bio-economics ----
      RetainCatch <- apply(CB_Pret[,,y,], 1, sum) # retained catch this year
      RetainCatch[RetainCatch<=0] <- tiny
      Cost_out[,mm,y] <-  Effort[, mm, y] * CostCurr*(1+CostInc/100)^y # cost of effort this year
      Rev_out[,mm,y] <- (RevPC*(1+RevInc/100)^y * RetainCatch)
      PMargin <- 1 - Cost_out[,mm,y]/Rev_out[,mm,y] # profit margin this year
      Profit <- Rev_out[,mm,y] - Cost_out[,mm,y] # profit this year
      Effort_pot <- Effort_pot + Response*Profit # bio-economic effort next year
      Effort_pot[Effort_pot<0] <- tiny # 
      LatEffort_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE - Effort[, mm, y]  # store the Latent Effort
      TAE_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE # store the TAE
      # --- Begin projection years ----
      for (y in 2:proyears) {
        if(!silent) {
          cat("."); flush.console()
        SelectChanged <- FALSE
        if (AnnualMSY) {
          if (any(range(retA_P[,,nyears+y] - retA[,,nyears+y]) !=0)) SelectChanged <- TRUE
          if (any(range(V_P[,,nyears+y] - V[,,nyears+y]) !=0))  SelectChanged <- TRUE
        # -- Calculate MSY stats for this year ----
        if (AnnualMSY & SelectChanged) { #
          y1 <- nyears + y
          MSYrefsYr <- sapply(1:nsim, optMSY_eq, M_ageArray, Wt_age, Mat_age, 
                              V_P, maxage, R0, SRrel, hs, yr.ind=y1, plusgroup=plusgroup)
          MSY_y[,mm,y1] <- MSYrefsYr[1, ]
          FMSY_y[,mm,y1] <- MSYrefsYr[2,]
          SSBMSY_y[,mm,y1] <- MSYrefsYr[3,]
        TACa[, mm, y] <- TACa[, mm, y-1] # TAC same as last year unless changed 
        SAYRt <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, y + nyears, 1:nareas))  # Trajectory year
        SAYt <- SAYRt[, 1:3]
        SAYtMP <- cbind(SAYt, mm)
        SYt <- SAYRt[, c(1, 3)]
        SAY1R <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, y - 1, 1:nareas))
        SAYR <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:maxage, y, 1:nareas))
        SY <- SAYR[, c(1, 3)]
        SA <- SAYR[, 1:2]
        S1 <- SAYR[, 1]
        SAY <- SAYR[, 1:3]
        S <- SAYR[, 1]
        SR <- SAYR[, c(1, 4)]
        SA2YR <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 2:maxage, y, 1:nareas))
        SA1YR <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nsim, 1:(maxage - 1), y -1, 1:nareas))
        # --- Age & Growth ----
        NextYrN <- lapply(1:nsim, function(x)
          popdynOneTScpp(nareas, maxage, SSBcurr=colSums(SSB_P[x,,y-1, ]), Ncurr=N_P[x,,y-1,],
                         Zcurr=Z_P[x,,y-1,], PerrYr=Perr_y[x, y+nyears+maxage-1], hs=hs[x],
                         R0a=R0a[x,], SSBpR=SSBpR[x,], aR=aR[x,], bR=bR[x,],
                         mov=mov[x,,,, nyears+y], SRrel=SRrel[x],
        N_P[,,y,] <- aperm(array(unlist(NextYrN), dim=c(maxage, nareas, nsim, 1)), c(3,1,4,2)) 
        Biomass_P[SAYR] <- N_P[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAYt]  # Calculate biomass
        VBiomass_P[SAYR] <- Biomass_P[SAYR] * V_P[SAYt]  # Calculate vulnerable biomass
        SSN_P[SAYR] <- N_P[SAYR] * Mat_age[SAYt]  # Calculate spawning stock numbers
        SSB_P[SAYR] <- SSN_P[SAYR] * Wt_age[SAYt]  # Calculate spawning stock biomass
