
Defines functions wrapDR prepInput runEstimateStability runDimensionalityReduction runCreateSubsets

Documented in prepInput runCreateSubsets runDimensionalityReduction runEstimateStability wrapDR

#' Command line execution for Dimensionality reduction
#' runCreateSubsets runs without arguments. Upon call, it reads
#' command-line parameters pointing to the [highdim] file for which sample
#' subsets should be created. [nrCV] subsets of the [highdim] data of size
#' [sizeCV] are generated by random sampling of the row indeces (sampling seed
#' can be specified via [seed]). The subsets will be saved in the same directory
#' as the [highdim]_cv1.csv, ..., [highdim]_cv[nrCV].csv. For help on
#' the command line arguments that can be passed, see examples below. From the
#' command line, the help function can be called via
#' Rscript -e "Stability::runCreateSubsets()" --args --help
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # (not run)
#' # Rscript -e "Stability::runDimensionalityReduction()" \
#' #--args \
#' #--highdim=/path/to/highdimfile \
#' #--cov=/path/to/optional/covariatefile \
#' #--seed=234 \
#' #--nrCV=10 \
#' #--sizeCV=0.8 \
#' #--showProgress \
runCreateSubsets <- function() {
    option_list <- list(
        make_option(c("-hd", "--highdim"), action="store", dest="highdimfile",
                    type="character", help="Path to comma-separated input file
                    with N samples (rows) and P traits (columns). Subsetting
                    occurs along rows, creating [M x P] subsets of the original
                    [N x P] dataset [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-c", "--cov"), action="store", dest="covariatefile",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Path to (optional) comma-separated covariate file
                    with N samples (rows) and C covariates (columns). If
                    provided, will be regressed from highdim data prior to
                    subsampling [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--seed"), action="store", dest="seed", default=234,
                    type="integer", help="Seed to initialise random number
                    generator [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-n", "--nrCV"), action="store", dest="nrCV",
                    default=10, type="integer", help="Number of cross validation
                    sets to generate [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-s", "--sizeCV"), action="store", dest="sizeCV",
                    default=0.8, type="double", help="Proportion of sampples in
                    cross validation data sets [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--showProgress"), action="store_true", dest="verbose",
                    default=FALSE, type="logical", help="If set, progress
                    messages about simulation steps are printed to standard out
                    [default: %default]."))

    args <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
    if (args$verbose) message("Parse command line arguments")

    Y <- prepInput(args)

   if (args$verbose) message("Set seed to ", args$seed)
    sample_matrix <- sapply(1:args$nrCV, function(x) {
        sample(nrow(Y), args$sizeCV * nrow(Y))
    if (args$verbose) {
        message("Save cross-validation datasets to ",
                gsub(".csv", "", args$highdimfile), "_cv...")
    cv <- lapply(1:ncol(sample_matrix), function(x){
            y_cv <- Y[sample_matrix[,x],]
            cvfile <- paste(gsub(".csv", "", args$highdimfile), "_cv", x, ".csv",
            write.table(y_cv, cvfile, quote=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA,

