#2013 - Federico Comoglio & Cem Sievers, D-BSSE, ETH Zurich
getLogOdd <- function( model, k, n ) {
# Compute log odds for a given number of reads k exhibiting a transition over a total coverage n at that genomic position
# Args:
# model: list containing the parameters of the mixture model
# k: numeric, the number of reads exhibiting a transition at a given genomic position
# n: numeric, the strand-specific coverage at that position
# Returns:
# ...
# Error handling
# ...
p1 <- model$p1
p2 <- model$p2
l1 <- model$l1
l2 <- model$l2
nVals <- length( p1 )
dx <- 1 / nVals
xVals <- seq( 0, 1, length = nVals )
#1-compute the joint P(Theta, Y) from P(Theta, Y, X)
# p(Y|X) ~ Bin(n,k)
# p(x|Theta) is given by mixture model components
# p(Theta) is given by mixing coefficients
bin <- dbinom( k, n, xVals )
joint1 <- sum( bin * p1 ) * l1 * dx
joint2 <- sum( bin * p2 ) * l2 * dx
#2-compute P(Y) by marginalizing P(Theta, Y) over Theta
py <- joint1 + joint2
#3-compute posteriors p(Theta|Y)
post1 <- joint1 / py
post2 <- joint2 / py
#4-compute log odds
logOdds <- log( post2 / post1 )
return( logOdds )
computeLogOdds <- function( highConfSub, model ) {
# Compute log odds for a given number of reads k exhibiting a transition over a total coverage n at that genomic position
# Args:
# highConfSub: GRanges object containing high-confidence transitions
# model: list containing the parameters of the mixture model
# Returns:
# a GRanges object, identical to highConfSub with an additional metadata containing the computed logOdds for every transition
# Error handling
# ...
#1-extract metadata
which <- c( 'coverage', 'count' )
emd <- as.data.frame( elementMetadata( highConfSub )[, which] )
#2-add a column to be used to sort the results
emd[, 'inOrder'] <- 1 : nrow( emd )
#3-create a hash table of unique pairs (coverage, counts) and use it to compute log odds
hash <- as.data.frame( emd[ !duplicated( emd [, which] ), which ] )
hashOdds <- apply( hash, 1, function(x) getLogOdd( model, x[ 2 ], x[ 1 ] ) )
hash <- cbind( hash, hashOdds )
#4-merge results to create an object of the same length as emd
logOdds <- merge( emd, hash )
#5-sort the result and append to input
logOdds <- logOdds[ order( logOdds[, 'inOrder'] ), ]
elementMetadata( highConfSub )[ 'logOdds' ] <- logOdds[, 'hashOdds']
return( highConfSub )
getOdd <- function(xvec, yvec, x) {
# Identifies the values of yvec which is closest to mapped values of xvec
# Args:
# xvec: a numeric vector
# yvec: a numeric vector
# x: numeric
# Returns:
# the value of yvec at the xvec value closest to x
d <- abs( xvec - x )
pos <- which.min( d )
return( yvec[ pos ] )
computelogOdds <- function( model ) {
# Compute log odds using components of mixture model
# Args:
# model: list containing the parameters of the mixture model
# Returns:
# a numeric vector, of the same length as model$p1 (because computed on the same xval interval)
# Error handling
# ...
logOdds <- log( ( model$l2 * model$p2 ) / ( model$l1 * model$p1 ) )
return( logOdds )
#' Merge clusters and compute all relevant cluster statistics
#' If clusters have been identified using the mini-rank norm algorithm, cluster
#' statistics are computed. In contrast, if the CWT-based cluster
#' identification algorithm was used, clusters are first filtered to retain
#' only those instances containing a wavelet peak and a high-confidence
#' substitution site within their cluster boundaries.
#' @usage filterClusters(clusters, highConfSub, coverage, model, genome,
#' refBase = 'T', minWidth = 12, verbose = TRUE)
#' @param clusters GRanges object containing individual clusters as identified
#' by the \link{getClusters} function
#' @param highConfSub GRanges object containing high-confidence substitution
#' sites as returned by the \link{getHighConfSub} function
#' @param coverage An Rle object containing the coverage at each genomic
#' position as returned by a call to \link{coverage}
#' @param model List of 5 items containing the estimated mixture model as
#' returned by the \link{fitMixtureModel} function
#' @param genome BSgenome object of the relevant reference genome (e.g.
