#' A function for survival analysis.
#' An easy wrapper around survival analysis as implemented in the packages `survival` and `survminer`.
#' This package is meant to easily facilitate survival analysis for test variables (given in `testvardf`), using time-to-event and event-status variables (given in `clinvardf`).
#' It also supports multivariable modelling using other variables in `clinvardf`, which are called according to their column names as provided by `multivarnames`.
#' @param testvardf - a data.frame of variables to test for association with survival, columns = variables, rows = observations. If you want to run a gene expression matrix, then genes need to be columns and samples need to be rows, ie you may need to transpose via the transpose function, t().
#' @param clinvardf - a data.frame with clinical variables, including time and status columns, columns = variables, rows = observations.
#' @param vartypes - a character vector of length = ncol(testvardf). Should say either "continuous" or "categorical", for each column of testvardf. If empty, will guess the vartype, defining continuous variables as those with >12 unique values.
#' @param multivarnames - a character vector. The colnames of clinvardf to include in multivariable modelling, if desired. If empty, does not perform multivar modelling.
#' @param timevarname - a string, the colname of the column in clinvardf with time to event information.
#' @param statusvarname - a string, the colname of the column in clinvardf with event information. The event column should be a character vector and should have the word "Censored" (capital C); ie alive/dead should be "Censored" and "Dead", event should be "Censored" and "Event".
#' @param outdir - a string, the path to write outputs to; defaults to './survival'
#' @return Does not return anything; instead, will save survival analysis plots, Cox regression models, and frozen data to outdir.
#' @export
#' @examples
survival <- function(testvardf,
message("\nInitiating analysis")
if( missing(outdir) ) {outdir <- './survival'; message('\nNo outdir provided, defaulting to write outs to "./survival"')}
### try to get continuous vs cat test vars ###
# if vartpyes is provided (not missing), use that
if( !missing(vartypes) ) {
message("\nUsing vartypes to separate continuous and categorical variables...")
if(length(vartypes) != ncol(testvardf)){error("vartypes is not the same length as ncol(testvardf). make sure each column is accounter for in vartypes as either 'continuous' or 'categorical', or leave vartypes blank.")}
# using the vartypes, get the continuous / categorical columns
contvars <- testvardf[,vartypes=='continuous', drop=FALSE]
catvars <- testvardf[,vartypes=='categorical', drop=FALSE]
#get their names...
contnames <- colnames(contvars)
catnames <- colnames(catvars)
message(' - ', ncol(contvars), ' continuous variables')
message(' - ', ncol(catvars), ' categorical variables')
# if vartypes is missing, then try to guess based on continuous = >12 unique values
if( missing(vartypes) ) {
message('\nGuessing vartypes based on continuous defined as > 12 unique values...')
#get num unique values for each variable
num_unique_vals <- sapply(testvardf, FUN = function(x){length(unique(x))}, simplify = T)
catnames <- names(num_unique_vals[num_unique_vals<=12])
catvars <- testvardf[,catnames, drop=FALSE]
contnames <- names(num_unique_vals[num_unique_vals>12])
contvars <- testvardf[,contnames, drop=FALSE]
message(' - ', ncol(contvars), ' continuous variables')
message(' - ', ncol(catvars), ' categorical variables')
#### continuous vars ####
if( length(contnames) > 0){
message("\nBeginning analysis for continuous variables...")
#get varnames
scorenames <- names(contvars)
# prep progress bar
total = ncol(contvars)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
#outs from loop: plots, models, data
plotlist <- list()
modellist <- list()
datalist <- list()
# this list will wrap the cat var lists, if there are cat vars; else, NULL.
contvarout <- list()
for(scoreidx in 1:length(scorenames) ) {
#get the score name
scorename <- colnames(contvars)[scoreidx]
#get the score valeues, numeric continuopus
scorevec <- contvars[,scorename]
## dichotomize the score ##
highname <- paste0('High\nN=', table(na.omit(scorevec) >= median(na.omit(scorevec)) )[2] )
lowname <- paste0('Low\nN=', table(na.omit(scorevec) >= median(na.omit(scorevec)) )[1] )
dichscore <- ifelse(scorevec >= median(na.omit(scorevec)), yes = highname, no = lowname)
dichscore <- factor(dichscore, levels = c(lowname, highname))
### split score to tertiles ###
terciles <- factor(ntile(scorevec, 3))
terciles <- plyr::mapvalues(x = terciles, from = levels(terciles),
to = c( paste0('Low\nN=', table(terciles)[1]),
paste0('Med\nN=', table(terciles)[2]),
paste0('High\nN=', table(terciles)[2]) )
### set up survival datadf ###
datadf <- data.frame(continuous = scorevec,
dichotomized = dichscore,
terciles = terciles,
surv = clinvardf[,timevarname],
status = clinvardf[,statusvarname])
