
Defines functions checkColor Donut

Documented in Donut

#' Create a Donut plot
#' @param values vector of real numbers
#' @param labels character vector, length must be the same as \code{values}
#' @param values.color (optional) colors for \code{values}. If not provided then default colors are generated. If \code{groups} are provided or \code{gradient} set to \code{FALSE}, then generate colors using D3 library. If \code{groups} not provided, then can generate gradient colors when \code{gradient} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param values.display.as (optional) choice of c("percentage", "original"). If "percentage" then values are converted to percentages. If "original" display the original data. The default is "percentage".
#' @param values.display.thres (optional) threshold of the minimum value in percentage that will have a label attached. Range is [0,1] and he default is 0.003.
#' @param values.order (optional) ordering of \code{values} = c("descending", "initial", "alphabetical"). The default is "descending".
#' @param values.decimal.places (optional) non-negative integer. Number of decimal places for \code{values} and group values (if \code{groups} exists).
#' @param values.font.family Font family of values.
#' @param values.font.size Font size of values.
#' @param labels.enabled (optional) enable / disable outer labels. The default is TRUE.
#' @param labels.font.family (optional) font family for \code{labels}. The default is "Arial"
#' @param labels.font.size (optional) desired font size in pixels for \code{labels}. The default is 10.
#' @param labels.font.color (optional) a hex value to set the font color for \code{labels}. The default is "#333333".
#' @param labels.min.font.size (optional) the minimum font size in pixels for labels. The default is 8.
#' @param labels.padding.inner (optional) Exact Padding between rows in a multi line label. Default is 1.
#' @param labels.padding.outer (optional) Padding between different labels. Default is 1.
#' @param labels.inner (optional) boolean. if \code{TRUE} then add inner labels to the pie only if both of these conditions are satisfied: (1) no \code{groups} and (2) \code{values.order} is "descending". The default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param labels.max.width (optional) the maximum label width as a proportion of total width. The default is 0.3.
#' @param labels.max.lines (optional) the maximum number of vertical lines to allow when wrapping labels. The default is 6.
#' @param labels.offset (optional) the initial distance between outer radius and label placement, before adjustments, expressed as a proportion of the outer radius. The default is 0.1.
#' @param labels.advanced.offset.yaxis.max (optional) At top and bottom of donut, labels begin to lift off (based on labels.advanced.liftoff.angle). labels.advanced.offset.yaxis.max controls the max offset (measured at 90 degrees) from the outerRadius. Default value is 100 (pixels).
#' @param labels.advanced.liftoff.angle (optional) labels begin to pull away from the donut at this label, to alleviate crowding in the lower and upper regions of the pie. This setting controls the threshold where this occurs. The angle is computed between the radial line through the segment midpoint and the yaxis origin line. The default is 30.
#' @param labels.advanced.line.max.angle (optional) Labels are hidden if the angle between the labelLine and the radial line through the segment midpoint is greater than labels.advanced.line.max.angle. The default is 60.
#' @param tooltips.max.width (optional) the maximum tooltip width as a proportion of total width. The default is 0.3.
#' @param tooltips.max.height (optional) the maximum tooltip height as a proportion of total height. The default is 0.3.
#' @param tooltips.font.family (optional) font family for tooltips. The default is "Arial".
#' @param tooltips.font.size (optional) font size for tooltips. The default is 10.
#' @param tooltips.font.color (optional) font hex color for tooltips. The default is NULL. If set to NULL, the color will be set to black or white automatically based on the background color.
#' @param tooltips.bg.color (optional) hex color code. The default is NULL. If set to NULL, the background color is the same as the segment.
#' @param tooltips.bg.opacity (optional) tooltip background opacity. A value between 0 and 1. Default is 0.8.
#' @param groups (optional) character vector that specifies the group of \code{values}. Length must be the same as \code{values}. If this is set, the inner region of the pie will be filled to indicate groups.
#' @param groups.font.family (optional) font family for \code{groups}. The default is "Arial".
#' @param groups.font.size (optional) desired font size in pixels for \code{groups}. The default is 10.
#' @param groups.font.color (optional) a hex value to set the font color for \code{groups}. The default is "#333333".
#' @param groups.min.font.size (optional) the minimum font size in pixcels for \code{groups}. The default is 8.
#' @param groups.color (optional) colors for \code{groups}. If not provided then D3 colors are generated.
#' @param groups.order (optional) ordering of \code{groups} = c("descending", "initial", "alphabetical"). The default is "descending".
#' @param groups.labels.enabled (optional) enable / disable group labels. The default is TRUE.
#' @param title (optional) specifies the title text.
#' @param title.font.family (optional) specifies the font family of the title. The default is "arial".
#' @param title.font.size (optional) specifies the font size of the title in pixels. The default is 16.
#' @param title.font.color (optional) a hex value to specify the color of the title. The default is "#333333".
#' @param title.top.padding (optional) integer to set padding for the title. Defaults to 0.
#' @param subtitle is the subtitle text given to the plot
#' @param subtitle.font.family is the font of the subtitle text
#' @param subtitle.font.color is the font color of the subtitle text
#' @param subtitle.font.size is the font size of the subtitle text
#' @param footer is the footer text given at the bottom at the plot
#' @param footer.font.family is the font of the footer text
#' @param footer.font.color is the font color of the footer text
#' @param footer.font.size is the font size of the footer text
#' @param prefix (optional) character, prefix for \code{labels}
#' @param suffix (optional) character, suffix for \code{labels}
#' @param border.color (optional) hex value, or "none"
#' @param gradient (optional) if \code{groups} is not provided, set this parameter to \code{TRUE} will generate gradient colors for \code{values} if \code{values.color} is not provided.
#' @param inner.radius (optional) specifies the pie inner radius as a proportion of the outer radius. Range is [0,1). Default is 0.8.
#' @param log.level (optional) specifies logging verbosity. Default is "info". Options as ["debug", "info", "warn", "error"].
#' @param canvas.size.min (optional). Specifies minimum canvas size to draw a donut. Both height and width must meet or exceed min. Defaults to 50.
#' @param canvas.size.labels.min (optional). Specifies minimum canvas size to draw labels on donut. Both height and width must meet or exceed min. Defaults to 100.