#' Command line execution for Dimensionality reduction
#' runDimensionalityReduction runs without arguments. Upon call, it reads
#' command-line parameters and reads the [highdim] and potential [cov] data.
#' If provided, [cov] will be regressed from [highdim] prior to dimensionality
#' reduction. Dimensionality reduction and saving of the results are done by
#' passing the [highdim] data, [method], [dim], [neighbours] and potential
#' optional other, method-specific parameters ([dimRedParams]) to
#' \code{\link{computeDimReduction}} and \code{\link{saveDimReduction}}. For
#' details on input to \code{\link{computeDimReduction}} and
#' \code{\link{saveDimReduction}}, please refer to their help pages. For help on
#' the command line arguments that can be passed, see examples below. From the
#' command line, the help function can be called via
#' Rscript -e "Stability::runDimensionalityReduction()" --args --help
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # (not run)
#' # Rscript -e "Stability::runDimensionalityReduction()" \
#' #--args \
#' #--highdim=/path/to/highdimfile \
#' #--cov=/path/to/optional/covariatefile \
#' #--seed=234 \
#' #--dim=10 \
#' #--neighbours=8 \
#' #--method=DRR \
#' #--name=Dimreduction_highdimfile \
#' #--outdir=/tmp \
#' #--showProgress \
runDimensionalityReduction <- function() {
    option_list <- list(
        make_option(c("-hd", "--highdim"), action="store", dest="highdimfile",
                    type="character", help="Path to comma-separated input file
                    with N samples (rows) and P traits (columns). Subsetting
                    occurs along rows, creating [M x P] subsets of the original
                    [N x P] dataset [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-c", "--cov"), action="store", dest="covariatefile",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Path to (optional) comma-separated covariate file
                    with N samples (rows) and C covariates (columns). [default:
        make_option(c("--seed"), action="store", dest="seed", default=234,
                    type="integer", help="Seed to initialise random number
                    generator [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-cv", "--crossvalidate"), action="store_true",
                    dest="crossvalidate", default=FALSE, help="Split dataset in
                    nrCV of size sizeCV and apply dimreduction to these subsets
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-n", "--nrCV"), action="store", dest="nrCV",
                    default=10, type="integer", help="Number of cross validation
                    sets to generate [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-s", "--sizeCV"), action="store", dest="sizeCV",
                    default=0.8, type="double", help="Proportion of samples in
                    cross validation data sets [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-dim", "--dimensions"), action="store", dest="dim",
                    default=NULL, type="integer", help="Maximum dimensionality
                    [int] to retain in the data; large values can cause long
                    computation times; if not provided max(P,N) is chosen
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--neighbours"), action="store", dest="optN",
                    default=NULL, type="integer", help="Number of neighbours
                    considered for dimensionality reduction; input for LLE,
                    LLE, LaplacianEigenmaps, Isomap, tSNE; if not provided,
                    will be estimated via lle::calc_k. For details see
                    'computeDimReduction' function [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--kmax"), action="store", dest="kmax",
                    default=40, type="integer", help="if neighbours is not
                    provided, kmax [int] specifies the maximum number of
                    neighbours supplied to lle::calc_k [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--kmin"), action="store", dest="kmin",
                    default=1, type="integer", help="if neighbours is not
                    provided, kmin [int] specifies the minimum number of
                    neighbours supplied to lle::calc_k [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-m", "--method"), action="store", dest="method",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Dimensionality reduction method to apply
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--name"), action="store", dest="name",
                    type="character", default=NULL, help="Name of output file
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-o", "--outdir"), action="store", dest="outdir",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Full path/to/directory [string] where results will be
                    saved. Full file name will be created by
                    outdir/name_method.csv. Alternatively, prefix can be
                    provided to create file prefix_method.csv [default:
        make_option(c("-p", "--prefix"), action="store", dest="prefix",
                    type="character", default=NULL, help="Prefix [string] of
                    output file name, containing full path/to/directory [string]
                    where results will be saved. Results will be saved
                    as prefix_method.csv  %default]."),
        make_option(c("--dimRedParams"), action="store", dest="dimRedParams",
                    type="character", default=NULL, help="Additional, optional
                    parameters to be passed to the specified dimenssionality
                    reduction method. For details refer to checkParams and their
                    manual. Provided as comma separated list eg.
                    fun=logcosh,maxit=500 for function ICA.
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--showProgress"), action="store_true", dest="verbose",
                    default=FALSE, type="logical", help="If set, progress
                    messages about simulation steps are printed to standard out
                    [default: %default]."))

    args <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
    if (args$verbose) message("Parse command line arguments")

    if (!is.null(args$dimRedParams)) {
        params.tmp <- strsplit(strsplit(args$dimRedParams, ",")[[1]], "=")
        args$params <- lapply(params.tmp, function(x) x[[2]])
        names(args$params) <-  sapply(params.tmp, function(x) x[[1]])
    Y <- prepInput(args)
    dr  <- wrapDR(Y, args)

#' Command line execution for Stability
#' runEstimateStability runs without arguments. Upon call, it reads command-line
#' parameters and supplies these to \code{\link{estimateStability}}.
#' It reads the dimensionality reduction results from the cross-validation (
#' Rscript -e "Stability::runDimReduction()") and analyses the stability of
#' the low-dimensional embedding via \code{\link{estimateStability}}. For
#' details on \code{\link{estimateStability}} please refer to the help pages.
#' The results of the analysis are written to 1) [output]/[method]_stability.csv
#' which contains the stability estimate of the low-dimensional components for
#' the specified [threshold] value and to 2) [output]/[method]_correlationCV.csv
#' which contains the correlation of the low-dimensional components for all
#' pairwise comparisons and components.
#' For help on the command line arguments that can be passed, see examples
#' below. From the command line, the help function can be called via
#' Rscript -e "Stability::runEstimateStability()" --args --help
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # (not run)
#' # Rscript -e "Stability::runEstimateStability()" \
#' #--args \
#' #--highdim=/path/to/highdimfile \
#' #--cov=/path/to/optional/covariatefile \
#' #--seed=234 \
#' #--nrCV=10 \
#' #--neighbours=8 \
#' #--method=DRR \
#' #--name=Dimreduction_highdimfile \
#' #--outdir=/tmp \
#' #--showProgress \

