
Defines functions lorelogram

Documented in lorelogram

#' Describing correlation in binary data
#' This function calculates a lorelogram for binary data by estimating pairwise log-odds ratios for sampling occasions separated in time or space. The lorelogram depicts pairwise log-odds ratios (y-axis) versus temporal or spatial lag (x-axis) and provides a graphical description of how correlation between outcomes changes as we increase the distance (in space or time) between sampling occasions.
#' @param data data.frame containing a sampling unit identifier, binary outcome, and temporal and spatial units associated with each event. Data can be supplied in wide or long format. See Details section below.
#' @param data_format character. Are data organized in "wide" (default) or "long" format? See Details section below.
#' @param max_lag numeric. The maximum spatial or temporal lag between two sampling occasions that should be considered when calculating pairwise log-odds ratios (default: 30).
#' @param lor_type character. Lorelogram can either be estimated using an "empirical" (default) or (glmm) "model-based" approach.
#' @param id_rand_eff logical. Conditional on lor_type = "model-based". Does the model have to include sampling unit ID as random effect (default: FALSE)?
#' @param lor_adj logical. Conditional on lor_type = "empirical". If TRUE (default: FALSE), log-odds ratios are calculated using the adjusted formula. See Details section below.
#' @param bin_width numeric. Number of lags that should be included in each bin. The default (=1) represents no binning.
#' @param plot_LOR logical. Create a plot of the results (default: TRUE)?
#' @param write_csv logical. Should the output be saved as a .csv (default: FALSE)?
#' @param outDir character. Conditional on write_csv = TRUE. Directory into which .csv file is stored.
#' @return The function returns a data.frame containing estimates of pairwise log-odds ratios and associated 95\% confidence intervals for each lag between 1 and \code{max_lag} and a plot of the estimates versus lags (when \code{plot_LOR} = TRUE).
#' @details
#' The lorelogram was defined by Heagerty & Zeger (1998) as a graphical tool to describe correlation in binary data and is based on pairwise log-odds ratios. The \code{\link{lorelogram}} function calculates empirical lorelograms (but see package's vignette for more details on model-based lorelograms).
#' Log-odds ratios and 95\% confidence interval at each lag \eqn{\Deltat} are calculated as: \ifelse{html}{\out{<p style="text-align:center">LOR=log[<sup>(n<sub>11</sub> n<sub>00</sub>)</sup>&frasl;<sub>(n<sub>10</sub> n<sub>01</sub>)</sub>]</p>}}{\deqn{LOR=\log{\frac{n_{11}n_{00}}{n_{10}n_{01}}}}} and \ifelse{html}{\out{<p style="text-align:center">CI<sup>95\%</sup> = LOR &plusmn; &#8730; (<sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>n<sub>11</sub></sub> + <sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>n<sub>11</sub></sub> + <sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>n<sub>11</sub></sub> + <sup>1</sup>&frasl;<sub>n<sub>11</sub></sub>)</p>}}{\deqn{CI^{95\%} = LOR\pm1.96*\sqrt{\frac{1}{n_{11}}+\frac{1}{n_{00}}+\frac{1}{n_{10}}+\frac{1}{n_{11}}}}} where, for example, \ifelse{html}{\out{n<sub>11</sub>}}{\eqn{n_{xy}}} are the number of 11 pairs (e.g., indicating the species was detected at time t and time t +  \eqn{\Deltat}). The LOR is  undefined or equals negative infinity when its denominator or numerator is equal to zero; this corresponds to a gap in the lorelogram at that lag. One possible solution is to add 0.5 to all the counts, replacing \ifelse{html}{\out{n<sub>11</sub>}}{\eqn{n_{xy}}} with \ifelse{html}{\out{n<sub>11</sub>+0.5}}{\eqn{n_{xy}+0.5}} in both equations (Agresti 1990). This option is available setting \code{lor_adj} = TRUE. Another option is to bin the data, aggregating time lags. This can be done through the argument \code{bin_width}.
#' \code{\link{lorelogram}} can handle NAs in  \code{data}. In the wide format, rows represent sampling units (e.g., camera trap sites or transects) and columns different sampling occassions (e.g., temporal occasions or spatial replicates). \code{data} should resemble a binary detection/nondetection history matrix such as that provided  by the function \code{\link[camtrapR:detectionHistory]{camtrapR::detectionHistory}}. The first column must contain a unique identifier for each sampling unit; each column from the second to the last must contain the binary data and should follow the spatial or temporal order in which the data were collected (e.g., second, third, and fourth columns should contain data from the first, second, third sampling replicates and so on). If unequal intervals are present in the data,  gaps should be filled with columns of all NAs, so that differences between two subsequent columns (e.g. second and third) corresponds to 1-unit lag. In the long format, \code{data} must be organized in three columns, the first containing the sampling unit identifier, the second listing the temporal or spatial unit of the event, and the last column containing the binary outcome (i.e. either 1 or 0).

