
#' @author Gerald C. Nelson, \email{nelson.gerald.c@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords utilities, nutrient data, IMPACT food commodities nutrient LU
# Intro ---------------------------------------------------------------
#Copyright (C) 2018 Gerald C. Nelson, except where noted

#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify i
#     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#     Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
#     any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
#     or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
#     for more details at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


#' \description{
#' Manipulate the results of the ODBC_access script and prepare nutrient data for analysis.
#' These include
#' - USDAnutrients - all the USDA FCT value for the USDA food items used in the analysis
#' - dt.cookinRetn - the cooking retention columns by IMPACT_code.
#' The final output is a lookup table that has the nutrient content for each of the IMPACT commodities per 100 gm of the commodity, not adjusted for bioavailability.

sourceFile <- "dataPrepUSDANuts.R"
description <- "Manipulate the results of the ODBC_access script and prepare nutrient data for analysis. These include USDAnutrients - all the USDA FCT value for the USDA food items used in the analysis; dt.cookinRetn - the cooking retention columns by IMPACT_code. The final output is a lookup table that has the nutrient content for each of the IMPACT commodities per 100 gm of the commodity, not adjusted for bioavailability."

# load data created in the dataPrep.ODBCaccess.R script. These data from from the USDA food composition tables.
FOOD_DES <- getNewestVersion("FOOD_DES", fileloc("uData"))
NUT_DATA <- getNewestVersion("NUT_DATA", fileloc("uData"))
NUTR_DEF <- getNewestVersion("NUTR_DEF", fileloc("uData"))

# Important note: USDA nutrient values are for 100 gm of edible portion of a food item

# load various lookup tables
# USDA codes from the initial results. It includes conversion from FAOSTAT to retail product.

dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/IMPACTSingleCodeLookup.xlsx"))
dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU <- dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU[is.na(IMPACT_conversion), IMPACT_conversion := 100]

dt.fishStatData <- getNewestVersion("dt.fishStatData", fileloc("iData")) # created in dataPrepFishStat.R
dt.composites.fish <- copy(dt.fishStatData) # make a copy to allow editing of the copy without affecting the original
dt.composites.fish[, c("prodAve", "region_code.IMPACT159") := NULL]

# the next few lines of code to outName <- ... are used to generate a .RDS file for faster reading. This only needs to be done 
# when new composite fish data are made available so these lines are commented out
# dt.compositesLU.nofish <- data.table::as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/composites.lookup.nofish.xlsx",
#                                                                col_types = c("text", "text", "skip",
#                                                                              "numeric", "skip", "numeric", "text",
#                                                                              "skip", "text", "skip")))
# dt.compositesLU.nofish <- dt.compositesLU.nofish[include == 1,]
# dt.compositesLU.nofish[, include := NULL]
# desc <- "The excel file dt.compositesLU.nofish converted to .rds to speed up reading it in."
# inDT <- dt.compositesLU.nofish
# outName <- "dt.compositesLU.nofish"
# cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# the next line of code reads in the file create in the commented out section above
dt.compositesLU.nofish <- getNewestVersion("dt.compositesLU.nofish", fileloc("iData"))

# the fish data include an extra column used to calculate the edible share. The data for conversion are from an FAO data set called Indicative factors for
# converting prodcut weight to live weight for a selection of major fishery commodities; the pdf is called FAO_ANNEX_I1_fish edible portions.pdf
dt.compositesLU.fish <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/composites.lookup.fish.xlsx", cols = 1:8))
dt.compositesLU.fish <- dt.compositesLU.fish[include == 1,]
dt.compositesLU.fish[, setdiff(names(dt.compositesLU.fish), names(dt.compositesLU.nofish)) := NULL] # keep just the columns in .fish that have the same name as those in nofish
dt.compositesLU <- rbind(dt.compositesLU.fish, dt.compositesLU.nofish)

# get usda codes from the variety specific spreadsheet
# the dt.countryCropVariety data table has column with the usda code for the variety used in most countries. The country specific columns (e.g., AFG, AGO, etc) are either NA, in which case
# they use the common variety; if they contain a number, then this is the USDA code for a variety that differs from the common variety)
dt.countryCropVariety <- as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/countryCropVariety.xlsx", na = "NA"))
dt <- dt.countryCropVariety[,c("IMPACT_code", "usda_code") := NULL]
dt <- dt[-1]
dt <-  unique(unlist(dt))
usdaCodes.var <- dt[!is.na(dt)] # these are the variety-specific codes.

