
#' @author Gerald C. Nelson, \email{nelson.gerald.c@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords utilities, nutrient data, IMPACT food commodities nutrient lookup
# Intro -------------------------------------------------------------------

#Copyright (C) 2015 Gerald C. Nelson, except where noted

#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#     Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
#     any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
#     or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
#     for more details at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#' @description
# Intro -------------------------------------------------------------------
#' This script reads in IMPACT nutrient lookup table, does some manipulations of the data,
#and writes out results to an excel spreadsheet

#Copyright (C) 2015 Gerald C. Nelson, except where noted
#Important code contributions from Brendan Power.

#     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#     (at your option) any later version.
#     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#     GNU General Public License for more details at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

source(file = "R/setup.global.R")

# Load functions for the rest of the script
# source(file="nutrientFunctions.R") # may not be needed now (Nov 13)

# Read in data ----------
# source(file ="IMPACTdataLoading.R") replaced with the readRDS line
# this file is generated by dataPrep.IMPACT.R.) Only needs to be redone when new IMPACT data arrives
dt.df1 <- getNewestVersionIMPACT("IMPACTfood")
dt.fish <- getNewestVersion(("fishScenarios"))
dt.alc <- getNewestVersion(("alcScenarios"))
# read in nutrients data ----
# rds file generated in dataPrep.nutrients.R

nutrients <- getNewestVersion("nutrients")
dt.nutrients <- as.data.table(nutrients)

#list of columns with cooking retention values
#' @param cookretn.cols
cookretn.cols <-
  colnames(nutrients.clean[, grep('_cr', names(nutrients.clean))])

# a switch to turn on or off the use of the cooking retention values
#' @param applyCookingRetention
applyCookingRetention <- "yes"
if (applyCookingRetention %in% "yes") {
  for (i in 1:length(cookretn.cols)) {
    nutrientName <-
      substr(x = cookretn.cols[i], 1, nchar(cookretn.cols[i]) - 3)
    nutColName <- paste ("nutrients$", nutrientName, sep = "")
    #  print(nutColName)
    nutRetentColName <-
      paste ("nutrients$", cookretn.cols[i], sep = "")
    #  print(nutRetentColName)
    temp <-
      as.data.frame(eval(parse(text = nutRetentColName)) * eval(parse(text = nutColName)) /
    colnames(temp) <- nutrientName
    nutrients[, nutrientName] <- temp

#generated in SSPPopExtract.R because it is adjusted to the SSP age and gender groups
req.EAR <- getNewestVersion("req.EAR")
req.RDA.vits <- getNewestVersion("req.RDA.vits")
req.RDA.minrls <- getNewestVersion("req.RDA.minrls")
req.RDA.macro <- getNewestVersion("req.RDA.macro")
req.UL.vitsFile <- getNewestVersion("req.UL.vitsFile")
req.UL.minrls <- getNewestVersion("req.UL.minrls")

# calculate the share of per capita income spent on IMPACT commodities
setkey(dt.df1, "scenario", "region", "year")
dt.df1[, budget.Pw := sum(food * Pw / 365 / 1000), by = key(dt.df1)]
dt.df1[, budget.Pcon := sum(food * Pc * (1 - CSE) / 365 / 1000), by = key(dt.df1)]
dt.df1[, budget.Pc := sum(food * Pc / 365 / 1000), by = key(dt.df1)]
dt.budget <-
  unique(dt.df1[, c(key(dt.df1), "budget.Pw", "budget.Pc", "budget.Pcon", "pcGDP"), with =

#incomeShare <-join(t1.pcGDP,budget)
dt.budget[, incSharePw := budget.Pw / ((pcGDP * 1000) / 365)]
dt.budget[, incSharePc := budget.Pc / ((pcGDP * 1000) / 365)]
dt.budget[, incSharePcon := budget.Pcon / ((pcGDP * 1000) / 365)]

