
Defines functions calc_item_gaps loading_to_slope slope_to_loading DIF_test abbreviate_scale max_loading_method make_item_list_for_balanced_loadings_method get_balanced_items make_item_list_for_loadings_method forwards_pick backwards_drop abbreviate_by_genetic_algo genetic_algo_item_sets compute_fit_stats get_reliability_at make_forward_sets make_leave_one_out_sets fit_mirt get_reliabilities get_mirt_stats get_discriminations get_difficulties get_loadings

Documented in abbreviate_scale calc_item_gaps DIF_test get_mirt_stats get_reliabilities loading_to_slope slope_to_loading

#### All mirt package related functions
#### And the helper functions and other item level analysis functions

#get factor loadings from mirt fit
get_loadings = function(x) {
  x@Fit$`F` %>% as.vector()

get_difficulties = function(x) {
  mirt::coef(x, simplify = T)$items[, 2]

get_discriminations = function(x) {
  mirt::coef(x, simplify = T)$items[, 1]

#' Extract item parameters from `mirt()` fit
#' @param x A `mirt` fit object
#' @return A data frame of item parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mirt)
#' data = simdata(seq(0.2, 2, length.out = 5), seq(-2, 2, length.out = 5), 1000, itemtype = "2PL")
#' fit = mirt(data, 1)
#' get_mirt_stats(fit)
get_mirt_stats = function(x) {
    item_i = seq_along_rows(mirt::coef(x, simplify = T)$items),
    item = mirt::coef(x, simplify = T)$items %>% rownames(),
    loading = get_loadings(x),
    difficulty = get_difficulties(x),
    discrimination = get_discriminations(x),
    pass_rate = pnorm(difficulty, lower.tail = F)

#' Get reliability distribution of a `mirt` model
#' @param x A `mirt` fit object
#' @return A data frame of reliability values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mirt)
#' data = simdata(seq(0.2, 2, length.out = 5), seq(-2, 2, length.out = 5), 1000, itemtype = "2PL")
#' fit = mirt(data, 1)
#' get_reliabilities(fit)
get_reliabilities = function(x) {
  rxx_info = mirt::plot(x, type = "rxx")

  #which range has >.90?
    z = rxx_info$panel.args[[1]]$x,
    rel = rxx_info$panel.args[[1]]$y

#internal function to fit mirt
fit_mirt = function(items, mirt_args, reliability_at) {

  local_mirt_fit = rlang::exec(
    .fn = mirt::mirt,
    data = items,

  #get scores
  local_scores = mirt::fscores(local_mirt_fit, full.scores.SE = T)

  #return fit and scores
    fit = local_mirt_fit,
    scores = local_scores,
    reliability = get_reliability_at(local_mirt_fit, reliability_at)

#make a list of items indexes with one removed per set
make_leave_one_out_sets = function(item_idx) {
  #make a list of items indexes with one removed per set
    function(i) {

#make forwards item selection sets
make_forward_sets = function(
    current_items = NULL,
    min_items = 3,
    start_method = "highest_loading"
) {
  #make a list of items indexes with one removed per set
  #if we have none, it's easy
  if (is.null(current_items)) {
    #if we have no items, we can either try all 3-way combinations, which is often not possible (explosion)
    #or we can begin with a best guess of the 3 items with highest loadings from full analysis (fast)
    if (start_method == "highest_loading") {
      #get highest loading items
      item_loadings = tibble(
        item = 1:length(get_loadings(full_fit)),
        loading = get_loadings(full_fit)
      start_items = item_loadings %>% arrange(loading) %>% tail(min_items) %>% pull(item)
      sets = list(start_items)
      message(str_glue("Starting with the {min_items} items with highest loadings: {str_c(start_items, collapse = ', ')}"))
    } else if (start_method == "combination") {
      #if we have no items, we can either try all 3-way combinations, which is often not possible (explosion)
      #or we can begin with a best guess of the 3 items with highest loadings from full analysis (fast)
      sets = combn(1:ncol(all_items), m = min_items, simplify = F)

  } else {
    #if we have some, we need to add one different item to each set
    sets = purrr::map(
      setdiff(seq(ncol(all_items)), current_items),
      function(i) {
        c(current_items, i)


get_reliability_at = function(
) {
  #if total, use total reliability
  if (length(reliability_at) == 1 && reliability_at == "total") {
    scores = mirt::fscores(fit, full.scores.SE = T)
    return(mirt::empirical_rxx(scores) %>% unname())