        # --- An update year ----
        if (y %in% upyrs) {
          # --- Update Data object ---- 
          MSElist[[mm]] <- updateData(Data=MSElist[[mm]], OM, MPCalcs, Effort, Biomass, N,
                                      Biomass_P, CB_Pret, N_P, SSB, SSB_P, VBiomass, VBiomass_P, 
                                      RefPoints, ErrList, FMSY_y, retA_P, retL_P, StockPars, 
                                      FleetPars, ObsPars, V_P, Mat_age,
                                      upyrs, interval, y, mm, 
                                      Misc=Data_p@Misc, SampCpars, Sample_Area, 
                                      AddIunits, AddIndType)
          # Update Abundance and FMSY for FMSYref MPs
          M_array <- array(0.5*M_ageArray[,,nyears+y], dim=c(nsim, maxage, nareas))
          Atemp <- apply(VBiomass_P[, , y, ] * exp(-M_array), 1, sum) # Abundance (mid-year before fishing)
          MSElist[[mm]]@OM$A <- Atemp
          MSElist[[mm]]@OM$FMSY <- FMSY_y[,mm,y+OM@nyears]
          # --- apply MP ----
          runMP <- applyMP(Data=MSElist[[mm]], MPs = MPs[mm], reps = reps, silent=TRUE)  # Apply MP
          MPRecs <- runMP[[1]][[1]] # MP recommendations
          Data_p <- runMP[[2]] # Data object object with saved info from MP 
          Data_p@TAC <- MPRecs$TAC
          # calculate pstar quantile of TAC recommendation dist 
          TACused <- apply(Data_p@TAC, 2, quantile, p = pstar, na.rm = T) 
          if (length(MPRecs$TAC) >0) {
            # a TAC has been recommended
            checkNA[y] <- sum(is.na(TACused))
            TACused[is.na(TACused)] <- LastTAC[is.na(TACused)] # set to last yr TAC if NA
            TACused[TACused<tiny] <- tiny
            TACa[, mm, y] <- TACused # recommended TAC 
          # -- Calc stock dynamics ----
          MPCalcs <- CalcMPDynamics(MPRecs, y, nyears, proyears, nsim, Biomass_P, VBiomass_P,
                                    LastTAE, histTAE, LastSpatial, LastAllocat, LastTAC,
                                    TACused, maxF,
                                    LR5_P, LFR_P, Rmaxlen_P, retL_P, retA_P,
                                    L5_P, LFS_P, Vmaxlen_P, SLarray_P, V_P,
                                    Fdisc_P, DR_P,
                                    M_ageArray, FM_P, FM_Pret, Z_P, CB_P, CB_Pret,
                                    TAC_f, E_f, SizeLim_f,
                                    FinF, Spat_targ,
                                    CAL_binsmid, Linf, Len_age, maxage, nareas, Asize, nCALbins,
                                    qs, qvar, qinc, Effort_pot)
          LastSpatial <- MPCalcs$Si
          LastAllocat <- MPCalcs$Ai
          LastTAE <- MPCalcs$TAE # adjustment to TAE
          Effort[, mm, y] <- MPCalcs$Effort 
          FMa[,mm,y] <- MPCalcs$Ftot 
          CB_P <- MPCalcs$CB_P # removals
          CB_Pret <- MPCalcs$CB_Pret # retained catch 
          LastTAC <- TACa[, mm, y] # apply(CB_Pret[,,y,], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) 
          FM_P <- MPCalcs$FM_P # fishing mortality
          FM_Pret <- MPCalcs$FM_Pret # retained fishing mortality 
          Z_P <- MPCalcs$Z_P # total mortality
          retA_P <- MPCalcs$retA_P # retained-at-age