#nutrient stuff
#include only columns that are needed; IMPACT code and nutrient names
#choices are
# - all - all relevant nutrients, 23
# - macro - "energy", "protein", "fat", "carbohydrate", "fiber", "sugar"
# - minerals - "calcium", "iron", "potassium", "sodium", "zinc"
# - vitamins - "vitamin_c", "thiamin",	"riboflavin",	"niacin", "vitamin_b6",	"folate", "vitamin_b12",
#      "vitamin_a_RAE", 	"vitamin_e", "vitamin_d2_3"
# - fattyAcids - "ft_acds_tot_sat", "ft_acds_plyunst"
# next line is where the choice is made
# short.name <- c("vitamins")
# nut.list <- eval(parse(text = short.name))
# includes <- c("IMPACT_code", nut.list)
# nuts.reduced <- nutrients[, (names(nutrients) %in% includes)]

# setkey(dt.df1,"IMPACT_code")
# temp <- as.data.table(foodGroupsInfo)
# setkey(temp,"IMPACT_code")
# dt.d2 <- dt.df1[temp]

keepList <- c("scenario", "IMPACT_code", "region", "year", "food")
dt.food <- dt.df1[, names(dt.df1) %in% keepList, with = FALSE]
#convert from annual availability to daily availability. 'food' variable is in kgs/person/year
dt.food[, food := food / 365]
setkey(dt.food, "IMPACT_code")
#a list of the requirements types. Each has a different set of nutrients. These are a subset
# of what are in the nutrients requirements tables from IOM. They are the nutrients common to
# both the IOM and nutrient content lookup spreadsheet

reqList <-
    "req.RDA.vits" ,

for (i in 1:length(reqList)) {
  #get list of nutrients from the requirement df
  nut.list <-
    unique(eval(parse(text = paste(
      reqList[i], "$nutrient", sep = ""
  #nuts.reduced <- nutrients[, (names(nutrients) %in% nut.list)]
  #keep only nutrients in the requirements being worked on
  dt.nuts.reduced <-
    dt.nutrients[, c("IMPACT_code", nut.list, "staple.code", "food.group.code"), with = FALSE]
  setkey(dt.nuts.reduced, "IMPACT_code")

  dt.d3 <-  dt.food[dt.nuts.reduced]
  # get sum of nutrient intake by food group
  setkey(dt.d3, "scenario", "region", "food.group.code", "year")
  nut.list.Q <- paste(nut.list, "Q", sep = ".")
  nut.list.Q.sum <- paste(nut.list, "Q.sum", sep = ".")
  #splitting up these operations seems to make them faster than doing it in one go
  #note - * 10 is need because nutrients are per 100 g and food is in kgs
  temp2 <-
    dt.d3[, (nut.list.Q) := lapply(.SD, function(x)
      (x * dt.d3[['food']] * 10)), .SDcols = nut.list]
  temp3 <-
    temp2[, (nut.list.Q.sum) := lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = nut.list.Q, by = key(dt.d3)]
  dt.food.group.sum <-
    unique(temp3[, c("scenario",
                     nut.list.Q.sum), with = F])

  # get sum of nutrient intake by staple
  setkey(dt.d3, "scenario", "region", "staple.code", "year")
  temp3 <-
    temp2[, (nut.list.Q.sum) := lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = nut.list.Q, by = key(dt.d3)]
  dt.staples.sum <-
    unique(temp3[, c("scenario", "region", "staple.code", "year", nut.list.Q.sum), with =

  # get sum of nutrient intake by country
  setkey(dt.d3, "scenario", "region", "year")
  temp3 <-
    temp2[, (nut.list.Q.sum) := lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = nut.list.Q, by = key(dt.d3)]
  dt.food.sum <-
    unique(temp3[, c("scenario", "region", "year", nut.list.Q.sum), with =