  #if not total, is it a vector of values?
  assert_that(is.numeric(reliability_at), msg = "`reliability_at` must be either 'total' a numeric vector of target z scores")

  #compute all reliabilities
  fit_rels = get_reliabilities(fit)

  #get rels closest to target values
  fit_fels_targets = purrr::map_dfr(
    function(target) {
      fit_rels %>%
        mutate(diff = abs(z - target)) %>%
        arrange(diff) %>%
        slice_head(n = 1)

  #return average
  fit_fels_targets$rel %>%

#compute model stats
compute_fit_stats = function(
    save_fits = T,
    ) {
  #get scores and their full set cors
  cors = wtd.cors(
      score = fit$scores[, 1],

  #mean fraction of criterion cors
  item_set = list(item_set)
  criterion_cors = cors[-1, 1]
  criterion_cors_frac = criterion_cors / criterion_cors_full[-1, 1]
  mean_criterion_cors_frac = mean(criterion_cors_frac)
  reliability_frac = (fit$reliability / full_reliability) %>% unname() %>% mean()

  #determine what to maximize
  criterion_value = switch(selection_method,
                           "rc" = mean(c(criterion_cors_frac, reliability_frac)),
                           "r" = reliability_frac,
                           "c" = mean(criterion_cors_frac)

  y = tibble(
    items_in_scale = length(item_set[[1]]),
    item_set = item_set,
    criterion_cors_frac = criterion_cors_frac,
    mean_criterion_cors_frac = mean_criterion_cors_frac,
    reliability = fit$reliability,
    reliability_frac = reliability_frac,
    criterion_value = criterion_value

  #add criterion cors
  for (i in seq_along(criterion_cors)) {
    y[[str_glue("r_{rownames(cors)[i+1]}")]] = criterion_cors[i]

  #save fits and scores?
  if (save_fits) {
    y$fit = list(fit)
    y$scores = list(fit$scores)


#genetic algo item lists function
genetic_algo_item_sets = function(
    current_population = NULL,
    population_size = 1000,
    mutation_rate = 0.1,
    prob_exact = F,
    include_parents = T
) {

  #if no current poulation, then we start with random items
  if (is.null(current_population)) {
    new_pop = map(
      function(i) {
        sample(ncol(all_items), size = item_target)
  } else {

    #make repeats to match population size
    new_pop = rep(current_population, length.out = population_size)

    for (i in seq_along(new_pop)) {
      #mutate by partial resampling
      new_pop[[i]] = partially_resample(
        possible_values = 1:ncol(all_items),
        prob = mutation_rate,
        prob_exact = prob_exact

    #add parents as well? this makes the population size larger by the selection proportion
    #it prevents regression, and avoids inability to stop at a local minimum
    if (include_parents) {
      new_pop = c(new_pop, current_population)



#genetic algorithm
abbreviate_by_genetic_algo = function(
    current_population = NULL,
    mirt_args = NULL,
    save_fits = T,
) {

  #main loop
  all_fits = tibble()
  for (iter in 1:max_generations) {
    #msg current iter
    message(str_glue("Starting iteration {iter} out of {max_generations}"))

    #get new population
    new_pop = genetic_algo_item_sets(
      all_items = all_items,
      item_target = item_target,
      current_population = current_population,
      population_size = population_size,
      mutation_rate = mutation_rate,
      include_parents = include_parents

    #fit models
    current_fits = furrr::future_map_dfr(
      function(item_set) {

        #fit mirt
        fit = fit_mirt(all_items[, item_set, drop = F], mirt_args = mirt_args, reliability_at = reliability_at)

        #get stats
        y = compute_fit_stats(
          fit = fit,
          item_set = item_set,
          selection_method = selection_method,
          criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
          full_reliability = full_reliability,
          criterion_cors_full = criterion_cors_full,
          save_fits = save_fits,
          reliability_at = reliability_at


    #add generation number
    current_fits$generation = iter

    #select top
    current_fits = current_fits %>%

    #mark as selected
    current_fits$selected = F
    current_fits$selected[1:ceiling(population_size * selection_ratio)] = T

    #add fits to collection
    all_fits = bind_rows(
      current_fits %>% filter(selected)

