
# Gabriel Hoffman
# April 20, 2021
# Apply zenith to dreamlet result

setGeneric("zenith_gsa", zenith::zenith_gsa)

#' Perform gene set analysis using zenith
#' Perform a competitive gene set analysis accounting for correlation between genes.
#' @param fit results from \code{dreamlet()}
#' @param geneSets \code{GeneSetCollection}
#' @param coefs coefficients to test using \code{topTable(fit, coef=coefs[i])}
#' @param use.ranks do a rank-based test \code{TRUE} or a parametric test \code{FALSE}? default: FALSE
#' @param n_genes_min minimum number of genes in a geneset
#' @param inter.gene.cor if NA, estimate correlation from data.  Otherwise, use specified value
#' @param progressbar if TRUE, show progress bar
# @param BPPARAM parameters for parallel evaluation
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return \code{data.frame} of results for each gene set and cell type
#' @details This code adapts the widely used \code{camera()} analysis \insertCite{wu2012camera}{zenith} in the \code{limma} package \insertCite{ritchie2015limma}{zenith} to the case of linear (mixed) models used by \code{variancePartition::dream()}.
#' @examples
#' library(muscat)
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' data(example_sce)
#' # create pseudobulk for each sample and cell cluster
#' pb <- aggregateToPseudoBulk(example_sce,
#'   assay = "counts",
#'   cluster_id = "cluster_id",
#'   sample_id = "sample_id",
#'   verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # voom-style normalization
#' res.proc <- processAssays(pb, ~group_id)
#' # Differential expression analysis within each assay,
#' # evaluated on the voom normalized data
#' res.dl <- dreamlet(res.proc, ~group_id)
#' # Load Gene Ontology database
#' # use gene 'SYMBOL', or 'ENSEMBL' id
#' # use get_MSigDB() to load MSigDB
#' library(zenith)
#' go.gs <- get_GeneOntology("CC", to = "SYMBOL")
#' # Run zenith gene set analysis on result of dreamlet
#' res_zenith <- zenith_gsa(res.dl, go.gs, "group_idstim", progressbar = FALSE)
#' # for each cell type select 3 genesets with largest t-statistic
#' # and 1 geneset with the lowest
#' # Grey boxes indicate the gene set could not be evaluted because
#' #    to few genes were represented
#' plotZenithResults(res_zenith, 3, 1)
#' @importFrom limma ids2indices
#' @importFrom zenith zenith
#' @importFrom GSEABase geneIds
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @rdname zenith_gsa-methods
#' @aliases zenith_gsa,dreamletResult,GeneSetCollection,ANY-method
#' @export
  "zenith_gsa", signature(fit = "dreamletResult", geneSets = "GeneSetCollection", coefs = "ANY"),
  function(fit, geneSets, coefs, use.ranks = FALSE, n_genes_min = 10, inter.gene.cor = 0.01, progressbar = TRUE, ...) {
    # check that coefs are in the dreamlet result
    if (any(!coefs %in% coefNames(fit))) {
      i <- which(!coefs %in% coefNames(fit))
      txt <- paste0("coefs are not found in dreamletResult: ", paste(coefs[i], sep = ","))

    # convert GeneSetCollection to list
    geneSets.lst <- geneIds(geneSets)

    # for each assay
    df_zenith <- lapply(assayNames(fit), function(k) {
      # extract dream fit
      fit_local <- assay(fit, k)

      # Map from genes to gene sets
      index <- ids2indices(geneSets.lst, rownames(fit_local))

      # filter by size of gene set
      index <- index[vapply(index, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) >= n_genes_min]

      # for each coefficient selected
      df_res <- lapply(coefs, function(coef) {
        # if coef is available
        if ((coef %in% colnames(coef(fit_local))) & (length(index) > 0)) {
          # run zenith on dream fits
          df_res <- zenith(fit_local, coef, index, use.ranks = use.ranks, inter.gene.cor = inter.gene.cor, progressbar = progressbar)

          df <- data.frame(assay = k, coef = coef, Geneset = rownames(df_res), df_res)
        } else {
          df <- NULL
      do.call(rbind, df_res)
    names(df_zenith) <- names(fit)
    df_zenith <- do.call(rbind, df_zenith)
    rownames(df_zenith) <- c()

    # Compute FDR using p-values from all assays
    df_zenith$FDR <- p.adjust(df_zenith$PValue, "BH")


#' @return \code{data.frame} of results for each gene set and cell type
#' @importFrom limma ids2indices cameraPR
#' @importFrom zenith zenith
#' @importFrom GSEABase geneIds
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @importFrom ashr get_pm get_lfsr get_psd
#' @rdname zenith_gsa-methods
#' @aliases zenith_gsa,dreamlet_mash_result,GeneSetCollection,ANY-method
#' @export
  "zenith_gsa", signature(fit = "dreamlet_mash_result", geneSets = "GeneSetCollection", coefs = "ANY"),
  function(fit, geneSets, coefs, use.ranks = FALSE, n_genes_min = 10, inter.gene.cor = 0.01, progressbar = TRUE, ...) {
    args <- list(...)
    if ("statistic" %in% names(args)) {
      statistic <- args$statistic
    } else {
      statistic <- "tstatistic"

    statMat <- switch(statistic,
      "logFC" = get_pm(fit$model),
      "abs(logFC)" = abs(get_pm(fit$model)),
      "tstatistic" = get_pm(fit$model) / get_psd(fit$model),
      "abs(tstatistic)" = abs(get_pm(fit$model) / get_psd(fit$model))

    if (is.null(statMat)) {
      stop("statistic argument was not valid value: ", statistic)

    # convert GeneSetCollection to list
    geneSets.lst <- geneIds(geneSets)

    # for each cell type (i.e. column)
    df_zenith <- lapply(colnames(statMat), function(key) {
      stats <- statMat[, key, drop = TRUE]

      # remove NA values
      stats <- stats[!is.na(stats)]

      # Map from genes to gene sets
      index <- ids2indices(geneSets.lst, names(stats))

      # filter by size of gene set
      index <- index[vapply(index, length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)) >= n_genes_min]

      # run zenith on dream fits
      df_res <- cameraPR(stats, index, use.ranks = use.ranks, inter.gene.cor = inter.gene.cor)

      data.frame(assay = key, coef = fit$coef, Geneset = rownames(df_res), df_res)
    df_zenith <- do.call(rbind, df_zenith)
    rownames(df_zenith) <- c()

    # Compute FDR using p-values from all assays
    df_zenith$FDR <- p.adjust(df_zenith$PValue, "BH")

GabrielHoffman/dreamlet documentation built on July 20, 2024, 9:03 p.m.