#' @param labels.outer.lines.straightMin TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.straightMax TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMin TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMax TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierMin TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierMax TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentLean TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierLabelLean TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMin TODO document
#' @param labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMax TODO document
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb

#' @examples
#' # load example data
#' data("browser", package = "rhtmlDonut")
#' # select a smaller subset
#' out = sort(values, decreasing = TRUE, index.return = TRUE)
#' values1 = out[[1]][1:30]
#' labels1 = labels[out[[2]]][1:30]
#' groups1 = groups[out[[2]]][1:30]
#' # a donut plot
#' rhtmlDonut::Donut(values = values1,
#'                  labels = labels1,
#'                  values.order = "descending",
#'                  prefix = "", suffix = "%")
#' rhtmlDonut::Donut(values = values1,
#'                  labels = labels1,
#'                  values.order = "descending",
#'                  gradient = TRUE,
#'                  border.color = "#FF0000",
#'                  prefix = "", suffix = "%")
#' # a donut plot with groups
#' rhtmlDonut::Donut(values = values1,
#'                  labels = labels1,
#'                  groups = groups1,
#'                  prefix = "", suffix = "%")

#' @return a donut plot
#' @export
Donut <- function(
    values.color = NULL,
    values.order = "descending",
    values.font.family = "arial",
    values.font.size = 10,
    values.decimal.places = 1,
    values.display.as = "percentage",
    values.display.thres = 0.003,
    labels.enabled = TRUE,
    labels.font.family = "arial",
    labels.font.color = "#333333",
    labels.font.size = 10,
    labels.min.font.size = 8,
    labels.padding.inner = 1,
    labels.padding.outer = 1,
    labels.max.width = 0.3,
    labels.max.lines = 6,
    labels.offset = 0.1,
    labels.advanced.offset.yaxis.max = NULL,
    labels.advanced.liftoff.angle = 30,
    labels.advanced.line.max.angle = 80,