    #check if we have improvement
    if (iter > 1) {

      #get best from last iteration
      best_last = all_fits %>%
        filter(generation == (iter - 1)) %>%
        arrange(-criterion_value) %>%
        pull(criterion_value) %>%

      #get improvement
      improvement = (max(current_fits$criterion_value) - best_last)

      #msg about improvement this generation
      message(str_glue("Improvement in iteration {iter} out of {max_generations}: {str_round(improvement, 5)}, new best: {str_round(best_last, 5)}"))

      #if no improvement for X generations, stop search
      if (iter > stop_search_after_generations) {
        last_k_criterion_values = all_fits %>%
          group_by(generation) %>%
          arrange(-criterion_value) %>%
          slice_head(n = 1) %>%
          ungroup() %>%
          pull(criterion_value) %>%

        if (all_the_same(last_k_criterion_values)) {
          message(str_glue("No improvement for {stop_search_after_generations} generations, stopping search"))

    #get new population
    current_population = current_fits %>% filter(selected) %>% pull(item_set)
  } #end loop

  #return results

#backwards drop function (drop 1 item)
backwards_drop = function(
    current_selection = NULL,
    mirt_args = NULL,
    save_fits = T,
    reliability_at = reliability_at
) {

  #if no current selection, select all
  if (is.null(current_selection)) {
    current_selection = seq(ncol(all_items))

  #main loop
  reductions = furrr::future_map_dfr(
    function(item_set) {

      #fit mirt
      fit = fit_mirt(all_items[, item_set, drop = F], mirt_args, reliability_at = reliability_at)

      #get stats
      y = compute_fit_stats(
        fit = fit,
        item_set = item_set,
        selection_method = selection_method,
        criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
        full_reliability = full_reliability,
        criterion_cors_full = criterion_cors_full,
        save_fits = save_fits,
        reliability_at = reliability_at


  #return results

#forwards pick function
forwards_pick = function(
    mirt_args = NULL,
    save_fits = T,
    reliability_at = reliability_at
) {

  #main loop
  additions = furrr::future_map_dfr(
    make_forward_sets(items, current_items, full_fit = full_fit),
    function(item_set) {

      #fit mirt
      fit = fit_mirt(items[, item_set, drop = F], mirt_args, reliability_at = reliability_at)

      #get stats
      y = compute_fit_stats(
        fit = fit,
        item_set = item_set,
        selection_method = selection_method,
        criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
        full_reliability = full_reliability,
        criterion_cors_full = criterion_cors_full,
        save_fits = save_fits,
        reliability_at = reliability_at


  #return results

#make loadings based item list
make_item_list_for_loadings_method = function(x, max_items) {
  #return a list with vectors of first 3 items, then first 4, then first 5, until max
  item_sets = purrr::map(
    function(last_item) {


#a complex function to balance items into groups but assign remainder items to middle positions
#made with GPT4 after 10 tries
get_balanced_items <- function(data, num_groups, num_items) {
  if (num_items > nrow(data)) {
    stop("Number of items to select is greater than available items.")

  # Prepare the data by assigning groups based on difficulty
  data <- data %>%
    mutate(group = ntile(difficulty, num_groups)) %>%
    arrange(group, desc(loading))

  # Initial distribution
  base_items_per_group <- num_items %/% num_groups
  remainder = num_items %% num_groups
  group_counts = rep(base_items_per_group, num_groups)

  # Calculate middle positions and distribute remainders
  # Ensuring that the number of items always matches exactly
  middle_index = (num_groups + 1) / 2
  if (num_groups %% 2 == 0) {  # If even number of groups
    group_counts[ceiling(middle_index)] = group_counts[ceiling(middle_index)] + remainder %/% 2
    group_counts[floor(middle_index)] = group_counts[floor(middle_index)] + (remainder + 1) %/% 2
  } else {  # If odd number of groups
    group_counts[floor(middle_index)] = group_counts[floor(middle_index)] + remainder

  # Select items based on the calculated distribution
  selected_items = vector("list", num_groups)
  for (i in seq_along(group_counts)) {
    selected_items[[i]] = head(data[data$group == i,], group_counts[i])