#' phytate information
dt.phytateLU <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/phytateSourcesWOedibleshare.xlsx"))
dt.phytateLU[,phytate_mg := as.numeric(phytate_mg)]
dt.phytateLU <- dt.phytateLU[is.na(phytate_mg), phytate_mg := 0]
deleteListCol <- c("Long_Desc")
dt.phytateLU[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]

dt.nutcodeLU <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/NutrientCodeLookup.xlsx"))
dt.nutcodeLU[, Nutr_No := as.character(Nutr_No)]
nutcodes <- sort(unique(dt.nutcodeLU$Nutr_No))
nut_data <-  NUT_DATA[Nutr_No %in% nutcodes, ]
nutr_def <-  NUTR_DEF[Nutr_No %in% nutcodes, ]
data.table::setnames(nutr_def, old = "Units", new = "unit")

usdaCodes.single <- sort(unique(dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU$usda_code))
usdaCodes.composites <- sort(unique(dt.compositesLU$usda_code))
usdaCodes <- unique(c(usdaCodes.single, usdaCodes.composites, usdaCodes.var))

#IMPORT NOTE: the Nutr_Val column in dt below is the amount of the nutrient per 100 grams for the food.
dt <- merge(nutr_def, nut_data, by = "Nutr_No") #combine nutrient codes and names
dt <- merge(dt, FOOD_DES, by = "usda_code") #combine nutrient info with food descriptive info
dt <- merge(dt, dt.phytateLU, by = "usda_code", all.x = TRUE) #add phytate info to single commodities

#dt <- merge(dt, dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU, by = c("usda_code"), all.y = TRUE, allow.cartesian = TRUE) #combine IMPACT code info and phytate info
dt <- merge(dt, dt.nutcodeLU, by = c("NutrDesc", "Nutr_No", "unit"), all.x = TRUE)
dt <- dt[usda_code %in% usdaCodes,] # keep just the usda values for codes that are in the usdaCodes list

formula.wide <- paste("usda_code  + Long_Desc + Ref_Desc +
                      edible_share + phytate_mg + phytate_source  ~ nutCode")
dt.USDAnutrients <- data.table::dcast( # dt.USDAnutrients has all the USDA nutrient information for all the USDA commodities used in this analysis, either as single food items or in composites.
  data = dt,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "Nutr_Val")

#dt.wide[, edible_share := pmin(edible_share, edible_share.fromPhytateSource)] # the phytateSource value is more reliable but sticking with the edible share from the USDA source now.
# dt.wide[, edible_share.fromPhytateSource := NULL]
dt.USDAnutrients[is.na(phytate_mg), phytate_mg := 0]

#fix some of the missing values in the USDA fct with imputed values
# Some food items in the USDA data set dont have all nutrients so we imputed them from other sources, described in sources.
# This meant that the correction for potassium was over written.
USDANutrientImputedValues <- as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/USDANutrientImputedValues.xlsx"))
USDANutrientImputedValues[, notes := NULL]
# The next line of code corrects the problem with potassium
USDANutrientImputedValues[, potassium_g := potassium_g / 1000] # fixed April 5, 2018
usdaCodeUpdate <- unique(USDANutrientImputedValues$usda_code)
dt.USDAnutrients <- dt.USDAnutrients[!usda_code %in% usdaCodeUpdate]
dt.USDAnutrients <- rbind(dt.USDAnutrients, USDANutrientImputedValues)
NAlist <- names(dt.USDAnutrients)[!names(dt.USDAnutrients) %in% c("usda_code", "Long_Desc", "Ref_Desc", "edible_share")]
dt.USDAnutrients[, (NAlist) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = NAlist]
inDT <- dt.USDAnutrients
outName <- "dt.USDAnutrients"
desc <- "All the USDA FCT varieties that are potentially used for nutrient information for IMPACT food items, either as individual commodities or in composites. Units are per 100 grams of food item."
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# prepare fish composites data, production average over three years
# dt.fishStatData <- getNewestVersion("dt.fishStatData", fileloc("iData")). No need to reload; already loaded above
usda_codes.fish <- unique(dt.fishStatData$usda_code)
dt.USDAnutrients.fish <- dt.USDAnutrients[usda_code %in% usda_codes.fish,]
dt.USDAnutrients.fish[, c("edible_share") := NULL]
dt.USDAnutrients.fish <- merge(dt.USDAnutrients.fish, dt.fishStatData, by = "usda_code")
setnames(dt.USDAnutrients.fish, old = "prodAve", new = "foodAvail") # so it matches with the crops that can do prod + imp - exp
dt.USDAnutrients.fish[, (names(dt.USDAnutrients.fish)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.USDAnutrients.fish)]

dt.USDAnutrients.fish[, ft_acds_tot_trans_g := as.numeric(ft_acds_tot_trans_g)]

# prepare other composites data, average over 3 years

#' FAOSTAT (crop and animal production and trade) data are (currently) used only for the composite categories, to get nutrient availability by weighting the nutrient composition of composite items
# get FAOSTAT code info
dt.regions.all <- getNewestVersion("dt.regions.all", fileloc("uData"))
keepListCol <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "FAOSTAT_code")
dt.regions <- dt.regions.all[,(keepListCol), with = FALSE][, FAOSTAT_code := as.character(FAOSTAT_code)]