          retL_P <- MPCalcs$retL_P # retained-at-length
          V_P <- MPCalcs$V_P  # vulnerable-at-age
          SLarray_P <- MPCalcs$SLarray_P # vulnerable-at-length
          LR5_P <- MPCalcs$LR5_P
          LFR_P <- MPCalcs$LFR_P
          Rmaxlen_P <- MPCalcs$Rmaxlen_P
          L5_P <- MPCalcs$L5_P
          LFS_P <- MPCalcs$LFS_P
          Vmaxlen_P <- MPCalcs$Vmaxlen_P
          Fdisc_P <- MPCalcs$Fdisc_P
          DR_P <- MPCalcs$DR_P
          # ---- Bio-economics ----
          RetainCatch <- apply(CB_Pret[,,y,], 1, sum) # retained catch this year
          RetainCatch[RetainCatch<=0] <- tiny
          Cost_out[,mm,y] <-  Effort[, mm, y] * CostCurr*(1+CostInc/100)^y # cost of effort this year
          Rev_out[,mm,y] <- (RevPC*(1+RevInc/100)^y * RetainCatch)
          Profit <- Rev_out[,mm,y] - Cost_out[,mm,y] # profit this year
          Effort_pot <- Effort_pot + Response*Profit # bio-economic effort next year
          Effort_pot[Effort_pot<0] <- tiny # 
          LatEffort_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE - Effort[, mm, y]  # store the Latent Effort
          TAE_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE # store the TAE

        } else {
          # --- Not an update yr ----
          NoMPRecs <- MPRecs # TAC & TAE stay the same
          NoMPRecs[lapply(NoMPRecs, length) > 0 ] <- NULL
          NoMPRecs$Spatial <- NA
          MPCalcs <- CalcMPDynamics(NoMPRecs, y, nyears, proyears, nsim, Biomass_P, VBiomass_P,
                                    LastTAE, histTAE, LastSpatial, LastAllocat, LastTAC,
                                    TACused, maxF,
                                    LR5_P, LFR_P, Rmaxlen_P, retL_P, retA_P,
                                    L5_P, LFS_P, Vmaxlen_P, SLarray_P, V_P,
                                    Fdisc_P, DR_P,
                                    M_ageArray, FM_P, FM_Pret, Z_P, CB_P, CB_Pret,
                                    TAC_f, E_f, SizeLim_f,
                                    FinF, Spat_targ,
                                    CAL_binsmid, Linf, Len_age, maxage, nareas,
                                    Asize, nCALbins,
                                    qs, qvar, qinc, Effort_pot)
          TACa[, mm, y] <- TACused # 
          LastSpatial <- MPCalcs$Si
          LastAllocat <- MPCalcs$Ai
          LastTAE <- MPCalcs$TAE
          Effort[, mm, y] <- MPCalcs$Effort  
          CB_P <- MPCalcs$CB_P # removals
          CB_Pret <- MPCalcs$CB_Pret # retained catch 
          FMa[,mm,y] <- MPCalcs$Ftot 
          LastTAC <- TACa[, mm, y]  # apply(CB_Pret[,,y,], 1, sum, na.rm=TRUE) 
          FM_P <- MPCalcs$FM_P # fishing mortality
          FM_Pret <- MPCalcs$FM_Pret # retained fishing mortality 
          Z_P <- MPCalcs$Z_P # total mortality
          retA_P <- MPCalcs$retA_P # retained-at-age
          retL_P <- MPCalcs$retL_P # retained-at-length
          V_P <- MPCalcs$V_P  # vulnerable-at-age
          SLarray_P <- MPCalcs$SLarray_P # vulnerable-at-length
          # ---- Bio-economics ----
          RetainCatch <- apply(CB_Pret[,,y,], 1, sum) # retained catch this year
          RetainCatch[RetainCatch<=0] <- tiny
          Cost_out[,mm,y] <-  Effort[, mm, y] * CostCurr*(1+CostInc/100)^y # cost of effort this year
