
Defines functions .correct_recruits_tree .correct_recruits_plot correct_recruits

Documented in correct_recruits

#' Correct Overgrown Recruits in Forest Inventories
#' correct recruits spots "ovegrown recruits", i.e. trees that were first
#' registered with an abnormally high DBH, given the protocol's minimum
#' censusing DBH and the upper threshold over which tree growth is considered
#' abnormal. In other terms, trees that were certainly there and over minimum
#' DBH in some censuses before they were first registered. The function then
#' reconstitutes the growth trajectory of these tree before their first register
#' and thus adds the corresponding lines to the inventory, flagging these lines
#' with a logical field named "corrected_recruit".
#' @inheritParams correct_all
#' @param size_corr_col Character, the name of the column containing corrected size measurements.
#' @param status_corr_col  Character, the name of the column containing corrected tree life status.
#' @param correct_status Logical, indicating whether the life status has to be corrected beforhand or not.
#' @details If a tree is recruited (first registered after the initial census)
#'   with an excessive size, its size trajectory is reconstituted using a linear
#'   model on existing values, for census years corresponding to the plot.
#'   Only the estimated sizes that are still over the minimum DBH censusing
#'   limit are kept in the output.
#'   If the tree size never varied in the registered measurement, the same value
#'   is kept for censuses before the tree's first registering.
#'   Abnormal size at recruitment is defined according to the study's minimum
#'   censusing DBH (minimum_dbh) and a "tolerated growth threshold"
#'   (positive_growth_threshold), estimated by local expertise or other means,
#'   and over which annual growth is considered abnormal/suspicious. A recruit
#'   is considered overgrown if the size at recruitment time exceeds
#'   minimum_dbh+(recruitment_time - previous_census)*positive_growth_threshold.
#' @return A forest inventory with added lines, which correspond to overgrown
#'   recruits estimated trajectories. To use with caution in certain analyses,
#'   e.g. biomass monitoring.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## From a bare dataset - better using after correct_alive and correct_size
#' data("example_size_corr")
#' cors <- suppressWarnings(correct_recruits(example_size_corr,
#' dbh_min = 10,
#' positive_growth_threshold = 5,
#' time_col = "CensusYear",
#' id_col = "idTree",
#' plot_col = "Plot",
#' size_corr_col = "size_corr",
#' status_corr_col = "status_corr",
#' measure_type = "circumference",
#' invariant_columns = c("Forest","Family","Genus","Species","binomial_name"),
#' byplot = TRUE,
#' correct_status = FALSE))
#' str(cors)
correct_recruits <- function(data,
                             dbh_min = 10,
                             positive_growth_threshold = 5,
                             time_col = getOption("time_col"),
                             id_col = getOption("id_col"),
                             plot_col = getOption("plot_col"),
                             size_corr_col = "size_corr",
                             status_corr_col = "status_corr",
                             measure_type = getOption("measure_type"),
                             invariant_columns = c("Forest","Family","Genus","Species","binomial_name"),
                             byplot = TRUE,
                             correct_status = FALSE){

# Argument checks ---------------------------------------------------------
  opts_args <- c(id_col, time_col, plot_col, measure_type)
  for(n in 1:length(opts_args))
      stop(paste0("The following argument need to be specified:",c("id_col", "time_col","plot_col","measure_type")[n]))

    stop("invariant_columns argument must be a character vector")
    for(c in invariant_columns){
      if(!c%in% names(data)) stop(paste0("There is no column called ","'",c,"'", "in the dataset."))
      else if(c %in% c(plot_col, id_col)){
        message(paste0("Note that you don't have to include ",
                       c, " as an invariant column since it already corresponds to ",
                       c("plot_col", "id_col")[which(c(plot_col, id_col) == c)]))
        invariant_columns <- invariant_columns[-which(invariant_columns == c)]
    stop("data must be a data.frame object")

    stop("byplot must be logical")

    stop("byplot must be logical")

  if(!(is.character(measure_type) & length(measure_type) == 1))
    stop("measure_type must be a character of length 1")
  data <- check_rename_variable_col(time_col, "time_col",data)
  # check_rename_variable_col(status_corr_col, "status_corr_col",data)
  data <- check_rename_variable_col(status_corr_col, "status_corr_col",data)
  # res <- try(check_rename_variable_col("status_corr", "status_corr_col",data))
  # if(inherits(res,'try-error') & correct_status == T){
  #   data <- check_rename_variable_col(status_col, "status_col",data)
  # }
  # else if (inherits(res,'try-error') & !correct_status){
  #   data <- check_rename_variable_col(status_col,"status_corr_col",data)
  # }

  data <- check_rename_variable_col(id_col, "id_col",data)
  data <- check_rename_variable_col(size_corr_col, "size_corr_col",data)
  if(byplot) data <- check_rename_variable_col(plot_col, "plot_col",data)

    names(data)[names(data) == "status_corr"] <- "status"
    data <- correct_alive(data,
                          id_col = "id",
                          time_col = "time",
                          status_col = "status",
                          dead_confirmation_censuses = 2,
                          use_size = FALSE

  if(!measure_type %in% c("circumference",
    stop("Please indicate if the tree size measurements (argument measure_type) are circumferences (C) or diameters (D)")

  if(measure_type %in% c("circumference",
    # data$size <- data$circumference/pi
    positive_growth_threshold <- positive_growth_threshold*pi
    dbh_min <- dbh_min*pi
    # print(paste("__________",dbh_min,'___________'))

