#' @title Train CPC inspired model
#' @description
#' Train a CPC (Oord et al.) inspired neural network on genomic data.
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_lm
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_folder
#' @inheritParams generator_fasta_label_header_csv
#' @inheritParams train_model
#' @param train_type Either `"cpc"`, `"Self-GenomeNet"`.
#' @param encoder A keras encoder for the cpc function.
#' @param context A keras context model for the cpc function.
#' @param path Path to training data. If \code{train_type} is \code{label_folder}, should be a vector or list
#' where each entry corresponds to a class (list elements can be directories and/or individual files). If \code{train_type} is not \code{label_folder},
#' can be a single directory or file or a list of directories and/or files.
#' @param path_val Path to validation data. See `path` argument for details.
#' @param path_checkpoint Path to checkpoints folder or `NULL`. If `NULL`, checkpoints don't get stored.
#' @param path_tensorboard Path to tensorboard directory or `NULL`. If `NULL`, training not tracked on tensorboard.
#' @param train_val_ratio For generator defines the fraction of batches that will be used for validation (compared to size of training data), i.e. one validation iteration
#' processes \code{batch_size} \eqn{*} \code{steps_per_epoch} \eqn{*} \code{train_val_ratio} samples. If you use dataset instead of generator and \code{dataset_val} is `NULL`, splits \code{dataset}
#' into train/validation data.
#' @param run_name Name of the run. Name will be used to identify output from callbacks.
#' @param batch_size Number of samples used for one network update.
#' @param epochs Number of iterations.
#' @param steps_per_epoch Number of training batches per epoch.
#' @param shuffle_file_order Boolean, whether to go through files sequentially or shuffle beforehand.
#' @param initial_epoch Epoch at which to start training. Note that network
#' will run for (\code{epochs} - \code{initial_epochs}) rounds and not \code{epochs} rounds.
#' @param seed Sets seed for reproducible results.
#' @param file_limit Integer or `NULL`. If integer, use only specified number of randomly sampled files for training. Ignored if greater than number of files in \code{path}.
#' @param patchlen The length of a patch when splitting the input sequence.
#' @param nopatches The number of patches when splitting the input sequence.
#' @param step Frequency of sampling steps.
#' @param stride The overlap between two patches when splitting the input sequence.
#' @param pretrained_model A pretrained keras model, for which training will be continued
#' @param learningrate A Tensor, floating point value. If a schedule is defines, this value gives the initial learning rate. Defaults to 0.001.
#' @param learningrate_schedule A schedule for a non-constant learning rate over the training. Either "cosine_annealing", "step_decay", or "exp_decay".
#' @param k Value of k for sparse top k categorical accuracy. Defaults to 5.
#' @param stepsmin In CPC, a patch is predicted given another patch. stepsmin defines how many patches between these two should be ignored during prediction.
#' @param stepsmax The maximum distance between the predicted patch and the given patch.
#' @param emb_scale Scales the impact of a patches context.
#' @examplesIf reticulate::py_module_available("tensorflow")
#' #create dummy data
#' path_train_1 <- tempfile()
#' path_train_2 <- tempfile()
#' path_val_1 <- tempfile()
#' path_val_2 <- tempfile()
#' for (current_path in c(path_train_1, path_train_2,
#' path_val_1, path_val_2)) {
#' dir.create(current_path)
#' deepG::create_dummy_data(file_path = current_path,
#' num_files = 3,
#' seq_length = 10,
#' num_seq = 5,
#' vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"))
#' }
#' # create model
#' encoder <- function(maxlen = NULL,
#' patchlen = NULL,
#' nopatches = NULL,
#' eval = FALSE) {
#' if (is.null(nopatches)) {
#' nopatches <- nopatchescalc(patchlen, maxlen, patchlen * 0.4)
#' }
#' inp <- keras::layer_input(shape = c(maxlen, 4))
#' stridelen <- as.integer(0.4 * patchlen)
#' createpatches <- inp %>%
#' keras::layer_reshape(list(maxlen, 4L, 1L), name = "prep_reshape1", dtype = "float32") %>%
#' tensorflow::tf$image$extract_patches(
#' sizes = list(1L, patchlen, 4L, 1L),
#' strides = list(1L, stridelen, 4L, 1L),
#' rates = list(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L),
#' padding = "VALID",
#' name = "prep_patches"
#' ) %>%
#' keras::layer_reshape(list(nopatches, patchlen, 4L),
#' name = "prep_reshape2") %>%
#' tensorflow::tf$reshape(list(-1L, patchlen, 4L),
#' name = "prep_reshape3")
#' danQ <- createpatches %>%
#' keras::layer_conv_1d(
#' input_shape = c(maxlen, 4L),
