
Defines functions add_sf_lab plot_hd_links plot_mean_bar plot_hd_bars

Documented in add_sf_lab plot_hd_bars plot_hd_links plot_mean_bar

#' Add bars marking quantiles to ggplot object created by \code{\link{plot_scat2}}.
#' See examples in the README file and the vignettes.
#' @param p A ggplot object returned by \code{\link{plot_scat2}}.
#' @param q_seq A sequence of quantiles - default = deciles.
#' @param col Colour of the bars
#' @param width Length of the bars
#' @param q_size Thickness of the bars, except for the median
#' @param md_size Thickness of the median bar
#' @param alpha Alpha transparency
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
plot_hd_bars <- function(p,
                         q_seq = seq(.1,.9,.1),
                         col = "grey21",
                         width = 0.5,
                         q_size = 0.5,
                         md_size = 1,
                         alpha = 1){
   nq <- length(q_seq)
   size_seq <- c(rep(q_size,floor(nq/2)), md_size, rep(q_size,floor(nq/2)))
   for (qi in 1:length(q_seq)){
    # p <- p + geom_errorbar(stat = "summary",
    #                        fun.y = hd,
    #                        fun.ymin = hd,
    #                        fun.ymax = hd,
    #                        fun.args = list(q = q_seq[[qi]]),
    #                        colour = col,
    #                        width = width,
    #                        size = size_seq[[qi]],
    #                        alpha = alpha)
     p <- p + stat_summary(geom = "errorbar",
                            fun = hd,
                            fun.min = hd,
                            fun.max = hd,
                            fun.args = list(q = q_seq[[qi]]),
                            colour = col,
                            width = width,
                            size = size_seq[[qi]],
                            alpha = alpha)

#' Add bar marking the mean
#' @export
plot_mean_bar <- function(p,
                          col = "grey21",
                          width = 0.5,
                          size = 0.5){
    p <- p + geom_errorbar(stat = "summary",
                           fun.y = mean,
                           fun.ymin = mean,
                           fun.ymax = mean,
                           colour = col,
                           width = width,
                           size = size)

# =================================================================================
#' Add bars marking quantiles + links between quantiles to ggplot object created
#' by \code{\link{plot_scat2}}. Used in README to demonstrate the shift
#' function.
#' @param p A ggplot object returned by \code{\link{plot_scat2}}.
#' Used in README to demonstrate the shift function.
#' @param sf A shift function for the 2 groups illustrated in p.
#' @param q_col Colour of the bars
#' @param q_width Length of the bars
#' @param q_size Thickness of the bars, except for the median
#' @param md_size Thickness of the median bar
#' @param link_col Colour of the links between quantiles - default "darkviolet"
#'   for negative differences, "darkorange2" for postivie differences
#' @param link_alpha Alpha transparency of the links between quantiles - default
#'   c(0.4, 1), maximum value for the median, decreasing towards the lowest
#'   value for the extreme quantiles.
#' @param add_rect Add rectangle marking the location of the quantiles in group 1.
#' @param rect_alpha Alpha transparency for the rectangle.
#' @param rect_col Colour for the rectangle
#' @param add_lab If TRUE, add labels for differences between extreme quantiles - default = FALSE
#' @param labres Number of decimales for the labels - default = 2
#' @param text_size Size of the labels - default = 5
#' @export
plot_hd_links <- function(p,
                          sf = sf,
                          q_col = "grey21",
                          q_width = 0.5,
                          q_size = 0.5,
                          md_size = 1,
                          link_col = c("darkviolet","darkorange2"),
                          link_alpha = c(0.4, 1),
                          add_rect = FALSE,
                          rect_alpha = NULL,
                          rect_col = NULL,
                          add_lab = FALSE,
                          labres = 2,
                          text_size = 5){
  # extract vectors from shift function -------------------------
  g1 <- sf[[2]]
  g2 <- sf[[3]]
  diff <- sf[[4]]
  # create new variables ----------------------------------------
  diff_sign <- (sign(diff) > 0) + 1
  q_seq <- sf[[1]]
  qn <- length(q_seq)
  deco <- c(seq(1, floor(qn/2) + 1), seq(floor(qn/2), 1))
  alpha_seq <- seq(link_alpha[1], link_alpha[2], length.out = floor(qn/2) + 
  line_size <- c(rep(q_size, floor(qn/2)), md_size, rep(q_size, 
  # plot quantiles and links ---------------------------------------------------
  for (d in 1:qn) {
    # plot quantiles: group / condition 1
    p <- p + annotate("segment", x = 1 - q_width/2, xend = 1 + 
                        q_width/2, y = g1[d], yend = g1[d], colour = q_col, size = line_size[d])
    # plot quantiles: group / condition 2
    p <- p + annotate("segment", x = 2 - q_width/2, xend = 2 + 
                        q_width/2, y = g2[d], yend = g2[d], colour = q_col, size = line_size[d])
    # link quantiles between groups / conditions
    p <- p + annotate("segment", x = 1 + q_width/2, xend = 2 - 
                        q_width/2, y = g1[d], yend = g2[d], colour = link_col[diff_sign[d]], 
                      alpha = alpha_seq[deco[d]], size = line_size[d])
  # add rectangle
  if (add_rect == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(rect_alpha)) {
      rect_alpha <- 0.2
    if (is.null(rect_col)) {
      rect_col <- "grey30"
    p <- p + annotate("rect", xmin = 0.4, xmax = 1.25, ymin = g1[1], 
                      ymax = g1[qn], alpha = rect_alpha)
  # add labels for differences between extreme deciles
  if (add_lab == TRUE) {
    for (d in seq(1, qn, qn - 1)) {
      p <- p + annotate("label", x = 1.5, y = min(g1[d], g2[d]) + abs(g1[d] - g2[d])/2, label = round(diff[d], labres), fill = link_col[diff_sign[d]], colour = "white", fontface = "bold", alpha = alpha_seq[deco[d]])
    } # for loop
  } # if add_lab