#' For more details on data formatting, binning, and model-based lorelograms, see package vignette.
#' @references
#' Agresti, A. 1990. Categorical data analysis. Wiley, New York, New York, USA.
#' Heagerty, P. J., and S. L. Zeger. 1998. Lorelogram: A regression approach to exploring dependence in longitudinal categorical responses. Journal of the American Statistical Association 93:150--162.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lor_plot}} provides options for saving and customizing the lorelogram plot.
#' \code{CompRandFld::EVariogram} is another function to calculate lorelograms in R.
#' @examples
#' # calculating lorelogram
#' data(GrayFox_Hour)
#' lorelogram(GrayFox_Hour, max_lag = 60)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
lorelogram <- function(data, data_format = "wide", max_lag = 30, lor_type = "empirical", id_rand_eff = FALSE, lor_adj = FALSE, bin_width = 1, plot_LOR = TRUE, write_csv = FALSE, outDir = "") {

  wd0 <- getwd()

  if (class(data)!="data.frame") {
    stop("Data should be a data.frame",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (bin_width < 1) {
    stop("bin_width should be equal to 1 or higher",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (data_format == "wide") {

    if (length(sapply(data[,2:ncol(data)], is.factor)[sapply(data[,2:ncol(data)], is.factor)==TRUE])>0) {
      indx <- sapply(data[,2:ncol(data)], is.factor)
      data[,2:ncol(data)][indx] <- lapply(data[,2:ncol(data)], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
      warning("Second to last columns in data were converted from factor to numeric")

  # Remove rows (=cameras) with no detection and prepare data
  y <- data[rowSums(data[,2:ncol(data)], na.rm = TRUE) > 0,]
  y <- droplevels(y)
  colnames(y) <- c("id", paste0("R", seq(1, (ncol(y)-1), 1), sep="")) # rename columns

  # #### Organize data: from wide format to long format
  #+ organize1
  # Organize data
  y2 <- tidyr::gather(y, time, value, -id)
  y3 <- dplyr::mutate(y2, time=as.numeric(substr(time,2,10)))
  y3$y <- as.numeric(as.character(y3$y))

  # Define max number of reps
  max_reps <- ncol(y)
  } # close wide format

  if (data_format == "long") {
    y <- dplyr::rename(data, id = names(data[1]), time = names(data[2]), y = names(data[3]))
    # Remove rows (=cameras) with no detection and prepare data
    y3 <- as.data.frame(y %>% dplyr::group_by(id) %>% dplyr::filter(sum(y, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) %>% droplevels())
    y3[2:3] <- lapply(y3[2:3], as.numeric)

    # Define max number of reps
    max_reps <- max(y3$time, na.rm = TRUE)
  } # close long format

  # Determine all combinations of (current time, future times) for a sampling site up to max_lag.
  # - V1 of x_cmb determines time point 1
  # - V2 of x_cmb determines time point 2
  #+ all_combinations

  if (max_reps>24*60*14) { #2-week data at minute time-interval
    # Create all combinations of minute-occasion up to 2 weeks of data
    x_cmb <- as.data.frame(arrangements::combinations(n=24*60*14, k=2, replace = FALSE))

    # Now, calculate the time differences for all of these combinations and get rid of rows that include combinations of times where the difference in time <= max_lag.
    x_cmb <- x_cmb %>%
      dplyr::mutate(diff_time= x_cmb[,2] - x_cmb[,1]) %>% # column with time difference
      dplyr::filter(diff_time >= 0 & diff_time <= max_lag) %>% # filter combinations negative or too far apart
      dplyr::select(V1, V2)

    # Replicate to include more than 2 weeks of by-minute data
    x_cmb2 <- x_cmb
    for (i in 1:ceiling(max_reps/(24*60*14))){
      x_cmb_temp <- x_cmb + i*(24*60*14-max_lag)
      x_cmb2 <- rbind(x_cmb2,x_cmb_temp) %>% dplyr::filter(V1 <= max_reps)
    x_cmb <- x_cmb2
    rm(list=c("x_cmb2", "x_cmb_temp", "data"))

    # Remove duplicates and interval larger than time of the last occasion
    x_cmb <- x_cmb %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% dplyr::filter(V1 <= max_reps & V2 < max_reps) %>% dplyr::mutate(diff_time = V2 - V1)
  } else {
    x_cmb <- as.data.frame(arrangements::combinations(n=max_reps, k=2, replace = FALSE))

    # Now, calculate the time differences for all of these combinations and get rid of rows that include combinations of times where the difference in time <= max_lag.
    x_cmb <- x_cmb %>%
      dplyr::mutate(diff_time= x_cmb[,2] - x_cmb[,1]) %>% # column with time difference
      dplyr::filter(diff_time >= 0 & diff_time <= max_lag) %>% # filter combinations negative or too far apart
      dplyr::select(V1, V2)

