# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gene categories for simulation of differential distributions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ee = equivalently expressed
# ep = equivalent proportions
# de = 'classical' differential expression (shift in means)
# dp = differential proportions
# dm = differential modality
# db = shift in mean & dm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
names(cats) <- cats <- c("ee", "ep", "de", "dp", "dm", "db")
cats <- factor(cats, levels = cats)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get number of samples to simulate
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ns_ref = number of samples available in the reference
# ns_sim = desired number of samples to simulate
# dd = whether or not to simulate differential distributions
# paired = whether or not to have a paired design
# (sample set of reference samples in both groups)
# force = whether to force the specified number of samples,
# independent of design and duplication
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.get_ns <- function(ns_ref, ns_sim, dd, paired, force) {
is.logical(dd), length(dd) == 1,
is.logical(paired), length(paired) == 1)
if (is.null(ns_sim)) {
# dd = F & dd,paired = T uses all samples
# dd = T, paired = F avoids duplication
ns <- ifelse(dd, ifelse(paired, ns_ref, floor(ns_ref/2)), ns_ref)
if (ns == 0) if (paired) ns <- 1 else stop(
"Cannot simulate 2 groups from one reference sample;",
" please set 'paired = TRUE' or 'dd = FALSE'.")
} else {
is.numeric(ns_sim), length(ns_sim) == 1,
ns_sim == round(ns_sim), ns_sim > 0)
if (force || ns_ref >= ns_sim*ifelse(dd, 2, 1)) ns <- ns_sim else stop(
"Trying to simulate more samples than available",
" as reference; please set 'force = TRUE'.")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# generate a randomized data.frame/colData of cell metadata
# (cluster IDs, sample IDs, and group IDs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# n = nb. of cells
# ids = list of IDs to sample from
# probs = list of probabilities for ea. set of IDs
# (in order of cluster, sample, group)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.sample_cell_md <- function(n, ids, probs = NULL) {
ns <- vapply(ids, length, numeric(1))
if (is.null(probs))
probs <- vector("list", 3)
probs <- lapply(seq_along(probs), function(i) {
if (!is.null(probs[[i]])) {
} else {
rep(1 / ns[i], ns[i])
cd <- vapply(seq_along(probs), function(i)
sample(ids[[i]], n, TRUE, probs[[i]]),
cd <- data.frame(cd, row.names = NULL)
colnames(cd) <- c("cluster_id", "sample_id", "group_id")
cd$group_id <- factor(cd$group_id, levels = ids[[3]])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get gene indices for by gene category & cluster
# gs = character vector of gene names
# ns = nb. of genes in ea. category
# > array of dim. #(categories) x #(clusters);
# ea. entry is a character vector of genes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.sample_gene_inds <- function(gs, ns) {
cluster_ids <- colnames(ns)
vapply(cluster_ids, function(k)
split(sample(gs), rep.int(cats, ns[, k])),
vector("list", length(cats)))
# helper to extract cluster IDs as "clusterN" from phylogeny
.get_clusters_from_phylo <- function(u) {
pat <- "(?<=').*?(?=')"
v <- gregexpr(pat, u, perl = TRUE)
u <- unlist(regmatches(u, v))
grep("cluster[0-9]+", u, value = TRUE)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read the nodes of a phylogram to create a table of state/ type