# read in FAOSTAT data; fish data have a different format so are handled elsewhere
keepListYears.composites <- keyVariable("keepListYears.composites") # 3 years used to average. Data are in metric tons.
keepListCol <- c("Country Code", "Item Code", "Item", "Element", "Unit", keepListYears.composites)
dt.FAOSTAT.prod.crops <- fread('unzip -cq data-raw/FAOSTAT/Production_Crops_E_All_Data.zip', select = keepListCol,
                               colClasses = c(`Country Code` = "character", `Item Code` = "character"))
dt.FAOSTAT.prod.animals <- fread('unzip -cq data-raw/FAOSTAT/Production_LivestockPrimary_E_All_Data.zip', select = keepListCol,
                                 colClasses = c(`Country Code` = "character", `Item Code` = "character" ))
dt.FAOSTAT.trade <- fread('unzip -cq data-raw/FAOSTAT/Trade_Crops_Livestock_E_All_Data.zip', select = keepListCol,
                          colClasses = c(`Country Code` = "character", `Item Code` = "character" ))
FAOSTATcombined <- rbindlist(list(dt.FAOSTAT.prod.crops, dt.FAOSTAT.prod.animals, dt.FAOSTAT.trade), use.names = TRUE)
data.table::setnames(FAOSTATcombined, old = c("Country Code", "Item Code", "Item", "Element", "Unit"),
                     new = c("FAOSTAT_code", "item_code", "item_name", "element", "unit"))
#data.table::setnames(FAOSTATcombined, old = names(FAOSTATcombined),  new = tolower(names(FAOSTATcombined)))
keepListCol <- c("FAOSTAT_code", "item_code", "item", "element", "unit", keepListYears.composites)
FAOSTATcombined[,(keepListYears.composites) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = keepListYears.composites]
FAOSTATcombined <- FAOSTATcombined[element %in% c("Production", "Export Quantity", "Import Quantity") & unit %in% "tonnes",]
FAOSTATcombined <- merge(dt.regions, FAOSTATcombined, by = c("FAOSTAT_code"))
FAOSTATcombined[, (names(FAOSTATcombined)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(FAOSTATcombined)]
FAOSTATcombined[, itemSum := rowSums(.SD), .SDcols = keepListYears.composites] # sum data from all three years
deleteListCol <- c("unit", keepListYears.composites)
FAOSTATcombined[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]

#' aggregate smaller countries in the FAOSTAT data to their IMPACT159 regions
data.table::setkeyv(FAOSTATcombined, c("region_code.IMPACT159", "item_code", "element"))
FAOSTATcombined[, itemSumNew := sum(itemSum), by = eval(data.table::key(FAOSTATcombined))]
FAOSTATcombined <- unique(FAOSTATcombined)
FAOSTATcombined[element %in% "Import Quantity", element := "importQ"][element %in% "Export Quantity", element := "exportQ"]

formula.wide <- "FAOSTAT_code + region_code.IMPACT159 + item_code + item_name ~ element"
FAOSTATcombined.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = FAOSTATcombined,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "itemSum")

FAOSTATcombined.wide[, (names(FAOSTATcombined.wide)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(FAOSTATcombined.wide)]

# pulses are made up of opul and cbean for Vietnam
# At least for pulses, the production item code is 211 for pulses, nes while the trade item code is 1954 is for pulses. So I'm going to
# put these into a single item and give it the item code 211
# I also assigned 211 to usda fct code 16069, Lentils, raw July 4, 2018

# FAOSTATcombined.wide <- FAOSTATcombined.wide[item_code %in% "1954", item_name := "Pulses, nes"][item_code %in% "1954", item_code := "211"]
temp <- FAOSTATcombined.wide[item_code %in% c("211","1954")]
sumCols <- c("Production", "exportQ", "importQ")
temp[,  (sumCols) := lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = (sumCols), by = "region_code.IMPACT159"]
temp[, item_name := "pulses, nes"][, item_code := "211"]
temp <- unique(temp)
FAOSTATcombined.wide <- FAOSTATcombined.wide[!item_code %in% c("211","1954")]
FAOSTATcombined.wide <- rbind(FAOSTATcombined.wide, temp)

FAOSTATcombined.wide[, foodAvail := (Production + importQ - exportQ)/3] # average annual food availability, centered in the middle of the 3 years. Summation done above.

deleteListCol <- c("Production", "importQ", "exportQ")
FAOSTATcombined.wide[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]
FAOSTATcombined.wide[foodAvail <0, foodAvail := 0] # in metric tons

# merge FAOSTAT with dt.compositesLU.nofish
composites.temp <- merge(FAOSTATcombined.wide, dt.compositesLU.nofish, by = c("item_code", "item_name"))
composites.temp[, edible_share := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 100; x}), .SDcols = c("edible_share")] # if edible share is NA, assume it is 100 percent

composites.temp[, c("FAOSTAT_code") := NULL]
compositesHolder <- merge(composites.temp, dt.USDAnutrients, by = c("usda_code", "edible_share"))

# clean up some missing values
compositesHolder[, ft_acds_tot_trans_g := as.numeric(ft_acds_tot_trans_g)]
NAlist <- c("ethanol_g", "caffeine_mg", "ft_acds_tot_trans_g")
compositesHolder[, (NAlist) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = NAlist]

# combine fish with other composites
dt.composites <- rbind(compositesHolder, dt.USDAnutrients.fish)
compositeNames <- sort(unique(dt.composites$composite))
compositeNames <- c(compositeNames, "c_aqan", "c_aqpl")
dt.composites[, c("item_code", "item_name") := NULL]
# reduce food avail quantity by the edible share ratio and divide by days in year to get average daily availability. units are mt for foodAvail and per 100 gm for nutrients
dt.composites[, foodAvailpDay := foodAvail * (edible_share/100)/keyVariable("DinY")] 