    # NB this means "use bezier for anything with a label line angle of over 0"
    labels.outer.lines.straightMin = 360,
    labels.outer.lines.straightMax = 360,
    labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMin = 360,
    labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMax = 360,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierMin = 0,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierMax = 360,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentLean = 0,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierLabelLean = 0,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMin = 0.25,
    labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMax = 0.75,

    tooltips.max.width = 0.3,
    tooltips.max.height = 0.3,
    tooltips.font.family = "Arial",
    tooltips.font.size = 10,
    tooltips.font.color = NULL,
    tooltips.bg.color = NULL,
    tooltips.bg.opacity = 0.8,
    groups = NULL,
    groups.color = NULL,
    groups.order = "initial",
    groups.font.family = "arial",
    groups.font.color = "#333333",
    groups.font.size = 10,
    groups.min.font.size = 8,
    groups.labels.enabled = TRUE,
    labels.inner = FALSE,
    footer = "",
    footer.font.family = "Arial",
    footer.font.size = 8,
    footer.font.color = rgb(44, 44, 44, maxColorValue = 255),
    title = NULL,
    title.font.family = "arial",
    title.font.size = 16,
    title.font.color = "#333333",
    title.top.padding = 0,
    subtitle = "",
    subtitle.font.family = "Arial",
    subtitle.font.size = 12,
    subtitle.font.color = rgb(44, 44, 44, maxColorValue = 255),
    prefix = NULL,
    suffix = NULL,
    border.color = "#ffffff",
    gradient = FALSE, # not used by pieChart.R
    inner.radius = 0.8,
    log.level = "info",
    canvas.size.min = 50,
    canvas.size.labels.min = 100) {

    # What does the logic between here and rhtmlDonut do ?
    #  * validate and enforce format of values and labels
    #  * compute group sums
    #  * ensure there are enough group colors
    #  * compute group counts
    #  * reorder values and groups depending on order "descending" v "alphabetical" v "initial"

    if (is.null(values)) { stop("values must not be empty") }
    if (is.null(labels)) { stop("labels must not be empty") }
    if (is.character(inner.radius) && grepl("^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?%$", inner.radius))
        inner.radius <- as.numeric(sub("%", "", inner.radius)) / 100
    if (inner.radius >= 1 || inner.radius < 0) { stop("inner.radius must be 0 or greater and less than 1") }

    if (!is.vector(values)) {
        if (is.matrix(values) || is.data.frame(values))
            stop("values must be a vector-like object")
        if (is.list(values))
            values <- unlist(values)
            stop("Data type of values is not recognized")

    if (all(is.na(values)))
        stop("A donut/pie chart could not be created as the input values ",
             "are all missing.")

    if (all(values == 0))
        stop("A donut/pie chart could not be created as the input values ",
             "are all zero.")

    if (!is.vector(labels)) {
        if (is.matrix(labels) || is.data.frame(labels))
            stop("labels must be a vector-like object")
        if (is.list(labels))
            labels <- unlist(labels)
        else if (is.factor(labels))
            labels <- as.character(labels)
            stop("Data type of labels is not recognized")

    if (length(labels) != length(values))
        stop("length of labels and values must be equal")

    if (!is.null(values.color)) {
        if (length(values.color) != length(values))
            stop("length of values.color and values must be equal")
        values.color = as.array(values.color)
    if (length(values) > 5000)
        stop("A donut/pie chart could not be created with more than 5000 values. ",
             "Ensure that the input data is correct and correctly aggregated.")
    if (!is.null(groups))
        groups = as.array(groups)
    if (!is.null(groups.color)) {
        groups.color = as.array(groups.color)
        checkColor(groups.color, "outer ring")
    if (!is.null(labels.font.color))
        checkColor(labels.font.color, "labels")
    if (!is.null(tooltips.font.color))
        checkColor(tooltips.font.color, "hovertext")
    if (!is.null(tooltips.bg.color))
        checkColor(tooltips.bg.color, "hovertext background")
    if (!is.null(groups.font.color))
        checkColor(groups.font.color, "group labels")
    if (!is.null(title.font.color))
        checkColor(title.font.color, "title")
    if (!is.null(subtitle.font.color))
        checkColor(subtitle.font.color, "subtitle")
    if (!is.null(footer.font.color))
        checkColor(footer.font.color, "footer")
    if (!is.null(border.color) && border.color != "None")
        checkColor(border.color, "border")

    val.perc = values/sum(values)
    vmax = max(val.perc)
    n = length(values)

    if (!is.null(groups)) {
        if (is.factor(groups))
            groups <- as.character(groups)
        groups.names = unique(groups)
        groups.sums = rep(0, length(groups.names))
        ng = length(groups.names)
        g.order = 1:ng

        # order the group variable
        if (groups.order == "initial") {
            # a linear scan search, might be slow if data is too large
            for (i in 1:ng) {
                groups.sums[i] = sum(values[groups == groups.names[i]])