  # Combine all selected items into a single dataframe
  selected_items = do.call(rbind, selected_items)

#balanced difficulty groups
make_item_list_for_balanced_loadings_method = function(item_stats, max_items, difficulty_balance_groups) {
  #return a list with vectors of first 3 items, then first 4, then first 5, until max
  item_sets = purrr::map(
    function(item_count) {
      get_balanced_items(item_stats, num_groups = difficulty_balance_groups, num_items = item_count)$item


#use highest loadings
max_loading_method = function(
    mirt_args = NULL,
    save_fits = T,
) {
  #not non-NULL to both residualization and balancing
  if (!is.null(difficulty_balance_groups) & residualize_loadings) {
    stop("Cannot residualize loadings and balance by difficulty groups at the same time.", call. = F)

  #get loadings
  item_stats = get_mirt_stats(full_fit)

  #residualize loadings?
  if (!residualize_loadings) {
    #just sort by loading as is
    item_stats = item_stats %>% arrange(-loading)
  } else {
    #fit linear model to predict loading from difficulty
    loading_model = lm(loading ~ difficulty, data = item_stats)
    #save residuals
    item_stats$loading_resid = residuals(loading_model)
    #sort by residual
    item_stats = item_stats %>% arrange(-loading_resid)

  #determine item sets
  if (is.null(difficulty_balance_groups)) {
    item_sets = make_item_list_for_loadings_method(item_stats$item, max_items)
  } else {
    item_sets = make_item_list_for_balanced_loadings_method(item_stats, max_items, difficulty_balance_groups)

  #fit models with items from 3 to max
  #main loop
  additions = furrr::future_map(
    function(item_set) {

      #fit mirt
      fit = fit_mirt(items[, item_set, drop = F], mirt_args, reliability_at = reliability_at)

      #get stats
      y = compute_fit_stats(
        fit = fit,
        item_set = item_set,
        selection_method = selection_method,
        criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
        full_reliability = full_reliability,
        criterion_cors_full = criterion_cors_full,
        save_fits = save_fits,
        reliability_at = reliability_at



#' Abbreviate a scale
#' This function abbreviates a scale by iteratively adding or removing items that are the least useful for predicting a criterion variable. The function can use a max loading, backwards, forwards, or genetic algorithm method to select items.
#' @param items A data frame or matrix of items
#' @param criterion_vars A data frame of criterion variables
#' @param item_target The number of items to retain
#' @param method The method to use for item selection. Options are "backwards", "forwards", "max_loading", or "genetic".
#' @param selection_method The method to use for selecting items. Options are "rc" (average of correlation with criterion variable(s) and reliability), "r" (reliability), or "c" (correlation with criterion variable(s)).
#' @param mirt_args A list of arguments to pass to the mirt function
#' @param save_fits Whether to save the fits and scores for each item set. This might be useful for further analysis, but it also takes up memory.
#' @param seed A seed to use for reproducibility. Default is 1.
#' @param max_generations The maximum number of generations to use for the genetic algorithm. Default is 100.
#' @param population_size The size of the population to use for the genetic algorithm. Default is 100.
#' @param mutation_rate The mutation rate to use for the genetic algorithm. Default is 0.1.
#' @param selection_ratio The ratio of the population to select for the next generation. Default is 0.20.
#' @param stop_search_after_generations The number of generations to wait for no improvement before stopping the search. Default is 10.
#' @param include_parents Whether to include the parents in the next generation. Default is TRUE.
#' @param difficulty_balance_groups The number of groups to balance difficulty across. Default is NULL.
#' @param residualize_loadings Whether to residualize loadings based on difficulty for selection purposes. Default is FALSE.
#' @return A list of results. You probably want to call `GG_scale_abbreviation()` on these.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mirt)
#' #simulate some mirt data 2PL
#' set.seed(1)
#' dat = mirt::simdata(N = 1e3, itemtype = "2PL", a = runif(100, 0.5, 2), d = rnorm(100, sd = 0.5))
#' #fit the model
#' fit = mirt::mirt(dat, 1)
#' #scale abbreviation
#' short_scale = abbreviate_scale(as.data.frame(dat), method = "max_loading", item_target = 10)
#' #plot
#' GG_scale_abbreviation(short_scale)
abbreviate_scale = function(
    criterion_vars = NULL,
    method = "forwards",
    selection_method = "rc",
    mirt_args = NULL,
    save_fits = T,
    seed = 1,
    max_generations = 100,
    population_size = 100,
    mutation_rate = 0.1,
    selection_ratio = 0.20,
    stop_search_after_generations = 10,
    include_parents = T,
    difficulty_balance_groups = NULL,
    residualize_loadings = F,
    reliability_at = "total"
) {

