
Defines functions optimize_match get_id get_authority resolve_sci_taxa

Documented in get_authority get_id optimize_match resolve_sci_taxa

#' Resolve scientific names to an authority
#' @description
#'     Resolve taxa to preferred authorities and get associated IDs.
#' @param x
#'     (character) A vector of taxa names.
#' @param data.sources
#'     (numeric) An ordered vector of authority IDs to be queried (
#'     \code{view_taxa_authorities()} lists currently supported authorities).
#'     Taxa are resolved to authorities in the order listed. If an authority
#'     and ID match cannot be made, then the next will be queried.
#' @param path
#'     (character) Path to directory containing taxa_map.csv. This tracks
#'     provenance throughout the data cleaning process. Create this file with
#'     \code{create_taxa_map()}.
#' @return
#'     (data frame; taxa_map.csv) If using \code{x}, then a data frame
#'     containing the input taxa, accepted taxa name, rank, authority,
#'     authority ID, and score are returned. If using \code{path}, then an
#'     updated version of taxa_map.csv will be returned to \code{path} and
#'     a data frame of taxa_map.csv to the R environment.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   # Input a list of taxa
#'   r <- resolve_sci_taxa(
#'     x = c("Cupressus macrocarpa", "Oncorhynchus tshawytscha", "Poa pratensis"),
#'     data.sources = c(3,11))
#'   r
#'   # Input taxa_map.csv
#'   data <- data.table::fread(file = system.file('example_data.txt', package = 'taxonomyCleanr'))
#'   tm <- create_taxa_map(path = tempdir(), x = data, col = "Species")
#'   r <- resolve_sci_taxa(data.sources = 3, path = tempdir())
#'   tm <- read_taxa_map(path = tempdir())
#' }
#' @export

resolve_sci_taxa <- function(x = NULL, data.sources, path = NULL) {

  validate_arguments("resolve_sci_taxa", as.list(environment()))

  # Read taxa_map.csv -------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(path)){
    taxa_map <- read_taxa_map(path)

  # Create taxa list ----------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(path)) {
    taxa_list <- data.frame(
      index = seq(nrow(taxa_map)),
      taxa = rep(NA_character_, nrow(taxa_map)),
      stringsAsFactors = F)
    taxa_list$taxa <- taxa_map$taxa_raw
    use_i <- !is.na(taxa_map$taxa_trimmed)
    taxa_list$taxa[use_i] <- taxa_map$taxa_trimmed[use_i]
    use_i <- !is.na(taxa_map$taxa_replacement)
    taxa_list$taxa[use_i] <- taxa_map$taxa_replacement[use_i]
    use_i <- !is.na(taxa_map$taxa_removed) | !is.na(taxa_map$authority_id)
    taxa_list <- taxa_list[!use_i, ]
  } else {
    taxa_list <- data.frame(
      index = seq(length(x)),
      taxa = rep(NA_character_, length(x)),
      stringsAsFactors = F)
    taxa_list$taxa <- x

  # Optimize match ------------------------------------------------------------

  r <- lapply(
    data.sources = data.sources)

  # Update taxa_map.csv -----------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(path)) {
    r <- data.frame(
        nrow = length(r),
        byrow = T),
      stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(r) <- c(
    r$taxa <- unique(taxa_list$taxa)
    rj <- dplyr::full_join(r, taxa_list, by = "taxa")
    taxa_map[rj$index, c("taxa_clean", "rank", "authority", "authority_id", "score")] <-
      dplyr::select(rj, -taxa, -index)
    taxa_map$rank <- stringr::str_to_title(taxa_map$rank)
  } else {
    r <- data.frame(
        nrow = length(r),
        byrow = T),
      stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(r) <- c(
    taxa_map <- cbind(taxa_list, r)

  # Document provenance -----------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(path)) {
    lib_path <- dirname(
                  package = 'taxonomyCleanr'))
    if (!missing(path)){
      if (path != lib_path){
        write_taxa_map(x = taxa_map, path = path)