# that corresponds to the relations between clusters.
# Recursively calls itself at each node to update the class_tbl with shared
# category among the relevant clusters.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# phylo_tree = input cell phylogram (see '?simData')
# class_tbl = class of gene category (type or state)
# used_tg = genes already used as 'type' in previous recursions
# phylo_pars = distance parameters for the number of
# genes shared b/w branches (see '?simData')
# > i) updated 'class_tbl' for the current node (if in recursion) or
# updated 'class_tbl' for the whole tree (if all nodes were read);
# ii) genes already used as 'shared' in previous recursions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
.read_branch <- function(phylo_tree, class_tbl, used, phylo_pars) {
# assure there's no linebreaks
phylo <- gsub("\n", "", phylo_tree)
phygs <- gsub("^\\(|\\);$", "", phylo)
# decompose groups from phylogram
phygs <- strsplit(phygs, "\\([^)]+,(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|,\\s*", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
# grep distances & remove them from groups
ds <- lapply(phygs, function(u) as.numeric(gsub(".*:", "", u)))
phygs <- lapply(phygs, function(u) gsub("\\:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*$", ";", u))
# identify clusters to assign type genes
k_shared <- lapply(phygs, .get_clusters_from_phylo)
# compute number of shared genes b/w these clusters as
# Exp w/ intercept nb. genes x theta1 & rate distance x theta2
ng <- nrow(class_tbl)
n_shared <- lapply(ds, function(d)
if (length(used) != 0) {
gs <- rownames(class_tbl)
gs <- gs[!gs %in% used]
} else gs <- rownames(class_tbl)
if (sum(unlist((n_shared))) > length(gs)) stop(
"Ran out of genes to sample from;\n ",
"please simulate more genes or adjust 'phylo_pars'.")
type_gs <- list()
for (i in seq_along(n_shared)) {
type_gs[[i]] <- sample(gs, n_shared[[i]])
used <- c(used, type_gs[[i]])
gs <- setdiff(gs, used)
# update class table
for (i in seq_along(type_gs))
class_tbl[type_gs[[i]], k_shared[[i]]] <- "type"
# remove phylogeny groups that reached leaf (recognized by missing ",")
is_not_leaf <- vapply(phygs, function(u)
length(grep("\\,", u)) > 0, logical(1))
phygs <- phygs[is_not_leaf]
# stop if no nodes left, otherwise recursion on further nodes
if (length(phygs) != 0)
for (node in phygs) {
res <- .read_branch(node, class_tbl, used, phylo_pars)
class_tbl <- res$class_tbl; used <- res$used
list(class_tbl = class_tbl, used = used)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sample marker classes based on a cell phylogram by calling .read_branch
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# x = input SCE
# gs_by_k = n_genes x n_clusters matrix of 'x' genes to use for sim.
# gs_idx = n_category x n_clusters matrix of output gene indices
# phylo_tree = input cell phylogram (see also '?simData')
# phylo_pars = parameters to define the number of shared genes,
# based on branch distance (see also '?simData')
# > returns a list of
# 1 an updated marker class matrix
# 2 a vector of genes already used as 'type'
# to avoid re-use by '.impute_type_genes()'
# 3 a gene information matrix to be returned as part of the
# simulation metadata stored in `metadata(x)$gene_info`
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.impute_shared_type_genes <- function(x, gs_by_k, gs_idx, phylo_tree, phylo_pars) {