#' filters = 320L,
#' kernel_size = 26L,
#' activation = "relu"
#' ) %>%
#' keras::layer_max_pooling_1d(pool_size = 13L, strides = 13L) %>%
#' keras::layer_dropout(0.2) %>%
#' keras::layer_lstm(units = 320, return_sequences = TRUE) %>%
#' keras::layer_dropout(0.5) %>%
#' keras::layer_flatten() %>%
#' keras::layer_dense(925, activation = "relu")
#' patchesback <- danQ %>%
#' tensorflow::tf$reshape(list(-1L, tensorflow::tf$cast(nopatches, tensorflow::tf$int16), 925L))
#' keras::keras_model(inp, patchesback)
#' }
#' context <- function(latents) {
#' cres <- latents
#' cres_dim = cres$shape
#' predictions <-
#' cres %>%
#' keras::layer_lstm(
#' return_sequences = TRUE,
#' units = 256, # WAS: 2048,
#' name = paste("context_LSTM_1",
#' sep = ""),
#' activation = "relu"
#' )
#' return(predictions)
#' }
#' # train model
#' temp_dir <- tempdir()
#' hist <- train_model_cpc(train_type = "CPC",
#' ### cpc functions ###
#' encoder = encoder,
#' context = context,
#' #### Generator settings ####
#' path_checkpoint = temp_dir,
#' path = c(path_train_1, path_train_2),
#' path_val = c(path_val_1, path_val_2),
#' run_name = "TEST",
#' batch_size = 8,
#' epochs = 3,
#' steps_per_epoch = 6,
#' patchlen = 100,
#' nopatches = 8)
#' @returns A list of training metrics.
#' @export
train_model_cpc <-
function(train_type = "CPC",
### cpc functions ###
encoder = NULL,
context = NULL,
#### Generator settings ####
path_val = NULL,
path_checkpoint = NULL,
path_tensorboard = NULL,
train_val_ratio = 0.2,
batch_size = 32,
epochs = 100,
steps_per_epoch = 2000,
shuffle_file_order = FALSE,
initial_epoch = 1,
seed = 1234,
path_file_log = TRUE,
train_val_split_csv = NULL,
file_limit = NULL,
proportion_per_seq = NULL,
max_samples = NULL,
maxlen = NULL,
patchlen = NULL,
nopatches = NULL,
step = NULL,
file_filter = NULL,
stride = 0.4,
pretrained_model = NULL,
learningrate = 0.001,
learningrate_schedule = NULL,
k = 5,
stepsmin = 2,
stepsmax = 3,
emb_scale = 0.1) {
# Stride is default 0.4 x patchlen FOR NOW
stride <- 0.4
patchlen <- as.integer(patchlen)
############################### Warning messages if wrong initialization ###############################
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Model specification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
## Three options:
## 1. Define Maxlen and Patchlen
## 2. Define Number of patches and Patchlen
## ---> in both cases the respectively missing value will be calculated
## 3. Pretrained model is giving specs
## error if none of those is fulfilled
if (is.null(pretrained_model)) {
## If no pretrained model, patchlen has to be defined
if (is.null(patchlen)) {
stop("Please define patchlen")
## Either maxlen or number of patches is needed
if (is.null(maxlen) & is.null(nopatches)) {
stop("Please define either maxlen or nopatches")
## the respectively missing value will be calculated
} else if (is.null(maxlen) & !is.null(nopatches)) {
maxlen <- (nopatches - 1) * (stride * patchlen) + patchlen
} else if (!is.null(maxlen) & is.null(nopatches)) {
nopatches <-
as.integer((maxlen - patchlen) / (stride * patchlen) + 1)
## if step is not defined, we do not use overlapping sequences
if (is.null(step)) {
step = maxlen
} else if (!is.null(pretrained_model)) {
specs <-
sub("/[^/]+$", "", pretrained_model),
sep = "/"
patchlen <- specs$patchlen
maxlen <- specs$maxlen
nopatches <- specs$nopatches
stride <- specs$stride
step <- specs$step
k <- specs$k
emb_scale <- specs$emb_scale
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learning rate schedule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
## If learning_rate schedule is wanted, all necessary parameters must be given
#################################### Preparation: Data, paths metrics ##################################
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Path definition ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
runname <-
paste0(run_name , format(Sys.time(), "_%y%m%d_%H%M%S"))
## Create folder for model
if (!is.null(path_checkpoint)) {
dir.create(paste(path_checkpoint, runname, sep = "/"))
dir <- paste(path_checkpoint, runname, sep = "/")
## Create folder for filelog
path_file_log <-
paste(path_checkpoint, runname, "filelog.csv", sep = "/")
} else {
path_file_log <- NULL
GenConfig <-
GenParams(maxlen, batch_size, step, proportion_per_seq, max_samples)
GenTConfig <-
GenTParams(path, shuffle_file_order, path_file_log, seed)
GenVConfig <- GenVParams(path_val, shuffle_file_order)
# train train_val_ratio via csv file
if (!is.null(train_val_split_csv)) {
if (is.null(path_val)) {
path_val <- path
} else {
if (!all(unlist(path_val) %in% unlist(path))) {
warning("Train/validation split done via file in train_val_split_csv. Only using files from path argument.")