  # Return --------------------------------------------------------------------



#' Get taxonomic authority
#' @description
#'     Use fuzzy searching in the Global Names Resolver to correct spelling
#'     and locate appropriate authorities.
#' @usage
#'     get_authority(taxon, data.source)
#' @param taxon
#'     A character string representation of the taxon to search on.
#' @param data.source
#'     A numeric ID corresponding to the data source (i.e. taxonomic authority)
#'     you'd like to query. Run `view_authorities` to get valid data source
#'     options and ID's.
#' @return
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{resolved_name} Resolved taxon name.
#'         \item{authority} Name of the authority searched.
#'         \item{score} Relative match score provided by the authority.
#'     }
#' @keywords internal
get_authority <- function(taxon, data.source){

  # Tell user what authority is being queried
  gnr_list <- load_gnr_datasources()
  use_i <- gnr_list[ , 'id'] == data.source
  message('Searching ', gnr_list[use_i, 'title'],' for "',taxon,'"')

  # User Global Names Resolver to see if the taxon can be found in data.source
  resp <- suppressWarnings(
    taxize::gnr_resolve(sci = taxon,
                        data_source_ids = as.character(data.source),
                        resolve_once = TRUE,
                        canonical = TRUE,
                        best_match_only = TRUE))
  # Parse response and return and first item found
  if (nrow(resp) != 0) {
    res <- list(resolved_name = resp$matched_name2[1],
                authority = gnr_list$title[use_i],
                score = resp$score[1])
  } else {
    res <- list(resolved_name =  NA_character_,
                authority = NA_character_,
                score = NA_character_)

#' Get taxonomic identifiers
#' @description
#'     Get a taxonomic identifier for a taxon name and corresponding authority.
#' @usage
#'     get_id(taxon, authority)
#' @param taxon
#'     A character string specifying taxon to get the ID for.
#' @param authority
#'     A character string specifying the authority from which to get the ID.
#' @return
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{taxon_id} An authority ID for the taxon.
#'         \item{rank} The taxonomic rank of the taxon.
#'     }
#' @keywords internal
get_id <- function(taxon, authority){

  taxon_id <- NA_character_
  taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  # Get ID and rank from taxon and authority ----------------------------------

  # Get authority and query for ID and rank

  # # Catalogue of Life
  # if ((!is.na(authority)) & (authority == 'Catalogue of Life')){
  #   response <- taxize::get_ids_(
  #     taxon,
  #     'col'
  #   )
  #   if (nrow(response[[1]][[1]]) > 0){
  #     response <- as.data.frame(response$col)
  #     use_i <- response[ , 2] == taxon
  #     response <- response[use_i, ]
  #     if (nrow(response) > 0){
  #       taxon_id <- as.character(response[1, 1])
  #       taxon_rank <- response[1, 3]
  #     } else {
  #       taxon_id <- NA_character_
  #       taxon_rank <- NA_character_
  #     }
  #   } else {
  #     taxon_id <- NA_character_
  #     taxon_rank <- NA_character_
  #   }
  # }

  # ITIS
  if ((!is.na(authority)) & (authority == 'ITIS')) {
    response <- as.data.frame(
    if (nrow(response) > 0) {
      use_i <- response[ , 'scientificName'] == taxon
      response <- response[use_i, ]
      if (nrow(response) > 0) {
        taxon_id <- as.character(response[1, 'tsn'])
        taxon_rank <- taxize::itis_taxrank(as.numeric(taxon_id))
      } else {
        taxon_id <- NA_character_
        taxon_rank <- NA_character_
    } else {
      taxon_id <- NA_character_
      taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  # World Register of Marine Species
  if ((!is.na(authority)) & (authority == 'World Register of Marine Species')){
    response <- taxize::get_wormsid_(
      searchtype = 'scientific',
      accepted = F,
      ask = F,
      messages = F)
    if (!is.null(response[[1]])) {
      response <- as.data.frame(response[[1]])
      use_i <- response[ , 2] == taxon
      response <- response[use_i, ]
      if (nrow(response) > 0) {
        taxon_id <- as.character(response[ , 'AphiaID'])
        response <- taxize::classification(taxon_id, db = 'worms')
        response <- as.data.frame(response[[1]])
        taxon_rank <- response[nrow(response), 2]
      } else {
        taxon_id <- NA_character_
        taxon_rank <- NA_character_
    } else {
      taxon_id <- NA_character_
      taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  # GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
  if ((!is.na(authority)) & (authority == 'GBIF Backbone Taxonomy')){