runEstimateStability <- function() {
    option_list <- list(
        make_option(c("-hd", "--highdim"), action="store", dest="highdimfile",
                    type="character", help="Path to comma-separated input file
                    with N samples (rows) and P traits (columns). Subsetting
                    occurs along rows, creating [M x P] subsets of the original
                    [N x P] dataset [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-c", "--cov"), action="store", dest="covariatefile",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Path to (optional) comma-separated covariate file
                    with N samples (rows) and C covariates (columns). [default:
        make_option(c("--seed"), action="store", dest="seed", default=234,
                    type="integer", help="Seed to initialise random number
                    generator [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-n", "--nrCV"), action="store", dest="nrCV",
                    default=10, type="integer", help="Number of cross validation
                    sets to generate [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-s", "--sizeCV"), action="store", dest="sizeCV",
                    default=0.8, type="double", help="Proportion of samples in
                    cross validation data sets [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-dim", "--dimensions"), action="store", dest="dim",
                    default=NULL, type="integer", help="Maximum dimensionality
                    [int] to retain in the data; large values can cause long
                    computation times; if not provided max(P,N) is chosen
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--neighbours"), action="store", dest="optN",
                    default=NULL, type="integer", help="Number of neighbours
                    considered for dimensionality reduction; input for LLE,
                    LLE, LaplacianEigenmaps, Isomap, tSNE; if not provided,
                    will be estimated via lle::calc_k. For details see
                    'computeDimReduction' function [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--kmax"), action="store", dest="kmax",
                    default=40, type="integer", help="if neighbours is not
                    provided, kmax [int] specifies the maximum number of
                    neighbours supplied to lle::calc_k [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--kmin"), action="store", dest="kmin",
                    default=1, type="integer", help="if neighbours is not
                    provided, kmin [int] specifies the minimum number of
                    neighbours supplied to lle::calc_k [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-m", "--method"), action="store", dest="method",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Dimensionality reduction method to apply
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("--name"), action="store", dest="name",
                    type="character", default=NULL, help="Name of output file
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-o", "--outdir"), action="store", dest="outdir",
                    type="character", default=NULL,
                    help="Full path/to/directory [string] where results will be
                    saved. Full file name will be created by
                    outdir/name_method.csv. Alternatively, prefix can be
                    provided to create file prefix_method.csv [default:
        make_option(c("--dimRedParams"), action="store", dest="dimRedParams",
                    type="character", default=NULL, help="Additional, optional
                    parameters to be passed to the specified dimenssionality
                    reduction method. For details refer to checkParams and their
                    manual. Provided as comma separated list eg.
                    fun=logcosh,maxit=500 for function ICA.
                    [default: %default]."),
        make_option(c("-th", "--threshold"), action="store", dest="threshold",
                    type="double", default=0.95,
                    help="Threshold for stability between 0 and 1 [default:
        make_option(c("--prefixCV"), action="store", dest="prefixCV",
                    help="/Full/path/to/crossvalidatefile/prefix [default:
        make_option(c("--suffixCV"), action="store", dest="suffixCV",
                    type="character", help="Crossvalidatefile suffix [default:
                    %default].", default="_reducedY.csv"),
        make_option(c("--showProgress"), action="store_true", dest="verbose",
                    default=FALSE, type="logical", help="If set, progress
                    messages about simulation steps are printed to standard out
                    [default: %default]."))

    args <- parse_args(OptionParser(option_list=option_list))
    if (args$verbose) message("Parse command line arguments")

    if (is.null(args$highdim) && is.null(args$prefixCV)) {
        stop("Neither prefix to pre-computed dimensionality reduction results on
            subsets nor path to high-dimensional dataset for dimmensionality
            reduction are provided")
    if (!is.null(args$highdim) && !is.null(args$prefixCV)) {
        stop("Both prefix to pre-computed dimensionality reduction results on
            subsets and path to high-dimensional dataset for dimmensionality
            reduction are provided, only one can be used.")
    if (!is.null(args$highdim)) {
        args$crossvalidate <- TRUE
        args$estimateStability <- TRUE
        Y <- prepInput(args)
        dr  <- wrapDR(Y, args)
    } else {
        dr  <- lapply(1:args$nrCV, function(cv) {
            filecv <- paste(args$prefixCV, cv, "_", args$method, args$suffixCV,
            if (file.exists(filecv)) {
                datacv <- t(as.matrix(read.csv(filecv, sep=",", header=TRUE,
            } else {
                datacv <- NULL
    names(dr) <- paste("cv", 1:args$nrCV, sep="")
    dr <- rmnulls(dr)