# sample gene-classes for genes of categroy EE & EP
ex_cats <- c("ee", "ep")
n_not_de <- sum(vapply(gs_idx[ex_cats, 1], length, numeric(1)))
not_de <- sample(rownames(gs_by_k), n_not_de)
names(kids) <- kids <- colnames(gs_idx)
# initialize temporary copy of 'gs_by_k'
# such that all genes are of class "state"
class_tbl <- gs_by_k
ij <- lapply(dim(gs_by_k), seq_len)
class_tbl[ij[[1]], ij[[2]]] <- "state"
# track type-genes already used while looping
res <- .read_branch(phylo_tree, class_tbl[not_de, ], used = c(), phylo_pars)
class_tbl[not_de, ] <- res$class_tbl[not_de, ]
used <- res$used
# sample genes that were defined as type
# (same across related clusters)
for (g in used) {
k <- kids[class_tbl[g, ] == "type"]
gs <- setdiff(rownames(x), gs_by_k[g, !kids %in% k])
gs_by_k[g, k] <- sample(gs, 1)
# split classes by gene
cs_by_g <- split(class_tbl, row(class_tbl))
names(cs_by_g) <- rownames(gs_by_k)
# get gene specificities
specs <- lapply(cs_by_g, function(u) {
if (all(u == "state")) return(NA)
unname(kids[u == "type"])
# get gene classes
class <- vapply(specs, function(u)
ifelse(isTRUE(is.na(u)), "state", "shared"),
# get single-type genes
is_type <- unlist(lapply(cs_by_g, function(u) sum(u == "type") == 1))
if (!all(!is_type)) class[is_type] <- "type"
list(gs_by_k = gs_by_k, used = used, class = class, specs = specs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# for ea. cluster, sample marker classes
# x = input 'SingleCellExperiment'
# gs_by_k = n_genes x n_clusters matrix of 'x' genes to use for sim
# gs_idx = n_category x n_clusters matrix of output gene indices
# p_type = prob. of EE/EP gene being of class "type"
# > type-genes may only be of categroy EE & EP type of genes,
# and use a cluster-specific mean in the NB count simulation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom purrr map
.impute_type_genes <- function(x, gs_by_k, gs_idx, p_type) {
names(kids) <- kids <- colnames(gs_idx)
if (length(p_type) == 1) {
p_type <- rep(p_type, ncol(gs_by_k))
names(p_type) <- colnames(gs_by_k)
# sample gene-classes for genes of categroy EE & EP
non_de <- c("ee", "ep")
class_tbl <- lapply(kids, function(k) {
gs <- unlist(gs_idx[non_de, k])
n <- length(gs)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
gene = gs, cluster_id = k,
class = sample(factor(c("state", "type")), n,
prob = c(1 - p_type[k], p_type[k]), replace = TRUE))
}) %>% map(split, by = "class", flatten = FALSE)
# sample cluster-specific genes for ea. cluster & type-gene
for (k in kids) {
type_gs <- class_tbl[[k]]$type$gene
gs_by_k[type_gs, k] <- apply(
gs_by_k[type_gs, kids != k, drop = FALSE], 1,
function(ex) sample(setdiff(rownames(x), ex), 1))
ng <- nrow(gs_by_k)
gs <- rownames(gs_by_k)
is_type <- map(class_tbl, "type")
type_gs <- unlist(map(is_type, "gene"))
shared_gs <- setdiff(gs, unlist(gs_idx))
stopifnot(!any(shared_gs %in% type_gs))
# get gene classes
class <- rep("state", ng)
names(class) <- gs
class[shared_gs] <- "shared"
class[unique(type_gs)] <- "type"
# get gene specificities
specs <- rep(NA, ng)
names(specs) <- gs
ns <- vapply(is_type, nrow, numeric(1))
specs[sort(unique(type_gs))] <- split(rep.int(kids, ns), type_gs)
return(list(gs_by_k = gs_by_k, class = class, specs = specs))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper to sample from a NB across a grid
