
Defines functions compare_14C_PDF SummariseEmpiricalPDF calibrate_14C_age

Documented in calibrate_14C_age compare_14C_PDF SummariseEmpiricalPDF

#' @title Calibrate Radiocarbon Dates with Bchron::BchronCalibrate
#' @description Calibrates a set of 14C ages using BchronCalibrate and
#'   optionally summarises the empirical PDFs of calendar age to mean and
#'   standard deviation and appends these to the input dataframe
#' @param dat A dataframe containing the radiocarbon dates and uncertainties
#' @param age.14C Name of column with 14C ages, Default: 'age.14C'
#' @param age.14C.se Name of column with 1se 14C age uncertainty, Default:
#'   'age.14C.se'
#' @param cal_curve Calibration curve, Default: 'intcal13', see
#'   \code{\link[Bchron]{BchronCalibrate}}
#' @param return.type Return the ammended dataframe or additionally the list of
#'   PDFs, Default: 'dat'
#' @param offset Name of offset column, e.g. reservoir age. If column does not 
#' exist, no offset is applied. 
#' @param offset.se Name of offset uncertainty column, e.g. sigmaDelatR. If
#'  column does not exist, no offset uncertainty is applied.
#' @return A dataframe or list
#' @details A wrapper for Bchron::Bchroncalibrate
#' @examples
#' # With defaults
#' dat <- data.frame(age.14C = c(2000, 20000),
#'                   age.14C.se = c(100, 200))
#' calibrate_14C_age(dat)
#' # Change the calibration
#' calibrate_14C_age(dat, cal_curve = "marine13")
#' # Return the PDFs
#' cal.lst <- calibrate_14C_age(dat, cal_curve = "marine13", return = "list")
#' with(cal.lst[[2]][[1]][[1]], {plot(ageGrid, densities)})
#' # Use different column names
#' dat <- data.frame(radiocarbon.age = c(2000, 20000),
#'                  se = c(100, 200))
#' calibrate_14C_age(dat, age.14C = "radiocarbon.age", age.14C.se = "se")
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#'  }
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[Bchron]{BchronCalibrate}}
#' @rdname calibrate_14C_age
#' @export
#' @importFrom Bchron BchronCalibrate
calibrate_14C_age <- function(dat, age.14C = "age.14C",
                              age.14C.se = "age.14C.se",
                              cal_curve = "intcal20",
                              offset = "offset", offset.se = "offset.se",
                              return.type = "dat"

  return.type <- match.arg(return.type, choices = c("data.frame", "list"))
  cal_curve <-
              choices = c("intcal20", "marine20", "shcal20",
                          "intcal13", "marine13", "shcal13",

  if (is.null(dat[[offset]])){
    dat$offset <- 0
  } else{
    dat$offset <- dat[[offset]]
  if (is.null(dat[[offset.se]])){
    dat$offset.se <- 0
  } else{
    dat$offset.se <- dat[[offset.se]]

  cal.ages <- lapply(1:nrow(dat), function(x) {
      ages = dat[[age.14C]][x] + dat[["offset"]][x],
      # add uncertainty in offeset (e.g sigmaDeltaR) to 14C uncertainty
      ageSds = sqrt((dat[[age.14C.se]][x])^2 + (dat[["offset.se"]][x])^2),
      #ageSds = dat[[age.14C.se]][x],
      calCurves = cal_curve,
      ids = x),
      error = function(i){
        cat(strsplit(as.character(i), " : ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])


  # Use mean and sd of empirical PDFs as point estimates of calendar ages
  dat$age.14C.cal <- sapply(cal.ages, function(x){
    if (is.na(x) == FALSE)
      # suppress warnings about modes as mode not used anyway
        SummariseEmpiricalPDF(x[[1]]$ageGrid, x[[1]]$densities)["median"]
    } else {NA}

  dat$age.14C.cal.se <- sapply(cal.ages, function(x){
    if (is.na(x) == FALSE) {
      # suppress warnings about modes as mode not used anyway
        SummariseEmpiricalPDF(x[[1]]$ageGrid, x[[1]]$densities)["sd"]
    } else {NA}

  if (return.type == "data.frame"){
    out <- dat

  if (return.type == "list"){
    out <- list(dat = dat, cal.ages = cal.ages)


#' Summarise an Empirical Probability Distribution Function.
#' @param x A vector of values of empirical PDF
#' @param p A vector of probabilities
#' @details Calculation of the mode is naive. For a multimodal distribution only
#' the highest is returned, in the case of 2 or more modes with exactly the same
#'  probability, the first is returned.
#' @return Returns a named vector with the mean, median, mode, and standard
#' deviation of the empirical PDF
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:10)
#' df$p <- dnorm(df$x, 5, 2)
#' hamstr:::SummariseEmpiricalPDF(df$x, df$p)
#' x <- 1:100
#' y <- dnorm(x, 50, 10)
#' plot(x, y)
#' SummariseEmpiricalPDF(x, y)
#' x2 <- x[c(1:50, seq(51, 70, 3), seq(71, 100, 1))]
#' y2 <- y[x2]
#' plot(x2, y2)
#' SummariseEmpiricalPDF(x2, y2)
#' }
SummariseEmpiricalPDF <- function(x, p){