          Rev_out[,mm,y] <- (RevPC*(1+RevInc/100)^y * RetainCatch)
          PMargin <- 1 - Cost_out[,mm,y]/Rev_out[,mm,y] # profit margin this year
          Profit <- Rev_out[,mm,y] - Cost_out[,mm,y] # profit this year
          Effort_pot <- Effort_pot + Response*Profit # bio-economic effort next year
          Effort_pot[Effort_pot<0] <- tiny # 
          LatEffort_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE - Effort[, mm, y]  # store the Latent Effort
          TAE_out[,mm,y] <- LastTAE # store the TAE
        } # end of update loop 
      }  # end of year loop
      if (max(upyrs) < proyears) { # One more call to complete Data object
        MSElist[[mm]] <- updateData(Data=MSElist[[mm]], OM, MPCalcs, Effort, Biomass, N,
                                    Biomass_P, CB_Pret, N_P, SSB, SSB_P, VBiomass, VBiomass_P, 
                                    RefPoints, ErrList, FMSY_y, retA_P, retL_P, StockPars, 
                                    FleetPars, ObsPars,  V_P, Mat_age,
                                    upyrs=c(upyrs, proyears), 
                                    interval = rep(proyears - max(upyrs), length(interval)), 
                                    y=proyears, mm, Misc=Data_p@Misc, SampCpars, Sample_Area,
                                    AddIunits, AddIndType)
      B_BMSYa[, mm, ] <- apply(SSB_P, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE)/SSBMSY_y[,mm,(OM@nyears+1):(OM@nyears+OM@proyears)]  # SSB relative to SSBMSY
      F_FMSYa[, mm, ] <- FMa[, mm, ]/FMSY_y[,mm,(OM@nyears+1):(OM@nyears+OM@proyears)]
      Ba[, mm, ] <- apply(Biomass_P, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # biomass 
      SSBa[, mm, ] <- apply(SSB_P, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # spawning stock biomass
      VBa[, mm, ] <- apply(VBiomass_P, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # vulnerable biomass
      Ca[, mm, ] <- apply(CB_P, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # removed
      CaRet[, mm, ] <- apply(CB_Pret, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm=TRUE) # retained catch 
      # Store Pop and Catch-at-age and at-length for last projection year 
      PAAout[ , mm, ] <- apply(N_P[ , , proyears, ], c(1,2), sum) # population-at-age
      CNtemp <- apply(CB_Pret, c(1,2,3), sum)/Wt_age[,,(nyears+1):(nyears+proyears)]
      CAAout[ , mm, ] <- CNtemp[,,proyears] # nsim, maxage # catch-at-age
      CALdat <- MSElist[[mm]]@CAL
      CALout[ , mm, ] <- CALdat[,dim(CALdat)[2],] # catch-at-length in last year
      if (!silent) {
        if (all(checkNA[upyrs] != nsim) & !all(checkNA == 0)) {
          ntot <- sum(checkNA[upyrs])
          totyrs <- sum(checkNA[upyrs] >0)
          nfrac <- round(ntot/(length(upyrs)*nsim),2)*100
          message(totyrs, ' years had TAC = NA for some simulations (', nfrac, "% of total simulations)")
          message('Used TAC_y = TAC_y-1')  
      if (!parallel) 
          if(control$progress) {
            if (requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)) {
              shiny::incProgress(1/nMP, detail = round(mm*100/nMP))
            } else {
              warning('package `shiny` needs to be installed for progress bar')
      }, silent=TRUE)