  # convert the requirements dt from wide (years as columns) to long (add year and value columns)
  dt.reqs.long <- melt(
    eval(parse(text = reqList[i])),
    id.vars = c("region", "nutrient"),
    measure.vars = keepYearList,
    variable.name = "year",
    value.name = "nut_req"
  dt.reqs.long[, year := as.character(year)]
  # .. and then back to wide with nutrients as columns, to match the structure of the sum DTs.
  dt.reqs <-
    dcast.data.table(dt.reqs.long, region + year ~ nutrient, value.var = "nut_req")

  setkey(dt.reqs, "region", "year")
  setkey(dt.food.sum, "region", "year", "scenario")
  dt.food.tot <- dt.reqs[dt.food.sum]
  nut.list.ratio <- paste(nut.list, "ratio", sep = ".")

  #loop through all the nutrients in this requirement set and calculate the ratio of consumption to requirement
  for (j in 1:length(nut.list)) {
    #calculate the share of the requirement from IMPACT commodities
    dt.food.tot[, (nut.list.ratio[j]) := eval(parse(text = nut.list[j])) /
                  eval(parse(text = nut.list.Q.sum[j]))]

  dt.food.ratio <- dt.food.tot[, nut.list.ratio, with = FALSE]
  colMax <- function(data)
    lapply(data, max, na.rm = TRUE)
  colMin <- function(data)
    lapply(data, min, na.rm = TRUE)
  cMax <- as.data.table(colMax(dt.food.ratio))
  cMin <- as.data.table(colMin(dt.food.ratio))

  # dt.maxRows = dt.food.tot[0]
  # rbind[dt.maxRows, dt.food.tot[maxRowNum,]]
          file = paste("results/", reqList[i], ".results.", Sys.Date(), ".rds", sep =

  #reshape the results to get years in columns
  dt.food.tot.long <- melt(
    id.vars = c("scenario", "region", "year"),
    measure.vars = c(nut.list, nut.list.Q.sum, nut.list.ratio),
    variable.name = "nutrient",
    value.name = "nut_req"
  # dt.food.tot.long[,nutrient:= as.character(nutrient)]

  dt.food.tot.wide <-
                     scenario + region + nutrient ~ year,
                     value.var = "nut_req")
  dt.food.tot.wide[, nutrient := as.character(nutrient)]

  #set up initial worksheets in the spreadsheet for the ith set of requirements
  tmp <- f.createGeneralWorksheet()
  # this structure is needed to get two data frames out of the function
  wbGeneral <- tmp[[1]]
  wbInfoGeneral <- tmp[[2]]

  #add a worksheet describing the nutrients in this requirement
  addWorksheet(wbGeneral, sheetName = reqList[i])
    eval(parse(text = reqList[i])),
    sheet = reqList[i],
    startRow = 1,
    startCol = 1,
    rowNames = FALSE
    sheet = reqList[i],
    style = numStyle,
    rows = 1:nrow(eval(parse(text = reqList[i]))) + 1,
    cols = 2:ncol(eval(parse(text = reqList[i]))),
    gridExpand = TRUE
    sheet = reqList[i],
    cols = 1:ncol(eval(parse(text = reqList[i]))),
    widths = "auto"
  wbInfoGeneral[(nrow(wbInfoGeneral) + 1), ] <-
    c(reqList[i], paste("metadata on nutrients included in ", reqList[i]))

  # add data to the spreadsheet -----
  for (j in 1:length(nut.list)) {
    # add an info sheet for the jth nutrient in the ith set of requirements
    temp <- dt.food.tot.wide[nutrient %in% nut.list.ratio[j]]
    # add the results to the spreadsheet
    addWorksheet(wbGeneral, sheetName = nut.list[j])
      sheet = nut.list[j],
      startRow = 1,
      startCol = 1,
      rowNames = FALSE,
      withFilter = TRUE
      sheet = nut.list[j],
      cols = 1,
      widths = "auto",
      ignoreMergedCells = FALSE
      sheet = nut.list[j],
      style = numStyle,
      rows = 1:nrow(temp),
      cols = 2:ncol(temp),
      gridExpand = TRUE