  #start timer

  #stop timer on exit

  #use seed

  #check arguments
  assert_that(is.data.frame(items) | is.matrix(items))
  items = as.matrix(items) #make sure its a matrix to avoid some dropping issues
  assert_that(method %in% c("backwards", "forwards", "max_loading", "genetic"))
  if (selection_method == "cr") selection_method = "rc"
  assert_that(selection_method %in% c("rc", "r", "c", "cr"))
  #not non-NULL to both residualization and balancing
  if (!is.null(difficulty_balance_groups) & residualize_loadings) {
    stop("Cannot residualize loadings and balance by difficulty groups at the same time.", call. = F)
  assert_that(item_target >= 3, msg = "Item target must be at least 3")
  assert_that(item_target < ncol(items), msg = "Item target count must be less than the number of items")

  message(str_glue("Abbreviating scale using {mapvalues(selection_method, from = c('c', 'rc', 'r'), to = c('correlation with criterion variable(s)', 'average of correlation with creiterion variable(s) and reliability', 'reliability'), warn_missing = F)} method"))
  message(str_glue("Using the {method} method"))

  #use default mirt args if none given
  if (is.null(mirt_args)) {
    mirt_args = list(
      model = 1,
      itemtype = "2PL",
      technical = list(NCYCLES = 5000),
      verbose = F

  #fit full scale mirt
  full_fit = rlang::exec(
    .fn = mirt::mirt,
    data = items,

  #get scores and their full set cors
  full_scores = mirt::fscores(full_fit, full.scores.SE = T)

  full_reliability = get_reliability_at(full_fit, reliability_at)

  #make set of criterion vars
  if (is.null(criterion_vars)) {
    criterion_vars = tibble(
      full_score = full_scores[, 1]

  #criterion cors with full set
  full_cors = wtd.cors(
      score = full_scores[, 1],

  #main loop
  #prep a list
  item_set_results_all = list()

  if (method == "backwards") {
    #drop first, then based on results, drop a second etc. until desired size is reached
    items_to_drop = ncol(items) - item_target
    items_to_drop_seq = seq(ncol(items) - item_target)
    for (i in items_to_drop_seq) {
      message(str_glue("removing item {i} out of {items_to_drop} ({ncol(items) - i} remaining)"))

      #if the first round, just drop one item
      #dont need to use the prior item set
      if (i == 1) {

        item_set_results_all[[i]] = backwards_drop(
          #begin with all items
          all_items = items,
          current_selection = seq(ncol(items)),
          criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
          criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
          selection_method = selection_method,
          mirt_args = mirt_args,
          save_fits = save_fits,
          full_fit = full_fit,
          full_reliability = full_reliability,
          reliability_at = reliability_at


      } else {

        #best prior set
        best_prior_i = which.max(item_set_results_all[[i - 1]]$criterion_value)
        best_prior_set = item_set_results_all[[i - 1]]$item_set[[best_prior_i]]

        #use prior best set
        item_set_results_all[[i]] = backwards_drop(
          all_items = items,
          current_selection = best_prior_set,
          criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
          criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
          selection_method = selection_method,
          mirt_args = mirt_args,
          save_fits = save_fits,
          full_fit = full_fit,
          full_reliability = full_reliability,
          reliability_at = reliability_at



  if (method == "forwards") {

    #pick first, then based on results, pick a second etc. until desired size is reached
    items_to_pick = item_target
    items_to_pick_seq = seq(item_target - 2) #because we start with 3 items (minimum for IRT)
    for (i in items_to_pick_seq) {

      if (i != 1) {
        message(str_glue("adding item {i + 2} out of {items_to_pick}"))

      #if the first round, try each item, one at a time
      #dont need to use the prior item set
      if (i == 1) {
        item_set_results_all[[i]] = forwards_pick(
          #begin with all items
          items = items,
          current_items = c(),
          criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
          criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
          selection_method = selection_method,
          mirt_args = mirt_args,
          save_fits = save_fits,
          full_fit = full_fit,
          full_reliability = full_reliability,
          reliability_at = reliability_at