    if (length(dr) > 1) {
        if (args$verbose) message("Determine stability of ", args$method)
        results <- estimateStability(dr, threshold=args$threshold)
        write.table(results$stability, paste(args$outdir, "/", args$method,
            "_stability.csv", sep=""), sep=",", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,
        write.table(results$corr, paste(args$outdir, "/", args$method,
            "_correlationCV.csv", sep=""), sep=",", col.names=TRUE,
            row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)
    } else {
        cat("Not enough datasets (#", length(dr), ") to estimate stability")

# helper functions

#' Prepare input files
#' Prepare input files for runEstimateStability, createSubsets and
#' runDimReduction. Check if files exist, read, format and -if provided-regress
#' covariates from highdim file.
#' @param args [list] of command line arguments
#' @return formated high-dimensional dataset matrix
prepInput  <- function(args) {
    # phenotype: N x P matrix
    if (!grepl("csv", args$highdimfile)) {
        stop("High-dimensional data files is not .csv")
    if (args$verbose) {
        message("Read high-dimensional dataset from ", args$highdimfile)
    Y <-  data.table::fread(args$highdimfile, sep=",", header=TRUE,
                            stringsAsFactors=FALSE, data.table=FALSE)
    rownames(Y) <- Y[,1]
    Y <- as.matrix(Y[,-1])

    if(!is.numeric(Y)) {
        stop("High-dimensional dataset contains at least one non-numeric entry")

    # potential covariates
    if (!is.null(args$covariatefile)) {
        # N x C matrix
        if (!grepl("csv", args$covariatefile)) {
            stop("Covariates files is not .csv")
        if (args$verbose) {
            message("Read covariates from ", args$covariatefile)
        covs <- data.table::fread(args$covariatefile, sep=",", header=TRUE,
                                  stringsAsFactors=FALSE, data.table=FALSE)
        rownames(covs) <- covs[,1]
        covs <- as.matrix(covs[,-1])

        if(!is.numeric(covs)) {
            stop("Covariates contain at least one non-numeric entry")
        if (!all(rownames(covs) == rownames(Y))) {
            stop("Rownames of highdim file and covariate file differ")
        if (args$verbose) message("Regress covariates...")
        Y <- lm(Y ~ covs)$residuals

#' Wrap dimensionality reduction functions
#' Provide wrapper for dimensionality reduction functions in
#' runEstimateStability and runDimReduction. Check which analysis mode, run
#' dimensionality reduction and save output files.#' covariates from highdim file.
#' @param Y [matrix] of high-dimensional dataset
#' @param args [list] of command line arguments
#' €return list with dimensionality reduction results
wrapDR <- function(Y, args) {
    if (args$crossvalidate) {
        if (args$verbose) message("Set seed to ", args$seed)
        sample_matrix <- sapply(1:args$nrCV, function(x) {
            sample(nrow(Y), args$sizeCV * nrow(Y))
        if (args$verbose) {
            message("Save cross-validation datasets to ",
                    gsub(".csv", "", args$highdimfile), "_cv...")
        dr <- lapply(1:ncol(sample_matrix), function(x){
            y_cv <- Y[sample_matrix[,x],]
            cvfile <- paste(gsub(".csv", "", args$highdimfile), "_cv", x,
                            ".csv", sep="")
            write.table(y_cv, cvfile, quote=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA,

            if (args$verbose) {
                message("Dimensionality reduction for crossvalidation:", x)
            dr <- computeDimReduction(method=args$method, Y=y_cv,
                                      ndim=args$dim, optN=args$optN,
                                      kmin=args$kmin, kmax=args$kmax,

            if (args$estimateStability) {
                args$prefix <- paste(args$outdir, "/CV", x, "_", sep="")
            saveDimReduction(results=dr, prefix=args$prefix, outdir=args$outdir,
                             name=args$name, method=args$method)
    } else {
        dr <- computeDimReduction(method=args$method, Y=Y,
                                      ndim=args$dim, optN=args$optN,
                                      kmin=args$kmin, kmax=args$kmax,
        saveDimReduction(results=dr, prefix=args$prefix, outdir=args$outdir,
                         name=args$name, method=args$method)
HannahVMeyer/DrStable documentation built on Jan. 29, 2021, 11:42 a.m.