
Defines functions overlap_scores_partitions

Documented in overlap_scores_partitions

#' Calculates TopDom Overlap Scores Across Partitions
#' @param reads A [base::data.frame].
#' @param bin_size A positive numeric.
#' @param partition_by A string specifying how to partition;
#'        one of `"reads"`, `"cells"`, `"reads_by_half"`, and `"cells_by_half"`.
#' @param rho,reference_rho A numeric in \eqn{(0,1/2]} specifying the relative size of the partitions.
#' @param nsamples Number of random samples.
#' @param seed Random seed for reproducible (parallel) random number generation (RNG).
#' @param min_cell_size (optional, filter) The minimum number of reads for a cell to
#'        be included. Cells with less reads are dropped.
#' @param chrs (optional, filter) Names of chromosomes to iterate over.
#'        Defaults to the chromosomes in `reads$chr_a`.
#' @param cell_ids (optional, filter) ...
#' @param window_size A positive integer passed to [TopDom::TopDom].
#'        Defaults to `5L`, which is the same as the default in TopDom.
#' @param dataset (optional) ...
#' @param path_out The root folder that will contain the `overlapScoreData/` folder
#'        to which RDS files are written.
#' @param mainseed ...
#' @param as Should values or pathnames be returned?
#' @param force If `FALSE`, already processed partitions are skipped, otherwise not.
#' @param verbose If `TRUE`, verbose message are produced, otherwise not.
#' @return A named list of length `length(chrs)` with names as `chrs`.
#' Each list elements contains `nsamples` pathnames of RDS files.
#' @section Parallel processing:
#' The future framework is used to parallelize [TopDom::TopDom] in three layers:
#'  1. across chromosomes (argument `chrs`)
#'  2. across random samples (argument `nsamples`)
#'  3. per random sample, across partitions (argument `partition_by`)
#'     - typically two ('reference' and one more)
#' @importFrom future value %<-% %label% %seed%
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @importFrom listenv listenv
#' @importFrom utils file_test str
#' @importFrom TopDom overlapScores TopDom
#' @export
overlap_scores_partitions <- function(reads, bin_size, partition_by, 
                                      rho, reference_rho = 1/2, nsamples = 100L, seed = TRUE,
                                      chrs = NULL, min_cell_size = 1L, dataset, cell_ids = NULL,
                                      window_size = 5L,
                                      path_out = ".", mainseed = 0xBEEF, force = FALSE,
                                      as = c("pathname", "value"),
                                      verbose = FALSE) {
  ## To please R CMD check
  cell_id <- chr_a <- NULL; rm(list = c("cell_id", "chr_a"))
  stop_if_not(is.data.frame(reads) || is.function(reads))
  stop_if_not(is.numeric(bin_size), length(bin_size) == 1L, !is.na(bin_size), bin_size > 0, is.finite(bin_size))
  partition_by <- match.arg(partition_by, choices = c("reads", "cells", "reads_by_half", "cells_by_half"))
  stopifnot(length(min_cell_size) == 1L, is.numeric(min_cell_size),
            !is.na(min_cell_size), min_cell_size >= 1L)
  stop_if_not(is.numeric(rho), length(rho) == 1L, !is.na(rho), rho > 0.0, rho <= 0.5)
  if (is.character(reference_rho)) {
    reference_rho <- switch(reference_rho,
      "50%" = 1/2,
      "same" = rho,
      stop("Unknown value on 'reference_rho': ", sQuote(reference_rho))
  stop_if_not(is.numeric(reference_rho), length(reference_rho) == 1L, !is.na(reference_rho), reference_rho > 0.0, reference_rho <= 0.5)
  stop_if_not(is.numeric(nsamples), length(nsamples) == 1L,
              !is.na(nsamples), nsamples >= 1L)
  if (is.null(chrs)) {
    chrs_a <- sort(unique(reads$chr_a))
    chrs_b <- sort(unique(reads$chr_b))  ## don't use this
    chrs <- chrs_a
  stop_if_not(is.character(chrs), length(chrs) >= 1L, !anyNA(chrs))
  chrs <- sort(unique(chrs))

  ## Argument tags
  if (!is.null(cell_ids)) {
    stopifnot(partition_by == "reads", is.character(cell_ids), !anyNA(cell_ids))
    cell_ids_tag <- sprintf("cell_ids=%s", paste(cell_ids, collapse = "_"))
  } else {
    cell_ids_tag <- NULL

  stopifnot(length(window_size) == 1L, is.numeric(window_size), !is.na(window_size), window_size >= 1L)
  window_size <- as.integer(window_size)
  window_size_tag <- sprintf("window_size=%d", window_size)
  bin_size_tag <- sprintf("bin_size=%g", bin_size)
  partition_by_tag <- sprintf("partition_by=%s", partition_by)
  if (min_cell_size > 1L) {
    min_cell_size_tag <- sprintf("min_cell_size=%d", min_cell_size)
  } else {
    min_cell_size_tag <- NULL
  test_tag <- sprintf("test=%.5f", rho)
  reference_tag <- sprintf("reference=%.5f", reference_rho)
  ## Random seeds (use the same for all chromosomes, i.e. invariant to chromosome)

  stop_if_not(mainseed == 0xBEEF)
  mainseed_tag <- "mainseed=0xBEEF"