      } else {

        #best prior set
        best_prior_i = which.max(item_set_results_all[[i - 1]]$criterion_value)
        best_prior_set = item_set_results_all[[i - 1]]$item_set[[best_prior_i]]

        #use prior best set
        item_set_results_all[[i]] = forwards_pick(
          items = items,
          current_items = best_prior_set,
          criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
          criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
          selection_method = selection_method,
          mirt_args = mirt_args,
          save_fits = save_fits,
          full_fit = full_fit,
          full_reliability = full_reliability,
          reliability_at = reliability_at



  #loadings method
  if (method == "max_loading") {
    item_set_results_all = max_loading_method(
      items = items,
      max_items = item_target,
      criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
      criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
      mirt_args = mirt_args,
      save_fits = save_fits,
      full_fit = full_fit,
      full_reliability = full_reliability,
      selection_method = selection_method,
      difficulty_balance_groups = difficulty_balance_groups,
      residualize_loadings = residualize_loadings,
      reliability_at = reliability_at

  #genetic algo
  if (method == "genetic") {
    item_set_results_all = abbreviate_by_genetic_algo(
      all_items = items,
      item_target = item_target,
      criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
      criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
      selection_method = selection_method,
      full_fit = full_fit,
      full_reliability = full_reliability,
      mirt_args = mirt_args,
      save_fits = save_fits,
      max_generations = max_generations,
      population_size = population_size,
      mutation_rate = mutation_rate,
      selection_ratio = selection_ratio,
      stop_search_after_generations = stop_search_after_generations,
      include_parents = include_parents,
      reliability_at = reliability_at

    #split to a list
    item_set_results_all = split(item_set_results_all, item_set_results_all$generation)

  #return results
  full_results = item_set_results_all %>% ldf_to_df(by_name = "set") %>% as_tibble()

    full_results = full_results,
    best_sets = full_results %>%
      filter(criterion_value == max(criterion_value), .by = set),
    method = method,
    #add results for full fit, for plotting
    full_fit_stats = compute_fit_stats(
      fit = list(fit = full_fit, scores = full_scores, reliability = full_reliability),
      item_set = 1:ncol(items),
      selection_method = selection_method,
      criterion_vars = criterion_vars,
      full_reliability = full_reliability,
      criterion_cors_full = full_cors,
      save_fits = save_fits


#' Test for differential item functioning (DIF)
#' Tests are done following the `mirt` package approach outlined by Chalmers.
#' @param items Item data to use
#' @param model Item model
#' @param group Group (2 groups at most)
#' @param fscores_pars Any extra scoring parameters used
#' @param messages Show messages
#' @param method Method
#' @param technical Further technical args to pass to mirt
#' @param itemtype Item type
#' @param verbose Verbose output
#' @param DIF_args Arguments to pass to mirt::DIF
#' @param multiple_testing_method Method to use for multiple testing correction, see p.adjust(). Default is "bonferroni"
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to mirt functions
#' @return A list of results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(mirt)
#' n = 1000
#' n_items = 10
#' #slopes
#' set.seed(1)
#' a1 = runif(n_items, min = .5, max = 2)
#' a2 = a1
#' a2[1] = 0 #item doesnt work for this group
#' #intercepts
#' i1 = rnorm(n_items, mean = -0.5, sd = 2)
#' i2 = i1
#' i2[2] = -2 #item much harder for this group
#' #simulate data twice
#' d1 = simdata(
#' a1,
#' i1,
#' N = n,
#' itemtype = "2PL",
#' mu = 0
#' )
#' d2 = simdata(
#' a2,
#' i2,
#' N = n,
#'   itemtype = "2PL",
#'   mu = 1
#' )
#' #combine
#' d = rbind(
#'   d1 %>% set_names("item_" + 1:n_items),
#'   d2 %>% set_names("item_" + 1:n_items)
#' ) %>% as.data.frame()
#' #find the bias
#' DIF_results = DIF_test(d, model = 1, itemtype = "2PL", group = rep(c(1, 2), each = n))
#' DIF_results$effect_size_items$conservative
#' plot(DIF_results$fits$anchor_conservative)
#' plot(DIF_results$fits$anchor_conservative, type = "trace")
DIF_test = function(items, model, group, fscores_pars = list(full.scores = T, full.scores.SE = T), messages = T, method = "EM", technical = list(), itemtype = NULL, verbose = T, DIF_args = NULL, multiple_testing_method = "bonferroni", ...) {

