
#' Loading the genotype data.
#' The function automatically loads the genotype data matrix assuming each row
#'    is an individual and each column is the genotype of a biallelic SNP. If
#'    standard PLINK .raw file was provided, the function returns only the genotype
#'    matrix by removing the first 6 columns.
#' @param source_data the name of the file which the genotype data are to be read from.
#'    Each row of the matrix appears as one line of the file. Could be an absolute path to the
#'    file or the name of the file assuming in the present directory \code{\link{getwd}()}.
#' @param PLINK a logic indicating whether the supplied file is of the .raw format from PLINK, if not, the first six
#'    columns will not be removed and all columns will be read in.
#' @param chr an integer indicating which chromosome is read in, this option is used in combination with
#'    \code{source_data}, to perform analysis by each chromosome. In this case, the file name should follow:
#'    \code{source_data_i.raw}. For example, \code{Geno_Matrix_1.raw} or \code{Geno_Matrix_23.raw} if all 23 files
#'    are available.
#' @return a data matrix of genotypes.
#' @importFrom data.table fread

load_geno <- function(source_data, PLINK = TRUE, chr = NULL) {
    if (is.null(chr)) {
        raw_Data <- as.matrix(data.table::fread(paste(source_data, 
            sep = ""), header = T))
    } else {
        raw_Data = as.matrix(data.table::fread(paste(source_data, 
            chr, ".raw", sep = ""), header = T))
    if (PLINK == TRUE) {
        Data <- matrix(as.numeric(raw_Data[, 7:dim(raw_Data)[2]]), 
            nrow = dim(raw_Data)[1], byrow = FALSE)
    } else {
        Data <- matrix(as.numeric(raw_Data), nrow = dim(raw_Data)[1], 
            byrow = FALSE)


#' Standardizing the genotype data.
#' The function standardizes a genotype data such that for each SNP the mean is 0 and standard
#'    deviation is 1.
#' @param geno_raw the genotype matrix assuming each row is the individual and each column is the SNP.
#' @param max_size an integer for the maximum size of SNPs to be standardized at a time, the default is 100000.
#'    This option can be ignored for data with less than 1 million SNPs.
#' @param NAval the missing value used in the output data matrix. The default is NA, for use with
#'    PLINK, set \code{NAval} = -9.
#' @return a data matrix of standardized genotypes.
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @examples
#' data(geno)
#' norm_geno <- full_normal_geno(geno_raw = geno)

full_normal_geno <- function(geno_raw, max_size = 1e+05, NAval = NA) {
    Geno_norm <- as.numeric()
    cycles = floor(dim(geno_raw)[2]/max_size) + 1
    for (i in 1:cycles) {
        starting = (i - 1) * max_size + 1
        ending = i * max_size
        if (i == cycles) {
            ending = dim(geno_raw)[2]
        raw_Data = geno_raw[, starting:ending]
        for (g in 1:dim(raw_Data)[2]) {
            raw_Data[which(is.na(raw_Data[, g])), g] = mean(raw_Data[, 
                g], na.rm = TRUE)
        Geno = matrix(as.numeric(raw_Data[, 1:dim(raw_Data)[2]]), 
            nrow = dim(raw_Data)[1], byrow = FALSE)
        n = dim(Geno)[1]
        m = dim(Geno)[2]
        for (i in 1:m) {
            Geno[, i] = (Geno[, i] - mean(Geno[, i]))/stats::sd(Geno[, 
        Geno_norm = cbind(Geno_norm, Geno)
    Geno_norm[is.na(Geno_norm)] = NAval


#' Regional LD adjustment
#' The function calculates the LD adjustment of each SNP for one given size of
#'    genotype data block.
#' @param geno_data the standardized genotype matrix assuming each row is the individual and each column is the SNP.
#' @param size an integer for the number of SNPs that should be included in a block. Usually, for genome-wide
#'    datasets, there are about 2 million SNPs and +/- 300 SNPs is roughly equivalent to 1Mb
#'    physical distance, thus 300 is set as the default size.
#' @param position a character indicating the position of the SNP in a block of SNPs, one of
#'    \code{start} (the start of the block), \code{mid} (the middle of the block),
#'    \code{end} (the end of the block), or \code{together} (combining SNPs in a few blocks),
#'    \code{short} (in a short block), or \code{all} (using all regions).
#' @return a numeric vector of LD adjustments with the same length as the number of SNPs in the genotype matrix.
#' @references Pare, Guillaume, Shihong Mao, and Wei Q. Deng.
#' A method to estimate the contribution of regional genetic
#' associations to complex traits from summary association statistics.
#' \emph{Scientific reports} \strong{6} (2016): 27644.
#' @examples
#' data(geno)
#' norm_geno <- full_normal_geno(geno_raw = geno)
#' regLD <- regionalLD(geno_data = norm_geno, position = 'mid', size = 300)
#' print(regLD)