path_val <- path
train_val_file <- utils::read.csv2(train_val_split_csv, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (dim(train_val_file)[2] == 1) {
train_val_file <- utils::read.csv(train_val_split_csv, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
train_val_file <- dplyr::distinct(train_val_file)
if (!all(c("file", "type") %in% names(train_val_file))) {
stop("Column names of train_val_split_csv file must be 'file' and 'type'")
if (length(train_val_file$file) != length(unique(train_val_file$file))) {
stop("In train_val_split_csv all entires in 'file' column must be unique")
file_filter <- list()
file_filter[[1]] <- train_val_file %>% dplyr::filter(type == "train")
file_filter[[1]] <- as.character(file_filter[[1]]$file)
file_filter[[2]] <- train_val_file %>% dplyr::filter(type == "val" | type == "validation")
file_filter[[2]] <- as.character(file_filter[[2]]$file)
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
if (is.null(file_filter) && is.null(train_val_split_csv)) {
if (is.null(file_limit)) {
if (is.list(path)) {
num_files <- 0
for (i in seq_along(path)) {
num_files <- num_files + length(list.files(path[[i]]))
} else {
num_files <- length(list.files(path))
} else {
num_files <- file_limit * length(path)
} else {
num_files <- length(file_filter[1])
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creation of generators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": Preparing the data\n")
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Training Generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
fastrain <-
c(GenConfig, GenTConfig, file_filter = file_filter[1]))
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Validation Generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
fasval <-
seed = seed,
file_filter = file_filter[2]
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creation of metrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": Preparing the metrics\n")
train_loss <- tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$Mean(name = 'train_loss')
val_loss <- tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$Mean(name = 'val_loss')
train_acc <- tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$Mean(name = 'train_acc')
val_acc <- tensorflow::tf$keras$metrics$Mean(name = 'val_acc')
###################################### History object preparation ######################################
history <- list(
params = list(
batch_size = batch_size,
epochs = 0,
steps = steps_per_epoch,
samples = steps_per_epoch * batch_size,
verbose = 1,
do_validation = TRUE,
metrics = c("loss", "accuracy", "val_loss", "val_accuracy")
metrics = list(
loss = c(),
accuracy = c(),
val_loss = c(),
val_accuracy = c()
eploss <- list()
epacc <- list()
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reformat to S3 object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
class(history) <- "keras_training_history"
############################################ Model creation ############################################
if (is.null(pretrained_model)) {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unsupervised Build from scratch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": Creating the model\n")
## Build encoder
enc <-
encoder(maxlen = maxlen,
patchlen = patchlen,
nopatches = nopatches)
## Build model
model <-
batch_size = batch_size,
steps_to_ignore = stepsmin,
steps_to_predict = stepsmax,
train_type = train_type,
k = k,
emb_scale = emb_scale
## Build optimizer
optimizer <- # keras::optimizer_adam(
learning_rate = learningrate,
beta_1 = 0.8,
epsilon = 10 ^ -8,
decay = 0.999,
clipnorm = 0.01
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unsupervised Read if pretrained model given ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
} else {
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": Loading the trained model.\n")
## Read model
model <- keras::load_model_hdf5(pretrained_model, compile = FALSE)
optimizer <- ReadOpt(pretrained_model)
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saving necessary model objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
## optimizer configuration
if (!is.null(path_checkpoint)) {
paste(dir, "optconfig.rds", sep = "/"))
## model parameters
maxlen = maxlen,
patchlen = patchlen,
stride = stride,
nopatches = nopatches,
step = step,
batch_size = batch_size,
epochs = epochs,
steps_per_epoch = steps_per_epoch,
train_val_ratio = train_val_ratio,
max_samples = max_samples,
k = k,
emb_scale = emb_scale,
learningrate = learningrate
paste(dir, "modelspecs.rds", sep = "/")
######################################## Tensorboard connection ########################################