        } else if (groups.order == "descending"){
            # a linear scan search, might be slow if data is too large
            for (i in 1:ng) {
                groups.sums[i] = sum(values[groups == groups.names[i]])
            out = sort(groups.sums, decreasing = T, index.return = T)
            groups.sums = out[[1]]
            g.order = out[[2]]
            groups.names = groups.names[out[[2]]]

        } else if (groups.order == "alphabetical") {
            out = sort(groups.names, index.return = T)
            groups.names = out[[1]]
            g.order = out[[2]]
            # a linear scan search, might be slow if data is too large
            for (i in 1:ng) {
                groups.sums[i] = sum(values[groups == groups.names[i]])

        if (!is.null(groups.color)) {
            if (length(groups.color) < ng) {
                for (i in 1:(ng-length(groups.color))) {
                    groups.color = c(groups.color, groups.color[i])
            groups.color = groups.color[g.order]

        hash = new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv(), size=ng)
        for (i in 1:ng) {
            assign(groups.names[i], i, hash)

        groups.counts.temp = table(groups)
        groups.lab = names(groups.counts.temp)
        groups.counts = rep(0, ng)
        for (i in 1:ng) {
            idx = get(groups.lab[i], hash)
            groups.counts[idx] = groups.counts.temp[i]

        groups.perc = groups.sums/sum(values)

        groups.sums.each = rep(0, length(groups))
        groups.size.each = rep(0, length(groups))

        if (values.order == "descending"){
            for (i in 1:n) {
                idx = get(groups[i], hash)
                groups.sums.each[i] = idx * (vmax+1) * 10 - val.perc[i]
                # groups.size.each[i] = groups.bins[idx]
            v.order = sort(groups.sums.each, decreasing = F, index.return = T)
            values = values[v.order[[2]]]
            labels = labels[v.order[[2]]]
            groups = groups[v.order[[2]]]
            if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                values.color = values.color[v.order[[2]]]
        } else if (values.order == "alphabetical") {
            values.group.idx = rep(0, n)
            labels.group.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)
            values.group.mat = matrix(rep(-1, n*ng), nrow = ng)
            if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                values.col.group.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)

            groups.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)
            c = rep(1, ng)

            for (i in 1:n) {
                values.group.idx[i] = get(groups[i], hash)
                labels.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = labels[i]
                values.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = values[i]
                if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                    values.col.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = values.color[i]
                groups.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = groups[i]
                c[values.group.idx[i]] = c[values.group.idx[i]] + 1

            values = c()
            labels = c()
            groups = c()
            if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                values.color = c()
                vc.not.null = TRUE
            } else {
                vc.not.null = FALSE

            for (i in 1:ng) {
                labels.group.v = labels.group.mat[i, labels.group.mat[i,] != ""]
                values.group.v = values.group.mat[i, values.group.mat[i,] != -1]
                groups.v = groups.mat[i, groups.mat[i,] != ""]

                out = sort(labels.group.v, index.return = T)
                labels.group.v = out[[1]]
                values.group.v = values.group.v[out[[2]]]
                groups.v = groups.v[out[[2]]]
                values = c(values, values.group.v)
                labels = c(labels, labels.group.v)
                groups = c(groups, groups.v)
                if (vc.not.null) {
                    values.col.group.v = values.col.group.mat[i, values.col.group.mat[i,] != ""]
                    values.col.group.v = values.col.group.v[out[[2]]]
                    values.color = c(values.color, values.col.group.v)

        } else if (values.order == "initial") {
            values.group.idx = rep(0, n)
            labels.group.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)
            values.group.mat = matrix(rep(-1, n*ng), nrow = ng)
            groups.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)
            if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                values.col.group.mat = matrix(rep("", n*ng), nrow = ng)
            c = rep(1, ng)

            for (i in 1:n) {
                values.group.idx[i] = get(groups[i], hash)
                labels.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = labels[i]
                values.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = values[i]
                groups.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = groups[i]
                if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                    values.col.group.mat[values.group.idx[i], c[values.group.idx[i]]] = values.color[i]
                c[values.group.idx[i]] = c[values.group.idx[i]] + 1

            values = c()
            labels = c()
            groups = c()
            if (!is.null(values.color)) {
                values.color = c()
                vc.not.null = TRUE
            } else {
                vc.not.null = FALSE

            for (i in 1:ng) {
                labels.group.v = labels.group.mat[i, labels.group.mat[i,] != ""]
                values.group.v = values.group.mat[i, values.group.mat[i,] != -1]
                groups.v = groups.mat[i, groups.mat[i,] != ""]
                values = c(values, values.group.v)
                labels = c(labels, labels.group.v)
                groups = c(groups, groups.v)
                if (vc.not.null) {
                    values.col.group.v = values.col.group.mat[i, values.col.group.mat[i,] != ""]
                    values.color = c(values.color, values.col.group.v)