    # code to create a graph of the nutrient ratios for each of the nutrients in the current requirements list for a single scenario
    scenario.name <- "SSP2-GFDL"
    nutrient.name <- sub("^(.*)_.*$", "\\1", nut.list[j])
    temp <-
      dt.food.tot.long[nutrient %like% "ratio" &
                         nutrient %like% nutrient.name & scenario %in% scenario.name, ]
    temp$year <- gsub("X", "", temp$year)
    temp$year <- as.numeric(temp$year)
    gg <- ggplot(data = temp,
                 aes(x = year, y = nut_req,  color = region)) + geom_line() +
        axis.text.x = element_text(
          color = "black",
          angle = 0,
          size = 9,
          vjust = 0.5
        axis.text.y = element_text(
          color = "black",
          size = 9,
          vjust = 0.5
        axis.title.y = element_text(
          color = "black",
          size = 9,
          vjust = 0.5
        legend.text = element_text(
          color = "black",
          size = 7,
          vjust = 0.5
        plot.title = element_text(
          color = "black",
          face = "bold",
          size = 11,
          hjust = 0.5,
          vjust = 1
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_rect(
          linetype = "solid",
          colour = "black",
          fill = NA
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        legend.key = element_rect(fill = "white"),
        legend.background = element_rect(fill = NA)
      ) +
      xlab("year") + ylab(nutrient.name) +
        "Cons. share of require., ",
        ", ",
        sep = ""
      )) +
      guides(color = guide_legend(nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE))
    # add plot to the spreadsheet
    plotSheet <- paste("plot_", nutrient.name, sep = "")
    addWorksheet(wbGeneral, sheetName = plotSheet)
    print(gg) #needs to be showing for the next step to work
      sheet = plotSheet,
      width = 9,
      height = 5,
      fileType = "png",
      units = "in",
      startRow = 5
    wbInfoGeneral[(nrow(wbInfoGeneral) + 1), ] <-
      c(nut.list[j], paste("Ratio results for ", nutrient.name))

    #write the rows that have the max and min values for the current nutrient
    # eval parse needed here to get the which to run. uggh. This displays the row num of the row with the max/min value
    maxRowNum <-
      which(dt.food.ratio[, eval(parse(text = colnames(cMax)[j]))] == cMax[1, eval(parse(text = colnames(cMax)[j]))])
    minRowNum <-
      which(dt.food.ratio[, eval(parse(text = colnames(cMin)[j]))] == cMin[1, eval(parse(text = colnames(cMin)[j]))])
      dt.food.tot[maxRowNum, ],
      sheet = plotSheet,
      startRow = 1,
      startCol = 2,
      rowNames = FALSE,
      withFilter = FALSE
        "Country and year with max value for the ",
        " ratio",
        sep = ""
      sheet = plotSheet,
      startRow = 1,
      startCol = 1,
      rowNames = FALSE,
      withFilter = FALSE
      dt.food.tot[minRowNum, ],
      sheet = plotSheet,
      startRow = 3,
      startCol = 2,
      rowNames = FALSE,
      withFilter = FALSE
      paste("row with min value for the ", nutrient.name, " ratio", sep = ""),
      sheet = plotSheet,
      startRow = 3,
      startCol = 1,
      rowNames = FALSE,
      withFilter = FALSE
      sheet = plotSheet,
      style = numStyle,
      rows = 1:4,
      cols = 2:ncol(dt.food.tot),
      gridExpand = TRUE
      sheet = plotSheet,
      cols = 1:ncol(dt.food.tot[minRowNum, ]),
      widths = "auto",
      ignoreMergedCells = FALSE
    wbInfoGeneral[(nrow(wbInfoGeneral) + 1), ] <-
        paste("Max/min rows and graph of results for ", nutrient.name))


  short.name <- reqList[i]
  f.finalizeWB(wbGeneral, wbInfoGeneral, short.name)

GeraldCNelson/nutrientModeling documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:28 p.m.