  # Ensure x and p are sorted
  p <- p[order(x)]
  x <- sort(x)

  # Allow for changes in resolution of x
  dx <- diff(x)

  if (max(abs(dx - mean(dx))) > stats::median(dx) / 100){
    warning("Empirical PDF has variable resolution - this is accounted for but the results may be less reliable.")


  dx <- c(dx[1], dx)

  p <- p * dx

  # Ensure p sum to 1
  p <- p / sum(p)

  # Mean
  w.mean <- sum(x * p)

  # SD
  M <- sum(p > 0)
  w.sd <- sqrt(sum(p * (x-w.mean)^2) / ((M-1)/M * sum(p)))

  # Median
  csum.p <- cumsum(p)
  med.ind <- which.min(abs(csum.p - 0.5))
  w.median <- x[med.ind]

  # Mode
  max.wt <- max(p)
  n.max <- sum(p == max.wt)
  if (n.max > 1) warning(
    paste0("In mode calculation, these values have equal probability: ",
           paste0(x[p == max.wt], collapse = ", "), ". returning first"))
  mode <- x[which.max(p)]

  return(c("mean" = w.mean, "median" = w.median, "mode" = mode, "sd" = w.sd))

#' Compare Empirical and t-distribution Approximated Calendar Age PDFs
#' @description Compare the full empirical calendar age PDFs of calibrated
#'   radiocarbon dates with the t-distribution approximations use by hamstr
#' @param age.14C vector of radiocarbon dates in years BP
#' @param age.14C.se vector of radiocarbon date uncertainties
#' @param offset vector of offsets, e.g. reservoir ages. 
#' @param offset.se vector of offset uncertainties, e.g. sigmaDelatR.
#' @param cal_curve calibration curve
#' @param nu degrees of freedom of the t-distribution approximation, default in
#'   hamstr is 6
#' @param return.type return a ggplot object or a list containing the ggplot
#'   object and two data frames with the empirical and t-distributions
#' @return A ggplot2 object or list with data and ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' compare_14C_PDF(age.14C = c(1000, 4000), age.14C.se = c(100, 150),
#'  cal_curve = "intcal20", return.type = "plot")
compare_14C_PDF <- function(age.14C, age.14C.se,
                            offset = 0, offset.se = 0,
                            cal_curve = "intcal20", nu = 6,
                            return.type = c("plot", "list")){

  dt_ls <- function(x, dat=1, mu=0, sigma=1) {
    1/sigma * stats::dt((x - mu)/sigma, dat)

  stopifnot(length(age.14C) == length(age.14C.se))

  cal.dat <- data.frame(age.14C = round(age.14C),
                        age.14C.se = round(age.14C.se),
                        offset = offset,
                        offset.se = offset.se)

  return.type <- match.arg(return.type, choices = c("plot", "list"))

  cal_curve <-
              choices = c("intcal20", "marine20", "shcal20",
                          "intcal13", "marine13", "shcal13",

  calib <- calibrate_14C_age(cal.dat,
                             return.type = "list",
                             cal_curve = cal_curve)

  # The summarised calendar ages are appended to the input data
  C14 <- calib$dat
  C14$id <- 1:nrow(cal.dat)

  # These are the full PDFs
  cal.ages <- calib$cal.ages

  cal.ages.df <- dplyr::tibble(cal = cal.ages) %>%

  dplyr::mutate(id = 1:length(cal.ages))

  cali.pdf.dat <- cal.ages.df %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$id) %>%
      age = if(is.na(.data$cal[[1]]) == FALSE)  .data$cal[[1]][[1]]$ageGrid else 0,
      density = if(is.na(.data$cal[[1]]) == FALSE) .data$cal[[1]][[1]]$densities else 0

  nu <- C14 %>%
    dplyr::filter(is.na(.data$age.14C.cal) == FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$id) %>%
      rng <- .data$age.14C.cal.se * 5
      age <- seq(.data$age.14C.cal - rng, .data$age.14C.cal + rng, length.out = 100)
        age = age,
        density = dt_ls(age, dat = nu,
                        mu = .data$age.14C.cal,
                        sigma = .data$age.14C.cal.se)

  gg <- cali.pdf.dat %>%
    ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$age/1000, y = .data$density, group = .data$id)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(colour = cal_curve)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = nu, ggplot2::aes(y = .data$density, colour = "t-distribution")) +
    ggplot2::labs(colour = "", x = "Calendar age [ka BP]", y = "Density") +
    ggplot2::facet_wrap(~.data$id, scales = "free") +

  if (return.type == "list"){
    return(list(plot = gg, cal.age.pdf = cali.pdf.dat, t.dist.age = nu))
  } else if (return.type == "plot") {
EarthSystemDiagnostics/baconr documentation built on Dec. 10, 2023, 4:35 a.m.