# #check dist
# #check dist over dead/alive
# hist <- ggplot(datadf, aes(continuous, fill=status))+
# geom_histogram(col='black',position='identity', alpha=0.5) +
# facet_wrap(~status, nrow=2)
# #check dist cor with survival?
# corCensored <- cor.test(datadf[datadf$status=='Censored', "surv"], datadf[datadf$status=='Censored', "continuous"])
# corNonCensored <- cor.test(datadf[datadf$status!='Censored', "surv"], datadf[datadf$status!='Censored', "continuous"])
# corlab <- paste0('Non-Censored cor: ', round(corNonCensored$estimate, 3), ', Non-Censored P:', round(corNonCensored$p.value, 3),
# '\nCensored cor: ', round(corCensored$estimate, 3), ', Censored P: ', round(corCensored$p.value, 3))
# corp <- ggplot(datadf, aes(continuous, surv, col = status))+
# geom_point()+
# geom_smooth()+
# facet_wrap(~status, nrow=2)+
# labs(caption = corlab)
# distplots <- hist+corp
### code status as numeric ###
datadf$status_code <- ifelse(datadf$status == 'Censored', yes=0, no = 1)
### tertile analysis ###
fit <- surv_fit(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ terciles, data = datadf)
gterc <- ggsurvplot(fit,
conf.int = F,
pval = TRUE,
pval.method = T,
linetype = "strata",
test.for.trend = F,
ggtheme = theme_classic2(),
palette = c( "#8DA0CB", "#66C2A5", "#FC8D62" ) )
### dichotomized analysis ###
fit <- surv_fit(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ dichotomized, data = datadf)
gdich <- ggsurvplot(fit,
conf.int = F,
pval = TRUE, #pval.coord = c(0, 0.15),
pval.method = T, #pval.method.coord = c(0, 0.25),
linetype = "strata",
test.for.trend = F,
ggtheme = theme_classic2(),
palette = c("#377EB8" , "#E41A1C") )
# just get plots
gterc <- gterc$plot
gdich <- gdich$plot
### cox modelling ###
#dich model, will match plot
dich <- coxph(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ dichotomized, data = datadf)
terc <- coxph(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ terciles, data = datadf)
#continuous univariate cox
continuous <- coxph(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ continuous, data = datadf)
#multivar cox test
if( !missing(multivarnames) ){
#prep for multivar
datadf <- cbind(datadf, clinvardf)
# run it
multivar <- coxph(as.formula(
paste0('Surv(surv, status_code) ~ continuous + ',
paste(multivarnames, collapse = ' + '))
} else{multivar <- NULL}
#bind all outputs
# models
models <- list(dich = dich,
terc = terc,
continuous = continuous,
multivar = multivar
#drop null list; this happens if no multivar was used.
models <- models[lengths(models) != 0]
# plots
# plots <- list(gdich, gterc, distplots)
plots <- list(gdich, gterc)
#save outs
plotlist[[scorename]] <- plots
modellist[[scorename]] <- models
datalist[[scorename]] <- datadf
setTxtProgressBar(pb, scoreidx)
} # end cont var loop.
contvarout <- list(plotlist = plotlist,
modellist = modellist,
datalist = datalist)
} else {contvarout <- NULL} # end cont var if statement.
#### categorical vars ####
if( length(catnames) > 0 ){
message("\nBeginning analysis for categorical variables...")
#get varnames
scorenames <- names(catvars)
# prep progress bar
total = ncol(catvars)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
#prep output lists
#outs from loop: plots, models, data
plotlist <- list()
modellist <- list()
datalist <- list()
# this list will wrap the cat var lists, if there are cat vars; else, NULL.
catvarout <- list()
for(scoreidx in 1:length(scorenames)) {
#get the score name
scorename <- colnames(catvars)[scoreidx]
#get the score valeues, numeric continuopus
scorevec <- catvars[,scorename]
# change name to have N
scorevec <- plyr::mapvalues(scorevec, from = levels(scorevec),
to = paste0(levels(scorevec), '\nN=', table(scorevec)[levels(scorevec)] ) )
datadf <- data.frame(var = scorevec,
surv = clinvardf[,timevarname],
status = clinvardf[,statusvarname])
### code status as numeric ###
datadf$status_code <- ifelse(datadf$status == 'Censored', yes=0, no = 1)
fit <- surv_fit(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ var, data = datadf)
gcat <- ggsurvplot(fit,
conf.int = F,
pval = TRUE,
pval.method = T,
linetype = "strata",
test.for.trend = F,
ggtheme = theme_classic2())
#test for trend, but only if >2 vars...
