#' Summarizing microbiome data
#' To query a \code{SummarizedExperiment} for interesting features, several
#' functions are available.
#' @inheritParams getPrevalence
#' @param top \code{Numeric scalar}. Determines how many top taxa to return.
#' Default is to return top five taxa. (Default: \code{5})
#' @param method \code{Character scalar}. Specify the method to determine top
#' taxa. Either sum, mean, median or prevalence. (Default: \code{"mean"})
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed, e.g., to getPrevalence:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{sort}: \code{Logical scalar}. Specify
#' whether to sort taxa in alphabetical order or not. Enabled in
#' functions
#' \code{getUnique}, and \code{getTop}.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' \item \code{na.rm}: \code{Logical scalar}. Specify
#' whether to remove missing values or not. Enabled in functions
#' \code{getUnique}, and \code{getTop}.
#' (Default: \code{FALSE})
#' }
#' @details
#' The \code{getTop} extracts the most \code{top} abundant \dQuote{FeatureID}s
#' in a
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' The \code{getUnique} is a basic function to access different taxa at a
#' particular taxonomic rank.
#' @return
#' The \code{getTop} returns a vector of the most \code{top} abundant
#' \dQuote{FeatureID}s
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[=getPrevalence]{getPrevalent}}
#' @name summary
#' @examples
#' data(GlobalPatterns)
#' top_taxa <- getTop(GlobalPatterns,
#' method = "mean",
#' top = 5,
#' assay.type = "counts")
#' top_taxa
#' # Use 'detection' to select detection threshold when using prevalence method
#' top_taxa <- getTop(GlobalPatterns,
#' method = "prevalence",
#' top = 5,
#' assay_name = "counts",
#' detection = 100)
#' top_taxa
#' # Top taxa os specific rank
#' getTop(agglomerateByRank(GlobalPatterns,
#' rank = "Genus",
#' na.rm = TRUE))
#' # Gets the overview of dominant taxa
#' dominant_taxa <- summarizeDominance(GlobalPatterns,
#' rank = "Genus")
#' dominant_taxa
#' # With group, it is possible to group observations based on specified groups
#' # Gets the overview of dominant taxa
#' dominant_taxa <- summarizeDominance(GlobalPatterns,
#' rank = "Genus",
#' group = "SampleType",
#' na.rm = TRUE)
#' dominant_taxa
#' # Get an overview of sample and taxa counts
#' summary(GlobalPatterns, assay.type= "counts")
#' # Get unique taxa at a particular taxonomic rank
#' # sort = TRUE means that output is sorted in alphabetical order
#' # With na.rm = TRUE, it is possible to remove NAs
#' # sort and na.rm can also be used in function getTop
#' getUnique(GlobalPatterns, "Phylum", sort = TRUE)
.check_max_taxa <- function(x, top, assay.type){
if(!is.numeric(top) || as.integer(top) != top){
stop("'top' must be integer value", call. = FALSE)
if(top > nrow(assay(x,assay.type))){
stop("'top' must be <= nrow(x)", call. = FALSE)
#' @rdname summary
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowSums2 rowMeans2 rowMedians
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
setMethod("getTop", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
x, top = 5L, method = c("mean", "sum", "median", "prevalence"),
assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = "counts",
na.rm = TRUE, ...){
# input check
method <- match.arg(method, c("mean","sum","median","prevalence"))
# check max taxa
.check_max_taxa(x, top, assay.type)
# check assay
.check_assay_present(assay.type, x)
if(method == "prevalence"){
taxs <- getPrevalence(
assay(x, assay.type), sort = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE, ...)