    # Remove duplicates and interval larger than time last occasion
    x_cmb <- x_cmb %>% dplyr::distinct() %>% dplyr::filter(V1 <= max_reps & V2 < max_reps) %>% dplyr::mutate(diff_time = V2 - V1)

  # #### Organize data: create pairwise detection histories
  # Create nested data frame with each row representing the data from a different time point.  This will make it easy to select data from all clusters where observations differ by a specific time lag.
  #+ organize2
  y.nest<-y3 %>% tidyr::nest_legacy(-time)
  #y.nest # nested data frame
  #as.data.frame(y.nest[1,]$data )[1:5,] # first 5 observations from first time point

  n <- ceiling(nrow(x_cmb)/1000000)
  a <- split(x_cmb, sort((1:nrow(x_cmb)) %% n))

  myfunct <- function(x) {
    # Sample first times and second times according to the first and second column of x_cmb, and include all clusters that have data from those time periods.  Then unnest to get one data set in long format.
    y.t1<- y.nest[a[[x]][,1],] %>% tidyr::unnest_legacy()
    y.t2<- y.nest[a[[x]][,2],] %>% tidyr::unnest_legacy()

    # Rename variables and cbind together
    names(y.t1)<-c("time1", "id", "y1")
    names(y.t2)<-c("time2", "id", "y2")
    Z<-cbind(y.t1[,c(2,1,3)], y.t2[,c(1,3)])
    Z<-Z %>% dplyr::mutate(time_diff=time2-time1) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(y1) & !is.na(y2))

  b <- lapply(1:n, myfunct)
  Z <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(b, fill = TRUE)) # from list to data.frame

# #### Organize data: Compile counts of pairwise 11, 01, 01, 00 for each time interval
#+ organize3

if (lor_type == "empirical"){
  freq <- Z %>%
    dplyr::group_by(time_diff, y1, y2) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(count=n()) %>%
    tidyr::unite(col = y1y2, y1, y2, sep="", remove=FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::select(-y2) %>%  #remove info of second obs in time
    tidyr::spread(key=y1y2, value=count, fill=0)

    if (bin_width == 1){
      freq_tot <- freq %>%
        dplyr::group_by(time_diff, y1) %>%

    if (bin_width > 1) {
      # function from https://www.r-bloggers.com/finding-the-midpoint-when-creating-intervals/
      midpoints <- function(x, dp=2){
        lower <- as.numeric(gsub(",.*","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        upper <- as.numeric(gsub(".*,","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        return(round(lower+(upper-lower)/2, dp))

      # build intervals
      brks = seq(min(freq$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE), max(freq$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE)+bin_width, bin_width)

      freq_tot <- freq %>%
        dplyr::mutate(bin = cut(time_diff, brks, include.lowest = TRUE),
                   Lag_midpoint = midpoints(bin)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-bin) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(Lag_midpoint) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_all(dplyr::funs(sum)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-time_diff) %>%
        dplyr::rename(., time_diff = Lag_midpoint)

# #### Calculate log odds ratios (Empirical lorelogram)
#+ Log_calculation
  if(lor_adj == FALSE) {
    ORs <- freq_tot %>% dplyr::group_by(time_diff) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(or = sum(`11`)*sum(`00`)/(sum(`10`)*sum(`01`)),
                   se = sqrt(1/sum(`11`)+1/sum(`00`)+1/sum(`10`)+1/sum(`01`)))
      ORs <- freq_tot %>% dplyr::group_by(time_diff) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(or = (sum(`11`)+0.5)*(sum(`00`)+0.5)/((sum(`10`)+0.5)*(sum(`01`)+0.5)),
                     se = sqrt(1/(sum(`11`)+0.5)+1/(sum(`00`)+0.5)+1/(sum(`10`)+0.5)+1/(sum(`01`)+0.5)))
ORs_all_minute <- ORs %>% dplyr::mutate(LORs=log(or),
                                        U_95_CI = log(or)+1.96*se,
                                        L_95_CI = log(or)-1.96*se)
ORs_all_minute[!is.na(ORs_all_minute$or) & ORs_all_minute$or==0,4:6] <- NA #replace values when lor values were undefined
LORs <- ORs_all_minute %>% dplyr::rename(., Lag=time_diff) %>% dplyr::select(c(Lag, LORs, U_95_CI, L_95_CI))
} # close lor_type empirical

if (lor_type == "model-based"){
  # organize the data
  if (id_rand_eff == FALSE){
    Z_par <- Z %>%
      dplyr::select(id, y1, y2, time_diff) %>%
      tidyr::unite(col = y2y1, y2, y1, sep="", remove=FALSE) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(time_diff, y1, y2y1) %>% #GROUP ID REMOVED
      dplyr::summarise(count = n()) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = y2y1, value = count, fill=NA, sep = "_n")