if( length(levels(datadf$var)) > 2 ) {
gtft <- ggsurvplot(fit,
conf.int = F,
pval = TRUE,
pval.method = T,
linetype = "strata",
test.for.trend = T,
ggtheme = theme_classic2())
gtft <- gtft$plot
gcat <- gcat$plot
if( length(levels(datadf$var)) > 2 ) {
plots <- list(gcat, gtft)
} else{
plots <- list( gcat, plot_spacer() )
### cox modelling ###
#dich model, will match plot
model <- coxph(Surv(surv, status_code) ~ var, data = datadf)
#multivar cox test
if( !missing(multivarnames) ){
#prep for multivar
datadf <- cbind(datadf, clinvardf)
# run it
multivar <- coxph(as.formula(
paste0('Surv(surv, status_code) ~ var + ',
paste(multivarnames, collapse = ' + '))
} else{multivar <- NULL}
#bind all outputs
# models
models <- list(model = model,
multivar = multivar
#drop null list; this happens if no multivar was used.
models <- models[lengths(models) != 0]
# plots
# plots <- list(gdich, gterc, distplots)
plots <- plots
#save outs
plotlist[[scorename]] <- plots
modellist[[scorename]] <- models
datalist[[scorename]] <- datadf
setTxtProgressBar(pb, scoreidx)
} # end cat var loop.
catvarout <- list(plotlist = plotlist,
modellist = modellist,
datalist = datalist)
} else{catvarout <- NULL} #end cat var if statement.
outlist <- list(continuous = contvarout,
categorical = catvarout)
message('\n\n\nPreparing to save outputs to: "', outdir,'"')
dir.create(outdir, recursive = T)
### save continuous vars ###
if( ! is.null( outlist[[1]]) ){
message('\nSaving continuous variable outputs...')
#get outputs
plotlist <- outlist[[1]][[1]]
modellist <- outlist[[1]][[2]]
datalist <- outlist[[1]][[3]]
sigpways <- names(plotlist)
sigresdir <- paste0(outdir, '/continuousvars/')
total = length(sigpways)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
#for significant results, make outputs
pdfplotlist <- list()
for(scoreidx in 1:length(sigpways) ){
score <- sigpways[scoreidx]
#get models
models <- modellist[[score]]
datadf <- datalist[[score]] #load data into env or else, the diagnostics break
#get plots
plots <- plotlist[[score]]
#get the coefficients, hazard ratios, confidence intervals, and P values
summarytable <- bind_rows( lapply(models, function(x){as.data.frame( summary(x)$coefficients ) }) )
summarytable <- bind_cols(summarytable,
bind_rows( lapply(models, function(x){as.data.frame( summary(x)$conf.int ) }) )[,3:4] )
#rename the continuous
# make sure to
rownames <- rownames(summarytable)
rownames[1:4] <- paste0('Univariate_', rownames[1:4])
rownames[4] <- 'Univariate_Continuous'
rownames[5:length(rownames)] <- paste0('Multivariate_', rownames[5:length(rownames)])
rownames[5] <- 'Multivariate_Continuous'
rownames(summarytable) <- rownames
#put conf int next to coef
summarytable <- summarytable[,c(1,6,7,2,3,4,5)]
#hr, lower/upperCI, P, and sig only...
summarytable <- summarytable[,c(4,2,3,7)]
#add significance marks
summarytable$significance <- ''
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.1, "significance"] <- '.'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.05, "significance"] <- '*'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.01, "significance"] <- '**'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.001, "significance"] <- '***'
#round table
summarytable[,-ncol(summarytable)] <- round( summarytable[,-ncol(summarytable)],3 )
# plot it all together
updatedplot <- (plots[[1]] + plots[[2]]) / ( gridExtra::tableGrob(summarytable, theme=gridExtra::ttheme_default(base_size =8))) + patchwork::plot_annotation(score) +
plot_layout(heights = c(1,2))
pdfplotlist[[score]] <- updatedplot
#save all outputs...
resultdir <- paste0(sigresdir, '/', score)
# saveRDS( file = paste0(resultdir, '/models.rds'), models )
#check model assumptions...