# If there are taxa with prevalence of 0, remove them
taxs <- taxs[ taxs > 0 ]
} else {
taxs <- switch(
mean = rowMeans2(assay(x, assay.type), na.rm = na.rm),
sum = rowSums2(assay(x, assay.type), na.rm = na.rm),
median = rowMedians(assay(x, assay.type)), na.rm = na.rm)
names(taxs) <- rownames(assay(x))
taxs <- sort(taxs,decreasing = TRUE)
names <- head(names(taxs), n = top)
# Remove NAs and sort if specified
names <- .remove_NAs_and_sort(names, ... )
#' @name summary
#' @param rank \code{Character scalar}. Defines a taxonomic rank. Must be a
#' value of the output of \code{taxonomyRanks()}. (Default: \code{NULl})
#' @return
#' The \code{getUnique} returns a vector of unique taxa present at a
#' particular rank
#' @export
#' @rdname summary
#' @export
setMethod("getUnique", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, rank = NULL, ...){
.check_taxonomic_rank(rank, x)
names <- unique(rowData(x)[,rank])
# Remove NAs and sort if specified
names <- .remove_NAs_and_sort(names, ... )
#' @name summary
#' @param group With group, it is possible to group the observations in an
#' overview. Must be one of the column names of \code{colData}.
#' @param name \code{Character scalar}. A name for the column of the
#' \code{colData} where results will be stored.
#' (Default: \code{"dominant_taxa"})
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to \code{agglomerateByRank()} when
#' \code{rank} is specified for \code{summarizeDominance}.
#' @details
#' \code{summarizeDominance} returns information about most dominant
#' taxa in a tibble. Information includes their absolute and relative
#' abundances in whole data set.
#' @return
#' The \code{summarizeDominance} returns an overview in a tibble. It contains
#' dominant taxa in a column named \code{*name*} and its abundance in the data
#' set.
#' @export
#' @rdname summary
#' @export
setMethod("summarizeDominance", signature = c(x = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(x, group = NULL, name = "dominant_taxa", ...){
# Input check
# group check
if(isFALSE(any(group %in% colnames(colData(x))))){
stop("'group' variable must be in colnames(colData(x))",
call. = FALSE)
# name check
stop("'name' must be a non-empty single character value.",
call. = FALSE)
# Adds dominant taxa to colData
dominant_taxa <- getDominant(x, ...)
data <- colData(x)
# If the length of dominant taxa is not equal to number of rows, then
# add rows
# because there are multiple dominant taxa
if(length(unlist(dominant_taxa)) > nrow(data) ){
# Get the order
order <- unique(names(dominant_taxa))
# there are multiple dominant taxa in one sample
# (counts are equal), length
# of dominant is greater than rows in colData. --> create a list
# that contain
# dominant taxa, and is as long as there are rows in colData
dominant_taxa_list <- split(
rep(names(dominant_taxa), lengths(dominant_taxa)) )
# Order the data
dominant_taxa_list <- dominant_taxa_list[order]
data <- data[
rep(seq_len(nrow(data)), lengths(dominant_taxa_list)), ]
# Add dominant taxa to data
colname <- "dominant_taxa"
data[[colname]] <- dominant_taxa
# Gets an overview
tab <- .tally_col_data(data, group, colname, ...)
colnames(tab)[colnames(tab) == colname] <- name
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS ################################
#' @importFrom S4Vectors as.data.frame
#' @importFrom dplyr n desc tally group_by arrange mutate
.tally_col_data <- function(data, group, colname, digits = NULL, ...){
# Convert data to data.frame
data <- as.data.frame(data)
# # If there are multiple dominant taxa in one sample, the column is a list.
# # Convert it so that there are multiple rows for sample and each row
# contains one dominant taxa.
if( is.list(data[[colname]]) ){
# Get dominant taxa as a vector
dominant_taxa <- unlist(data[[colname]])
# Create additional rows
data <- data[rep(seq_len(nrow(data)), lengths(data[[colname]])), ]
# Add dominant taxa
data[[colname]] <- dominant_taxa
# Creates a tibble that contains number of times that a column of "name"
# is present in samples and relative portion of samples where they
# present.
# digits check
if(!is.numeric(digits)) {
stop("'digits' must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(group)) {
colname <- sym(colname)
data <- data %>%
} else {
group <- sym(group)
colname <- sym(colname)
data <- data %>%
group_by(!!group, !!colname)
tallied_data <- data %>%
tally() %>%
rel_freq = n / sum(n)
) %>%
if(!is.null(digits)) {
tallied_data["rel_freq"] <- round(tallied_data["rel_freq"], digits)
#' @rdname summary
#' @param object A
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' @param assay.type \code{Character scalar}. Specifies the name of the
#' assay used in calculation. (Default: \code{"counts"})
#' @details
#' The \code{summary} will return a summary of counts for all samples and
#' features in
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment:SummarizedExperiment-class]{SummarizedExperiment}}
#' object.