#' \code{Hsapiens} for the human genome hg19)
#' @param refBase A character specifying the base in the reference genome for
#' which transitions are experimentally induced (e.g. 4-SU treatment - a
#' standard in PAR-CLIP experiments - induces T to C transitions and hence
#' \code{refBase = "T"} in this case). Default is "T"
#' @param minWidth An integer corresponding to the minimum width of reported
#' clusters. Shorter clusters are extended to \code{minWidth} starting from the
#' cluster center
#' @param verbose Logical, if TRUE processing steps are printed
#' @return GRanges object containing the transcriptome-wide identified
#' clusters, having metadata: \item{Ntransitions}{The number of high-confidence
#' transitions within the cluster} \item{MeanCov}{The mean coverage within the
#' cluster} \item{NbasesInRef}{The number of genomic positions within the
#' cluster corresponding to \code{refBase}} \item{CrossLinkEff}{The
#' crosslinking efficiency within the cluster, estimated as the ratio between
#' the number of high-confidence transitions within the cluster and the total
#' number of genomic positions therein corresponding to \code{refBase}}
#' \item{Sequence}{The genomic sequence undelying the cluster (plus strand)}
#' \item{SumLogOdds}{The sum of the log-odd values within the cluster}
#' \item{RelLogOdds}{The sum of the log-odds divided by the number of
#' high-confidence transitions within the cluster. This variable can be
#' regarded as a proxy for statistical significance and can be therefore used
#' to rank clusters. See Comoglio, Sievers and Paro for details.}
#' @note 1) This function calls the appropriate processing function according
#' to the method used to compute clusters. This information is stored in the
#' \code{metadata(ranges(clusters))} slot as an object of type list.
#' 2) Notice that \code{genome} corresponds to the according reference genome
#' matching the organism in which experiments have been carried out. For
#' example \code{genome = Hsapiens} is used for the human reference genome
#' (assembly 19), where \code{Hsapiens} is provided by
#' \code{BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19}.
#' @author Federico Comoglio and Cem Sievers
#' @seealso \code{\link{getClusters}}, \code{\link{getHighConfSub}},
#' \code{\link{fitMixtureModel}}
#' @references Herve Pages, BSgenome: Infrastructure for Biostrings-based
#' genome data packages
#' Sievers C, Schlumpf T, Sawarkar R, Comoglio F and Paro R. (2012) Mixture
#' models and wavelet transforms reveal high confidence RNA-protein interaction
#' sites in MOV10 PAR-CLIP data, Nucleic Acids Res. 40(20):e160. doi:
#' 10.1093/nar/gks697
#' Comoglio F, Sievers C and Paro R (2015) Sensitive and highly resolved identification
#' of RNA-protein interaction sites in PAR-CLIP data, BMC Bioinformatics 16, 32.