    # end try
    # , error=function(e) {
      # message("Note: ", MPs[mm], " failed. Skipping this MP.")
      # message(e, "\n")
    # }) # end tryCatch ####
    if (!is.null(tryMP)) {
      if(!silent) message("Note: ", MPs[mm], " failed. Skipping this MP. \nSee `MSE@Misc$TryMP` for details")
      Misc$TryMP[[mm]] <- tryMP
    } else {
      Misc$TryMP[[mm]] <- "Okay"
  }  # end of mm methods 
  # Miscellaneous reporting
  if(PPD) Misc$Data <- MSElist

  # Report profit margin and latent effort
  Misc$LatEffort <- LatEffort_out
  Misc$Revenue <- Rev_out
  Misc$Cost <- Cost_out
  Misc$TAE <- TAE_out
  Misc$ErrList <- ErrList
  Misc$Removals <- Ca # total removals
  Misc$MSYRefs <- list(Refs=RefPoints, ByYear=list(MSY=MSY_y, FMSY=FMSY_y,
  ## Create MSE Object #### 
  MSEout <- new("MSE", Name = OM@Name, nyears, proyears, nMPs=nMP, MPs, nsim, 
                Data@OM, Obs=Data@Obs, B_BMSY=B_BMSYa, F_FMSY=F_FMSYa, B=Ba, 
                SSB=SSBa, VB=VBa, FM=FMa, CaRet, TAC=TACa, SSB_hist = SSB, 
                CB_hist = CBret, FM_hist = FM, Effort = Effort, PAA=PAAout, 
                CAA=CAAout, CAL=CALout, CALbins=CAL_binsmid, Misc = Misc)
  # Store MSE info
  attr(MSEout, "version") <- packageVersion("DLMtool")
  attr(MSEout, "date") <- date()
  attr(MSEout, "R.version") <- R.version

#' Internal function of runMSE for checking that the OM slot cpars slot is formatted correctly
#' @param cpars a list of model parameters to be sampled (single parameters are a vector nsim long, time series are matrices nsim x nyears)
#' @return either an error and the length of the first dimension of the various cpars list items or passes and returns the number of simulations
#' @export cparscheck
#' @author T. Carruthers
    if (inherits(x, 'numeric') | inherits(x, 'integer')) return(length(x))
    else return(dim(x)[1])
  dims <- sapply(cpars,dim1check)
  # drop invalid names 
  dims <- dims[!unlist(lapply(dims, is.null))]
  # Check Stock names 
  slts <- slotNames("Stock")
  ind <- which(names(cpars) %in% slts)
  if (length(ind)>0) {
    chkdim <- !unlist(lapply(lapply(cpars[ind], dim), is.null))
    if (any(chkdim)) {
      err <- names(chkdim[chkdim])
      stop("Incorrect dimensions in Stock parameter slots in OM@cpars:", paste(err, collapse=", "))

  # check if EffYears etc are in cpars
  effNames <- c("EffYears", "EffLower", "EffUpper")
  temp <- effNames %in%  names(dims)
  # all 3?
  if (any(temp) & !all(temp)) stop(paste(effNames[!temp], collapse=", "), " missing")
  # can't have Find as well
  if (any(temp & 'Find' %in% names(dims))) stop("Can't provide both Find and EffYears etc in cpars")
  # same length 
  if (all(temp)) {
    if (!all(dims[effNames]==dims[effNames][1])) stop(paste(effNames, collapse=", "), " are not equal length")

  # ignore 
  if (any(effNames %in% names(dims))) dims <- dims[-match(effNames,names(dims))]  # ignore effNames
  dims <- dims[!grepl("CAL_bins", names(dims))]  # ignore CAL_bins
  dims <- dims[!grepl("CAL_binsmid", names(dims))]  # ignore CAL_binsmid
  dims <- dims[!grepl("M_at_length", names(dims))]  # ignore M_at_length
  dims <- dims[!grepl("maxage", names(dims))]  # ignore maxage
  dims <- dims[!grepl("binWidth", names(dims))]  # ignore binWidth
  dims <- dims[!grepl("plusgroup", names(dims))]  # ignore plusgroup
  dims <- dims[!grepl("AddIunits", names(dims))]  # ignore AddIunits
  if (length(dims) > 0) {
      stop("The custom parameters in your operating model @cpars have varying number of simulations. For each simulation each parameter / variable should correspond with one another")
DLMtool/DLMtool documentation built on June 20, 2021, 5:20 p.m.