#' @return
#' The \code{summary} returns a list with two \code{tibble}s
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[scuttle:perCellQCMetrics]{perCellQCMetrics}},
#' \code{\link[scuttle:perFeatureQCMetrics]{perFeatureQCMetrics}},
#' \code{\link[scuttle:addPerCellQC]{addPerCellQC}},
#' \code{\link[scuttle:addPerFeatureQC]{addPerFeatureQC}},
#' \code{\link[scuttle:quickPerCellQC]{quickPerCellQC}}
#' @export
setMethod("summary", signature = c(object = "SummarizedExperiment"),
function(object, assay.type = assay_name, assay_name = "counts"){
# Input check
.check_assay_present(assay.type = assay.type, object)
# check if NA in assay
.check_NAs_assay_counts(object, assay.type)
# check if counts
.check_fraction_or_negative_values(object, assay.type)
sample.summary <- .get_summary_col_data(object, assay.type)
feature.summary <- .get_summary_row_data(object, assay.type)
return(list("samples" = sample.summary, "features" = feature.summary))
################################ HELP FUNCTIONS summary ####################
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colSums2
#' @importFrom stats sd median
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
.get_summary_col_data <- function(x, assay.type){
# should check and extract assay
assay.x <- .get_assay(x, assay.type)
summary_col_data <- tibble(
total_counts = sum(colSums2(assay.x)),
min_counts = min(colSums2(assay.x)),
max_counts = max(colSums2(assay.x)),
median_counts = median(colSums2(assay.x)),
mean_counts = mean(colSums2(assay.x)),
stdev_counts = sd(colSums2(assay.x)))
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colSums2
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
.get_summary_row_data <- function(x, assay.type){
# Should check and extract assay
# Internal from agglomerateByRanks
assay.x <- .get_assay(x, assay.type)
summary_row_data <- tibble(
total = nrow(assay.x),
singletons = .get_singletons(assay.x),
per_sample_avg = mean(colSums2(assay.x != 0)))
# Get singletons from assay matrix
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowSums2
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
length(rowSums2(x)[rowSums2(x) == 1])
# Check if values in assay are fractions or or negative values
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats colSums2
.check_fraction_or_negative_values <- function(x, assay.type){
assay.x <- .get_assay(x, assay.type)
if(any(colSums2(assay.x) < 1) | any(colSums2(assay.x) < 0)){
stop("There are samples that sum to 1 or less counts. ",
"Try to supply raw counts", call. = FALSE)
# Remove NAs and order in alphabetical order
.remove_NAs_and_sort <- function(names, sort = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE, ...){
# Check sort
if( !.is_a_bool(sort) ){
stop("'sort' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Check na.rm
if( !.is_a_bool(na.rm) ){
stop("'na.rm' must be a boolean value.", call. = FALSE)
# Remove NAs if specified
if( na.rm ){
names <- names[ !is.na(names) ]
# Sort in alphabetical order if sort is TRUE
if( sort ){
names <- sort(names, na.last = TRUE)
# Check NAs in assay, used when specifically when counts are expected
.check_NAs_assay_counts <- function(x, assay.type){
assay.x <- .get_assay(x, assay.type)
if(any(is.na(assay.x))) {
stop("There are samples with NAs in 'assay': ", assay.type,
" . This function is limited to sequencing data only. ",
"Where raw counts do not usually have NAs. ",
"Try to supply raw counts", call. = FALSE)
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