#' @keywords core
#' @examples
#' require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' data( model, package = "wavClusteR" )
#' filename <- system.file( "extdata", "example.bam", package = "wavClusteR" )
#' example <- readSortedBam( filename = filename )
#' countTable <- getAllSub( example, minCov = 10, cores = 1 )
#' highConfSub <- getHighConfSub( countTable, supportStart = 0.2, supportEnd = 0.7, substitution = "TC" )
#' coverage <- coverage( example )
#' clusters <- getClusters( highConfSub = highConfSub,
#' coverage = coverage,
#' sortedBam = example,
#' cores = 1,
#' threshold = 2 )
#' fclusters <- filterClusters( clusters = clusters,
#' highConfSub = highConfSub,
#' coverage = coverage,
#' model = model,
#' genome = Hsapiens,
#' refBase = 'T',
#' minWidth = 12 )
#' fclusters
#' @export filterClusters
filterClusters <- function( clusters, highConfSub, coverage, model, genome, refBase = 'T', minWidth = 12, verbose = TRUE ) {
# Error handling
# if method is not within 'coverage' or 'cwt', raise an error
method <- metadata( ranges( clusters ) )[[1]] #slot is a list
stopifnot( method %in% c( 'mrn' ) )
clusters <- filterClustersMRN( clusters = clusters,
highConfSub = highConfSub,
coverage = coverage,
model = model,
genome = genome,
refBase = refBase,
minWidth = minWidth,
verbose = verbose )
return( clusters )
filterClustersMRN <- function( clusters, highConfSub, coverage, model, genome, refBase = 'T', minWidth = 12, verbose = TRUE ) {
# Identifies clusters with high-confidence transitions and returns all relevant descriptors and statistics
# Args:
# clusters: GRanges object containing individual clusters as identified by getClusters
# highConfSub: GRanges object containing high-confidence transitions
# coverage: Rle object containing sequencing coverage
# model: list containing the parameters of the mixture model
# genome: BSgenome object of the relevant genome (e.g. Hsapiens)
# refBase: character, the base in the reference genome for which transitions are induced. Default is T (for T-->C)
# minWidth: numeric, minimum cluster width. Clusters narrower than minWidth will be extended to that size. Default is 12
# verbose: logical, if TRUE, prints steps. Default is true
# Returns:
# A GRanges object containing valid clusters for post-processing (e.g. annotation) or export
# Error handling
# ...
#1-identify base complementary to reference base
bases <- c('A', 'T', 'C', 'G')
basesCpl <- c('T', 'A', 'G', 'C')
refBaseCpl <- basesCpl[ which( bases == refBase ) ]
#2-compute log odds
if( verbose )
message( 'Computing log odds...' )
highConfSub <- computeLogOdds( highConfSub, model )
#3-check cluster sizes and increase size to 12 if w < 12
message( 'Refining cluster sizes...' )
w <- width( clusters )
whichFixed <- which( w < minWidth )
fixedClusters <- resize( clusters[whichFixed], minWidth, fix = 'center' )
clusters[ whichFixed ] <- fixedClusters
#3b-check that resized clusters do not exceed coverage boundaries
chr <- unique( seqnames( clusters ) )
sn <- seqnames( clusters )
for( lev in chr ) {
endCov <- length( coverage[[ lev ]] )
outside <- end( clusters[ sn == lev ] ) > endCov
end( clusters[ sn == lev ] )[ outside ] <- endCov
#4-assign strand to clusters. If done before reduce, clusters on different strands will not be merged
# if( verbose )
# message( 'Assigning strand information to clusters...' )
# highConfSubNoStrand <- highConfSub
# strand( highConfSubNoStrand ) <- '*'
# highConfSubNoStrand <- sort( highConfSubNoStrand ) #generates 1:1 map substitution:cluster (order preserved)
# olaps <- findOverlaps( highConfSubNoStrand, highConfSub )
# strand( clusters ) <- strand( highConfSub[ subjectHits( olaps ) ] )
#5-reduce clusters
if( verbose )
message( 'Combining clusters...' )
clusters <- reduce( clusters )
minusStrand <- which( strand( clusters ) == '-' )
n <- length( clusters )
#6-count the number of transitions per cluster
if( verbose )