# of dispersions ('size') and means ('mu')
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom stats rnbinom
.nb <- function(cs, d, m, lfc = NULL, f = 1) {
n_gs <- length(d)
n_cs <- length(cs)
if (is.null(lfc)) {
lfc <- rep(0, n_gs)
} else {
lfc[lfc < 0] <- 0
fc <- f * (2 ^ lfc)
fc <- rep(fc, each = n_cs)
ds <- rep(1/d, each = n_cs)
ms <- c(t(m[, cs])) * fc
y <- rnbinom(n_gs * n_cs, size = ds, mu = ms)
y <- matrix(y, byrow = TRUE,
nrow = n_gs, ncol = n_cs,
dimnames = list(names(d), cs))
ms <- split(ms, rep(seq_len(nrow(m)), each = n_cs))
list(counts = y, means = ms)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper to simulate differential distributions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gs: character vector of genes to simulate from
# cs: character vector of cells to simulate from
# ng1: nb. of cells in 1st group
# ng2: nb. of cells in 2nd group
# m: G x C matrix of NB means
# d: numeric vector of dispersions
# lfc: numeric vector of logFCs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.sim <- function(
cat = c("ee", "ep", "de", "dp", "dm", "db"),
cs_g1, cs_g2, m_g1, m_g2, d, lfc, ep, dp, dm) {
dx <- match.arg(cat)
ng1 <- length(cs_g1)
ng2 <- length(cs_g2)
re <- switch(dx,
"ee" = {
.nb(cs_g1, d, m_g1),
.nb(cs_g2, d, m_g2))
"ep" = {
g1_hi <- sample(ng1, round(ng1 * ep))
g2_hi <- sample(ng2, round(ng2 * ep))
.nb(cs_g1[-g1_hi], d, m_g1),
.nb(cs_g1[ g1_hi], d, m_g1, lfc), # 50% g1 hi
.nb(cs_g2[-g2_hi], d, m_g2),
.nb(cs_g2[ g2_hi], d, m_g2, lfc)) # 50% g2 hi
"de" = {
.nb(cs_g1, d, m_g1, -lfc), # lfc < 0 => all g1 hi
.nb(cs_g2, d, m_g2, lfc)) # lfc > 0 => all g2 hi
"dp" = {
props <- sample(c(dp, 1 - dp), 2)
g1_hi <- sample(ng1, round(ng1 * props[1]))
g2_hi <- sample(ng2, round(ng2 * props[2]))
.nb(cs_g1[-g1_hi], d, m_g1),
.nb(cs_g1[ g1_hi], d, m_g1, lfc), # lfc > 0 => dp/(1-dp)% up
.nb(cs_g2[-g2_hi], d, m_g2),
.nb(cs_g2[ g2_hi], d, m_g2, -lfc)) # lfc < 0 => (1-dp)/dp% up
"dm" = {
g1_hi <- sample(ng1, round(ng1 * dm))
g2_hi <- sample(ng2, round(ng2 * dm))
.nb(cs_g1[-g1_hi], d, m_g1),
.nb(cs_g1[ g1_hi], d, m_g1, -lfc), # lfc < 0 => 50% g1 hi
.nb(cs_g2[-g2_hi], d, m_g2),
.nb(cs_g2[ g2_hi], d, m_g2, lfc)) # lfc > 0 => 50% g2 hi
"db" = {
if (sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)) {
# all g1 mi, 50% g2 hi
g2_hi <- sample(ng2, round(ng2 * 0.5))
.nb(cs_g1, d, m_g1, abs(lfc), 0.5),
.nb(cs_g2[-g2_hi], d, m_g2, -lfc),
.nb(cs_g2[ g2_hi], d, m_g2, lfc))
} else {
# all g2 mi, 50% g1 hi
g1_hi <- sample(ng1, round(ng1 * 0.5))
.nb(cs_g2, d, m_g2, abs(lfc), 0.5),
.nb(cs_g1[-g1_hi], d, m_g1, -lfc),
.nb(cs_g1[ g1_hi], d, m_g1, lfc))
cs <- map(re, "counts")
cs <- do.call("cbind", cs)
ms <- map(re, "means")
foo <- replicate(length(d), 0, simplify = FALSE)
if (length(ms[[1]]) == 0) ms[[1]] <- foo
if (length(ms[[2]]) == 0) ms[[2]] <- foo
rmv <- vapply(ms, is.null, logical(1))
ms <- ms[!rmv] %>%
map_depth(2, mean) %>%
map_depth(1, unlist) %>%
data.frame %>%
ms <- switch(dx,
ee = ms,
de = ms,
db = if (ng2 == 0) {
ms[, 1])
} else {
ms[, 1],
rowMeans(ms[, c(2, 3)]))
}, if (ng2 == 0) {
rowMeans(ms[, c(1, 2)]))
} else {
rowMeans(ms[, c(1, 2)]),
rowMeans(ms[, c(3, 4)]))
ms <- split(ms, col(ms))
names(ms) <- c("A", "B")[c(ng1, ng2) != 0]
list(cs = cs, ms = ms)
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