  ## FIXME: Export make_rng_seeds()
  if (is.list(seed)) {
    seeds <- seed
  } else {
    seeds <- future.apply:::make_rng_seeds(nsamples, seed = mainseed)
  stop_if_not(length(seeds) == nsamples)
  seed_tags <- sprintf("seed=%s", sapply(seeds, FUN = crc32))

  as <- match.arg(as)

  dataset_out <- paste(c(dataset, cell_ids_tag, bin_size_tag, partition_by_tag, min_cell_size_tag, window_size_tag, test_tag, reference_tag, mainseed_tag), collapse = ",")
  path_out <- file.path("overlapScoreData", dataset_out)
  dir.create(path_out, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  stop_if_not(file_test("-d", path_out))

  if (verbose) message("Output path: ", path_out)
  res <- listenv()
  length(res) <- length(chrs)
  names(res) <- chrs
  ## For each chromosome ...
  for (cc in seq_along(chrs)) {
    chr <- chrs[cc]
    chr_tag <- sprintf("chr=%s", chr)
    if (verbose) mprintf("Chromosome #%d (%s) of %d ...", cc, chr_tag, length(chrs))

    ## Find all input files for this chromosome
    filenames <- sapply(1:nsamples, function(bb) {
      tags <- c(cell_ids_tag, chr_tag, bin_size_tag, partition_by_tag, min_cell_size_tag, window_size_tag, test_tag, reference_tag, seed_tags[bb])
      name <- paste(c(dataset, tags), collapse = ",")
      sprintf("%s.rds", name)
    pathnames <- file.path(path_out, filenames)
    res[[chr]] <- pathnames
    ## Identify samples to be done
    if (force) {
      sample_idxs <- seq_along(pathnames)
    } else {
      done <- file_test("-f", pathnames)
      sample_idxs <- which(!done)
      if (as == "value") {
        res[[chr]][done] <- lapply(pathnames[done], FUN = read_rds)
    ## Already done?
    if (length(sample_idxs) == 0L) {
      if (verbose) mprintf("Chromosome #%d (%s) of %d ... ALREADY DONE", cc, chr_tag, length(chrs))
    res[[chr]][sample_idxs] <- NA_character_
    if (verbose) mprintf(" - Number of (remaining) samples to process for chromosome %s (%s): %d", chr, chr_tag, length(sample_idxs))

    ## Always fit TopDom first
    tds <- topdom_partitions(reads, chrs = chr, bin_size = bin_size, rho = rho, reference_rho = reference_rho, partition_by = partition_by, nsamples = nsamples, min_cell_size = min_cell_size, dataset = dataset, cell_ids = cell_ids, window_size = window_size, seed = seeds, mainseed = mainseed, force = FALSE, verbose = verbose)

    res[[chr]] %<-% {
      if (is.function(reads)) reads <- reads()

      ## Subset by minimum (whole-genome) cell size?
      if (min_cell_size > 1L) {
        cell_sizes <- table(as.character(reads$cell_id))
        ncells <- length(cell_sizes)
        ## Drop non-existing cell_id:s due to empty levels
        cells_keep <- which(cell_sizes >= min_cell_size)
        cell_sizes <- cell_sizes[cells_keep]
        stopifnot(min(cell_sizes) >= min_cell_size)
        reads_keep <- which(reads$cell_id %in% names(cell_sizes))
        nreads <- nrow(reads)
        if (verbose) {
          mprintf("Dropped %d (%.2f%%) cells (out of %d) with less than %d reads each resulting in dropping %d (%.2f%%) reads (out of %d)",
                  ncells - length(cells_keep), 100 * (ncells - length(cells_keep))/ncells, ncells,
                  nreads - length(reads_keep), 100 * (nreads - length(reads_keep))/nreads, nreads
        reads <- reads[reads_keep, ]
        stopifnot(length(setdiff(names(cell_sizes), reads$cell_id)) == 0L,
                  length(setdiff(reads$cell_id, names(cell_sizes))) == 0L)
        cell_sizes <- table(as.character(reads$cell_id))
        stopifnot(min(cell_sizes) >= min_cell_size)
        cell_sizes <- cells_keep <- reads_keep <- NULL ## Not needed anymore
      ## Subset by cell ids?
      if (!is.null(cell_ids)) {
        reads <- subset(reads, cell_id %in% cell_ids)
      ## Subset by chromosome
      reads <- subset(reads, chr_a %in% chr)
      if (verbose) print(reads)
      res_kk <- listenv()
      ## For each samples ...
      for (kk in seq_along(sample_idxs)) {
        bb <- sample_idxs[kk]
        pathname <- pathnames[bb]
        if (verbose) mprintf("Sample #%d (%s) of %d ...", kk, seed_tags[bb], length(sample_idxs))
        ## Already done? (should not happen, but just in case)
        if (!force && file_test("-f", pathname)) {
          if (verbose) mprintf("Sample #%d (%s) of %d ... ALREADY DONE", kk, seed_tags[bb], length(sample_idxs))
        if (verbose) message("- Output pathname: ", pathname)
        seed <- seeds[[bb]]
        if (verbose) {
          message("- Random seed:")