    } else {

        if (values.order == "initial") {
            # do nothing
            order.index = 1:length(values)
        } else if (values.order == "descending"){
            v.order = sort(values, decreasing = T, index.return = T)
            values = v.order[[1]]
            order.index = v.order[[2]]
            labels = labels[v.order[[2]]]
        } else if (values.order == "alphabetical") {
            v.order = sort(labels, decreasing = F, index.return = T)
            labels = v.order[[1]]
            order.index = v.order[[2]]
            values = values[v.order[[2]]]

        if (!is.null(values.color)) {
            values.color = values.color[order.index]

        groups.names = NULL
        groups.counts = NULL
        groups.sums = NULL

    if (!is.null(values))
        values = as.array(values)
    if (!is.null(labels))
        labels = as.array(labels)
    if (!is.null(values.color))
        values.color = as.array(values.color)
    if (!is.null(groups))
        groups = as.array(groups)
    if (!is.null(groups.color))
        groups.color = as.array(groups.color)
    if (!is.null(groups.sums))
        groups.sums = as.array(groups.sums)
    if (!is.null(groups.counts))
        groups.counts = as.array(groups.counts)
    if (!is.null(groups.names))
        groups.names = as.array(groups.names)

    # create a list that contains the settings
    settings <- list(
        valuesColor = values.color,
        valuesDisplay = values.display.as,
        valuesDec = values.decimal.places,
        labelsEnabled = labels.enabled,
        labelsFont = labels.font.family,
        labelsSize = labels.font.size,
        labelsColor = labels.font.color,
        labelsMinFontSize = labels.min.font.size,
        useInnerLabels = labels.inner,
        labelsInnerPadding = labels.padding.inner,
        labelsOuterPadding = labels.padding.outer,
        labelsMaxWidth = labels.max.width,
        labelsMaxLines = labels.max.lines,
        labelOffset = labels.offset,
        labelMaxVerticalOffset = labels.advanced.offset.yaxis.max,
        labelLiftOffAngle = labels.advanced.liftoff.angle,
        labelMaxLineAngle = labels.advanced.line.max.angle,

        labelsOuterLinesStraightMin = labels.outer.lines.straightMin,
        labelsOuterLinesStraightMax = labels.outer.lines.straightMax,
        labelsOuterLinesBasisInterpolatedMin = labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMin,
        labelsOuterLinesBasisInterpolatedMax = labels.outer.lines.basisInterpolatedMax,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierMin = labels.outer.lines.bezierMin,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierMax = labels.outer.lines.bezierMax,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierSegmentLean = labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentLean,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierLabelLean = labels.outer.lines.bezierLabelLean,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierSegmentPullInProportionMin = labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMin,
        labelsOuterLinesBezierSegmentPullInProportionMax = labels.outer.lines.bezierSegmentPullInProportionMax,

        tooltipMaxWidth = tooltips.max.width,
        tooltipMaxHeight = tooltips.max.height,
        tooltipFontFamily = tooltips.font.family,
        tooltipFontSize = tooltips.font.size,
        tooltipFontColor = tooltips.font.color,
        tooltipBackgroundColor = tooltips.bg.color,
        tooltipBackgroundOpacity = tooltips.bg.opacity,
        groups = groups, # length = n
        groupsFont = groups.font.family, # string
        groupsFontColor = groups.font.color,
        groupsSize = groups.font.size, # scalar
        groupsColor = groups.color, # length = length(unique(groups))
        groupsNames = groups.names,
        groupsSums = groups.sums, # length = length(unique(groups))
        groupsCounts = groups.counts, # number of items in each group
        groupLabelsEnabled = groups.labels.enabled,
        groupLabelsMinFontSize = groups.min.font.size,
        footer = footer,
        footerFontFamily = footer.font.family,
        footerFontSize = footer.font.size,
        footerFontColor = footer.font.color,
        title = title,
        titleFontFamily = title.font.family,
        titleFontSize = title.font.size,
        titleFontColor = title.font.color,
        titleTopPadding = title.top.padding,
        subtitle = subtitle,
        subtitleFontFamily = subtitle.font.family,
        subtitleFontSize = subtitle.font.size,
        subtitleFontColor = subtitle.font.color,
        prefix = prefix,
        suffix = suffix,
        gradient = gradient,
        innerRadius = inner.radius,
        minProportion = values.display.thres,
        borderColor = border.color,
        logLevel = log.level,
        canvasSizeDrawThreshold = canvas.size.min,
        canvasSizeDrawLabelThreshold = canvas.size.labels.min