# Call internals by plot or not -------------------------------------------

  data$corrected_recruit <- rep(FALSE,nrow(data))

    plots <- unique(data$plot)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(plots), style = 3)
    if(!is.character(data$plot)) data$plot = as.character(data$plot)

    # for(p in plots){
    #   data <- rbind(data[which(data$plot != p),], .correct_recruits_plot(data_plot=data[which(data$plot == p),],
    #                                                                      dbh_min = dbh_min,
    #                                                                      positive_growth_threshold = positive_growth_threshold))
    # }
    # print(head(data[which(data$plot == 1),]))
    data <- do.call(rbind,lapply(plots, function(p){
      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, which(plots == p))
      # print(head(data[which(data$plot == p),]))
      .correct_recruits_plot(data_plot=data[which(data$plot == p),],
                             dbh_min = dbh_min,
                             positive_growth_threshold = positive_growth_threshold,
                             invariant_columns =invariant_columns)}))
    data <- .correct_recruits_plot(data_plot=data,
                                   dbh_min = dbh_min,
                                   positive_growth_threshold = positive_growth_threshold,
                                   invariant_columns =invariant_columns)

# Put back colnames and return --------------------------------------------

  names(data)[which(names(data) == "id")] <- id_col
  names(data)[which(names(data) == "time")] <- time_col
  names(data)[which(names(data) == "status_corr")] <- status_corr_col
  names(data)[which(names(data) == "size")] <- size_corr_col
  if(byplot) names(data)[which(names(data) == "plot")] <- plot_col

# Internal function. plot-level correction for overgrown recruits.
# @param data_plot A data.frame containing a subset of forest inventory corresponding to one plot, formatted as in "correct_recruits".
# @param dbh_min A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the minimum DIAMETER at breast height at which trees are recorded, in centimeters.
# @param positive_growth_threshold A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the maximum tolerated annual DIAMETER growth rate -in centimeters- over which a tree's growh is considered abnormal.
# @return A data.frame containing the corrected plot
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# data("Paracou6")
# plots <- unique(Paracou6$Plot)
# for(p in plots) correct_recruits_plot(Paracou[Paracou$Plot == p,], 10, 5)}
.correct_recruits_plot <- function(data_plot,

  # print(c("before",nrow(data_plot)))
  ids <- unique(data_plot$id)
  censuses <- unique(data_plot$time)
  # print("her")
  # print(class(data_plot$id))
  data_plot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ids, function(i){
    # print(i)
    # print(which(data_plot$id == i))
    .correct_recruits_tree(data_plot[which(data_plot$id == i),],
                           dbh_min = dbh_min,
                           positive_growth_threshold = positive_growth_threshold,
                           censuses = censuses,
                           invariant_columns =invariant_columns)
  # print("her")
  # for(i in ids){
  #   tree_corrected <- .correct_recruits_tree(data_plot[which(data_plot$id == i),],
  #                                            dbh_min = dbh_min,
  #                                            positive_growth_threshold = positive_growth_threshold,
  #                                            censuses = censuses,
  #                                            i=i)
  #   if(!identical(data_plot[which(data_plot$id == i),], tree_corrected)){
  #     data_plot <- rbind(data_plot[which(data_plot$id != i),],tree_corrected)
  #     print("ok")
  #   }
  # }
  # print(c("after",nrow(data_plot)))

# Internal function. tree-level correction for overgrown recruits.
# @param dbh_min A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the minimum DIAMETER at breast height at which trees are recorded, in centimeters.
# @param positive_growth_threshold A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the maximum tolerated annual DIAMETER growth rate -in centimeters- over which a tree's growh is considered abnormal.
# @param tree A data.frame containing one single tree's time series of measurements.
# @param censuses A numeric vector containing all the years for which the plot to which the tree belongs were censused.
# @param i i
# @return A data.frame containing the corrected indiv
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# data("Paracou6")
# cens <- unique(Paracou6$CensusYear)
# ids <- unique(Paracou6$idTree)
# for(i in ids) correct_recruits_tree(Paracou[Paracou$idTree == i,], 10, 5,cens)
# }
.correct_recruits_tree <- function(tree,

  censuses <- sort(censuses, decreasing = FALSE)
  #Make sure that it is ordered by increasing census time
  tree <- tree[order(tree$time),]

  if(any(!is.na(tree$status_corr) & tree$status_corr == 1)){
    recruitment_time <- min(tree$time[!is.na(tree$status_corr) & tree$status_corr == 1])
    if(min(tree$time)>min(censuses) & sum(!is.na(tree$size_corr))>0){

      prev_inv <- censuses[which(censuses == recruitment_time)-1]
      if(length(recruitment_time-prev_inv) == 0){
        print(recruitment_time); print(which(censuses == recruitment_time))
      if(tree$size_corr[1] > (dbh_min +(recruitment_time-prev_inv)*positive_growth_threshold)){
        # print(c("before",nrow(tree)))
        missing_censuses <- censuses[which(censuses < recruitment_time)]
        # print(length(missing_censuses))
        # print(c(tree$size_corr[1]/pi,(dbh_min +(recruitment_time-prev_inv)*positive_growth_threshold)/pi))
        # print(tree$size_corr[1])
        # print("_")
        # print(dbh_min +(recruitment_time-prev_inv)*positive_growth_threshold)