  #deal with missing data in the group var
  group_keep = !is.na(group)
  items = items[group_keep, ]
  group = group[group_keep]

  #make mirt args
  mirt_args = c(list(data = items, model = model, technical = technical, verbose = verbose, method = method, itemtype = itemtype), list(...))
  mirt_args_set2 = mirt_args[!names(mirt_args) %in% c("model", "itemtype")]

  #regular fit joint group
  if (messages) message("There are 8 steps")
  if (messages) message("Step 1: Initial joint fit\n")
  mirt_fit = rlang::exec(mirt::mirt, !!!mirt_args)

  #step 3
  if (!is.character(group) && !is.factor(group)) group = factor(group)
  if (messages) message("\nStep 2: Initial MI fit")
  mirt_fit_MI = rlang::exec(mirt::multipleGroup, !!!mirt_args, group = group, invariance = c('intercepts','slopes', 'free_means', 'free_var'))

  if (messages) message("\nStep 3: Leave one out MI testing")

  if (is.null(DIF_args)) {
    DIF_args = list(
      #test all pars in model
      which.par = mirt::coef(mirt_fit, simplify = T)$items %>% colnames(),
      scheme = "drop"

  #call DIF() with arguments
  DIFs = rlang::exec(
    MGmodel = mirt_fit_MI,
    !!!(mirt_args[!names(mirt_args) %in% c("data", "model", "group", "itemtype")]),

  DIFs = DIFs %>% rownames_to_column("item")
  DIFs$number = 1:nrow(DIFs)

  #adjust p values
  DIFs$p_adj = DIFs$p %>% p.adjust(method = multiple_testing_method)

  #with significant DIF
  DIFs_detected_liberal = DIFs %>% filter(p < .05)
  DIFs_detected_conservative = DIFs %>% filter(p_adj < .05)

  #subset itmes
  items_noDIF_liberal = items %>% dplyr::select(!!setdiff(DIFs$item, DIFs_detected_liberal$item))
  items_noDIF_conservative = items %>% dplyr::select(!!setdiff(DIFs$item, DIFs_detected_conservative$item))

  #subset models
  #if its a g only model, we dont have to do anything
  #but if its complex we need name format or Q matrix format
  #extract loadings matrix
  #convert to Q matrix

  mirt_fit_loadings = mirt_fit@Fit$`F`
  model_noDIF_liberal_Q = mirt_fit_loadings %>% apply(MARGIN = 2, as.logical) %>% magrittr::set_rownames(rownames(mirt_fit_loadings))
  model_noDIF_conservative_Q = model_noDIF_liberal_Q

  #set unused items' rows to FALSE
  model_noDIF_liberal_Q[DIFs_detected_liberal$item, ] = F
  model_noDIF_conservative_Q[DIFs_detected_conservative$item, ] = F

  #fit together without DIF
  if (messages) message("\nStep 4: Fit without DIF items, liberal threshold")
  mirt_fit_noDIF_liberal = rlang::exec(mirt::mirt, model = mirt::mirt.model(model_noDIF_liberal_Q), !!!mirt_args_set2)

  if (messages) message("\nStep 5: Fit without DIF items, conservative threshold")
  mirt_fit_noDIF_conservative = rlang::exec(mirt::mirt, model = mirt::mirt.model(model_noDIF_conservative_Q), !!!mirt_args_set2)

  #with anchors
  if (messages) message("\nStep 6: Fit with anchor items, liberal threshold")
  mirt_fit_anchors_liberal = rlang::exec(mirt::multipleGroup, !!!mirt_args, group = group, invariance = c(items_noDIF_liberal %>% names(), 'free_means', 'free_var'))

  if (messages) message("\nStep 7: Fit with anchor items, conservative threshold")
  mirt_fit_anchors_conservative = rlang::exec(mirt::multipleGroup, !!!mirt_args, group = group, invariance = c(items_noDIF_conservative %>% names(), 'free_means', 'free_var'))