# special handling for c_OMarn. The next line reads in the nutrient data for it
dt.compositesLU.fish.c_OMarn <- data.table::as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/c_OMarnData.xlsx",
                                                                     col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
                                                                                   "numeric", "text", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
                                                                                   "numeric", "numeric", "text", "text")))
# get the availability data for c_OMarn
c_OMarnData <- dt.fishStatData[composite %in% "c_OMarn"]
setnames(c_OMarnData, old = c("prodAve"), new = c("foodAvail"))
c_OMarnData[, c("edible_share", "usda_code", "composite") := NULL]
# c_OMarnData[, value := sum(prodAve), by = "region_code.IMPACT159"][, c("item_code", "item_name", "prodAve") := NULL]
# c_OMarnData <- unique(c_OMarnData)
dt.OMarnNutData <- cbind(c_OMarnData, dt.compositesLU.fish.c_OMarn)
dt.OMarnNutData[, foodAvailpDay := foodAvail * (edible_share/100)/keyVariable("DinY")] # reduce food avail quantity by the edible share ratio and divide by days in year to get average daily availability
keepListCol <- names(dt.composites)
dt.OMarnNutData[, setdiff(names(dt.OMarnNutData), keepListCol) := NULL]
dt.OMarnNutData[, composite := "c_OMarn"][, Long_Desc := "Other marine fish"][, phytate_mg := 0][, phytate_source := "None"]
dt.composites <- rbind(dt.composites, dt.OMarnNutData)

# get weighted share of nutrients for each composite
id.var <- c("usda_code", "region_code.IMPACT159", "composite",  "foodAvailpDay", "Long_Desc") #, "Ref_Desc", "phytate_source"
nuts <- c("phytate_mg", "caffeine_mg", "calcium_mg", "carbohydrate_g", "cholesterol_mg", "energy_kcal", "ethanol_g", "fat_g",
          "folate_µg", "ft_acds_mono_unsat_g", "ft_acds_plyunst_g", "ft_acds_tot_sat_g", "ft_acds_tot_trans_g",
          "iron_mg", "magnesium_mg", "niacin_mg", "phosphorus_mg", "potassium_g", "protein_g", "riboflavin_mg",
          "sugar_g", "thiamin_mg", "totalfiber_g", "vit_a_rae_µg", "vit_b12_µg", "vit_b6_mg", "vit_c_mg",
          "vit_d_µg", "vit_e_mg", "vit_k_µg", "zinc_mg")
edible_share <- "edible_share"

dt.composites.long <- data.table::melt(dt.composites,
                                       id.var = id.var,
                                       variable.name = "nutrient",
                                       measure.var = c(nuts, edible_share),
                                       value.name = "value",
                                       variable.factor = FALSE)
setnames(dt.composites.long, old = "composite", new = "IMPACT_code")

dt.composites.long.var <- copy(dt.composites.long)
dt.composites.long.wld <- copy(dt.composites.long)
dt.composites.long.var <- dt.composites.long.var[, value.weighted.var := weighted.mean(value, foodAvailpDay), by = c( "region_code.IMPACT159", "IMPACT_code", "nutrient")]
dt.composites.long.wld <- dt.composites.long.wld[, value.weighted.wld := weighted.mean(value, foodAvailpDay), by = c( "IMPACT_code", "nutrient")]
deleteListCol.var <- c( "usda_code", "foodAvailpDay", "Long_Desc",  "value")
deleteListCol.wld <- c( "region_code.IMPACT159", "usda_code", "foodAvailpDay", "Long_Desc",  "value")

dt.composites.long.var[, (deleteListCol.var) := NULL]
dt.composites.long.var[nutrient %in% "edible_share" & is.na(value.weighted.var), value.weighted.var := 100]
dt.composites.long.var[is.na(value.weighted.var), value.weighted.var := 0]
dt.composites.long.var <- unique(dt.composites.long.var)

dt.composites.long.wld[, (deleteListCol.wld) := NULL]
dt.composites.long.wld[is.na(edible_share), edible_share := 100]
dt.composites.long.wld[is.na(value.weighted.wld), value.weighted.wld := 0]
dt.composites.long.wld <- unique(dt.composites.long.wld)

formula.wide <- "region_code.IMPACT159 + IMPACT_code  ~ nutrient"
dt.composites.var.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = dt.composites.long.var,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "value.weighted.var")

formula.wide <- "IMPACT_code  ~ nutrient"
dt.composites.wld.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = dt.composites.long.wld,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "value.weighted.wld")

#  set up cooking retention information; organized by IMPACT code, not by USDA code

dt.retentionLU <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/retentionLookup.xlsx"))
dt.retentionLU[, retentioncode_aus := as.character(retentioncode_aus)]
# dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU has a usda code and an IMPACT conversion rate for all non-composites
# dt.retentionLU has a cooking retention code (retentioncode_aus) and description for MOST non-composites. What’s missing all have 100 percent cooking retention (sugar, tea, other)
# the next line of code assigns a retention code of 5019 (MARGARINE, FRIED) to all NAs in the dt.retentionLU retentioncode_aus
dt.retentionLU[is.na(retentioncode_aus), retentioncode_aus := "5019"]
dt.cookingRetn <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientDetails/USDAcookingretn06.xlsx", colNames = FALSE))
# get rid of numeric version of the date enter variable; last one, and "FdGrp_Cd - X2"
dt.cookingRetn[, c("X2","X7") := NULL]
data.table::setnames(dt.cookingRetn, old = names(dt.cookingRetn), new = c("Retn_Code",  "RetnDesc",
                                                                          "Nutr_No", "NutrDesc", "Retn_Factor"))
dt.cookingRetn[, Nutr_No := as.character(Nutr_No)][, Retn_Code := as.character(Retn_Code)]