    response <- taxize::get_ids_(
    if (nrow(response[[1]][[1]]) > 0){
      response <- as.data.frame(response[[1]][[1]])
      use_i <- response[ , 6] == taxon
      response <- response[use_i, ]
      if (nrow(response) > 0){
        taxon_id <- as.character(response[1, 'usagekey'])
        response <- taxize::classification(taxon_id, db = 'gbif')
        response <- as.data.frame(response[[1]])
        taxon_rank <- response[nrow(response), 2]
      } else {
        taxon_id <- NA_character_
        taxon_rank <- NA_character_
    } else {
      taxon_id <- NA_character_
      taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  # Tropicos - Missouri Botanical Garden
  if ((!is.na(authority)) & (authority == 'Tropicos - Missouri Botanical Garden')){
    response <- taxize::get_ids_(
    if (nrow(response[[1]][[1]]) > 0){
      response <- as.data.frame(response[[1]][[1]])
      use_i <- response[ , 2] == taxon
      response <- response[use_i, ]
      if (nrow(response) > 0){
        taxon_id <- as.character(response[1, 'nameid'])
        response <- taxize::tax_rank(taxon_id, db = 'tropicos')
        taxon_rank <- response[[1]]
      } else {
        taxon_id <- NA_character_
        taxon_rank <- NA_character_
    } else {
      taxon_id <- NA_character_
      taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  # Return --------------------------------------------------------------------

  if (!exists('taxon_id')){
    taxon_id <- NA_character_
  if (!exists('taxon_rank')){
    taxon_rank <- NA_character_
  if (is.null(taxon_id)){
    taxon_id <- NA_character_
  if (is.null(taxon_rank)){
    taxon_rank <- NA_character_

  list('taxon_id' = taxon_id,
       'taxon_rank' = taxon_rank)


#' Optimize match
#' @description
#'     Optimize the taxon match to an authority based on completeness of
#'     returned information. A complete return contains both an authority
#'     name and an authority ID for a taxon.
#' @usage
#'     optimize_match(x, data.sources)
#' @param x
#'     (character) A character string specifying the taxon.
#' @param data.sources
#'     (numeric) A numeric vector of values specifying the authorities to search across.
#'     Run `view_authorities` to get valid data source options and ID's.
#' @return
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item{taxa_clean} Resolved name for input taxon.
#'         \item{rank} Rank of the input taxon.
#'         \item{authority} Best authority match for input taxon.
#'         \item{authority_id} Corresponding authority ID for the input taxon.
#'         \item{score} Authority match score for input taxon.
#'     }
#' @keywords internal
optimize_match <- function(x, data.sources){

  # Initialize output
  output <- data.frame(
    taxa_clean = rep(NA_character_, length(data.sources)),
    rank = rep(NA_character_, length(data.sources)),
    authority = rep(NA_character_, length(data.sources)),
    authority_id = rep(NA_character_, length(data.sources)),
    score = rep(NA_character_, length(data.sources)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Iterate overall sources and stop on the first match
  j <- 1
  while (j != (length(data.sources)+1)) {

    # Does taxon resolve to data.sources[j]?
    gnrr <- try(
      get_authority(taxon = x,
                    data.source = as.character(data.sources[j])),
      silent = TRUE)

    # Try for ID and rank if GNR didn't error, then add results
    if (class(gnrr) != "try-error") {
      id <- try(
          get_id(taxon = x, authority = gnrr$authority)),
        silent = TRUE)
      if (class(id) != "try-error") {
        output$authority_id[j] <- id$taxon_id
        output$rank[j] <- id$taxon_rank
        output$taxa_clean[j] <- x
        output$authority[j] <- gnrr$authority
        output$score[j] <- gnrr$score

    # Continue with next data.source if no results were found in this one
    if (!is.na(output$authority_id[j])) {
      j <- length(data.sources) + 1
    } else {
      j <- j + 1

  # Return the first match otherwise NAs
  resolved <- !is.na(output$authority_id)
  if (any(resolved)) {
    output <- output[resolved, ]
  } else {
    output <- output[1, ]
EDIorg/taxonomyCleanr documentation built on April 9, 2023, 2:43 a.m.