  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The goal of pipelineTools is to streamline the NGS analysis pipelines and result reporting within RStudio. PipelineTools provides packages to run standard open source NGS tools


Can be installed using devtools directly from GitHub using the following commands.

# Install devtools
install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)

#Install package from GitHub

Quick start

Load the pipelineTools library


Set up

Set the paths

Set the paths to the software installed on your system

fastq.screen.path <- "/software/fastq_screen_v0.13.0/fastq_screen"
fastp.path <- "/software/bin/fastp"
hisat2.path <- "/software/hisat2-2.1.0/hisat2"
samtools.path <- "/software/samtools-v1.9/bin/samtools"
picard.path <- "/software/picard-v2.20.7/picard.jar"
multiqc.path <- "/usr/local/bin/multiqc"

Software versions

Version numbers for the software used

fastqscreen.version <- run_fastq_screen(fastq_screen = fastq.screen.path, version = TRUE)
fastp.version <- run_fastp(fastp = fastp.path, version = TRUE)
hisat2.version <- run_hisat2(hisat2 = hisat2.path, version = TRUE)
multiqc.version <- run_multiqc(multiqc = multiqc.path, version = TRUE)
samtools.version <- run_samtools(samtools = samtools.path, version = TRUE)
r.version <- getRversion()
pipelineTools.version <- packageDescription("pipelineTools")$Version

The version numbers can be dispalyed as a table in an rmardown document using the "code" below.

|FastQ Screen|`r fastqscreen.version`|
|FastP|`r fastp.version`|
|Hisat2|`r hisat2.version[1]`|
|Samtools|`r samtools.version[1]`|
|MultiQC|`r multiqc.version`|
|R|`r r.version`|
|PipelineTools|`r pipelineTools.version`|

Which creates this table

|Software|Version| |--------|-------| |FastQ Screen|r fastqscreen.version| |FastP|r fastp.version| |Hisat2|r hisat2.version[1]| |Samtools|r samtools.version[1]| |MultiQC|r multiqc.version| |R|r r.version| |PipelineTools|r pipelineTools.version|

Results directories

Create subdirectories for the results

# Trimmed reads directory
trimmed.reads.dir <- "trimmed_reads"
#Create the directory for the trimmed reads
dir.create(trimmed.reads.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

# FastQScreen results directory
fastq.screen.dir <- "Screen"
# Create the directory for the fastq screen results
dir.create(fastq.screen.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

# FastP results directory
fastp.results.dir <- "FastpQC"
# Create the directory for the FastP results
dir.create(fastp.results.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Kallisto results directory
kalisto.results.dir <- "kallisto"
#Create the directory for the Kallisto results
dir.create(kalisto.results.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Hisat2 alignment results directory
hisat2.alignments.dir <- "hisat2_alignments"
#Create the directory for the HiSat2 results
dir.create(hisat2.alignments.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)

Sequence adapters

Set the sequence for the adapters for the sequencing platform. This example is for the Illumina platform.


Reference sequences

Set the full paths to the reference genome/transcriptome indexes and annotation files

# Path to the reference genome
genome <- "/path/to/genome/file/genome"

# Path to the gtf file
gtf <- "/path/to/gtf/file/genes.gtf"

# Path to the refFlat file
refFlat <- "/path/to/refflat/file/genes.refFlat.txt"

# Path the the ribosomal interval list
rRNA <- "/path/to/intervals/file/ribosomal.interval_list"

FastQ files

Set the paths to the raw fastq file directories

reads.path <- "raw_reads"

reads.patt.1 <- "_S\\d{1,2}\\_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz$"
reads.patt.2 <- "_S\\d{1,2}\\_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz$"

sample.dataframe <- prepare_samples(reads.path, c(reads.patt.1,reads.patt.2),trimmed.reads.dir)

mate1 <- as.character(sample.dataframe$reads.path.1)
mate1.trim <- as.character(sample.dataframe$trimmed.reads.path.1)
# For paired end sequence
mate2 <- as.character(sample.dataframe$reads.path.2)
mate2.trim <- as.character(sample.dataframe$trimmed.reads.path.2)

sample.names <- as.character(sample.dataframe$sample.names)

GrahamHamilton/pipelineTools documentation built on March 5, 2024, 12:23 p.m.