    # pass the data and settings using 'x'
    x <- list(
        values = values,
        labels = labels,
        settings = settings

    # create the widget
        name = "rhtmlDonut",
        sizingPolicy = htmlwidgets::sizingPolicy(
            padding = 0,
            browser.fill = TRUE, # resizing will not work if FALSE
            viewer.fill = TRUE
        package = "rhtmlDonut"

checkColor <- function(colors, input.name = NULL)
    is.invalid <- !(gsub(" ", "", tolower(colors)) %in% .html.colors) &
                  !grepl("^#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$", colors) &
                  !grepl("^#[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$", colors)

    if (any(is.invalid))
        n.invalid <- sum(is.invalid)
        msg.prefix <- paste0("The following input ",
                             ngettext(n.invalid, "color", "colors"))
        if (!is.null(input.name))
            msg.prefix <- paste0(msg.prefix, " for the ", input.name)

        stop(msg.prefix, ngettext(n.invalid, " is", " are"),
             " invalid: ",
             paste0(colors[is.invalid], collapse = ", "),
             ". Colors need to be a valid HTML color ",
             "(https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_names.asp) or a valid ",
             "hex color consisting of the character # followed by ",
             "either 3 or 6 characters from 0-9 and A-F, e.g., #ABC123.")

.html.colors <- c("aliceblue", "antiquewhite", "aqua", "aquamarine",
                  "azure", "beige", "bisque", "black", "blanchedalmond",
                  "blue", "blueviolet", "brown", "burlywood", "cadetblue",
                  "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerblue",
                  "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkblue", "darkcyan",
                  "darkgoldenrod", "darkgray", "darkgrey", "darkgreen",
                  "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "darkorange",
                  "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen",
                  "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey",
                  "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "deeppink", "deepskyblue",
                  "dimgray", "dimgrey", "dodgerblue", "firebrick",
                  "floralwhite", "forestgreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro",
                  "ghostwhite", "gold", "goldenrod", "gray", "grey", "green",
                  "greenyellow", "honeydew", "hotpink", "indianred", "indigo",
                  "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderblush", "lawngreen",
                  "lemonchiffon", "lightblue", "lightcoral", "lightcyan",
                  "lightgoldenrodyellow", "lightgray", "lightgrey",
                  "lightgreen", "lightpink", "lightsalmon", "lightseagreen",
                  "lightskyblue", "lightslategray", "lightslategrey",
                  "lightsteelblue", "lightyellow", "lime", "limegreen",
                  "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumaquamarine",
                  "mediumblue", "mediumorchid", "mediumpurple",
                  "mediumseagreen", "mediumslateblue", "mediumspringgreen",
                  "mediumturquoise", "mediumvioletred", "midnightblue",
                  "mintcream", "mistyrose", "moccasin", "navajowhite",
                  "navy", "oldlace", "olive", "olivedrab", "orange",
                  "orangered", "orchid", "palegoldenrod", "palegreen",
                  "paleturquoise", "palevioletred", "papayawhip", "peachpuff",
                  "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderblue", "purple",
                  "rebeccapurple", "red", "rosybrown", "royalblue",
                  "saddlebrown", "salmon", "sandybrown", "seagreen",
                  "seashell", "sienna", "silver", "skyblue", "slateblue",
                  "slategray", "slategrey", "snow", "springgreen", "steelblue",
                  "tan", "teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet",
                  "wheat", "white", "whitesmoke", "yellow", "yellowgreen")
Displayr/rhtmlDonut documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 2:41 a.m.