        ## Locate TopDom fit results
        set <- basename(dirname(pathname))
        path_td <- file.path("topdomData", set)
        stop_if_not(file_test("-d", path_td))
        tags <- c(cell_ids_tag, chr_tag, bin_size_tag, partition_by_tag, min_cell_size_tag, window_size_tag, test_tag, reference_tag, seed_tags[bb])
        name <- paste(c(dataset, tags), collapse = ",")
        filename_td <- sprintf("%s.rds", name)
        pathname_td <- file.path(path_td, filename_td)
        stop_if_not(file_test("-f", pathname_td))
        res_kk[[bb]] %<-% {
          if (verbose) mprintf(" - Random, disjoint partitioning of %s", partition_by)
          if (verbose) mprintf(" - Reading TopDom fit: ", sQuote(pathname_td))
          tds <- read_rds(pathname_td)
          params <- list(
            chromosome    = attr(tds, "chromosome", exact = TRUE),
            bin_size      = attr(tds, "bin_size", exact = TRUE),
            fraction      = attr(tds, "fraction", exact = TRUE),
            min_cell_size = attr(tds, "min_cell_size", exact = TRUE),
            window_size   = attr(tds, "window_size", exact = TRUE),
            partition_by  = attr(tds, "partition_by", exact = TRUE),
            mainseed      = attr(tds, "mainseed", exact = TRUE),
            seed          = attr(tds, "seed", exact = TRUE)

          ## BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY (for existing files)
          if (length(params$fraction) == 1L) {
            params$fraction <- c(reference = 1/2, test = params$fraction)
          stopifnot(length(params$fraction) == 2L)
          if (is.null(names(params$fraction))) {
            names(params$fraction) <- c("reference", "test")
          if (verbose) mstr(list(params = params, seed = seed))
          ## Sanity check
          stop_if_not(params$chromosome    == chr,
                      params$bin_size      == bin_size,
                      all(params$fraction  == c(reference = reference_rho, test = rho)),
                      params$min_cell_size == min_cell_size,
                      params$window_size   == window_size,
                      params$partition_by  == partition_by,
                      params$mainseed      == mainseed,
                      all(params$seed      == seed))

          ## Select reference
          ref <- NA_integer_
          if (partition_by %in% c("reads_by_half", "cells_by_half")) {
            ref <- 1L
          } else {
            ## Find first TopDom fit that didn't produce an error
            ok <- unlist(lapply(tds, FUN = function(td) !inherits(td, "try-error")))
            stopifnot(length(ok) == length(tds))
            ref <- which(ok)[1]
          stopifnot(is.finite(ref), ref >= 1L, ref <= length(tds))
          td_ref <- tds[[ref]]
          overlaps <- lapply(tds, FUN = function(td) Try(overlapScores)(td, reference = td_ref))
          stopifnot(is.list(overlaps), length(overlaps) == length(tds))
          tds <- NULL ## Not needed anymore
          params$reference_partition <- ref
          for (name in names(params)) attr(overlaps, name) <- params[[name]]
          save_rds(overlaps, pathname)
          if (verbose) mprint(overlaps)
        } %seed% seed %label% sprintf("osp_%s-sample=%d", chr_tag, kk)
        if (verbose) mprintf("Sample #%d (%s) of %d ... DONE", kk, seed_tags[bb], length(sample_idxs))
      } ## for (kk ...)
      reads <- NULL  ## Not needed anymore
      ## Resolve all samples for current chromosome
      res_kk <- unlist(res_kk)
      if (verbose) { mprintf("res_kk:"); mstr(res_kk) }

      if (as == "value") {
        value <- lapply(pathnames, FUN = read_rds)
      } else {
        value <- pathnames
      if (verbose) { mprintf("value:"); mstr(value) }

    } %label% sprintf("osp_%s", chr_tag)
    if (verbose) mprintf("Chromosome #%d (%s) of %d ... DONE", cc, chr_tag, length(chrs))
  } ## for (chr ...)
  ## Resolve everything
  res <- as.list(res)

} ## overlap_scores_partitions()
HenrikBengtsson/TopDomStudy documentation built on May 14, 2021, 1:49 p.m.