
## load.WAIS.R: Download and process WAIS oxygen isotope data
## Author: Thomas Münch (, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, 2018


# URL of the entire WAIS data sets
addr <- "" 
url <- paste(addr, "Steig_2013_IsotopeAnnualAverages.txt", sep = "")

# Names of cores to select
cores <- c("WDC05A", "ITASE_1999_1",
           "ITASE_2000_1", "ITASE_2000_4", "ITASE_2000_5")

# Download and process WAIS data
wais <- load.WAIS(url = url,
                  cores = cores,
                  cores.seasonal2annual = cores[4 : 5],
                  fillNA = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

usethis::use_data(wais, overwrite = TRUE)

##' load.WAIS: Download and process WAIS data
##' Download WAIS isotope data from repository and process them for the spectral
##' analyses.
##' @param url URL of the UASAP-DC repository data file with the WAIS annual
##' averages data
##' @param cores name of the WAIS cores to extract from the data file
##' @param cores.seasonal2annual name of the cores for which annual data has to
##' be obtained from high-resolution seasonal data (will be downloaded
##' additionally)
##' @param setStart set common start date (year) for all cores; if \code{NULL}
##' the original start date is used
##' @param setEnd set common end date (year) for all cores; if \code{NULL} the
##' original end date is used
##' @param fillNA Shall missing values be linearly interpolated? Defaults to
##' \code{FALSE}.
##' @param verbose if \code{TRUE}, messages on the processing are printed.
##' @return a \code{data.frame} with the requested oxygen isotope data.
##' @author Thomas Münch
load.WAIS <- function(url, cores,
                      cores.seasonal2annual = NULL,
                      setStart = 2000, setEnd = 1800,
                      fillNA = FALSE,
                      verbose = FALSE) {

    seasonal2annual <- function(path, file, start, end) {

        url <- file.path(path, file)

        r <- readLines(url)
        i <- grep("% Depth_top", r)

        data <- read.table(url, skip = i - 1, header = TRUE,
                           sep = "\t", na.strings = "999999")

        # Mean age of data
        data$mean.age <- rowMeans(data[, c("Age_top", "Age_bottom")])

        # Bin-average to annual resolution
        d18O.annual <-
            rev(PaleoSpec::AvgToBin(rev(data[, "mean.age"]),
                                    rev(data[, ""]),
                                    breaks = seq(end, start + 1, 1))$avg)



    # Header info has to be read explicitly for this file
    header <- read.table(url, skip = 26, nrow = 1, sep = "\t",
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Read actual data
    raw <- read.table(url, skip = 28, sep = "\t", na.strings = "999999")
    # Add proper header
    colnames(raw) <- c("Year", unlist(header)[-1])

    # Select cores and set time frame
    i.c <- match(cores, names(raw))
    i.t <- match(setStart : setEnd, raw$Year)
    data <- raw[i.t, c(1, i.c)]

    # Bin-average high-resolution data to annual resolution if needed
    if (!is.null(cores.seasonal2annual)) {

        path <- dirname(url)

        for (cr in cores.seasonal2annual) {

            data[, cr] <- seasonal2annual(path, paste(cr, "txt", sep = "."),
                                          setStart, setEnd)

    # Interpolate/Extrapolate missing values if desired
    if (fillNA) {

        # Print number of interpolated vs. total number of data points
        if (verbose) {
            na.amount <- sum([, -1])))

            print(sprintf("Total # data points: %2.0f",
                          length(unlist(data[, -1]))))
            print(sprintf("Data points interpolated: %2.0f.",


        # Linearly interpolate missing values inside time series
        for (i in 1 : ncol(data)) {
            data[, i] <- approx(data$Year, data[, i], data$Year)$y

        # Linearly extrapolate missing values at upper end of cores
        na.col <- which([1, ]))
        for (i in na.col) {
            j <- which(![, i][1 : 25]))
            data[1 : 25, i] <- Hmisc::approxExtrap(
                data$Year[j], data[j, i], data$Year[1 : 25])$y
    # Keep only d18O values
    data$Year <- NULL
    # Provide meta info as attributes
    attr(data, "info") <-
        sprintf("Downloaded and processed on: %s.", Sys.time())



EarthSystemDiagnostics/proxysnr documentation built on Oct. 2, 2021, 3:03 p.m.