message( 'Quantifying transitions within clusters...' )
nTransitions <- countOverlaps( clusters, highConfSub )
#7-compute statistics for each cluster
if( verbose )
message( 'Computing statistics...' )
chrClusters <- as.character( seqnames( clusters ) )
startClusters <- start( clusters )
endClusters <- end( clusters )
sequences <- as.vector( getSeq( genome, chrClusters, startClusters, endClusters, as.character = TRUE ) ) #to compute #bases of transition type
sumOddsVec <- meanCovVec <- c() #vectors containing future elementMetadata
pb <- txtProgressBar( min = 0, max = n, initial = 1, char = "=", style = 3 )
olaps <- findOverlaps( highConfSub, clusters )
mapping <- split( queryHits( olaps ), subjectHits( olaps ) )
logOdds <- elementMetadata( highConfSub )[, 'logOdds']
#prevLO rsfs <- elementMetadata( highConfSub )[, 'rsf']
for( i in seq_len( n ) ) {
#prevLO rsf <- rsfs[ mapping[[ i ]] ]
odds <- logOdds[ mapping[[ i ]] ]
chr <- chrClusters[ i ]
#prevLO sumOdds <- sum( sapply( rsf, getOdd, xvec, logOdds ) ) #get sum log odds
sumOdds <- sum( odds )
meanCov <- mean( coverage[[ chr ]][ startClusters[ i ] : endClusters[ i ] ] )
sumOddsVec <- c( sumOddsVec, sumOdds )
meanCovVec <- c( meanCovVec, meanCov )
setTxtProgressBar( pb, i )
close( pb )
toCount <- rep( refBase, n )
toCount[ minusStrand ] <- refBaseCpl
refBaseCountVec <- str_count( sequences, toCount )
relOddsVec <- sumOddsVec / refBaseCountVec
crosslinkEff <- round( nTransitions / refBaseCountVec, 2 )
#8-consolidate results and prepare output
if( verbose )
message( 'Consolidating results...' )
emdDf <- data.frame( Ntransitions = nTransitions,
MeanCov = meanCovVec,
NbasesInRef = refBaseCountVec,
CrossLinkEff = crosslinkEff,
Sequence = sequences,
SumLogOdds = sumOddsVec,
RelLogOdds = relOddsVec ) #data.frame with elementMetadata
elementMetadata( clusters ) <- emdDf
return( clusters )
filterClustersCWT <- function( clusters, highConfSub, coverage, model, genome, refBase = 'T', minWidth = 12) {
#maintained pipeline (reproducibility of wavClusteR results), see Sievers et al. (2012), Nucl Acids Res 40(2):e160
ref.base.compl <- as.character( complement( DNAString(refBase) ) )
chr.cov <- names( coverage )
xvec <- seq( .001, .999, .001 )
logOdds <- computelogOdds( model )
w <- width( clusters )
clust.small <- clusters[w < minWidth]
clust.large <- clusters[w >= minWidth]
if(length(clust.small) > 0)
clust.small <- resize(clust.small, minWidth, fix = 'center')
clusters <- c(clust.small, clust.large)
clusters <- reduce(clusters)
over <- findOverlaps(highConfSub, clusters)
over.mm <- as.matrix( over )
rel.freq <- elementMetadata(highConfSub)[, 'rsf']
chr.v <- start.v <- end.v <- strand.v <- sum.odds.v <- mean.cov.v <- c()
index <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(over.mm))) {
clust.ind <- over.mm[i, 2]
sub.ind <- over.mm[i, 1]
tmp.sub <- highConfSub[ sub.ind ]
tmp.clust <- clusters[ clust.ind ]
tmp.odds <- getOdd( xvec, logOdds, rel.freq[sub.ind] )
if(clust.ind %in% index) {
n <- length(sum.odds.v)
sum.odds.v[ n ] <- sum.odds.v[ n ] + tmp.odds
else {
index <- c(index, clust.ind)
chr <- as.character( seqnames(tmp.clust) )
s <- start(tmp.clust)
e <- end(tmp.clust)
idx <- which(chr.cov == chr)
mean.cov <- mean( coverage[[ idx ]][s : e] )
chr.v <- c(chr.v, chr)
start.v <- c(start.v, s)
end.v <- c(end.v, e)
strand.v <- c( strand.v, as.character(strand(tmp.sub)) )
sum.odds.v <- c(sum.odds.v, tmp.odds)
mean.cov.v <- c(mean.cov.v, mean.cov)
sequences <- as.vector( getSeq(genome, chr.v, start.v, end.v, as.character = TRUE) )
to.count <- rep( refBase, length(chr.v) )
to.count[ strand.v == '-' ] <- ref.base.compl
ref.base.count.v <- str_count(sequences, to.count)
rel.odds.v <- sum.odds.v / ref.base.count.v
res.gr <- GRanges(chr.v, IRanges(start.v, end.v ), strand.v,
mean.coverage = mean.cov.v, base.count = ref.base.count.v, sum.odds = sum.odds.v, relative.odds = rel.odds.v)
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