#cooking retention info setup -----
# drop 5005, ALC BEV,.. because it has wierd nutrient descriptions
dt.cookingRetn <- dt.cookingRetn[!Retn_Code == "5005",]
# adjust folate in cooking retention so folate, food (432) code is changed to the code for folate, DFE (435)
dt.cookingRetn[Nutr_No %in% "432", `:=`(
  Nutr_No = "435",  NutrDesc = "Folate, DFE")]
# adjust  cooking retention code for Vitamin A, RE to 320
dt.cookingRetn[Nutr_No %in% "392", `:=`(
  Nutr_No = "320",  NutrDesc = "Vitamin A, RAE")]
dt.cookingRetn <- merge(dt.cookingRetn, dt.nutcodeLU, by = c("Nutr_No", "NutrDesc"))

#' get Australian cooking retention info and pull out just vitamin e
dt.cookingRetn.aus <- data.table::as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/AusData/NUTTAB 2010 - Retention Factor File.xlsx",
                                                           col_types = c("text", "text", "text",
                                                                         "text", "text", "numeric")))
#' change names to align with those in dt.cookingRetn
oldNames <- names(dt.cookingRetn.aus)
newNames <- c("Retn_Code", "RetnDesc", "Tagname", "NutrDesc", "unit", "Retn_Factor")
data.table::setnames(dt.cookingRetn.aus, old = oldNames, new = newNames)
dt.cookingRetn.aus[, Retn_Code := as.character(Retn_Code)]

#' get just vitamin e cooking retention
dt.cookingRetn.aus <- dt.cookingRetn.aus[Tagname == "VITE",]
dt.cookingRetn.aus[, Nutr_No := "323"][, nutCode := "vit_e_mg"] # add the nutrient number and nutcode for vitamin e
dt.cookingRetn.aus[, Retn_Factor := Retn_Factor * 100] # convert to same units as dt.cookRetn
# add column NutrShortDesc with just "Vitamin E" to align it with what's in dt.cookingRetn. Nov 6, 2018
dt.cookingRetn.aus[, NutrShortDesc := "Vitamin E"]
dt.cookingRetn <- rbind(dt.cookingRetn, dt.cookingRetn.aus)
Encoding(dt.cookingRetn$nutCode) <- "unknown"

#' now add _cr columns and convert to wide
dt.cookingRetn[, nutCode := paste0(nutCode,"_cr")]
cols.cookingRet <- unique(dt.cookingRetn$nutCode) # list of cooking retention columns

formula.wide <- paste("RetnDesc + Retn_Code ~ nutCode")
dt.cookingRetn.wide <- data.table::dcast(
  data = dt.cookingRetn,
  formula = formula.wide,
  value.var = "Retn_Factor")
naList <- names(dt.cookingRetn.wide)[!names(dt.cookingRetn.wide) %in% c("RetnDesc", "Retn_Code")]
dt.cookingRetn.wide[, (naList) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 100; x}), .SDcols = naList]
dt.cookingRetn.wide <- dt.cookingRetn.wide[Retn_Code %in% dt.retentionLU$retentioncode_aus,]
dt.cookingRetn.wide <- merge(dt.retentionLU, dt.cookingRetn.wide, by.x = "retentioncode_aus", by.y = "Retn_Code")
dt.cookingRetn.wide[, retfactor_desc := NULL]

# add USDA_conversion to cooking retention. Both are based on IMPACT codes rather than USDA codes
dt.cookingRetn.wide <- merge(dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU, dt.cookingRetn.wide,  by = "IMPACT_code", all.y = TRUE)
deleteListCol <- c("retentioncode_aus", "RetnDesc" )
dt.cookingRetn.wide[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]
dt.cookingRetn.wide[, (names(dt.cookingRetn.wide)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 100; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.cookingRetn.wide)]
inDT <- dt.cookingRetn.wide
outName <- "dt.cookingRetn"
desc <- "Cooking retention for selected nutrients for each food item, units are percent of nutrient from food item."
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# add cooking retention to composites
# - wld
dt.cookingRetn.wide.composites <- dt.cookingRetn.wide[IMPACT_code %in% unique(dt.composites.wld.wide$IMPACT_code)]
dt.composites.wld <- merge(dt.composites.wld.wide, dt.cookingRetn.wide.composites, by = "IMPACT_code")
startCols <- c( "IMPACT_code", "IMPACT_conversion", "edible_share")
setcolorder(dt.composites.wld, c( startCols, nuts, cols.cookingRet))
inDT <- dt.composites.wld
inDT[, (names(inDT)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(inDT)]
outName <- "dt.composites.wld"
desc <- "Nutrient composition for composite food items, identical for all countries"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc) # something above assigns 100 to all the usda_code s