modeldiagnosticsfile <- paste0(resultdir, '/modeldiagnostics.pdf')
pdf(modeldiagnosticsfile, height = 7, width = 7)
for(model in models){
print( ggcoxzph( cox.zph(model) ) )
#save plots
gdich <- plots[[1]]
gterc <- plots[[2]]
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/KM_dichotomized.pdf'), height = 5, width = 5)
print( gdich )
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/KM_terciles.pdf'), height = 5, width = 5)
print( gterc )
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/summaryplot.pdf'), height = 10, width = 9)
print( updatedplot )
summarytable <- cbind(rownames(summarytable), summarytable)
colnames(summarytable)[1] <- 'variable'
write.csv(paste0(resultdir, '/modeltable.csv'), x=summarytable, row.names = F)
### saveas much as possible just in case ###
list_to_save <- list(datadf = datadf, plots = plots, models = models)
saveRDS(object = list_to_save, file = paste0(resultdir, '/objects.rds') )
setTxtProgressBar(pb, scoreidx)
} # end cont saving loop
} # end cont saving if statement
### save categorical vars ###
if( ! is.null( outlist[[2]]) ){
message('\nSaving categorical variable outputs...')
#get outputs
plotlist <- outlist[[2]][[1]]
modellist <- outlist[[2]][[2]]
datalist <- outlist[[2]][[3]]
sigpways <- names(plotlist)
sigresdir <- paste0(outdir, '/categoricalvars/')
total = length(sigpways)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = total, style = 3)
#for significant results, make outputs
pdfplotlist <- list()
for(scoreidx in 1:length(sigpways) ){
score <- sigpways[scoreidx]
#get models
models <- modellist[[score]]
datadf <- datalist[[score]] #load data into env or else, the diagnostics break
#get plots
plots <- plotlist[[score]]
#get the coefficients, hazard ratios, confidence intervals, and P values
summarytable <- bind_rows( lapply(models, function(x){as.data.frame( summary(x)$coefficients ) }) )
summarytable <- bind_cols(summarytable,
bind_rows( lapply(models, function(x){as.data.frame( summary(x)$conf.int ) }) )[,3:4] )
#rename the univar
# get the rows form then number of levels - 1....
numtestlevs <- length(levels(datadf$var)) - 1
rownames(summarytable)[1:numtestlevs] <- paste0('Univariate_', rownames(summarytable)[1:numtestlevs] )
#rename the multivar
# check if multivar even exists: nrow will be greater than numtestlevs
# to get the rest of the rows, use numtestlevs + 1 --> all else is multivar...
if(nrow(summarytable) > numtestlevs ){
numtestlevs <- numtestlevs + 1
rownames(summarytable)[numtestlevs:nrow(summarytable)] <- paste0('Multivariate_', rownames(summarytable)[numtestlevs:nrow(summarytable)] )
#put conf int next to coef
summarytable <- summarytable[,c(1,6,7,2,3,4,5)]
#hr, lower/upperCI, P, and sig only...
summarytable <- summarytable[,c(4,2,3,7)]
#add significance marks
summarytable$significance <- ''
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.1, "significance"] <- '.'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.05, "significance"] <- '*'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.01, "significance"] <- '**'
summarytable[summarytable$`Pr(>|z|)` < 0.001, "significance"] <- '***'
#round table
summarytable[,-ncol(summarytable)] <- round( summarytable[,-ncol(summarytable)],3 )
# plot it all together
updatedplot <- (plots[[1]] + plots[[2]]) / ( gridExtra::tableGrob(summarytable, theme=gridExtra::ttheme_default(base_size =8))) + patchwork::plot_annotation(score) +
plot_layout(heights = c(1,2))
pdfplotlist[[score]] <- updatedplot
#save all outputs...
resultdir <- paste0(sigresdir, '/', score)
# saveRDS( file = paste0(resultdir, '/models.rds'), models )
#check model assumptions...
modeldiagnosticsfile <- paste0(resultdir, '/modeldiagnostics.pdf')
pdf(modeldiagnosticsfile, height = 7, width = 7)
for(model in models){
print( ggcoxzph( cox.zph(model) ) )
#save plots
gcat <- plots[[1]]
gtft <- plots[[2]]
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/KM_categorical.pdf'), height = 5, width = 5)
print( gcat )
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/KM_categorical_test-for-trend.pdf'), height = 5, width = 5)
print( gtft )
pdf(paste0(resultdir, '/summaryplot.pdf'), height = 10, width = 9)
print( updatedplot )
summarytable <- cbind(rownames(summarytable), summarytable)
colnames(summarytable)[1] <- 'variable'
write.csv(paste0(resultdir, '/modeltable.csv'), x=summarytable, row.names = F)
### saveas much as possible just in case ###
list_to_save <- list(datadf = datadf, plots = plots, models = models)
saveRDS(object = list_to_save, file = paste0(resultdir, '/objects.rds') )
setTxtProgressBar(pb, scoreidx)
} # end cat saving loop
} # end cat saving if statment
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