if (!is.null(path_tensorboard)) {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initialize Tensorboard writers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
logdir <- path_tensorboard
writertrain <-
tensorflow::tf$summary$create_file_writer(file.path(logdir, runname, "/train"))
writerval <-
tensorflow::tf$summary$create_file_writer(file.path(logdir, runname, "/validation"))
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Write parameters to Tensorboard ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
tftext <-
lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1][-c(1, 2)], function(x)
)) < 20) && !is.null(eval(x)), eval(x), deparse(x)))
with(writertrain$as_default(), {
sep = " = ",
collapse = " \n"
step = 0L)
######################################## Training loop function ########################################
train_val_loop <-
function(batches = steps_per_epoch, epoch, train_val_ratio) {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of loop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
for (i in c("train", "val")) {
if (i == "val") {
## Calculate steps for validation
batches <- ceiling(batches * train_val_ratio)
for (b in seq(batches)) {
if (i == "train") {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Training step ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
## If Learning rate schedule specified, calculate learning_rate for current epoch
if (!is.null(learningrate_schedule)) {
optimizer$learning_rate$assign(getEpochLR(learningrate_schedule, epoch))
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optimization step ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
#with(tensorflow::tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
with(reticulate::`%as%`(tensorflow::tf$GradientTape(), tape), {
out <-
l <- out[1]
acc <- out[2]
gradients <-
tape$gradient(l, model$trainable_variables)
gradients, model$trainable_variables
} else {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Validation step ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
out <-
l <- out[1]
acc <- out[2]
## Print status of epoch
if (b %in% seq(0, batches, by = batches / 10)) {
####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Epoch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~####
if (i == "train") {
## Training step
# Write epoch result metrics value to tensorboard
if (!is.null(path_tensorboard)) {
TB_loss_acc(writertrain, train_loss, train_acc, epoch)
with(writertrain$as_default(), {
step = tensorflow::tf$cast(epoch, "int64"))
'training files seen',
col_names = FALSE,
col_types = readr::cols()
) / num_files,
step = tensorflow::tf$cast(epoch, "int64")
# Print epoch result metric values to console
tensorflow::tf$print(" Train Loss",
", Train Acc",
# Save epoch result metric values to history object
history$params$epochs <- epoch
history$metrics$loss[epoch] <-
history$metrics$accuracy[epoch] <-
# Reset states
} else {
## Validation step
# Write epoch result metrics value to tensorboard
if (!is.null(path_tensorboard)) {
TB_loss_acc(writerval, val_loss, val_acc, epoch)
# Print epoch result metric values to console
tensorflow::tf$print(" Validation Loss",
", Validation Acc",
# save results for best model saving condition
if (b == max(seq(batches))) {
eploss[[epoch]] <- as.double(val_loss$result())
epacc[[epoch]] <-
# Save epoch result metric values to history object
history$metrics$val_loss[epoch] <-
history$metrics$val_accuracy[epoch] <-
# Reset states
############################################# Training run #############################################
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": Starting Training\n")
## Training loop
for (i in seq(initial_epoch, (epochs + initial_epoch - 1))) {
message(format(Sys.time(), "%F %R"), ": EPOCH ", i, " \n")
## Epoch loop
out <- train_val_loop(epoch = i, train_val_ratio = train_val_ratio)
history <- out[[1]]
eploss <- out[[2]]
epacc <- out[[3]]
## Save checkpoints
# best model (smallest loss)
if (eploss[[i]] == min(unlist(eploss))) {
savechecks("best", runname, model, optimizer, history, path_checkpoint)
# backup model every 10 epochs
if (i %% 2 == 0) {
savechecks("backup", runname, model, optimizer, history, path_checkpoint)
############################################# Final saves ##############################################
savechecks(cp = "FINAL", runname, model, optimizer, history, path_checkpoint)
if (!is.null(path_tensorboard)) {
writegraph <-
tensorflow::tf$keras$callbacks$TensorBoard(file.path(logdir, runname))
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