# - var (country specific VARieties)
dt.cookingRetn.var.composites <- dt.cookingRetn.wide[IMPACT_code %in% unique(dt.composites.var.wide$IMPACT_code)]
dt.composites.var <- merge(dt.composites.var.wide, dt.cookingRetn.wide.composites, by = "IMPACT_code")
startCols <- c( "region_code.IMPACT159","IMPACT_code", "IMPACT_conversion", "edible_share")
setcolorder(dt.composites.var, c( startCols, nuts, cols.cookingRet))
inDT <- dt.composites.var
inDT[, (names(inDT)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(inDT)]
outName <- "dt.composites.var"
desc <- "Nutrient composition for composite food items, country-specific information. Units are per 100 grams of food item"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# kcal information to add to nutrient file -----
# Conversion for future reference - The unit of energy is the kilojoule (kJ) or megajoule (1 MJ = 1,000 kJ)
# 4.18 kilojoules are equal to 1 kilocalorie. From https://www.nrv.gov.au/dietary-energy

# source of conversion http://www.convertunits.com/from/joules/to/calorie+[thermochemical]
# 1 kJ = 0.23900573614 thermochemical /food calorie (kCal)
# 1 Kcal = 4.184 kJ
# fat 37kJ/g - 8.8432122371 kCal/g; protein 17kJ/g - 4.0630975143 kCal/g; carbs 16kJ/g - 3.8240917782 kCal/g
kcals_fat_per_g <- 8.84
kcals_protein_per_g <- 4.06
kcals_carbs_per_g <- 3.82
kcals_ethanol_per_g <- 6.9
# ethanol content from FAO FBS Handbook. Orginal numbers in kcals; divide by kcals_ethanol_per_g
# beer - 29 kcals per 100 gm
# wine - 68 kcals per 100 gm
# distilled alcohol 295 kcals per 100 gm.

ethanol.share.beer <- (29 / kcals_ethanol_per_g)/100
ethanol.share.wine <- (68 / kcals_ethanol_per_g)/100
ethanol.share.spirits <- (295 / kcals_ethanol_per_g)/100

# create dt.foodGroupsInfo from the excel spreadsheet for use below and in other R scripts.
foodGroupLU <- fileNameList("foodGroupLU")
dt.foodGroupsInfo <- data.table::as.data.table(openxlsx::read.xlsx(foodGroupLU, sheet = 1, startRow = 1, cols = 1:8, colNames = TRUE))
inDT <- dt.foodGroupsInfo
outName <- "dt.foodGroupsInfo"
desc <- "Lookup for food group and staple/nonstaple assignment of IMPACT commodities"
cleanup(inDT,outName,fileloc("mData"), desc = desc)
keepListCol <- c("IMPACT_code", "food_group_code","staple_code")
dt.foodGroupsInfo <- dt.foodGroupsInfo[, keepListCol, with = FALSE]

#create base single food item nutrient file
dt.nutrients.base <- dt.USDAnutrients[usda_code %in% unique(dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU$usda_code),]
dt.nutrients.base <- merge(dt.nutrients.base, dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU, by = "usda_code")
dt.cookingRetn.wide.baseVars <- dt.cookingRetn.wide[IMPACT_code %in% unique(dt.IMPACTSingleCodeLU$IMPACT_code)]
dt.nutrients.base <- merge(dt.nutrients.base, dt.cookingRetn.wide.baseVars, by = c("usda_code", "IMPACT_code", "IMPACT_conversion"))
deleteListCol <- c( "Long_Desc", "Ref_Desc", "phytate_source")
dt.nutrients.base[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]
dt.nutrients.base <- rbind(dt.nutrients.base, dt.composites.wld)
startCols <- c( "IMPACT_code", "IMPACT_conversion", "edible_share")
setcolorder(dt.nutrients.base, c( startCols, nuts, cols.cookingRet))

# add composites to nutrients base
dt.nutrients.base <- rbind(dt.nutrients.base, dt.composites.wld)

# add kcals info
dt.nutrients.base[, `:=`(
  kcals_fat_g = fat_g * kcals_fat_per_g,
  kcals_protein_g = protein_g * kcals_protein_per_g,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = carbohydrate_g * kcals_carbs_per_g,
  kcals_sugar_g = sugar_g * kcals_carbs_per_g,
  kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g = ft_acds_tot_sat_g * kcals_fat_per_g
kcalsList <- c("kcals_fat_g", "kcals_protein_g", "kcals_carbohydrate_g", "kcals_sugar_g", "kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g")
dt.nutrients.base[, (kcalsList) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = kcalsList]

# add kcals_ethanol_g column
dt.nutrients.base[, kcals_ethanol_g := 0]

# beer
dt.nutrients.base[IMPACT_code == "c_beer", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.beer * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

# wine
dt.nutrients.base[IMPACT_code == "c_wine", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.wine * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

# spirits
dt.nutrients.base[IMPACT_code == "c_spirits", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.spirits * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

dt.nutrients.base[is.na(kcals_ethanol_g), kcals_ethanol_g := 0]