regionalLD <- function(geno_data, position = "start", size = 300) {
    if (size < 1) {
        stop("The size of the region must be greater than 1.")
    geno_data <- as.matrix(geno_data)
    size = as.integer(size)
    if (position == "start") {
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        for (i in 1:(size + 1)) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, 1:(i + size)])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
    if (position == "mid") {
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        if ((snps - size) < (size + 2)) {
            stop("If the number of SNPs is small, please adjust the size accordingly.")
        for (i in (size + 2):(snps - size)) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, (i - size):(i + size)])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
    if (position == "end") {
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        for (i in (snps - size + 1):snps) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, (i - size):snps])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
    if (position == "together") {
        size = as.integer(size)
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        for (i in 1:(size + 1)) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, 1:(1 + size)])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
        if ((snps - size) > (size + 2)) {
            for (i in (size + 2):(snps - size)) {
                value = sum((R2_matrix[i, (i - size):(i + size)])^2)
                LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
            starting = snps - size + 1
            if (snps <= 2 * size) {
                starting = size + 1
        } else {
            starting = size + 2
        for (i in starting:snps) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, (i - size):snps])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
    if (position == "short") {
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        for (i in 1:(size + 1)) {
            ending = i + size
            if (ending > snps) {
                ending = snps
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, 1:ending])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
        starting = size + 2
        for (i in starting:snps) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, (i - size):snps])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)
    if (position == "all") {
        individual = dim(geno_data)[1]
        R2_matrix = t(geno_data) %*% geno_data/individual
        snps = dim(R2_matrix)[2]
        LDadj = as.numeric()
        for (i in 1:snps) {
            value = sum((R2_matrix[i, 1:snps])^2)
            LDadj = c(LDadj, value)

#' Genome-wide LD adjustment
#' The function compute the LD adjustment on the entire genotype data matrix by
#'    first dividing them into SNP blocks.
#' @param geno_data the standardized genotype matrix assuming each row is the individual and each column is the SNP.
#' @param size an integer for the number of SNPs that should be included in a block. Usually, for genome-wide
#'    datasets, there are about 2 million SNPs and +/- 300 SNPs is roughly equivalent to 1Mb
#'    physical distance, thus 300 is set as the default size.
#' @return a numeric vector of LD adjustments for all SNPs in the genotype matrix.
#' @references Pare, Guillaume, Shihong Mao, and Wei Q. Deng.
#' A method to estimate the contribution of regional genetic
#' associations to complex traits from summary association statistics.
#' \emph{Scientific reports} \strong{6} (2016): 27644.

genomewideLD = function(geno_data, size = 300) {
    if (size < 1) {
        stop("The size of the region must be greater than 1.")
    geno_data <- as.matrix(geno_data)
    size = as.integer(size)
    bin = 6 * as.integer(size)
    starting = 1
    ending = starting + bin
    geno_size = dim(geno_data)[2]
    LDadj = as.numeric()
    if (size >= geno_size) {
        LDadj = regionalLD(geno_data, size = size, position = "all")
    } else if (2 * size >= geno_size) {
        LDadj = regionalLD(geno_data, size = size, position = "short")
    } else if (ending >= geno_size & 2 * size <= geno_size) {
        LDadj = regionalLD(geno_data, size = size, position = "together")
    } else {
        while (ending < geno_size) {
            geno_data_inter = geno_data[, starting:ending]
            if (starting == 1) {
                LDadj = c(LDadj, regionalLD(geno_data_inter, 
                  size = size, position = "start"))
            LDadj = c(LDadj, regionalLD(geno_data_inter, size = size, 
                position = "mid"))
            starting = ending - size * 2
            ending = starting + bin
            if (ending > geno_size) {
                ending = geno_size
                geno_data_inter = geno_data[, starting:ending]
                LDadj = c(LDadj, regionalLD(geno_data_inter, 
                  size = size, position = "mid"))
                LDadj = c(LDadj, regionalLD(geno_data_inter, 
                  size = size, position = "end"))
	LDadj[which(LDadj < 1)] = 1 #Monomorphic SNPs
GMELab/GraBLD documentation built on May 4, 2019, 3:20 p.m.