    if (bin_width == 1){
      freq_tot <- Z_par %>%
        dplyr::mutate(success = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n11, y2y1_n10),                                      failure = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n01, y2y1_n00))

    if (bin_width > 1) {
      # function from https://www.r-bloggers.com/finding-the-midpoint-when-creating-intervals/
      midpoints <- function(x, dp=2){
        lower <- as.numeric(gsub(",.*","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        upper <- as.numeric(gsub(".*,","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        return(round(lower+(upper-lower)/2, dp))
      # build intervals
      brks = seq(min(Z_par$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE), max(Z_par$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE)+bin_width, bin_width)
      freq_tot <- Z_par %>%
        dplyr::mutate(bin = cut(time_diff, brks, include.lowest = TRUE),
                      Lag_midpoint = midpoints(bin)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-bin) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(Lag_midpoint, y1) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_all(dplyr::funs(sum)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-time_diff) %>%
        dplyr::rename(., time_diff = Lag_midpoint) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(success = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n11, y2y1_n10),
                      failure = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n01, y2y1_n00))
    # run model and extract coefficients
    mod <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(success, failure) ~ -1 + y1:as.factor(time_diff) + as.factor(time_diff), data = freq_tot, family = "binomial") # excluding random intercept
    LORs <- as.data.frame(cbind(Lag=unique(freq_tot$time_diff), confint(mod)[(length(unique(freq_tot$time_diff))+1):(nrow(confint(mod))),]))
    LORs <- dplyr::rename(LORs, L_95_CI=names(LORs[2]), U_95_CI=names(LORs[3]), LORs=names(LORs[4]))
  } #close random effect false

  if (id_rand_eff == TRUE){
    Z_par <- Z %>%
      dplyr::select(id, y1, y2, time_diff) %>%
      tidyr::unite(col = y2y1, y2, y1, sep="", remove=FALSE) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(id, time_diff, y1, y2y1) %>% #GROUPED BY SAMPLING UNITS ID
      dplyr::summarise(count = n()) %>%
      tidyr::spread(key = y2y1, value = count, fill=NA, sep = "_n")

    if (bin_width == 1){
      freq_tot <- Z_par %>%
        dplyr::mutate(success = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n11, y2y1_n10),
                      failure = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n01, y2y1_n00))

    if (bin_width > 1) {
      # function from https://www.r-bloggers.com/finding-the-midpoint-when-creating-intervals/
      midpoints <- function(x, dp=2){
        lower <- as.numeric(gsub(",.*","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        upper <- as.numeric(gsub(".*,","",gsub("\\(|\\[|\\)|\\]","", x)))
        return(round(lower+(upper-lower)/2, dp))
      # build intervals
      brks = seq(min(Z_par$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE), max(Z_par$time_diff, na.rm = TRUE)+bin_width, bin_width)
      freq_tot <- Z_par %>%
        dplyr::mutate(bin = cut(time_diff, brks, include.lowest = TRUE),
                      Lag_midpoint = midpoints(bin)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-bin) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(id, Lag_midpoint, y1) %>%
        dplyr::summarise_all(dplyr::funs(sum)) %>%
        dplyr::select(-time_diff) %>%
        dplyr::rename(., time_diff = Lag_midpoint) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(success = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n11, y2y1_n10),
                      failure = ifelse(y1==1, y2y1_n01, y2y1_n00))

    # run model and extract coefficients
    mod <- glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(success, failure) ~ -1 + y1:as.factor(time_diff) + as.factor(time_diff) + (1|id), data = freq_tot, family = "binomial") # including random intercept
    LORs <- as.data.frame(cbind(Lag=unique(freq_tot$time_diff), confint(mod)[(length(unique(freq_tot$time_diff))+1):(nrow(confint(mod))-1),]))
    LORs <- dplyr::rename(LORs, L_95_CI=names(LORs[2]), U_95_CI=names(LORs[3]), LORs=names(LORs[4]))
  } # close random effect true

} # close lor_type model-based

if (write_csv == TRUE) { # save results

  if(outDir != "" & !file.exists(outDir)){stop("outDir does not exist")}

  if (outDir == "") {
    filename <- paste("Log_odds_ratio_MaxLag_", as.character(max_lag),".csv", sep="")
    } else {
    filename <- paste(as.character(outDir), "/Log_odds_ratio_MaxLag_", as.character(max_lag),".csv", sep="")
  write.csv(x = LORs, file = filename)

if (plot_LOR == TRUE) { #plot lor values
  plot_LOR_all <- lor_plot(LORs)


FabiolaIannarilli/lorelogram documentation built on March 4, 2020, 12:16 p.m.