        # Create new rows, but without knowing how many column are in data and what they contain !
        if(length(missing_censuses) > 0){
          if("plot" %in% names(tree)){
            new.rows <- data.frame(id = i,
                                   time = missing_censuses,
                                   plot = rep(tree$plot[1],length(missing_censuses)),
                                   corrected_recruit = rep(TRUE,length(missing_censuses)),
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            new.rows <- data.frame(id = i,
                                   time = missing_censuses,
                                   corrected_recruit = rep(TRUE,length(missing_censuses)),
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          # print(names(tree)[-which(names(tree)%in%names(new.rows))])
          # Add other columns which names are unknown (to allow subsequent rbinding), and default-set it to NA
          new.rows[,names(tree)[-which(names(tree)%in%names(new.rows))]] <- NA

          tree[(nrow(tree)+1):(nrow(tree)+nrow(new.rows)),names(new.rows)] <- new.rows

          #Make sure that it is ordered by increasing census time
          tree <- tree[order(tree$time),]

          coef <- stats::lm(tree$size_corr[which(!is.na(tree$size_corr))]~tree$time[which(!is.na(tree$size_corr))])$coefficients

          if (is.na(coef[2])) {
            ### only 1 dbh value: replace all non-recruited dbh by this value
            tree$size_corr[which(tree$time < recruitment_time)] <- coef[1]
          else {
            # Estimate the size_corr with linear extrapolation
            estimated_size_corrs <- coef[1] + tree$time[which(tree$time < recruitment_time)]*coef[2]
            lower_limit <- tree$size_corr[which(!is.na(tree$size_corr))][1]
            # If estimated size_corrs are higher than the first measured size_corrs, these are replaced by first measured size_corrs.
            for(y in 1: length(estimated_size_corrs)) estimated_size_corrs[y] <- min(estimated_size_corrs[y],lower_limit)
            tree$size_corr[which(tree$time < recruitment_time)] <- estimated_size_corrs
          # print("hello")
          # if(any((tree$corrected_recruit) == TRUE)) print(tree[order(tree$time) ,]%>%
          #                                                   mutate(Dcorr = size_corr_corr/pi,
          #                                                          D = size_corr/pi) %>%
          #                 select(time, D, Dcorr, corrected_recruit, status_corr, species,Plotsub))
          # print(dbh_min)
          # tree1 <- tree
          useless_line <- ((tree$size_corr < dbh_min) & (tree$time %in% missing_censuses))
            tree <- tree[-which(useless_line),]
# print(names(tree))
          if(length(invariant_columns > 0)){
              for(c in invariant_columns){
                uni <- unique(tree[,c])
                  message(paste0("Field ",c," has no non-NA value for tree ",i))
                  uni <- uni[!is.na(uni)]
                  if(length(uni) > 1){
                    stop(paste0("Field ",c," has multiple values for tree ",i, " but you indicated that it's an invariant column. Please check it."))
                    tree[,c] <- uni


          # print(c("after",nrow(tree)))
          # if(nrow(tree) == 0) print(tree1 %>%  mutate(Dcorr = size_corr/pi,D = size/pi) %>% select(time, D, Dcorr, corrected_recruit, status_corr, species,Plotsub))



# @param dat a A data.frame containing a forest inventory in which each line corresponds to an individual's measurement for one census
# @param dbh_min A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the minimum DIAMETER at breast height at which trees are recorded, in centimeters. Defaults to 10 cm.
# @param time_col A character indicating the name of the column containing census year information.
# @param id_col A character indicating the name of the column containing individual tree's IDs
# @param plot_col A character indicating the name of the column containing plot indices or names.
# @param size_corr_col A character indicating the name of the column containing tree size_corr measurements -diameters or circumferences-.
# @param status_corr_col A character indicating the name of the column containing corrected tree vital status - 0 for dead, 1 for alive, NA for unseen. No tree must appear with NA status before their first measurement.
# @param measure_type A character indicating the size_corr measurement type : "C" for circumference, "D" for diameter. Defaults to "C".
# @param byplot A logical indicating whether there are several plots in the dataset. Defaults to TRUE
# @param correct_status A logical indicating whether the dataset was corrected for tree vital status errors beforehand. If FALSE, the correct_mortality function is called first with default parameters - see the function info section.
# @param positive_growth_threshold A scalar, integer or numeric, indicating the maximum tolerated annual DIAMETER growth rate -in centimeters- over which a tree's growh is considered abnormal. Defaults to 5 cm, as set for Paracou inventories.
EcoFoG/ForestData documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 10:04 a.m.