# add staple and food group codes
dt.nutrients.base <- merge(dt.nutrients.base, dt.foodGroupsInfo, by = "IMPACT_code")
dt.nutrients.base <- unique(dt.nutrients.base)
dt.nutrients.base[, usda_code := NULL]
inDT <- dt.nutrients.base
inDT[, (names(inDT)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(inDT)]
outName <- "dt.nutrients.base"
desc <- "Nutrient composition of IMPACT food items, identical for all countries"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# need to get base nutrient composition for composite commodities. This is for some countries that don't have
# the composite commodities in FAOSTAT but do have values in IMPACT; eg. Vietnam and cbean
dt.nutrients.base.composites <- dt.nutrients.base[IMPACT_code %in% compositeNames]

# work on nutrients for country specific varieties
# read in data table with all countries and variety specific commodities
dt.countryCropVariety <- as.data.table(read_excel("data-raw/NutrientData/countryCropVariety.xlsx", na = "NA"))
ctyNames <- names(dt.countryCropVariety)[!names(dt.countryCropVariety) %in% c("IMPACT_code", "usda_code")]
dt.countryCropVariety[, (ctyNames) := lapply(.SD, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), usda_code, x)), .SDcols = (ctyNames)]
dt.countryCropVariety <- dt.countryCropVariety[-1,] # remove country names
dt.countryCropVariety.long <- data.table::melt(
  data = dt.countryCropVariety,
  id.var = c("IMPACT_code", "usda_code"),
  measure.var = ctyNames ,
  variable.name = "region_code.IMPACT159",
  value.name = "usda_code.var",
  variable.factor = FALSE
dt.countryCropVariety.long[, usda_code := NULL]
setnames(dt.countryCropVariety.long, old = "usda_code.var", new = "usda_code")
dt.nutrients.var <- dt.USDAnutrients[usda_code %in% unique(dt.countryCropVariety.long$usda_code),]
dt.nutrients.var <- merge(dt.countryCropVariety.long, dt.nutrients.var, by = "usda_code")

dt.cookingRetn.wide.var <- dt.cookingRetn.wide[IMPACT_code %in% unique(dt.nutrients.var$IMPACT_code)]
dt.cookingRetn.wide.var[, usda_code := NULL] # there are multiple USDA codes in the var nutrient dt
dt.nutrients.var <- merge(dt.nutrients.var, dt.cookingRetn.wide.var, by = c("IMPACT_code"))
deleteListCol <- c( "Long_Desc", "Ref_Desc", "phytate_source")
dt.nutrients.var[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]

# add composites to nutrients base
dt.nutrients.var <- rbind(dt.nutrients.var, dt.composites.var)
startCols <- c("region_code.IMPACT159", "IMPACT_code", "IMPACT_conversion", "edible_share")
setcolorder(dt.nutrients.var, c( startCols, nuts, cols.cookingRet))

#add kcals info
dt.nutrients.var[, `:=`(
  kcals_fat_g = fat_g * kcals_fat_per_g,
  kcals_protein_g = protein_g * kcals_protein_per_g,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = carbohydrate_g * kcals_carbs_per_g,
  kcals_sugar_g = sugar_g * kcals_carbs_per_g,
  kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g = ft_acds_tot_sat_g * kcals_fat_per_g
kcalsList <- c("kcals_fat_g", "kcals_protein_g", "kcals_carbohydrate_g", "kcals_sugar_g", "kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g")
dt.nutrients.var[, (kcalsList) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = kcalsList]

# add kcals_ethanol_g column
dt.nutrients.var[, kcals_ethanol_g := 0]

# beer
dt.nutrients.var[IMPACT_code == "c_beer", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.beer * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

# wine
dt.nutrients.var[IMPACT_code == "c_wine", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.wine * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

# spirits
dt.nutrients.var[IMPACT_code == "c_spirits", `:=`(
  kcals_ethanol_g = kcals_ethanol_per_g * ethanol.share.spirits * 100,
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = kcals_carbohydrate_g + kcals_ethanol_g

dt.nutrients.var[is.na(kcals_ethanol_g), kcals_ethanol_g := 0]

# add staple and food group codes
dt.nutrients.var <- merge(dt.nutrients.var, dt.foodGroupsInfo, by = "IMPACT_code")
dt.nutrients.var <- unique(dt.nutrients.var)
dt.nutrients.var[, (names(dt.nutrients.var)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.nutrients.var)]

dt.nutrients.var[, usda_code := NULL]

# add nutrient values from the base code for composites that are not in dt.nutrients.var because they are not in FAOSTAT in the process above
ctynames <- sort(unique(dt.nutrients.var$region_code.IMPACT159))
for (i in ctyNames) {
  missingList <- compositeNames[!compositeNames %in% dt.nutrients.var[region_code.IMPACT159 %in% i, IMPACT_code]  ]
  temp <- dt.nutrients.base[IMPACT_code %in% missingList]
  temp[, region_code.IMPACT159 := i]
  dt.nutrients.var <- rbind(dt.nutrients.var, temp)

inDT <- dt.nutrients.var
outName <- "dt.nutrients.var"
desc <- "Nutrient composition of IMPACT food items, country-specific"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)