  #get scores
  if (messages) message("\nStep 8: Get scores")

  orig_scores = do.call(what = mirt::fscores, args = c(list(object = mirt_fit), fscores_pars))
  noDIF_scores_liberal = do.call(what = mirt::fscores, args = c(list(object = mirt_fit_noDIF_liberal), fscores_pars))
  noDIF_scores_conservative = do.call(what = mirt::fscores, args = c(list(object = mirt_fit_noDIF_conservative), fscores_pars))
  anchor_scores_liberal = do.call(what = mirt::fscores, args = c(list(object = mirt_fit_anchors_liberal), fscores_pars))
  anchor_scores_conservative = do.call(what = mirt::fscores, args = c(list(object = mirt_fit_anchors_conservative), fscores_pars))

  #in a data frame
  scores = list(
    #original scores
    original = orig_scores,

    #after DIF removal
    noDIF_liberal = noDIF_scores_liberal,
    noDIF_conservative = noDIF_scores_conservative,

    #anchor scores
    anchor_liberal = anchor_scores_liberal,
    anchor_conservative = anchor_scores_conservative

  #effect sizes
  #this only works with 1 dimensional models
  if (ncol(mirt_fit_loadings) == 1) {
    #item level
    effect_size_items = list(
      liberal = mirt::empirical_ES(mirt_fit_anchors_liberal, DIF = T, plot = F),
      conservative = mirt::empirical_ES(mirt_fit_anchors_conservative, DIF = T, plot = F)

    #test level
    effect_size_test = list(
      liberal = mirt::empirical_ES(mirt_fit_anchors_liberal, DIF = F, plot = F),
      conservative = mirt::empirical_ES(mirt_fit_anchors_conservative, DIF = F, plot = F)
  } else {
    #we fill in NULLS to keep structure
    effect_size_items = list(
      liberal = NULL,
      conservative = NULL

    effect_size_test = list(
      liberal = NULL,
      conservative = NULL

    scores = scores,
    fits = list(
      original = mirt_fit,
      noDIF_liberal = mirt_fit_noDIF_liberal,
      noDIF_conservative = mirt_fit_noDIF_conservative,
      anchor_liberal = mirt_fit_anchors_liberal,
      anchor_conservative = mirt_fit_anchors_conservative
    DIF_stats = DIFs,
    effect_size_items = effect_size_items,
    effect_size_test = effect_size_test


#convert from slope to loading
#' Convert from factor loading to discrimination
#' @param x Vector of factor loadings
#' @param logit_scaling Whether to use logit scaling
#' @return A vector of slopes (discrimination)
#' @export
slope_to_loading = function(x, logit_scaling = T) {
  if (logit_scaling) {
    scaling_factor = 3
  } else {
    scaling_factor = 1

  sqrt(x^2 / (x^2 + scaling_factor))

#' Convert from slopes to factor loadings
#' @param x A vector of slopes
#' @param logit_scaling Whether to use logit scaling
#' @return A vector of loadings
#' @export
loading_to_slope = function(x, logit_scaling = T) {
  if (logit_scaling) {
    scaling_factor = 3
  } else {
    scaling_factor = 1

  sqrt((scaling_factor*x^2) / (1 - x^2))

#' Calculate item gaps
#' @param x Item data frame
#' @param group A grouping variable
#' @param return_data_frame Whether you want a data frame back, or just a vector
#' @return a data frame or a vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' X = matrix(rbinom(10000, 1, .5), ncol = 10)
#' group = rbinom(1000, 1, .5)
#' calc_item_gaps(X, group)
calc_item_gaps = function(x, group, return_data_frame = T) {

  #subset to complete cases for group
  no_na = !is.na(group)
  x = x[no_na, ]
  group = group[no_na] %>% as.factor()

  #input check
  assert_that(is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x))
  x = as.data.frame(x)
  assert_that(all(map_lgl(x, is.numeric)))
  assert_that(length(levels(group)) == 2)

  #decide focal group
  focal_group = levels(group)[1]
  alt_group = levels(group)[2]
  message(str_glue("Focal group is {focal_group}. Positive values mean that {focal_group} > {alt_group}"))

  #prep data frame
  res = tibble(
    item_i = 1:ncol(x),
    item = colnames(x),
    focal_pass_rate = map_dbl(x[group == focal_group, ], mean, na.rm = T),
    alt_pass_rate = map_dbl(x[group == alt_group, ], mean, na.rm = T),
    d_gap = qnorm(focal_pass_rate) - qnorm(alt_pass_rate)

  if (return_data_frame) {
  } else {
Deleetdk/kirkegaard documentation built on May 8, 2024, 12:27 a.m.