# =================================================================================

#' Add difference labels to shift function
#' Add labels of quantile difference values to one or more shift function plots.
#' Used in the README.md file to illustrate the shift function. Assumes an odd
#' number of quantiles with the median in the middle.
#' @param p A list of ggplot objects generated by \code{\link{plot_sf}} or \code{\link{plot_pbsf}}.
#' @param sf A list of data frames generated by \code{\link{shifthd}},
#'   \code{\link{shiftdhd}}, \code{\link{shifthd_pbci}} or
#'   \code{\link{shiftdhd_pbci}}.
#' @param labres Number of decimales for the labels - default = 2.
#' @param link_col Label colours for negative and positive values.
#' @param link_alpha Alpha transparency of the labels - default = continuum between 0.4 and 1.
#' @param y_lab_nudge Amount by which to nudge the labels along the y axis.
#' @param text_size Text size - default = 5
#' @export
add_sf_lab <- function(p,
                       labres = 2,
                       link_col = c("darkviolet","darkorange2"),
                       link_alpha = c(0.4, 1),
                       y_lab_nudge = 0,
                       text_size = 5){
  # check p and sf have same length
    stop("p and sf must have the same length")
  # check p input is a list
    stop("p must be a list")
  # check sf input is a list of data frames
    stop("sf must be a list")
  for (pc in 1:length(sf)) {
      stop("input sf list must contain data.frames")
  plist <- vector("list", length(p)) # declare list of plot objects
  for (pc in 1:length(sf)) {
    # extract vectors from shift function -------------------------
    if(names(sf[[pc]][1]) == "q"){ # pbci shift function
      dec <- sf[[pc]][[1]]
      g1 <- sf[[pc]][[2]] # group 1 quantiles
      g2 <- sf[[pc]][[3]] # group 2 quantiles
      nq <- length(g1)
      deco <- c(seq(1,floor(nq/2)+1),seq(floor(nq/2),1)) # code of deciles
      alpha_seq <- seq(link_alpha[1], link_alpha[2], length.out = floor(nq/2)+1)
    } else { # pbse shift function
      dec <- seq(1,9,1)/10
      g1 <- sf[[pc]][[1]] # group 1 deciles
      g2 <- sf[[pc]][[2]] # group 2 deciles
      deco <- c(seq(1,5),seq(4,1)) # code of deciles
      alpha_seq <- seq(link_alpha[1], link_alpha[2], length.out = 5)
    diff <- sf[[pc]]$difference # differences
    lo <- sf[[pc]]$ci_lower # lower confidence intervals
    hi <- sf[[pc]]$ci_upper # upper confidence intervals
    # create new variables ----------------------------------------
    diff_sign <- (sign(diff) > 0) + 1 # difference signs c(-1,1) -> c(1,2)
    # add labels for differences between extreme deciles
    for (d in 1:length(dec)){
      if (diff[d] < 0){ # negative difference
        nudge_y <- hi[d] + y_lab_nudge
      } else { # positive difference
        nudge_y <- lo[d] - y_lab_nudge
      p[[pc]] <- p[[pc]] + annotate("label",
        x = g1[d],
        y = nudge_y,
        label = round(diff[d],labres),
        fill = link_col[diff_sign[d]],
        colour = "white",
        fontface = "bold",
        alpha = alpha_seq[deco[d]],
        size = text_size)
    } # quantile loop
  } # loop for list of ggplot objects
GRousselet/rogme documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 4:38 a.m.