
Defines functions do.dual.decon

Documented in do.dual.decon

#' do.dual.decon - internal
#' Performs the core functionality of LRCDE - cell type-specific differential expression detection.
#' This function does the actual linear regression deconvolution per group.
#' @author Edmund R Glass, \email{Edmund.Glass@@gmail.com}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/ERGlass/lrcde.dev}
#' @param het.sub the samples (rows) by genes (columns) heterogeneous gene expression matrix.
#' Should contain non-median-centered, non-standardized, positive values. log2-transformation recommended. Required
#' @param cell.props  the cell proportion matrix, cell types (rows) by samples (columns). 
#' The proportion should be relative, e.g., sum up to ~1 per sample. Required
#' @param groups a vector of 1's and 2's indicating group assignment. 
#' Should correspond to the sample order in het.sub and cell.props. Required
#' @param medCntr boolean indicatinng whether to median center difference estimates. Default - FALSE
#' @param stdz boolean indicating whether to standardize difference estimates. Default - FALSE
#' @param nonNeg boolean indicating whether to force cell type-specific expression estimates to be non-negative. Default - TRUE
#' @return Returns a list containing group-wise difference estimates, regression residuals, lm objects per group, 
#' and standard errors of cell type-specific expression estimates.  
#' Also returns a two item list containing results of Breusch-Pagan test.
#' @keywords Deconvolution cell type-specific differential expression detection power analysis
#' @details
#' Here is where the actual group-wise linear regressions are performed.
#' This function is designed to handle a single genomic site at a time; 
#' e.g.: a single vector containing het.suberogeneous observations for controls and cases.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' do.dual.decon(het.sub.obs, cell.props, groups, medCntr = FALSE, stdz = FALSE, nonNeg =TRUE)
#' }

do.dual.decon <- function(het.sub, cell.props, groups, medCntr = FALSE, 
                          stdz = FALSE, nonNeg = TRUE) {
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  unique.groups <- unique(groups)
  n             <- group.wise.sample.size(groups)
  n1            <- n[1]
  n2            <- n[2]

  numgene       <- ncol(het.sub)
  numcell       <- ncol(cell.props)
  deconv        <- list()
  # Group-wise linear regression: print(curset)
  for (curset in unique.groups) {
    deconv[[curset]] <- lm(het.sub[groups == curset, ] ~ 0 + cell.props[groups == curset, ])  # through the origin
  # Cell type specific expression estimates per group:
  cell.expr.ests.1 <- deconv[[1]]$coefficients  # Cell-type specific expression estimates from group 1
  cell.expr.ests.2 <- deconv[[2]]$coefficients  # Cell-type specific expression estimates from group 2
  # We use the residuals to calculate MSE per group per regression:
  resids1 <- deconv[[1]]$residuals
  resids2 <- deconv[[2]]$residuals

  if (dim(het.sub)[2] == 1) {
    # In case we're only looking at one site, make sure diff.ests is 2 dimensional
    resids1           <- as.data.frame(resids1, ncol = 1)
    colnames(resids1) <- colnames(het.sub)
    resids2           <- as.data.frame(resids2, ncol = 1)
    colnames(resids2) <- colnames(het.sub)
  resids <- rbind(resids1, resids2)
  se1 <- ls.diag(deconv[[1]])$std.err  # std err of Cell-type specific expression estimates group 1
  se2 <- ls.diag(deconv[[2]])$std.err  # std err of Cell-type specific expression estimates group 2
  if (nonNeg) {
    # Force cell-type specific expression estimates to be non-negative.
    cell.expr.ests.1[cell.expr.ests.1 < 0] <- 0.000000001
    cell.expr.ests.2[cell.expr.ests.2 < 0] <- 0.000000001
  # Get group-wise difference estimates:
  diff.ests <- array(dim = c(numcell, numgene))
  diff.ests <- cell.expr.ests.2 - cell.expr.ests.1  # Difference ests
  if (stdz) {
    se   <- ((n1 * se1^2 + n2 * se2^2)/(n1 + n2))^(1/2)
    s0.r <- apply(se, 1, quantile, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
    for (i in 1:numcell) {
      # diff.ests[i ] = diff.ests[i ]/(se[i] + s0.r[i])
      diff.ests[i, ] <- diff.ests[i, ]/(se[i, ] + s0.r[i])
  if (medCntr) {
    for (i in 1:numcell) {
      # diff.ests[i] = diff.ests[i] - median(diff.ests[i])
      diff.ests[i, ] <- diff.ests[i, ] - median(diff.ests[i, ])
  if (dim(het.sub)[2] == 1) {
    # In case we're only looking at one site, make sure diff.ests is 2
    # dimensional
    diff.ests <- as.data.frame(diff.ests, ncol = 1)
  colnames(diff.ests) <- colnames(het.sub)
  rownames(diff.ests) <- colnames(cell.props)
  rownames(resids)    <- rownames(het.sub)
  return(list(diff.ests, resids, deconv, se1, se2))
}  # end do.dual.decon
ERGlass/lrcde.dev documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:09 p.m.