# now add supplementation. Add this to dt.nutrients.var if the switches say to do fortfication results
if (getSwitchChoice() %in% "3") {
  dt.fortValues <- getNewestVersion(fileShortName = "dt.fortValues", fileloc("uData"))
  nutrientsList.fort <- unique(dt.fortValues$Nutrient)
  dt.fortValues[, Nutrient := paste0(Nutrient,".fort")]

  formula.wide <- "region_code.IMPACT159 + IMPACT_code ~ Nutrient"
  dt.fortValues.wide <- data.table::dcast(
    data = dt.fortValues,
    formula = formula.wide,
    value.var = "value")

  dt.fortValues.wide[, (names(dt.fortValues.wide)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.fortValues.wide)]
  # for (j in names(dt.fortValues.wide)) set(dt.fortValues.wide,which(is.na(dt.fortValues.wide[[j]])),j,0)
  dt.nutrients.varFort <- merge(dt.fortValues.wide, dt.nutrients.var, by = c("IMPACT_code", "region_code.IMPACT159"), all.y = TRUE)
  dt.nutrients.varFort[, (names(dt.nutrients.varFort)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(dt.nutrients.varFort)]

  #for (j in names(dt.nutrients.varFort)) set(dt.nutrients.varFort,which(is.na(dt.nutrients.varFort[[j]])),j,0)

  dt.nutrients.varFort[, `:=`(
    calcium_mg = calcium_mg + calcium_mg.fort,
    iron_mg = iron_mg + iron_mg.fort,
    niacin_mg = niacin_mg + niacin_mg.fort,
    riboflavin_mg = riboflavin_mg + riboflavin_mg.fort,
    thiamin_mg = thiamin_mg + thiamin_mg.fort,
    vit_a_rae_µg = vit_a_rae_µg + vit_a_rae_µg.fort,
    vit_b12_µg = vit_b12_µg + vit_b12_µg.fort,
    vit_b6_mg = vit_b6_mg + vit_b6_mg.fort,
    vit_d_µg = vit_d_µg + vit_d_µg.fort,
    vit_e_mg = vit_e_mg + vit_e_mg.fort,
    zinc_mg = zinc_mg + zinc_mg.fort
  deleteListCol <- c("calcium_mg.fort", "folate_µg.fort", "iron_mg.fort", "niacin_mg.fort",
                     "riboflavin_mg.fort", "thiamin_mg.fort", "vit_a_rae_µg.fort", "vit_b12_µg.fort",
                     "vit_b6_mg.fort", "vit_d_µg.fort", "vit_e_mg.fort", "zinc_mg.fort")
  dt.nutrients.varFort[, (deleteListCol) := NULL]
  dt.nutrients.varFort <- unique(dt.nutrients.varFort)

  inDT <- dt.nutrients.varFort
  # dt.nutrients.varFort[, usda_code := NULL] Not needed because usda_code deleted from dt.nutrients.var
  inDT[, (names(inDT)) := lapply(.SD, function(x){x[is.na(x)] <- 0; x}), .SDcols = names(inDT)]
  outName <- "dt.nutrients.varFort"
  desc <- "Nutrient composition of IMPACT food items, country-specific with fortification"
  cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("iData"), desc = desc)
# create dt.nutrientNames_Units for use elsewhere

dt.nutrientNames_Units <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("data-raw/NutrientData/nutrientNames_Units_base.xlsx", colNames = TRUE)

# the next few lines are just to ensure correct encoding for mu.
# Encoding(temp) <- "UTF-8" makes all the variable names with mu in it encoded as UTF-8 but leaves the rest as unknown, at least on a mac
temp <- names(dt.nutrientNames_Units)
# Encoding(temp) <- "unknown"
Encoding(temp) <- "UTF-8"
data.table::setnames(dt.nutrientNames_Units, old = names(dt.nutrientNames_Units), new = temp)

# add kcals to the dt.nutrients table -----
# add six new columns to dt.nutrientNames_Units - kcals_fat_g, kcals_protein, kcals_carbs, kcals_ethanol,
# kcals_sugar, kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g
compositesKcals <- data.table::data.table(
  kcals_ethanol_g      = c("Ethanol", "kcals per gram"),
  kcals_fat_g          = c("Fat", "kcals per gram"),
  kcals_carbohydrate_g = c("Carbohydrate, by difference", "kcals per gram"),
  kcals_protein_g      = c("Protein", "kcals per gram"),
  kcals_sugar_g        = c("Sugars, total", "kcals per gram"),
  kcals_ft_acds_tot_sat_g        = c("Fatty acids, total saturated", "kcals per gram")

dt.nutrientNames_Units <- cbind(dt.nutrientNames_Units, compositesKcals)
#write this out to an rds file
inDT <- dt.nutrientNames_Units
outName <- "dt.nutrientNames_Units_final"
desc <- "Nutrient names and units"
cleanup(inDT, outName, fileloc("mData"), desc = desc)

finalizeScriptMetadata(metadataDT, sourceFile)
#sourcer <- clearMemory(sourceFile, gdxChoice) # removes everything in memory and sources the sourcer function
GeraldCNelson/nutmod documentation built on May 8, 2023, 8:04 a.m.